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Welcome to the BEA WebLogic Commerce Servers Release Notes! These Release notes include information on both BEA WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1 and BEA WebLogic Commerce Server 2.0.1.

Please read the Release Notes to find information about new features added in this release, supported platforms, fixed and known limitations, the location of the product documentation, errors or omissions in the documents, and how to contact BEA Customer Support.

BEA WebLogic Commerce Servers Release Notes

About WebLogic Commerce Servers Service Pack 3

Supported Platforms

Important Prerequisite Installation Steps for IBM AIX Users

Installing WLCS Service Pack 3

Uninstalling Service Pack 3

Limitations Fixed in WLCS 2.0.1 Service Pack 3

Limitations Fixed in WLCS Service Pack 2 - Personalization Components

Limitations Fixed in WLCS Service Pack 2 -
Commerce Components

Limitations Fixed in WLCS Service Pack 1 - Personalization Components

Limitations Fixed in WLCS Service Pack 1 - Commerce Components

Additional Notes for WLCS Service Pack 1

Limitations Fixed in 2.0.1

Known Limitations and Workarounds

Known Limitations and Workarounds for WLCS 2.0.1 Service Pack 3

Other Known Limitations and Workarounds Demo Limitations

Miscellaneous Notes

Notes for This Release

Default Personalization Admin Log-in

Database Performance

About the Product Documentation

Documentation Changes Since the 2.0 Release

Where to Get Product Documentation

How to Install Product Documentation on Your Local System

Documentation Errors or Omissions

Refresh Browser to View Updated Pages

Submitting Documentation Comments

Contacting BEA Customer Support

Note About Evaluation Support