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Installation Guide for BEA WebLogic Commerce Server 3.2 and BEA WebLogic Personalization Server 3.2.

This guide explains how to install the product software. Important pre-installation and post-installation steps are also presented.

Important: If you are reading a local, online copy of this document, note that a more recent version might exist on the BEA E-docs Web site. If you have Internet access, please see and check for a more recent online version. The date of the document file's last update appears in the browser's title bar.


Preparing to Install

Checking the Product Box

Overview of System Requirements

Check E-docs for the Latest Documentation


Memory and Disk Space

Windowing and Non-windowing Environments for the Installation Kits



Required Order of the Installations

Where to Find Migration Information


Installing WebLogic Commerce Server

Before You Begin

Installing the Software on Windows Systems

Do Not Forget the License File

Using WLCS_320.bin to Install on a UNIX System That Has a windowing Environment

Do Not Forget the License File

Using to Install on a UNIX System That Does Not Have a windowing Environment

Installing the Separate Documentation Kit

Documentation Kit Names and Target Locations

Documentation File Size

The File

Documentation Installation on Windows

Documentation Installation on UNIX

Uninstalling the Documentation Files

Uninstalling the Documentation on Windows Systems

Uninstalling the Documentation on UNIX Systems

Uninstalling the Software

Uninstalling the Software on Windows Systems

Uninstalling the Software on UNIX Systems


Post-Installation Considerations

Licensing WebLogic Commerce Server

License Types

Verifying the Software Installation

The Credit Card Encryption/Decryption Prompt

Using the Backup Copy of the Database

Recreating the Database

Recreating the Cloudscape Database

Recreating the Oracle Database

See the Deployment Guide!