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Administering B2B

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Importing and Exporting B2B Integration Components

Before trading partners can participate in conversations hosted by a WebLogic Integration B2B application, they must set up their environments to meet the requirements of the application. Specifically, they must populate their systems with various components on which a B2B application depends, such as trading partner definitions, conversation definitions, collaboration agreements, and workflows. You can facilitate this aspect of environment setup by creating the necessary B2B components and delivering them to your trading partners.

This section explains how to export and import the components necessary to implement B2B applications. It includes the following topics:


B2B Integration Components

The components of a WebLogic Integration B2B application include:

It is common for multiple trading partners to use the same component. For example, all parties who are assigned the same role in a collaboration agreement for a given conversation definition require the same conversation definition and public workflow template. To participate in a peer-to-peer exchange, each trading partner must have a trading partner definition for itself and the other party.

To facilitate trading partner setup, one partner can define the required components, and then export them so they become available for import by other trading partners. Trading partner definitions, collaboration agreements, and conversation definitions can be exported and imported through the WebLogic Integration B2B Console. Collaborative workflows can be exported and imported through the WebLogic Integration Studio.

Although many components of a business collaboration are identical when used by different trading partners, some require minor modification after import. For example, if a trading partner definition for a remote trading partner is exported by a local trading partner and then imported by the remote trading partner, the remote trading partner must change the value of the trading partner type property from remote to local before the imported definition can be used.

Workflow templates and conversations typically require modification of the specified organization because different trading partners have different organizational structures in the Studio.


Export and Import Overview

To export the components required by a participant in a B2B exchange:

  1. Export the required trading partner definitions, conversation definitions, and collaboration agreements from the B2B Console.

    Typically, you can simply export the required collaboration agreement with the Export all referenced entities option set. This option ensures that all necessary conversation definitions and trading partners are exported along with the specified collaboration agreement.

    Note: When you use the Export all referenced entities option, only the referenced objects are exported. For example, although many delivery channels may be associated with a particular trading partner definition, when you export a collaboration agreement with the Export all referenced entities option set, only those parts of the trading partner definition required for the collaboration agreement (that is, only the required party identifiers, delivery channels, document exchanges, transports, and certificates) are exported.

    The export procedure is described in Exporting from the B2B Console.

  2. Export the collaborative workflow package required by the trading partner to implement its role in the conversation.

    The workflow export procedure is described in Exporting a Workflow Package.

To import and modify the exported components for use:

  1. Import the required trading partner definitions, conversation definitions, and collaboration agreements.

    One or more XML files may be provided. The import procedure is described in Importing to the B2B Console.

  2. Verify the imported components by viewing them in the B2B Console. Make adjustments as required for use. For example:

  3. Import the collaborative workflow package required to implement your role in the conversation.

    The workflow import procedure is described in Importing a Workflow Package.


Exporting from the B2B Console

To export entities from the B2B Console:

  1. Click the B2B node in the navigation tree.

    The B2B page is displayed in the right pane. It contains several high-level tabs.

  2. Select the high-level Configuration tab.

  3. Select the nested Export tab.

    The export options are displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4-1 B2B Export Tab


  4. Select the entities to be exported by performing one or more of the following steps:

    Select individual instances of the entity on this page. Then click OK to return to the Export tab.

  5. On the Export tab, select a format:

  6. If you want all entities referenced by the selected entities to be included, select the Export all referenced entities option.

  7. Click Export.

    The specified entities are exported to an XML file. When the export is complete, a message is displayed as a link at the bottom of the page, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4-3 Notification of Successful Export


  8. Right-click the link. A menu of shortcuts is displayed. Select Save Link As from the shortcut menu.

    The Save As dialog box is displayed, allowing you to select a location for your file or to rename the file. (The default filename is exportConfig.xml.)

  9. Select a target directory and click Save.


Importing to the B2B Console

To import to the B2B Console:

  1. Shut down the B2B engine by using the Terminate button on the B2B Console. The Terminate button is available by selecting the Monitoring—> General tab, then clicking Shut down this server.

    Note: Shutting down the B2B engine any other way may not result in a successful data import after the B2B engine has subsequently been restarted.

    Note: If you are importing trading partners, shutting down and restarting the B2B engine is not always necessary. See Note About Adding or Importing Trading Partners for more details.

  2. Click the B2B node in the navigation tree.

    The B2B page is displayed in the right pane. It contains several high-level tabs.

  3. Select the high-level Configuration tab.

  4. Select the nested General tab.

  5. Verify that the status is inactive.

  6. Select the high-level Configuration tab. Then select the nested Import tab.

    The import options are displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4-4 B2B Import Tab


Warning: If the Initialize Database option is selected, then when you subsequently import repository data, existing data is destroyed. Be careful about selecting the Initialize Database option.

  1. Select the Browse option beside the File Name field.

    The Upload File dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the XML file that contains the data to be imported, then click the Open button.

  3. Verify that Initialize Database is set to No (unless you want to delete all existing data).

  4. Select the Transaction level:

  5. Select Yes or No for Business Connect Import File.

    Trading partners that deploy WebLogic Integration can use the ebXML business protocol to interoperate with trading partners that deploy WebLogic Integration - Business Connect. A WebLogic Integration - Business Connect trading partner can export its trading partner configuration data in an XML file to be consumed by WebLogic Integration. When you import such a file into the WebLogic Integration repository, you must select Yes for this Business Connect Import File option.

    For information about the ebXML business protocol and WebLogic Integration - Business Connect, see the following:

  6. To import the data, click Import.

    Note: If the name of an entity being imported is the same as that of an entity in the repository, the entity in the respository is overwritten.

  7. Restart the B2B engine, as described in Restarting the B2B Engine from the B2B Console in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.


Exporting a Workflow Package

The WebLogic Integration Studio allows you to select and export template definitions and related workflow components. The components you select are packaged in a Java Archive (JAR) file known as a workflow package.

When you export a workflow package, you can:

The Studio supports the export of template definitions, business operations, business calendars, plug-ins, event key tables, and XML repository items. The only elements that cannot be exported are the organizations, users, and roles defined in the Studio. When you export a template definition, it is disassociated from the current organization. When a template definition is imported into a target system, a new organization must be selected for the template.

To export a workflow package from the Studio:

  1. Start the Studio as described in Starting the Studio in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

  2. Choose Tools—>Export Package from the Menu bar.

    The Export: Select File dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter the location and filename of the JAR file to be created.

    Note: If you specify a JAR file by selecting it from a list invoked through the Browse option, the export overwrites the file.

  4. Click Next.

    The Export: Select Components to Export dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4-5 Export: Select Components to Export Dialog Box


    The dialog box displays a list of all items currently defined. When you select an item, items referenced by it are automatically selected.

    Note: Items in the XML repository are not automatically selected; you must select them manually.

  5. Select the items to export.

  6. Click Export.

    When the export operation is complete, the Export: Review Export Summary dialog box displays the following message:
    Components were exported to JAR file: path/filename.jar

  7. Click Close to dismiss the dialog box.


Importing a Workflow Package

To import a workflow package from the Studio:

  1. Start the Studio as described in Starting the Studio in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

  2. Choose Tools—>Import Package from the Menu bar.

    The Import: Select File dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Browse.

    The Open dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select the file to import, and then Click Open.

    You are returned to the Import: Select File dialog box.

  5. Click Next.

    The Import: Select Components to Import dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4-6 Import: Select Components to Import Dialog Box


    The dialog box lists all the items contained in the JAR file.

  6. Deselect any items you do not want to import.

  7. Expand the drop-down list and select a target organization.

  8. To avoid having to activate the workflows after the import, select the Activate workflows after import option.

  9. Click Import.

    If the name of any item is the same as that of an existing item, the Import Confirmation dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.


  10. When complete, the Import: Review Import Summary dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4-7 Import: Review Import Summary Dialog Box


  11. Click Close to dismiss the dialog box.

    Figure 4-8 Import: Review Import Summary


  12. Click Close to dismiss the dialog box.


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