Application Development Guide

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Document Roadmap

This chapter describes the audience for and the organization of this document: It includes:


Document Scope and Audience

This document provides information for those developers who wish to integrate functionality provided by telecom networks into their programs by using the Web Services offered by WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. It includes a high-level overview of the process, including the login and security procedures, and a description of the interfaces and operations that are available for use.


Guide to This Document

The document contains the following chapters:

Document Roadmap: This chapter

Creating Applications for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper: A general introduction to the concepts involved in using Network Gatekeeper

Interacting with Network Gatekeeper: SOAP message requirements in Network Gatekeeper

Session Manager Web Service: A detailed description of the Session Manager Web Service

Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile: A detailed description of the available operations used to get subscriber profile data

Extended Web Services Binary SMS: A detailed description of the available operations used to send SMSes with binary content

Extended Web Services Common: A detailed description of the datatypes shared among the Extended Web Services interfaces

Parlay X 2.1 Interfaces: A description of the Parlay X 2.1 interfaces available with details on how they are implemented in Network Gatekeeper.

Parlay X 3.0 Interfaces: A description of the Parlay X 3.0 interfaces available with details on how they are implemented in Network Gatekeeper.

Access Web Service (deprecated): A description of the Access Web Service



The following terms and acronyms are used in this document:


Related Documentation

This application development guide is a part of the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper documentation set. The other documents include:

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