Communication Service Reference

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Document Roadmap

This chapter describes the audience for and the organization of this document. It includes:


Document Scope and Audience

This document provides a detailed reference for information that is specific to individual communication services. It includes:

This document will be of use to system administrators charged with installing and maintaining WebLogic Network Gatekeeper, as well as managers, support engineers, and sales and marketing people. For an overview of the characteristics that all communication services have in common, please see the “Introducing Communication Services” chapter in Concepts and Architectural Overview, another document in this set.


Guide to this Document

This document contains the following chapters:

Document Roadmap. This chapter

Parlay X 3.0 Audio Call Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports the Parlay X 3.0 Audio Call interface

Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call Communication Services. Information on the communication services that support the Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call interface

Parlay X 3.0 Third Party Call Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports the Parlay X 3.0 Third Party Call interface

Parlay X 2.1 Call Notification Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports the Parlay X 2.1 Call Notification interface

Parlay X 3.0 Call Notification Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports the Parlay X 3.0 Call Notification interface

Parlay X 2.1 Short Messaging Communication Service. Information on the communication service that support the Parlay X 2.1 Short Messaging interface

Extended Web Services Binary SMS Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports Extended Web Service Binary SMS interface

Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging Communication Service. Information on the communication services that support the Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging interface

Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location Communication Services.Information on the communication services that support the Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location interface

Parlay X 2.1 Presence Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports the Parlay X 2.1 Presence interface

Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports the Extended Web Services Subscriber Profile interface.

Extended Web Services WAP Push Communication Service. Information on the communication service that supports the Extended Web Services WAP Push Message interface



The following terms and acronyms may be used in this document:


Related Documentation

This communication service reference is a part of the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper documentation set. The other documents include:

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