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Welcome to Tour of the WebLogic Commerce Server JSP Templates! WebLogic Commerce Server includes a set of JavaServer Pages (JSP) templates that you can use to set up your e-commerce Web site quickly. This tour documentation leads you through many of the templates to demonstrate how they work and the scope of features available. The tour makes use of sample data that simulates an e-commerce Web site, so you can get hands-on experience working with the JSP pages in a Commerce Server environment and then see live results fast.


What Is the JSP Templates Tour?

About JSP

About WLCS Database Schemas

About the Sample Database


About CyberCash


Starting the Tour

Access the Home Page from UNIX

Access the Home Page from Windows

Overview of the Home Page

Features of main.jsp for Anonymous Users (Part 1 of 2)

Technical Note: Importing Tag Libraries and Java Packages

More Features of main.jsp for Anonymous Users
(Part 2 of 2)

Technical Note: The Product Catalog


New User Buys a Product

New User Roadmap

Step 1: Search for Products

Step 2: Select an Item

Features of searchresults.jsp

Step 3: View the Shopping Cart

Features of shoppingcart.jsp

Technical Note: Pipeline Components, Pipeline Sessions, and Webflow

Step 4: Create a New User Profile

Features of login.jsp

Features of newuser.jsp (Part 1 of 2)

Technical Note: Input Processors

More Features of newuser.jsp (Part 2 of 2)

Step 5: Log In as a Registered User

Features of login.jsp

Features of successfullogin.jsp

Step 6: Choose Shipping Options

Features of shipping.jsp

Features of selectaddress.jsp

Step 7: Enter Payment Information

Features of payment.jsp

Features of paymentnewcc.jsp

Technical Note: Templates Included Within Templates

Step 8: Select a Credit Card

More Features of payment.jsp

Step 9: Purchase the Item

Features of checkout.jsp

Step 10: Review the Order Confirmation

Features of confirmorder.jsp


Registered User Buys a Product

Registered User Roadmap

Step 1: Browse the Catalog and Select an Item

Features of browse.jsp (Part 1 of 2)

More Features of browse.jsp (Part 2 of 2)

Features of details.jsp

Step 2: Review the Shopping Cart and Check Out

Technical Note: The Security Model

Detour: Review the Home Page for Authenticated Users

Features of main.jsp for Authenticated Users

Step 3: Choose Shipping Options

Step 4: Enter and Select a New Shipping Address

Features of selecttaxaddress.jsp

Step 5: Select a Credit Card

Step 6: Purchase the Items

Step 7: Review Order Confirmation


Registered User Adds a Credit Card

User Profile Roadmap

Step 1: Access Your User Profile

Step 2: Review Your User Profile

Features of viewprofile.jsp

Technical Note: The Database for WebLogic Commerce Servers

Step 3: Add a Credit Card

Features of profilenewcc.jsp

Step 4: View Your Order History and Status

Features of orderhistory.jsp

Features of orderstatus.jsp

Step 5: Log Out


Example of Customizing the Templates

Step 1: Understand the Add to Cart Link

How the Link Anchor Invokes Webflow

How Webflow Resolves the Link

Step 2: Modify Add to Cart

Directing the Output of the GetTopCategories Input Processor

Step 3: Verify the Modification

What's Next?