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Editing the Example Portal


Now that you have identified the content you want to display to frequent and infrequent visitors, you need a place to put that content. In this chapter, you will view the pre-built JSP that will be used as a portlet to contain the content, and you will add that portlet to the exampleportal so that it shows up in the Acme Web page.

This topic includes the following sections:


Viewing the JSP

The JSP displays content based on whether the user is a frequent or infrequent visitor. The JSP in this procedure was created for you to use in this tour.

To view the page, follow these steps:

  1. In a text editor, open tutorial.jsp, which is in <install-dir>\config\wlcsDomain\applications\wlcsApp\ exampleportal\portals\repository\portlets.

  2. View the JSP code that you will add to the portlet later in this tour.

    In particular, look for the rule="Hints" and rule="FrequentVisitorMessage" lines in the JSP. These identify the "Hints" and "FrequentVisitorMessage" content selectors you created in the previous chapter. The JSP reads the rules in those content selectors, looks at the number of AcmePoints the user has, and determines which set of content to display.

  3. Close tutorial.jsp when you finish viewing the page.


Building the Portlet

Now that you know tutorial.jsp will display the content, you need to identify it as a portlet that you can add to the exampleportal portal.

  1. From the Administration Tools Home page, click the Portal Management icon. The Portal Management Home page appears.

  2. From the Portlets bar, click Create. The Create a New Portlet page appears.

  3. Type tutorial in the Portlet Name field and append tutorial.jsp to the existing content of portlets/ in the Content URL field.

  4. Click Create to create the new portlet. The page refreshes and confirms that the system created the portlet.

  5. Click Back to return to the Portal Management Home page.


Adding the Portlet to the Portal

Now that you have created a portlet for the tutorial.jsp to display its content in the Acme Web site, you must connect that portlet to the exampleportal portal.

  1. Under the Portals bar, click on the exampleportal link. The Portal: exampleportal page appears.

    Notice that the tutorial portlet is displayed in the Associated Portlets table but is grayed out, indicating that it is inactive.

  2. To activate the tutorial portlet, click (+/-) in the Associated Portlets bar. The Add or Remove Portlets page appears.

  3. Select the "Visible" option for the tutorial portlet. This will make the portlet visible to example portal users.

  4. Click Save. The page refreshes and displays a message about the operation's success.

  5. Click Back to return to the Portal: exampleportal page. The tutorial portlet name is displayed in the table with a check mark next to it. The check mark indicates that the portlet is visible to exampleportal users.

  6. Click Finished in the Portal: exampleportal bar to save the changes. The Portal Management Home page appears.

  7. Close the Administration Tools.

You have created a portlet, and you have added the portlet to a portal. This means the tutorial.jsp content will display content in the Acme Web site based on the amount of AcmePoints users have. In the next chapter, you will deploy the portal and test it to see content personalization in action.


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