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WebLogic Collaborate Console-Mode Installation


This section provides the information you need to install WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX system that does not include support for a graphics (windowing) workstation or terminal. It includes the following topics:


Using Console Mode to Install WebLogic Collaborate

The text-based, console-mode program mimics the graphical installation program. For details about the information you must provide, review the steps described in Installing WebLogic Collaborate.

Warning: If you are migrating from a previous version of WebLogic Collaborate, review Migrating BEA WebLogic Collaborate to Release 2.0 before proceeding with the installation. To migrate repository data from a previous release, you must perform several steps using the previous release. Do not install this release until you have performed those steps. See Migrating the Repository in Migrating BEA WebLogic Collaborate to Release 2.0.

To install WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX system:

  1. Insert the WebLogic Integration CD in the CD tray.

    Note: If the daemon /usr/sbin/vold is running, the CD should be mounted in the /cdrom directory. If vold is not running, see the instructions for mounting a CD in your UNIX administration documentation.

  2. Go to the CD mount point and enter the following to go to the wlintegration2.0/unix/collaborate directory on the CD:

    cd wlintegration2.0/unix/collaborate

  3. Start the installation by entering the following command at the prompt:

    sh install.bin -i console

    The message Preparing to install is displayed, followed (within a of couple of minutes) by the message Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation. Once preparation is complete, the Introduction is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-1 Introduction


  4. Press Enter to continue.

    The license agreement is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-2 License Agreement


  5. Press Enter to display additional text. Repeat until you have reviewed the entire agreement.

    When you reach the end of the agreement, you are prompted to accept or reject the terms as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-3 Accept Agreement


  6. Enter Y to accept the terms.

    You are prompted to choose the install set. As shown in the following figure, Full Installation is currently the only option.

    Figure 3-4 Choose Install Set


  7. Press Enter to accept the default.

    You are prompted to specify the BEA Home directory, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-5 Choose BEA Home Directory


  8. Enter 2 to use an existing BEA Home directory.

    You are prompted to select among the available BEA Home directories, as shown in the following figure. (Typically, only one BEA Home is available. If you have more than one BEA Home directory configured, multiple options are displayed.)

    Figure 3-6 Confirm BEA Home Directory


  9. Enter the number corresponding to the selected BEA Home directory.

    You are prompted for the installation location as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-7 Choose Product Directory


  10. Enter 2 to install the software in the default location (recommended), or enter 1 to modify the location. If you enter 1 to modify the location, you will be prompted to enter the custom location.

    Once you have specified the installation location, you are prompted to select the database for the custom domain as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-8 Additional Database Selection


    Note: For additional information about the domains that are configured during installation and the information required to configure the database for the custom domain, see Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain.

  11. Do one of the following:

  12. Press Enter to exit the console-mode installer.

  13. If you have purchased WebLogic Integration, install the software license as described in Step 6. Installing Your Software License. If you are installing an evaluation copy, skip to the next step.

  14. Run the scripts provided to populate the database with the tables WebLogic Collaborate requires. See Step 7. Creating the WebLogic Collaborate Tables.

  15. Load the system logic plug-ins required for each business protocol. See Step 8. Loading the System Data.

  16. Verify the configuration of the custom domain by starting WebLogic Collaborate in that domain, and then starting the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console as described in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

  17. Verify the configuration of the samples domain by running the Hello Partner sample as described in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Samples. In order to run the Hello Partner sample, you will need to load the sample data and workflows into the WebLogic Collaborate repository as described in Getting Started in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Samples.


Using Console Mode to Uninstall WebLogic Collaborate

To uninstall WebLogic Collaborate:

  1. Go to the wlintegration2.0/collaborate/uninstaller subdirectory of the BEA Home directory.

  2. To start the uninstaller, enter the following command at the prompt:

    sh uninstall -i console

    Figure 3-11 Starting the Uninstaller


  3. Press Enter to uninstall WebLogic Collaborate.

    When the uninstallation process is complete, the Uninstall Complete message is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-12 Uninstall Complete


  4. Press Enter to exit the uninstaller.


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