WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use RepositoryException
com.bea.wlxt.repository Provides the WebLogic Integration XML-Non XML Translator repository classes. 

Uses of RepositoryException in com.bea.wlxt.repository

Methods in com.bea.wlxt.repository that throw RepositoryException
static Repository RepositoryFactory.create()
          Create a Repository object based upon current properties.
static Repository RepositoryFactory.create(java.util.Properties prop)
          Create a Repository object based upon passed properties.
 boolean Repository.login()
          Login to the repository.
 boolean Repository.login(java.awt.Component parent)
          Login to the repository.
 boolean Repository.login(java.util.Properties prop)
          Login to the repository.
 void RepositoryObject.remove()
          Removes the object from the repository.
 void RepositoryObject.rename(java.lang.String newName)
          Rename an existing repository object.
 void RepositoryObject.update()
          Updates the values of the object in the repository.
 int RepositoryDocumentChooser.showOpenDialog(java.awt.Component parent)
          Displays a modal document open dialog allowing the user to navigate the repository and select an existing document.
 int RepositoryDocumentChooser.showSaveDialog(java.awt.Component parent)
          Displays a modal document open dialog allowing the user to navigate the repository and select an existing document or entering the name of a new document.
 RepositoryDocument RepositoryFolder.getDocument(int type, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a document, which is an immediate child of this folder, from the repository.
 RepositoryFolder RepositoryFolder.getFolder(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the named folder which is an immediate child of this folder.
 RepositoryObject[] RepositoryFolder.getChildren(boolean inclFolders)
          Retrieves the direct children of this folder.
 RepositoryObject[] RepositoryFolder.getChildren(int type, boolean inclFolders)
          Retrieves children of a specific type in the current folder.
 RepositoryFolder[] RepositoryFolder.getChildFolders()
          Retrieves all child folders of the current folder.
 RepositoryDocument[] RepositoryFolder.getChildDocuments()
          Retrieves all documents contained in this folder.
 RepositoryDocument[] RepositoryFolder.getChildDocuments(int type)
          Retrieves documents of a specific type in the current folder.
 RepositoryDocument RepositoryFolder.addDocument(int type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String data)
          Adds a new document to the repository with this folder as its parent.
 RepositoryDocument RepositoryFolder.addDocument(int type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String data, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String notes)
          Adds a new document to the repository with this folder as its parent.
 RepositoryFolder RepositoryFolder.createFolder(java.lang.String name)
          Create a new folder as a child of this folder.
 RepositoryFolder RepositoryFolder.createFolder(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String notes)
          Create a new folder as a child of this folder.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)