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Preparing to Install


BEA WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.2 are sophisticated software products. They should not be installed without proper planning.

This topic includes the following sections:


Checking the Product Box

This section applies only if you ordered the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.2 and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.2 software packaged in a BEA product box, instead of via the BEA download site.

The product box includes the following items:

A separate BEA box that contains the BEA WebLogic Server 5.1 software is mailed to you. You will receive the BEA WebLogic Server 5.1 license either on a diskette, or in an email attachment.

If you are reading the printed versions of the WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.2 Installation Guide and Release Notes documents that came in the BEA product box, note that more recent versions might exist on the BEA Product Documentation Web site. For details, see Check E-docs for the Latest Documentation.


Overview of System Requirements

This section presents general information about the WebLogic Commerce Server system requirements.

Check E-docs for the Latest Documentation

If you are reading a local, online copy of the documentation, or a printed version of the Installation Guide or Release Notes, note that more recent versions of these documents might exist on the BEA E-docs Web site. When you are looking for the most recent information about system requirements and supported platforms, it is important that you check the E-docs site instead of a local version of the documentation. If you have Internet access, please see:


Currently, WebLogic Commerce Server is available for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with SP5 systems, Windows 2000 systems, and Sun Solaris 7 systems. For the latest details, see the Supported Platforms section of the Release Notes.

Note: For Windows NT and Windows 2000, it is strongly recommended that you be logged into the PC as a user with administrative privileges prior to installation.

Memory and Disk Space

The product requires at least 128 MB of memory (RAM) to install and run. The system will run much better with more RAM, though.

The software installation requires approximately 200 MB of free disk space during the installation, on Windows or UNIX systems.

When the installation completes, the installed software files comprise less than 130 MB. This count is an estimate and might be different on your system.

There is a separate installation kit for the product's documentation files that you can install after you complete the software installation. The documentation files require approximately 60 MB of additional disk space.

Windowing and Non-windowing Environments for the Installation Kits

WebLogic Commerce Server 3.2 provides a number of installation kits on the BEA Download site:

The WLCS_320.exe and WLCS_320.bin software kits, and the WLCS_320_DOC.exe and WLCS_320_DOC.bin documentation kits, use InstallAnywhere and require a windowing environment. In addition, the installation procedures require the Java 2 SDK, version 1.3.0.


WebLogic Commerce Server requires the following software products:


WebLogic Commerce Server requires a database and a JDBC driver for the database. This release has been certified for Cloudscape 3.5 and Oracle 8i databases. As of this writing:

For the latest details about the supported database version numbers and drivers, see the Supported Platforms section of the Release Notes at

An evaluation version of Cloudscape is distributed with the product as part of the example implementations. By default, the database type used by the sample applications is a Cloudscape database. For information about switching to the use of an Oracle database, see the Deployment Guide.


Required Order of the Installations

Install the software in the following order:

  1. The Java 2 SDK 1.3.0

    See the Supported Platforms section of the Release Notes for information about the specific Java 2 SDK versions that are required for each platform.

  2. For Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems, the Java HotSpot Server VM. (The Java 2 SDK for Solaris already includes HotSpot.)

    For download information, please see

  3. WebLogic Server 5.1 with SP6

    See the BEA WebLogic Server Installation Guide at for complete instructions the WebLogic Server installation procedure.

  4. WebLogic Commerce Server 3.2 software kit, as described in this guide.

  5. WebLogic Commerce Server 3.2 documentation kit, as described in this guide.


Where to Find Migration Information

Migration information is available in the "Migration Guide" in the online documentation.

Important: Also see the Schema Migration Information section of the Release Notes.