Tutorial: Building a Worklist Application

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Step 3: Testing the Task Plan Using Worklist User Portal

The user portal provides Worklist users an interface for accessing the task instances that they are authorized to deal with. In the user portal, the user will see list of task instances associated with them or the groups they belong to. These lists should be considered to the user's Inbox for Worklist.

There Upcoming Tasks and Overdue Tasks portlets show tasks created by the user or owned by the user. Task claimed by the user are shown with a special icon containing a check mark. This is done to clearly indicate the tasks this user is expected to work on (by taking actions on them and setting their properties). Tasks that are were created by or are owned by the user require the user to keep track of them, but not necessarily to work on them.

The Assigned Tasks portlet shows tasks that are assigned to the user, or the groups to which the user belongs, but are not claimed by anyone. The claimed tasks are claimed by the user and to be worked on by the user only. For example, if loan officer John claims a loan processing task instance, then loan officer Joe will not have access to this task instance, and will not see the task in his view of the user portal.

The Assigned Tasks are tasks assigned directly to the user or groups. the user belongs.

In this step, you will perform the following tasks:


Create the Loan Processing Task Instance

To test the newly deployed loan processing task plan, you need to create a new task instance. Before integrating with the system application, the task plan can be tested by creating a loan processing task instance.

The NewLoan constructor will be used to create the loan processing task instance. To create the task instance:

  1. Open a Web browser and enter the following URL to open the Worklist User Portal test browser:
  2. http://localhost:7001/Loan_Web 
Note: You can use any external browser, for example Internet Explorer, or the default browser that comes with BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform.
  1. Log in to the Loan_Web project using the following credentials:
  2. Username: weblogic 
    Password: weblogic 

    The Home page is displayed with the Inbox' for the user. This is a portal page with portlets for the Inbox of overdue, upcoming, and assigned tasks, along with the portlet that allows you to create a new task (see Figure 4-1).

    Figure 4-1 Creating a Task Using the Worklist User Portal Home Page

    Creating a Task Using the Worklist User Portal Home Page

  3. Click the /Loan/loan_approval 1.0 option in the Create Task portlet. The Create New Task page is displayed.
  4. Ensure that NewLoan is selected as the task plan constructor.
  5. Specify the details listed in Table 4-1 for the other fields on the page:
  6. Table 4-1 Specifications for the New Loan Approval Task Instance
    Field Name
    Task Name
    Car loan for Maggie May
    User Properties: SSN
    User Properties: LoanAmt
    User Properties: Name
    Maggie May

  7. Click Create Task. The task is created and shows up in the Upcoming Tasks portlet on the home page, as shown in Figure 4-2.
  8. Figure 4-2 Upcoming Tasks Portlet After Creating a Task

    Upcoming Tasks Portlet After Creating a Task

Note: The task shows up on the Inbox of the user weblogic because weblogic is the owner of the task instance. By default, the user who creates the task instance becomes the owner of the task instance. This enables the owner to track the status of the task instance although the owner is not assigned to work on the task instance.
  1. Click Logout to close and log out as weblogic from the Worklist User Portal.

Claim the Loan Processing Task Instance

The new task instance shows up in the list of upcoming tasks, which implies that a loan officer needs to claim the task and process it. Loan officer John will claim this task and work on it.

To claim the task instance, Car loan for Maggie May:

  1. Start a new session of the loan web project using the URL:
  2. http://localhost:7001/Loan_Web 
  3. Log in to the portal using the following credentials:
  4. Username: John 
    Password: password 

    Because the task instance, Car loan for Maggie May, is assigned to the loanOfficers group, it will show up on the Assigned Tasks portlet of John's Inbox (see Figure 4-3).

    Figure 4-3 Task Assigned to User

    Task Assigned to User

  5. Click Claim to claim the particular task. This will move the task from the Assigned Tasks portlet to the Upcoming Tasks portlet for user John, as shown in Figure 4-4.
  6. Figure 4-4 Upcoming Tasks for Loan Officer John

    Upcoming Tasks for Loan Officer John

    As the task instance has been claimed by John, it will no longer show up in Joe's Assigned Tasks portlet. Joe is the other loan officer who could have claimed the task.

  7. Click Car Loan for Maggie May in the Upcoming Tasks portlet. This will display the Task Work page with the task details, and the Action options available for user John. As show in Figure 4-5.
  8. Figure 4-5 Task Detail Information on the Task Work Web Page

    Task Detail Information on the Task Work Web Page

  9. Select Request Manager Review in the Actions section to forward the request to the loan managers group for approval, and click Next.
  10. In the Key Action Properties of the refreshed Web page that appears, enter the string Loan amount of 10,000 sent for sanction by loan managers.
  11. Click Submit. The task is now assigned to the loan managers group and will not show up in John's Inbox.
  12. Logout as user John from the Worklist User Portal.

Reject the Loan Task Instance

After John forwards the new loan application for approval to the managers, one of the managers needs to claim the task, decide to approve or reject the loan, and the system will process the request accordingly. Perform the following steps to claim the task instance and subsequently to reject the loan request.

  1. Start a new session of the Loan_Web project at the following URL:
  2. http://localhost:7001/Loan_Web
  3. Log in to the portal using the following credentials:
  4. Username: Mary 
    Password: password 
  5. As the task instance, Car loan for Maggie May, has been passed on to the loanManagers group, it will show up on the Assigned Tasks portlet of Mary's Inbox. The Assigned Tasks portlet will look similar to Figure 4-3.
  6. Click Claim to claim the particular task. This will move the task from the Assigned Tasks portlet to the Upcoming Tasks portlet for user Mary (Figure 4-6).
  7. Figure 4-6 Task Instance in Upcoming Tasks Portlet of Mary's Inbox

    Task Instance in Upcoming Tasks Portlet of Mary's Inbox

    As the task instance has been claimed by Mary, it will no longer show up in Mark's Inbox. Mark is the other loan manager who could have claimed the task.

  8. Click Car Loan for Maggie May in the Upcoming Tasks portlet. This will display the Task Work page with the task details, and the Action options available for user Mary. (see Figure 4-7).
  9. Figure 4-7 Rejecting the Loan from the Task Work Web Page

    Rejecting the Loan from the Task Work Web Page

  10. In the Actions section, select Reject to reject the loan as shown in Figure 4-7 and click Next.
  11. In the Key Action Properties of the refreshed Web page that appears, enter the string Loan rejected on bad credit.
  12. Click Submit to complete the task. As the loan has been rejected, the task instance will no longer appear in Mary's Inbox.
  13. Logout as user Mary from the Worklist User Portal.

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