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Welcome to WebLogic Commerce Server Components! Commerce Server components are software building blocks for eBusiness. These customizable Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 are plug-and-play components that you can use as an out-of-the-box solution with the Personalization Server, or customize and extend for highly specific e-business scenarios and integration with legacy applications. Get started now using WLCS components to create your eCommerce Web presence!


Overview of WebLogic Commerce Server Components

What are Commerce Server components?

A Quick Look at a Few Key Components

Customer and Session

ShoppingAdvisor and Items

Order Fulfillment

Features at a Glance


eCommerce brings tremendous opportunity and new challenges.

Build versus Buy: WLCS components offer the best of both solutions.

How do WLCS components work?

Applications built with WLCS components leverage a scaleable, high-performance Architecture.

Components are easy to use and customize.

Base your eCommerce applications on our smart models and generated EJBs.

Components use industry-standard Design and Analysis Patterns.

Components are neatly organized in Component Packages. Example


Components Catalog


Development Process

What is the overall development process?

Before You Begin: Copy the Model

Step 1: Export the WLCS model in Rational Rose

Step 2: Run the WLCS Smart Generator


Define a New Project

Configure the Project

Generate the Java Sources

Step 3: Add Your Business Logic: Edit the Java files and Compile Them

Step 4: Run the EJB Compiler

Step 5: Deploy your application, and start the server

Before You Start the WebLogic Application Server

Starting the Server

Step 6: If desired, change the model, and iterate

Do I have to be a Rational Rose or UML Expert?

Understanding the Foundation Package and Stereotypes




Configurable Entity

Business Policy


Smart Features

Understanding the Basic UML Modeling Notations

Classes and Stereotypes


Aggregation and Multiplicity


WLCS Smart Generator Rules: Factors that Influence the Generated Java Files


Primary Key and Value

Interfaces, Homes, and Implementations

Attributes and Accessor Methods

Rules for Aggregation Notations in the UML Diagram


Design Decisions

Use of Entities versus Sessions

Implementing Business Logic in an Entity

Modeling from a Message Specification

Changing Method Signatures


Deploying Your Application

Defining the Persistence Type for your Deployment

Using Bean-Managed Persistence


The Oracle Reference Implementations

Additional Requirements

Deployment Sets Overview

Deploying on Windows NT

Deploying on Solaris

Considerations in Bean-Managed Persistence

Container-Managed Persistence Versus Bean-Managed Persistence

Considerations when Persisting an EJB

Complexity of the Mapping Implementation

Dissecting and Persisting an Enterprise Java Bean


Component Examples

How to Build and Run the Examples

Foundation and Axiom

Package examples.axiom

Package examples.axiom Description

Belongings and EJBs

The Abstract Factory Pattern

Axiom Example


Package examples.workflow Description


Workflow Example


Package examples.businesspolicy

Package examples.businesspolicy Description

ItemPriceCalculationPolicy and BusinessPolicy

BusinessPolicy Example


Package examples.passbyvalue

Package examples.passbyvalue Description

Getting and Setting Attributes Using pass-by-value

Pass By Value Example