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The Setup Utility


This appendix provides a step-by-step tour through the setup script. Use this script to customize your server environment after installing BEA WebLogic Application Integration. For scenarios in which which the setup script is used to change environment variables for BEA WebLogic Application Integration, see Creating New Server Environments.

To run or rerun setup, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter ./setup.cmd for Windows and ./ for UNIX. The setup application runs and begins to prompt you for information. You can accept all default values except for where they are noted.

  2. When asked if you wish to continue. Press Enter.

  3. A Directory:" prompt displays. Enter the directory where the domain exists.

  4. A "Domain:" prompt displays. Enter the domain name you want to use. The default is wlaiDemo, and we recommend you accept this default. This domain does NOT need to exist. If it does not exist, setup will create it by copying a "template" domain. You will be asked to give the name of the "template" domain in this case. If you want to change the domain from the default after it has been set, you will need to rerun setup and enter the new domain.

Note: The plug-in can be configured in any domain, but it will be functional only if BEA WebLogic Process Integrator is configured in the same domain.

  1. A "Domain to Copy:" prompt displays. This appears ONLY when the domain you specified above does not exist. Provide the name of an existing domain. The default is mydomain, the "samples" domain under <WLI_HOME>/applinteg/config is also a good choice.

  2. If necessary, a new domain with the specified name is created.

  3. A "Database Name:" prompt displays. This is asking for the name of the database that will host the Application Integration repository. At this point, setup does not care what type of database it is, it just wants the name of the database. The type will be determined next. The default database name is wlaiDemo. It is recommended that you use the default.

  4. A "Database Type" prompt displays. For first time installs, it is STRONGLY recommended that you choose the default Cloudscape database. You can go back later, rerun setup, and set up for other databases if you wish. Enter yes for this prompt.

Note: If you choose Cloudscape, setup will automatically create and set up the repository database. If you don't choose Cloudscape, you MUST create/setup your database manually (or have a database administrator do it for you). This setup must include running the repository SQL scripts (for the appropriate database), located in the <WLI_HOME>/repository/<db type> directory. The <db type> identifier here refers to either oracle or mssql (MS SQL Server).

  1. An "Initialize/Reinitialize" prompt displays. For first time installs enter yes for this prompt. For subsequent runs of setup, respond yes only if you wish to start from scratch with a "clean" database.

  2. A "NOTE" prompt displays. This is information about the initialization process that is about to be run. It tells you that some errors may be seen in the text output to follow, but that this is generally OK. Press Enter to continue.

  3. The SQL scripts for Cloudscape are executed, and the database is set up. You will see a large amount of text scroll by. This is normal. Wait for the scripts to complete (up to a minute or so).

  4. A "Host:" prompt appears. The default value is constructed for your machine, but you may change it if you wish. This value must be a correct value to contact the server running on this machine.

  5. A "Port:" prompt displays. The default port number is 7001, it is recommended that you use 7601. For UNIX users and anyone who does not wish to run on port 7001, enter a port number that you know is not in use by any other application. This value will be entered into config.xml so that your server will start on the specified port. The server will use an SSL listen port value that is one greater than the port number you specified. For example, if you enter a port number of 7001, the SSL listen port will be 7002.

  6. A "User Name for WLAI:" prompt displays. The default user name is "system", and it is recommended that you use the default. This user name must be a valid WebLogic Server user name. Most Application Integration domains will be based on the basic mydomain domain for WebLogic Server, which only includes a few valid users. The system user is guaranteed to be in all domains. If you specify a value other than system, make sure this is a valid user name in the domain you set up yourself, or asked setup to copy for you.

  7. A "Password for WLAI:" prompt displays. The default password is "system", but you must specify the password for the user you entered in the "User Name for WLAI:" prompt. Setup then begins setting up your JDBC resources to point to your repository database.

  8. A"Data Source:" prompt displays. For first time installs, accept the default. Otherwise, you enter the JNDI name of the repository data source. This must be a valid JNDI name. In general, the default value is good enough. If this is a subsequent run of setup, you may wish to include the database type in the data source name.

  9. A "JDBC Pool: Driver Name:" prompt displays. If you chose Cloudscape as the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape because you must enter the proper JDBC driver class name for your database. If you chose a database other than Cloudscape, consult your database vendor's documentation for this class name. The prompt offers some suggestions for the driver name for a select number of database types.

  10. A "JDBC Pool: URL:" prompt displays. If you chose Cloudscape at the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape because you must enter a proper JDBC URL string that identifies the database instance to use for the repository. The syntax of this URL is database specific, so consult your database vendor's documentation before entering this value for databases other than Cloudscape. The prompt offers some suggestions for the JDBC URL for a limited number of database types.

  11. A "JDBC Pool: User Name:" prompt displays. If you chose Cloudscape at the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape because you must enter a proper user name that is valid in the database you named in the "Database Name' prompt.

  12. A "JDBC Pool: Password:" prompt displays. If you chose Cloudscape at the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape because you must enter the password for the user name you just provided.

  13. A "JDBC Pool: Connection Properties:" prompt appears. If you chose Cloudscape at the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape. For other database types, the connection properties default to include the user name and password you entered. In most cases, this default will be correct. However, you should consult your database documentation to ensure the inclusion of any properties your database type requires to create valid JDBC connection. Usually this string is of the form user=<user name>;password=<password for user name>.

  14. A "JDBC Pool: InitialCapacity:" prompt displays. Accept the default.

  15. A "JDBC Pool: MaxCapacity:" prompt displays. Accept the default.

  16. A "JDBC Pool: CapacityIncrement:" prompt displays. Accept the default.

  17. A "Deploy DBMS Adapter:" prompt displays. For first-time installs, accept the default. This will configure the DBMS Adapter with the information you have provided in previous prompts, and it will deploy the DBMS adapter to the Application Integration domain/server. For subsequent runs of setup, you can bypass this step by entering "N". Any previous deployment of the DBMS adapter is left intact. If you asked to deploy the DBMS Adapter, it is configured and deployed. In order to configure the event router for the DBMS adapter, you are asked to supply some information.

  18. A "DBMS Adapter: DB User Name (EventRouter):" prompt displays. The default value is the user name you entered, so the default should be good enough. If the specified user name is not allowed to execute DDL statements in the database, you may wish to enter the name of a user that is allowed to execute DDL. The ability to execute DDL from the event router will greatly enhance the user experience with the DBMS adapter.

  19. A "DBMS Adapter: DB Password (EventRouter):" prompt displays. The default value is the password you entered above. If you changed the user name in the "DBMS Adapter: DB User Name (EventRouter):" prompt, you must change this password to be the password for the new user name.

  20. A "DBMS Adapter: Catalog (EventRouter):" prompt displays. If you chose Cloudscape in the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape because you must enter the name of the catalog into the "special" event tables for which the DBMS adapter were installed. This value varies by database type, so consult your database documentation. Some suggestions of possible catalog names are displayed.

  21. A "DBMS Adapter: Schema (EventRouter):" prompt displays. If you chose Cloudscape at the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape because you must enter the name of the schema into which the "special" event tables for the DBMS adapter were installed. This value varies by database type, so consult your database documentation. Some suggestions of possible schema names are displayed.

  22. A "DBMS Adapter: Ping Table:" prompt displays. If you chose Cloudscape at the "Database Type" prompt, accept the default for Cloudscape because you must enter the fully qualified name of the table that the event router will select against to verify a live connection to the database. The default value given is constructed from your input values, and should be correct in most cases. However, the tables in any given database and their qualified names vary by database type, so consult your database documentation.

  23. If you chose Cloudscape at the "Database Type" prompt, the SQL scripts for DBMS adapter-specific resources are executed to set up the proper resources in the Cloudscape database. You will see a large amount of text output as these scripts are executed. As in the main database setup performed earlier, for first time setups, errors may be displayed in the output when "drop" statements are executed. This is normal. If you did not choose Cloudscape as your database type, no SQL scripts are executed.

  24. You are asked in which directory WebLogic Process Integrator is installed. This is the <WLPI_HOME> directory. Setup will update the config.xml file with the correct plug-in information as well as copy the scripts you need for running startWLPIwithWLAI, studio_wlai and worklist_wlai to your <WLPI_HOME>/bin directory.

  25. You are asked if you want to deploy the E-mail adapter. Enter "Y" to deploy the adapter.

  26. An "Email User Name" prompt displays. Enter the name of the email user. The default user name is "Joe".

  27. An "Email Password" prompt displays. Enter the password for the email account. The default password is "joepassword".

  28. An "Email Server" prompt displays. Enter the address of the email server. The default is "".

  29. An "Email Poll Interval" prompt displays. Enter the length of time the router should wait when checking for new email (in milliseconds). The default is "10000".

  30. If the setup script detects that BEA WebLogic Process Integrator is configured in your designated domain, you will be prompted for a directory in which Process Integrator is installed. This script then copies the approriate configuration scripts into the Process Integration installation directory.

  31. An "Update config.xml:" prompt displays. Accept the default response (yes). This will update your config.xml, preserving any prior information in it but merging the information you provided into it. If you really don't want to update config.xml, respond no, and a config.xml.wlai file will be written instead. You can manually merge the config.xml and config.xml.wlai files in this case.

  32. The setup writes some final configuration files and exits.


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