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Dynamically Modifying Systems

The WLE and BEA TUXEDO systems allow you to make changes to your configuration without shutting it down. Without inconveniencing your users, you can suspend or resume interfaces or services, advertise or unadvertise services, and change interface or service parameters (such as LOAD and PRIORITY ). If your configuration specifies interfaces or services as AUTOTRAN , it is also possible to change the timeout value associated with such transactions. Thus, you can adjust your system to reflect either current or expected conditions.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Dynamic Modification Methods

You have a choice of two methods for making changes to your system while the system is running:

Because it is a graphical user interface, the BEA Administration Console is simpler to use than the tmadmin command interpreter. If you prefer using a GUI, bring it up on your screen as soon as you are ready to begin an administrative task. The graphics and detailed procedures will guide you through any task you need to perform.

For instructions on using the tmadmin command interpreter, see Chapter 8, "Monitoring a Running System."

Instructions for dynamically modifying your system through tmadmin are provided in this chapter.

Procedures for Dynamically Modifying Your System

This section provides procedures for making the following types of changes, through tmadmin , while your system is running:

Suspending and Resuming Services (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

This section provides instructions for suspending and resuming services and servers, and describes the results of these operations.

Note: The execution of the suspend and resume commands described in this section have minimal impact on the BEA TUXEDO system resources when compared with the resources gained by suspending a server.

Suspending Services

To suspend a server or a service, enter the suspend (or susp ) command, as follows.

prompt> tmadmin
> susp

For example:

>susp -s toupper

The suspend command marks as inactive one of the following:

After you have suspended a service or a server, any requests remaining on the queue are handled, but no new service requests are routed to the suspended server. If a group ID/server ID combination is specified and it is part of an MSSQ set, all servers in that MSSQ set become inactive for the services specified.

Resuming Services

To resume a server or a service, enter the resume (or res ) command, as follows.

prompt> tmadmin
> res

For example:

>res -s toupper

The resume command undoes the effect of the suspend command: it marks as active for the queue one of the following:

If, in this state, the group ID or the server ID is part of an MSSQ set, all servers in that MSSQ set become active for the services specified.

Advertising and Unadvertising Services (BEA TUXEDO Servers)

This section provides instructions for advertising and unadvertising services and servers, and describes the results of these operations.

Advertising Services

To advertise a service, enter the following command.

adv [{[-q queue_name] | [-g grpid] [-i srvid]}] service

Note: Although a service must be suspended before it may be unadvertised, you do not need to "unsuspend" a service before re-advertising it. If you simply advertise a service that has been suspended and unadvertised previously, the service will be unsuspended.

Unadvertising Services

To unadvertise a service, complete the following procedure.

  1. Suspend the service.

  2. Enter the following command.

    unadv [{[-q queue_name] | [-g grpid] [-i srvid]}] service

    Note: Unadvertising has more drastic results than suspending because when you unadvertise a service, the service table entry for that service is deallocated and the cleared space in the service table becomes available to other services.

Changing Service Parameters (BEA TUXEDO Servers) or Interface Parameters (WLE Servers)

You can change the service and interface parameters for the following:

The following table lists the names of the parameters for which you can change values dynamically, along with the commands for changing them.

To Change . . .

Enter the Following Command . . .

Load associated with the specified service or interface.

chl [-m machine ] {-q qaddress [-g groupname ] [-i srvid ] [-s service ] | -g groupname -i srvid
service | -I interface [-g groupname ]} newload

Dequeuing priority associated with the specified service or interface.

chp [-m machine ] {-q qaddress [-g groupname ]
srvid ] [-s service ] | -g groupname -i srvid
-s service | -I
interface [-g groupname ]} newpri

You must specify a service name (after the -s option) for both commands.

Note: The -s option is listed as optional because the required value may be specified on the default subcommand line.

Changing the AUTOTRAN Timeout Value

To change the transaction timeout (TRANTIME ) of an interface or service with the AUTOTRAN flag set, run the changetrantime (chtt ) command, as follows.

chtt [-m machine ] {-q qaddress [-g groupname ] [-i srvid]
[-s service ] | -g groupname -i srvid -s service |
-I interface [-g groupname ]} newtlim

Note: Transaction timeouts begun by application clients using tpbegin() or tx_set_transaction_timeout() cannot be changed.

Suspending and Resuming Interfaces (WLE System)

This section provides instructions for suspending and resuming interfaces.

Note: The execution of the suspend and resume commands described in this section have minimal impact on the WLE system resources when compared with the resources gained by suspending a server.

Suspending an Interface

To suspend an interface enter the suspend (or susp ) command. For example:

>susp -i

If an interface is suspended, a client will not be able to invoke a method on that interface until the interface is resumed.

Resuming an Interface

To resume an interface, enter the resume (or res ) command. For example:

>res -i

If a suspended interface is resumed, clients will be able to invoke methods on that interface.