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Java Bootstrap Object Programming Reference

This container covers the following topics:

Why Bootstrap Objects Are Needed

The Problem: To communicate with WebLogic Enterprise (WLE) objects, a client application must obtain object references. The client application uses the Bootstrap object to obtain initial object references to six key objects in a WLE domain:

However, this poses a problem: How does the client application access the Bootstrap object?

The solution: Bootstrap objects are local programming objects, not remote CORBA objects, in both the client and the server. When Bootstrap objects are created, their constructor requires the network address of a WLE IIOP Server Listener/Handler. Given this information, the Bootstrap object can generate object references for the above-mentioned remote objects in the WLE domain. These object references can then be used to access services available in the WLE domain.

How Bootstrap Objects Work

Bootstrap objects are created by a client or a server application that must access object references to the following objects:

Bootstrap objects may represent the first connection to a specific WLE domain depending on the format of the IIOP Server Listener/Handler address. If the Null scheme Universal Resource Locator (URL) format is used (the only address format supported in releases of WLE prior to V5.0), the Bootstrap objects represent the first connection. However, if the URL format is used, the connection will not occur until after Bootstrap object creation. For more information on address formats and connection times, refer to the description of Tobj_Bootstrap in the Java API Reference, which is included in the Javadoc online documentation.

For a WLE remote client, the Bootstrap object is created with the host and the port for the WLE IIOP Server Listener/Handler. However, for WLE native client and server applications, there is no need to specify a host and port because they execute in a specific WLE domain. The IIOP Server Listener/Handler host and the port ID are included in the WLE domain configuration information.

After they are created, Bootstrap objects satisfy requests for object references for objects in a particular WLE domain. Different Bootstrap objects allow the application to use multiple domains.

Using the Bootstrap object, you can obtain six different references, as follows:

The FactoryFinder and InterfaceRepository objects are not implemented in the environmental objects library. However, they are specific to a WLE domain and are thus conceptually similar to the SecurityCurrent and TransactionCurrent objects in use.

You can also invoke the following method on the Bootstrap object to return information needed by the client application:

The Bootstrap object implies an association or "session" between the client application and the WLE domain. Within the context of this association, the Bootstrap object imposes a containment relationship with the other Current objects (or contained objects); that is, the SecurityCurrent and TransactionCurrent. Current objects are valid only for this domain and only while the Bootstrap object exists.

Note: Resolving the SecurityCurrent when using the new URL address format (corbaloc:// hostname : port_number ) is a local operation; that is, no connection is made by the client to the IIOP Server Listener/Handler.

In addition, a client can have only one instance of each of the Current objects at any time. If a Current object already exists, an attempt to create another Current object does not fail. Instead, another reference to the already existing object is handed out; that is, a client application may have more than one reference to the single instance of the Current object.

To create a new instance of a Current object, the application must first invoke the destroy_current method on the Bootstrap object. This invalidates all of the Current objects, but does not destroy the session with the WLE domain. After invoking the destroy_current method, new instances of the Current objects can be created within the WLE domain using the existing Bootstrap object.

To obtain Current objects for another domain, a different Bootstrap object must be constructed. Although it is possible to have multiple Bootstrap objects at one time, only one Bootstrap object may be "active;" that is, have Current objects associated with it. Thus, an application must first invoke the destroy_current method on the "active" Bootstrap object before obtaining new Current objects on another Bootstrap object, which then becomes the active Bootstrap object.

Servers and native clients are inside of the WLE domain; therefore, no "session" is established. However, the same containment relationships are enforced. Servers and native clients access the domain they are currently in by specifying an empty string, rather than //host:port .

Note: When you compile client and server applications, specify the -DTOBJADDR option to specify a host and port to be used at run time, which allows for more flexibility and portability in client and server application code. For more information, see Creating CORBA Client Applications and Creating CORBA Java Server Applications.

Note: Client and server applications must use the com.beasys.Tobj_Bootstrap.resolve_initial_references method, not the org.omg.CORBA.ORB.resolve_initial_references method.

Types of Remote Clients Supported

Table 4-1 shows the types of remote clients that can use the Bootstrap object to access the other environmental objects, such as FactoryFinder, SecurityCurrent, TransactionCurrent, and InterfaceRepository.

Table 4-1 Remote Clients Supported




CORBA C++ client applications use the WLE C++ environmental objects to access the CORBA objects in a WLE domain, and the WLE Object Request Broker (ORB) to process from CORBA objects. Use the WLE system development commands to build these client applications (see Reference).


CORBA Java client applications use the Java environmental objects to access CORBA objects in a WLE domain. However, these client applications use an ORB product other than the WLE ORB to process requests from CORBA objects. These client applications are built using the ORB product's Java development tools.

The Java core system of the WLE software supports interoperability with client platforms using of the following:


Use the WLE Automation environmental objects to access CORBA objects in a WLE domain, and the ActiveX Client to process requests from CORBA objects. Use the Application Builder to create bindings for CORBA objects so that they can be accessed from ActiveX client applications, which are built using a development tool such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Delphi, or PowerBuilder.

This container describes how to use the Bootstrap object with Java client applications. For reference information about how to use the Bootstrap object in C++ and ActiveX client applications, see the CORBA C++ Programming Reference.

Capabilities and Limitations

Bootstrap objects have the following capabilities and limitations:

Bootstrap Object API

The Bootstrap object application programming interface (API) is described in the Java API Reference in the Javadoc online documentation. The sections that follow describe:

Tobj Module

Table 4-2 shows the object reference that is returned for each type ID.

Table 4-2 Returned Object References


Returned Object Reference


FactoryFinder object (com.beasys.Tobj.FactoryFinder )


InterfaceRepository object (org.omg.CORBA.Repository )


SecurityCurrent object (org.omg.SecurityLevel2.Current )


OTS Current object (com.beasys.Tobj.TransactionCurrent )


EventChannelFactory object

(CosNotifyChannelAdmin.EventChannelFactory )


BEA Simple Events ChannelFactory object (Tobj_SimpleEvents.ChannelFactory )

Table 4-3 describes the Tobj module exceptions.

Table 4-3 Tobj Module Exceptions




Raised if id is not one of the names specified in Table 4-2. On the server, the resolve_initial_references method also raises com.beasys.Tobj.InvalidName when SecurityCurrent is passed.


On the server application, raised if the WLE server environment is not booted.


Raised if id is TransactionCurrent or SecurityCurrent and another Bootstrap object in the client owns the Current objects.


Raised for the register_callback_port method if the object is null or if the hostname contained in the object does not match the connection.


Raised if the register_callback_port method is invoked more than once.

Java Mapping

Listing 4-1 shows the mapping.

Listing 4-1 Mapping

package com.beasys;

public class Tobj_Bootstrap {
public Tobj_Bootstrap(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb,
String address_str)
throws org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
public class Tobj_Bootstrap {
public Tobj_Bootstrap(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb,
String address_str,
java.applet.Applet applet)
throws org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;

public void register_callback_port(orb.omg.CORBA.Object objref)
throws org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;

public org.omg.CORBA.Object
resolve_initial_references(String id)
throws Tobj.InvalidName,
public void destroy_current()
throws org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;

Programming Examples

This section provides the following Java client programming examples that use Bootstrap objects.

Getting a SecurityCurrent Object

Listing 4-2 shows how to program a Java client to get a SecurityCurrent object.

Listing 4-2 Programming a Java Client to Get a SecurityCurrent Object

import java.util.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
import com.beasys.*;
class client {
public static void main(String[] args)
Properties prop = null;
Tobj.PrincipalAuthenticator auth = null;
String host_port = "//COLORMAGIC:10000";
// Set host and port.
if (args.length == 1) host_port = args[0];
try {
// Initialize ORB
ORB orb = ORB.init(args, prop);
// Create Bootstrap object
Tobj_Bootstrap bs=new Tobj_Bootstrap(orb,host_port);

// Get security current
org.omg.CORBA.Object ocur =
SecurityLevel2.Current cur =
catch (Tobj.InvalidName e) {
System.out.println("Invalid name: "+e);
catch (Tobj.InvalidDomain e) {
System.out.println("Invalid domain address: "+host_port +" "+e);
catch (SystemException e) {
System.out.println("Exception getting security current: "+e);

Getting a UserTransaction Object

Listing 4-3 shows using the Bootstrap object to get the UserTransaction object, which may then be used to begin and terminate transactions and get information about transactions.

Listing 4-3 Programming a Java Client to Get a UserTransaction Object

Properties prop = null;
Tobj.PrincipalAuthenticator auth = null;
String host_port = "//COLORMAGIC:10000";
// Set host and port.
if (args.length == 1) host_port = args[0];
try {
// Initialize ORB
orb = ORB.init(args, prop);

// Create Bootstrap Object
bs = new Tobj_Bootstrap(orb, host_port);

javax.transaction.UserTransaction ucur = bs.getUserTransaction();

/* Make transactional calls from client to server */