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BEA WebLogic Application Integration User Guide



Introduction to Using Application Integration

Before You Begin


Adapters: XML Interfaces to an EIS

Application Views

When to use Application Views and
When to Write Custom Code

When to Define Application Views

When to Write Custom Code Instead of
Defining Application Views

"Defining" Versus "Using" Application Views

Defining: Configuring the Application View
and Adding Events and Services

Using Application Views in Business Processes

Services and Events

Understanding Services

Understanding Events

Using the Application View Management Console

Who Uses Adapters and Application Views?

System Administrators

Adapter Developers

Adapter Users

How Responsibilities are Distributed Among Users

Defining Application Views

Creating an Application View

Adding Services and Events to an Application View

Testing Services and Events

Using Application Views in Business Processes

Using Application Views in WebLogic Process Integrator

Using Application Views by Writing Custom Code

Deciding Which of the Two Methods to Use


Defining Application Views

Before You Begin

Introduction to Defining Application Views

The Flow of Events

Steps for Defining Application Views

Logging On to the Application View Management Console

Defining an Application View

Adding Services to an Application View

Adding Events to an Application View

Deploying an Application View

Undeploying an Application View

Testing an Application View's Services

Testing an Application View's Events

Editing an Application View


Using Application Views in WebLogic Process Integrator

Before You Begin

Introduction to Using Application Views
in WebLogic Process Integrator

Using Application Views in WebLogic Process Integrator

Scenario 1: Setting Up a Task Node to Call
an Application View Service

Steps for Setting up a Task Node to Call
an Application View Service

Scenario 2: Setting Up an Event Node to Wait for
a Response from an Asynchronous
Application View Service

Receiving an Asynchronous Application View
Service Response

Handling Errors in an Asynchronous Application View
Service Response

Steps for Setting Up an Event Node to Wait for a Response
from an Asynchronous Application View Service

Explanation of Functions Provided by the AI Plug-in

Scenario 3: Creating a Workflow that is Started
by an Application View Event

Steps for Creating a Workflow that is Started
by an Application View Event

Scenario 4: Setting Up an Event Node to Wait for
an Application View Event

Steps for Setting Up a Node to Wait for
an Application View Event


Using Application Views by Writing Custom Code

Before You Begin

Introduction to Using Application Views by Writing Custom Code

Steps for Using Application Views by Writing Custom Code

About this Example

Prerequisites for this Example

Writing the Java Class

Example Code for SyncCustomerInformation


Using the Application View Management Console

Before You Begin

Introduction to Using the Application View Management Console

Steps for Using the Application View Management Console

Logging On to the Application View Management Console

Creating Folders

Removing Application Views

Removing Folders


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