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Welcome to Installing BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

This document describes how to install WebLogic Collaborate, the Business-to-Business (B2B) component of WebLogic Integration. It provides:




Getting Started


Checking Your Package

Downloading the Software

Installation Prerequisites

Platform-Specific Requirements

General Requirements


Installing WebLogic Collaborate

About the WebLogic Collaborate Installation Program

Step 1. Starting the Installation Program

Starting the Installation Program on a Windows System

Starting the Installation Program on a UNIX System

Step 2. Reviewing the License Agreement and Prerequisites

Step 3. Specifying the BEA Home and Installation Location

Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Cloudscape

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Oracle

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Microsoft SQL Server

Step 5. Completing the Installation

Step 6. Installing Your Software License

Step 7. Creating the WebLogic Collaborate Tables

Table Creation Scripts

Creating Tables and Updating Settings for Cloudscape

Step 8. Loading the System Data

Bulk Loader Configuration Files

Bulk Loading the System Data on a Windows System

Bulk Loading the System Data on a UNIX System

Importing the System Data

Step 9. Verifying the WebLogic Collaborate Installation

Uninstalling WebLogic Collaborate

Uninstalling WebLogic Collaborate on a Windows System

Uninstalling WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX System

Troubleshooting the Installation

Previous Installation Found

WebLogic Server 6.0 Not Detected


WebLogic Collaborate Console-Mode Installation

Using Console Mode to Install WebLogic Collaborate

Using Console Mode to Uninstall WebLogic Collaborate


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