Configuring Security for WebLogic SIP Server

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Configuring P-Asserted-Identity Assertion

The following sections describe how the P-Asserted-Identity and privacy headers affect forwarding to trusted and non-trusted hosts, and how to configure a WebLogic SIP Server P-Asserted-Identity Asserter provider:


Understanding Trusted Host Forwarding with P-Asserted-Identity

The P-Asserted-Identity header is honored only within a trusted domain. In a WebLogic SIP Server system, trusted domains are purely configuration-based. To enable use of the header, you must configure one of two available P-Asserted Identity Assertion providers as described in Configuring a P-Asserted-Identity Assertion Provider. The P-Asserted-Identity assertion providers expose the trusted domain configuration for P-Asserted-Identity headers. If you do not configure a provider, the header considers no IP addresses as being "trusted."

When WebLogic SIP Server receives a message having the P-Asserted-Identity header from a trusted host configured with the provider, it logs in the user specified in the header to determine group membership and other privileges. The value contained in the P-Asserted-Identity header must be a SIP address (for example, By default, WebLogic SIP Server removes the domain portion of the address ( and uses the remainder as the user name. If you must support overlapping usernames from different names (for example, and, you can create and use a custom user-name mapper to process the header contents into a unique username (for example, sipsuser_b and sipuser_c). Using a custom user name mapper also enables you to support WebLogic user names that contain an "@" character, such as

The presence of a P-Asserted-Identity header combined with the Privacy header also determines the way in which WebLogic SIP Server proxies incoming requests. Figure 4-1 describes how incoming SIP requests are managed in relation to the P-Asserted-Identity header.

Figure 4-1 Managing Inbound Requests Having P-Asserted-Identity and Privacy Headers

Managing Inbound Requests Having P-Asserted-Identity and Privacy Headers

Figure 4-2 describes the standard security check procedure that WebLogic SIP Server uses when an asserted user name is not authorized to access a requested resource. The standard security check is performed according to the auth-method defined in the login-config element of the sip.xml descriptor for the current application.

Figure 4-2 Standard Security Check Procedure

Standard Security Check Procedure

The presence of a P-Asserted-Identity header or a P-Preferred-Identity header also affects the processing of outbound SIP requests. Figure 4-3 describes the behavior.

Figure 4-3 Managing Outbound Requests Having P-Asserted-Identity or P-Preferred Identity

Managing Outbound Requests Having P-Asserted-Identity or P-Preferred Identity


Overview of Strict and Non-Strict P-Asserted-Identity Asserter Providers

If the contents of a P-Asserted-Identity header are invalid, or if the header is received from a non-trusted host, then the security provider returns an "anonymous" user to the SIP Servlet container. If you configured the PAsserted Identity Strict Asserter provider, an exception is also thrown so that you can audit the substitution of the anonymous user. (If you configured the basic PAsserted Identity Asserter provider, no exception is thrown.)

With either provider, if identity assertion fails and the requested resource is protected (the request matches a security-constraint defined in sip.xml), the SIP container uses the auth-method defined in the sip.xml deployment descriptor to challenge the end user. For example, digest authentication may be used if the Servlet specifies the digest authentication method.

If the requested resource is not protected, the anonymous user is simply passed to the SIP Servlet without authorization. Because the 3GPP TS 24.229 specification recommends forced authorization even when a resource is unrestricted (and privacy is not requested), you should use declarative security to protect all of a SIP Servlet's resources to remain compliant with the specification. See Securing SIP Servlet Resources in Developing Applications with WebLogic SIP Server for more information.

If authorization of the anonymous user fails, WebLogic SIP Server then forces authentication by challenging the user.


Configuring a P-Asserted-Identity Assertion Provider

Follow these steps to configure a security provider used to support the P-Asserted-Identity header. Note that one of two providers can be selected, as described in Overview of Strict and Non-Strict P-Asserted-Identity Asserter Providers.

In addition to configuring one of the above providers, configure a secondary, "fallback" login method (for example, using DIGEST or CLIENT-CERT authentication).

To configure a P-Asserted-Identity provider:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console for the WebLogic SIP Server domain you want to configure.
  2. In the left pane of the Console, select the Security->Realms->myrealm->Providers->Authentication node.
  3. In the right pane of the Console, select one of the following options:
    • Configure a new PAsserted Identity Asserter...—Select this option to configure a provider that does not throw an exception when the P-Asserted-Identity header is invalid or is received from a non-trusted host and an anonymous user is substituted.
    • Configure a new PAsserted Identity Strict Asserter...—Select this option to configure a provider that throws an exception when the P-Asserted-Identity header is invalid or is received from a non-trusted host and an anonymous user is substituted.
    • See Overview of Strict and Non-Strict P-Asserted-Identity Asserter Providers for more information.

  4. Enter a name for the new provider and click Create.
  5. Select the Details tab to display the new provider's configuration.
  6. Fill in the fields of the Details tab as follows:
    • Trusted Hosts: Enter one or more host names that the provider will treat as trusted hosts. You can enter a list of IP addresses or DNS names, and wildcards are supported.
    • Note: The provider does not use trusted hosts configured in the sipserver.xml file (see sip-security in Configuring and Managing WebLogic SIP Server.)
    • User Name Mapper Class Name: Enter the name of a custom Java class used to map user names in the P-Asserted-Identity header to user names in the default security realm. A custom user name mapper is generally used if user names are received from two or more different domains. In this case additional logic may be required to map usernames received from each domain. A custom user name mapper class is required if you want to map usernames in the P-Asserted-Identity header to WebLogic usernames. See Configuring a User Name Mapper in the WebLogic Server 8.1 Documentation for more information.
    • Alternately, leave this field blank to use the default user name mapper. The default mapper simply discards the domain name and takes the resulting user name without applying any additional logic.

    • Base64Decoding Required: This field is not used by the provider.
  7. Click Apply.

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