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Upgrade Guide

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Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.5

This section provides information on upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.5.


Topics Included in this Section

Overview of Upgrade Process

Summarizes the process for upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.5, explaining the scope of resources that are upgraded depending on upgrade path choices you make.

Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.5 in an Existing BEA Home Directory

Describes the steps you perform if you choose to upgrade the WebLogic Integration software in an existing BEA Home directory.

Installing WebLogic Integration 8.5 into a Separate BEA Home Directory

Describes the steps for installing WebLogic Integration 8.5 into a BEA Home directory that is separate from an existing one that already contains WebLogic Integration. Includes the steps you need to perform to redeploy existing WebLogic Integration applications, or other WebLogic Platform applications, in the new WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation.

Installing the iWay Adapters for BEA WebLogic

Explains additional steps you may need to perform if you are installing iWay Adapters in BEA Home directory that contains WebLogic Integration 8.5.


Overview of Upgrade Process

This section is written mainly for application developers and system administrators who are upgrading the following software, domains, and applications to WebLogic Integration 8.5:

Although the primary audience for this section are users of WebLogic Integration, the scope of this section is broadly applicable to users of any WebLogic Platform product who are upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.5.

Applications and Domains You Can Upgrade

This section includes general guidance for upgrading applications and resources in any domain created by the Configuration Wizard that is based upon any of the following domain templates:

Depending on the degree to which an existing domain has been customized—for example, you have modified the scripts that start WebLogic Server or set environment variables—there may be steps that you need to perform in addition to those presented in this section.

Installation Directory Options

This section describes the tasks for upgrading WebLogic Integration, or WebLogic Platform 8.1 Service Pack 4 (SP4), to WebLogic Integration 8.5 in either of the following ways:

Note on Patches

If you have previously applied any patches to either of the following, you must re-apply those patches after you complete the upgrade to WebLogic Integration 8.5:


Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.5 in an Existing BEA Home Directory

If you choose to install the products and components included in the WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation into an existing BEA Home directory, complete the steps provided in this section.

Note: Although the following steps refer to WebLogic Platform software and resources, the software and resources for any specific WebLogic Platform product component, particularly WebLogic Integration, are implied unless noted otherwise.

  1. Make sure the WebLogic Platform resources in your domains have been upgraded to 8.1 SP4. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading WebLogic Platform in the WebLogic Platform Upgrade Planning Guide.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domains.
  3. Note the name and location of the current product installation directory containing your existing WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 software.
  4. By default, this is the weblogic81 subdirectory of the BEA Home directory. For example, on Windows, the product installation directory is the following:


    Note: There is no requirement that the product installation directory must be named weblogic81, or that it must exist as a subdirectory of the BEA Home directory.

    If you plan to install iWay Adapters for BEA WebLogic, note that the iWay Adapter installation program always installs its software into subdirectories of weblogic81. If you plan to install WebLogic Integration 8.5 into a directory not named weblogic81, you need to take additional steps to complete the installation of the iWay Adapters. For more information, see Installing the iWay Adapters for BEA WebLogic.

  5. Completely uninstall the existing WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 software from your machine.
  6. For details about uninstalling the WebLogic Platform 8.1 software, see Uninstalling WebLogic Platform in Installing BEA WebLogic Platform.

  7. If you plan to run the WebLogic Platform end2end example or WebLogic Integration sample applications after you upgrade to WebLogic Integration 8.5, remove the following two subdirectories. These directories contain data that is not uninstalled and that may cause errors to be generated if you run these sample applications after upgrading.
  8. Windows:




  9. Start the installation procedure for the WebLogic Integration 8.5 product, as described in Installing WebLogic Integration.
  10. When you are prompted to choose a BEA Home directory, choose the same BEA Home from which you uninstalled the WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 in step 4.
  11. Specify the same product installation directory noted in step 3.
  12. Warning: If you accept the default product installation directory, the WebLogic Integration 8.5 software, including WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4, is installed in the weblogic81_wli85 subdirectory of BEA Home. This will cause applications in existing domains to fail to start.

  13. Complete the installation procedure, as described in Installing WebLogic Integration.

Congratulations! You have completed the procedure for upgrading your WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 installation to WebLogic Integration 8.5.

Note: The WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation directory contains a number of scripts and other files in the integration/upgrade and portal/upgrade subdirectories. These artifacts are used only for upgrading to 8.1 SP4. You do not use these files to upgrade from 8.1 SP4 to 8.5.


Installing WebLogic Integration 8.5 into a Separate BEA Home Directory

If you choose to install the products and components included in the WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation into a separate BEA Home directory, complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure the WebLogic Platform and WebLogic Integration resources in your domains have been upgraded to 8.1 SP4. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading WebLogic Platform in the WebLogic Platform Upgrade Planning Guide.
  2. Back up your existing applications, database schema, other application data, and domains.
  3. Install the products and components included in the WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation program, as explained in Installing WebLogic Integration.
  4. Note: If you plan to install iWay Adapters for BEA WebLogic, note that the iWay Adapter installation program assumes that the WebLogic Integration installation directory is named weblogic81. If you are installing WebLogic Integration 8.5 into a directory not named weblogic81, you need to take additional steps complete the installation of the iWay Adapters. For more information, see Installing the iWay Adapters for BEA WebLogic.

  5. If you are upgrading existing domains and applications to your upgraded installation, complete the steps provided in Upgrading an Existing Domain.
  6. If you are creating new domains for your upgraded installation and deploying existing applications to them, complete the steps provided in Creating a New Domain and Deploying Existing Applications to It.

Note: The WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation directory contains a number of scripts and other files in the integration/upgrade and portal/upgrade subdirectories. These artifacts are used only for upgrading to 8.1 SP4. You do not use these files to upgrade from 8.1 SP4 to 8.5.

Upgrading an Existing Domain

This section explains how to upgrade any existing domain created by the Configuration Wizard and based on one of the out-of-the-box domain templates, as described in Applications and Domains You Can Upgrade.

When to Upgrade an Existing Domain

Using procedure described in this section, you upgrade the applications and database schema in an existing domain so that they point to the new WebLogic 8.5 installation. This upgrade path is typically appropriate in the following situations:

Files You Need to Modify in an Existing Domain Being Upgraded

The files you need to modify include:

The steps described in this section are not exhaustive. Depending on how you may have modified or extended the domain since you created it, you may need to make additional or different changes. The modifications described in this section are limited specifically to those files that are generated by the Configuration Wizard at the time the domain is created.

Files You Do Not Modify

When upgrading a domain, do not modify the following:

<Application Name="B2BDefaultWebAppApplication" Deployed="true"
Path="c:\bea_81\user_projects\applications\platform" TwoPhase="true">
<WebAppComponent Name="B2BDefaultWebApp" Targets="cgServer"
URI="B2BDefaultWebApp" IndexDirectoryEnabled="true"/>

Steps to Upgrade the Domain

All files described in this section are located in the domain's root directory; for example, c:\bea\user_projects\domains\my_domain. Also, these steps show bea_wli85 as the name of the new BEA Home directory, and weblogic81_wli85 as the name of the new WebLogic Home (WL_HOME) directory. You may choose to use different names for these directories.

To upgrade an existing domain to point to the new WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation, complete the following steps:

  1. Modify the script that sets domain-scope environment variables so that the settings for WL_HOME and JAVA_HOME are updated appropriately.
  2. In the following domains, this script is named (on UNIX), or setDomainEnv.cmd (on Windows):

    In domains based on the Basic WebLogic Server Domain template, this script is named (on UNIX), or setEnv.cmd (on Windows).

    In the Avitek Medical Records domain, this script is named (on UNIX), or setMedRevEnv.cmd (on Windows).

    In the WebLogic Server Examples Domain, this script is named (on UNIX), or setExamplesEnv.cmd (on Windows).

  3. Modify the file to update the following definitions:
  4. If you have installed WebLogic Integration 8.5 on a Windows system, modify the uninstallService.cmd script to update the definition of the WL_HOME environment variable.
  5. If your domain uses the out-of-the-box sample applications provided in WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4, update the absolute path of each application's component library modules in the config.xml file. The properties of each application is configured in the <Application> element.
  6. For example, locate the following line:

    <Application Name="paymentWSApp" Deployed="false"

    Update the value for the Path attribute so that it points to the new location of the application's component library modules, as shown in the following example:

    <Application Name="paymentWSApp" Deployed="false"

    Note: Do not update path information for user-defined applications in the config.xml file, as explained Files You Do Not Modify.

  7. If your domain contains Managed Servers, complete the following steps:
    1. Modify the WebLogic Server start script (on UNIX), or startManagedWebLogic.cmd (on Windows), to update the Java flags to be passed to the JVM (typically, via the JAVA_OPTIONS, MEM_ARGS, and JAVA_VM environment variables), as appropriate.
    2. For example, on Windows:

      set JAVA_OPTIONS=

    3. Modify the WebLogic Server stop script (on UNIX), or stopManagedWebLogic.cmd (on Windows), to update the settings for the WL_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables.
  8. If your domain uses the PointBase RDBMS, complete the following steps:
    1. Modify the pointbase.ini file to update the definition of the documentation.home directory as appropriate. For example:
    2. documentation.home=C:/bea_wli85/weblogic81_wli85/common/eval/pointbase/docs

    3. Modify the PointBase Console start script (on UNIX), or startPointBaseConsole.cmd (on Windows), to update the WL_HOME environment variable.
  9. If your domain includes WebLogic Portal resources, and uses an RDBMS other than PointBase, complete the following steps:
    1. Modify the script (on UNIX), or create_db.cmd (on Windows), to update the location of RDBMS resources used by WebLogic Portal. For example:
    2. CALL "C:\bea_wli85\weblogic81_wli85\portal\db\create_db_common.cmd" %DB_SETTINGS%

    3. Modify the script (on UNIX), or set-dbenv.cmd (on Windows), to update the environment variables for the following directories, as appropriate: BEA Home(BEA_HOME), WebLogic Server (WEBLOGIC_HOME), Java home (JDK_HOME), and WebLogic Portal home (PORTAL_HOME).

Congratulations! You have completed the WebLogic Integration 8.5 upgrade procedure.

Creating a New Domain and Deploying Existing Applications to It

This section explains how to create a new domain that points to the WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation and deploy existing applications to that domain. This method may also require additional steps; for example, upgrading your existing applications. However, by creating a new domain, you ensure that your domain is based on the latest domain template.

This upgrade path is typically appropriate in the following situations:

To create a new domain and deploy existing applications to it, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain that is based on an out-of-the-box domain template, as appropriate for your application.
  2. For more information, see Creating a New WebLogic Domain in Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Configuration Wizard.

  3. For domains running in production mode without the PointBase database, the nopointbase option must be passed to the startWebLogic script (startWebLogic.cmd on Windows; on UNIX). Otherwise, the server will not start correctly; WebLogic Integration 8.5 enables PointBase even when it is not used by the configuration.
  4. For an application using an Application Integration control that was originally deployed using the WebLogic Workshop auto-deploy feature, you must first undeploy the application and then redeploy it using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console or the command line deployer.
  5. For an application that incorporates WebLogic Portal, complete the following steps:
    1. Copy the LDAP information from your WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 domain into the corresponding directory of your new domain. LDAP information is located in the following path, where platform_domain represents the root directory of your domain:
    2. platform_domain\portalServer\ldap

    3. Reconfigure your third-party content management system, if applicable.
    4. Reset the passwords for your WSRP portlets, if applicable

    For details about completing steps b and c, see "Step 3: Upgrade Existing Applications" in Upgrading to Service Pack 4 in the WebLogic Portal Upgrade Guide.

  6. Start WebLogic Workshop, and deploy your existing applications into the new domain.

Congratulations! You have completed the WebLogic Integration 8.5 upgrade procedure.


Installing the iWay Adapters for BEA WebLogic

The iWay Adapter installation program always installs its software and adapters into the weblogic81 subdirectory of the BEA Home that you specify during installation. If you have installed the WebLogic Integration software into a directory with a different name—for example, weblogic81_wli85—the iWay Adapter installation procedure will appear to be successful. However, the adapter software will not work with WebLogic Integration until you perform the additional steps described in this section.

To install the iWay Adapters for use with WebLogic Integration 8.5, complete the following steps:

  1. Install iWay Adapters for BEA WebLogic as described in iWay Installation and Configuration for BEA WebLogic Version 5 Release 5, available at the following URL:

    In the iWay installation procedure, be sure to specify the BEA Home directory in which the WebLogic Integration 8.5 software is installed. The iWay installation program creates the directory BEA_HOME/weblogic81, and installs its software into subdirectories.

  3. After the iWay installation procedure is complete, manually append the BEA_HOME/weblogic81/commEnv script created by the iWay installation procedure to the commEnv script located in the WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation directory. (By default, the WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation directory is BEA_HOME/weblogic81_wli.)
  4. An example of the commEnv script created by the iWay Adapter installation procedure follows.

    @rem iWay Additions
    SET PATH=%PATH%;F:\WLI8.5\iWay55\lib
    SET IWAY55=F:/WLI8.5/iWay55/
    SET IWAY55OEM=bea

    To append the commEnv script created by the iWay Adapter installation program to the commEnv script in your WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation, complete the following steps:

    1. Using a text editor, open the following file in BEA_HOME:
    2. Windows:




    3. Paste the contents of the following file, which is also in BEA_HOME, to the end of the preceding file:
    4. Windows:




  5. Change to the workshop/extensions directory created by the iWay installation program.
  6. For example:


    prompt> cd BEA_HOME\weblogic81\workshop\extensions


    prompt> cd BEA_HOME/weblogic81/workshop/extensions

  7. Copy the file iwaewlwe.jar to the workshop/extensions directory located in the WebLogic Integration 8.5 installation directory.
  8. For example:


    prompt> copy iwaewlwe.jar BEA_HOME\weblogic81_wli85\workshop\extensions


    prompt> cp iwaewlwe.jar BEA_HOME/weblogic81_wli85/workshop/extensions/.

  9. On Windows systems, when you create a domain, open the stopWebLogic.cmd script with an editor and add quotation marks around the CLASSPATH environment variable, shown in bold, that appears in the following line:
  10. %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -cp %CLASSPATH% weblogic.Admin FORCESHUTDOWN -url %ADMIN_URL% %UIDPWD% %SERVER_NAME% 2>&1

    The revised line should appear as follows:

    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -cp "%CLASSPATH%" weblogic.Admin FORCESHUTDOWN -url %ADMIN_URL% %UIDPWD% %SERVER_NAME% 2>&1

  11. If the iWay Adapter installation program created a weblogic81 directory in the BEA Home directory in which you have installed WebLogic Integration 8.5, you may delete that weblogic81 directory after you have verified that the installation of the iWay Adapters is complete.


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