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Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate


This section provides the information you need to start, stop, and customize WebLogic Collaborate. It includes the following topics:


Understanding the Preconfigured Domains

A WebLogic Server domain is a collection of WebLogic Server resources and applications that occupy a single namespace. The configuration of a domain and the applications deployed are dependent on the domain start and configuration files. Components of WebLogic Integration (such as WebLogic Collaborate) are applications that are deployed in a WebLogic Server domain.

When you install WebLogic Collaborate, the following WebLogic Collaborate sample and custom domains are created and configured:

The sample domain is configured with a JDBC connection pool that provides the access information required to connect to a Cloudscape database. (Cloudscape is a pure-Java relational database management system that BEA ships with the WebLogic distribution to allow you to run code examples.) The installation program creates a Cloudscape database for this domain, and populates the database with the tables WebLogic Collaborate requires. No further configuration of this domain is required to run the sample applications included with the WebLogic Collaborate distribution or obtained from the WebLogic Developer Center.

The custom domain is configured with a JDBC connection pool that provides the access information required to connect to the database selected during installation. If you selected a database other than Cloudscape for the custom domain, you must execute the appropriate scripts as described in Installing BEA WebLogic Collaborate to create the database tables WebLogic Collaborate requires. This custom domain can then be used to run sample applications or to develop and deploy your own applications.

A copy of each of the following files is located in the sample and custom domain directories. These files control the WebLogic Server resource configuration and the initial deployment of the applications in each domain:

An example of each file is provided in WebLogic Collaborate Sample Configuration Files.

As part of the WebLogic Collaborate installation, each setEnv file is updated with the information required to start WebLogic Collaborate. For information about the required environment settings, see Updating the WebLogic Collaborate Environment.

When you start WebLogic Collaborate by executing the startWebLogic command for one of the preconfigured domains (as described in Starting WebLogic Collaborate), WebLogic Collaborate, WebLogic Process Integrator, and the associated WebLogic Collaborate plug-in, are deployed on WebLogic Server.

As you become more familiar with WebLogic Collaborate and the other WebLogic Integration components, you can use the custom or samples domain as the starting point for development and testing, or you can create your own domain by modeling it after one of the preconfigured domains.


Understanding WebLogic Collaborate Users and Passwords

The WebLogic Collaborate installation configures a default fileRealm security realm for each of the domains described in the previous section. The following default users and passwords are configured.

Table 1-1 Default User Names and Passwords

User Name






This login is used to:

Update this password from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.



This login is used by the WebLogic Collaborate run-time environment.

Update this password from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

Warning: Do not update this password using the WebLogic Server Administration Console.



These default logons are used to log on and connect to WebLogic Process Integrator from the Studio or Worklist client.

Update users (add or delete) from the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.

Update an existing user password from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.






To ensure system security, you can change the default passwords as described in Updating the Default Passwords.


Starting WebLogic Collaborate

As described in Understanding the Preconfigured Domains, when you execute the startWeblogic.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command for a domain, WebLogic Server is started and deploys WebLogic Collaborate, WebLogic Process Integrator, and the WebLogic Collaborate plug-in for WebLogic Process Integrator.

The following sections provide instructions for executing the start command on a Windows or UNIX system.

Note: If you have shut down the WebLogic Collaborate application from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console, this procedure does not apply. See Restarting from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

Starting WebLogic Collaborate on Windows

On a Windows system, you can start WebLogic Collaborate with the program icons or from the command line.

Note: If WebLogic Server is already running, you must stop it before executing the start command.

Starting WebLogic Collaborate with Program Icons

To start WebLogic Collaborate using program icons, do one of the following:

A command window is launched, and startup messages are displayed. When the following message is displayed, startup has completed successfully:

<Month DD, YYYY hh:mm:ss meridianAbbreviation Timezone> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <ListenThread listening on port 7001>

Starting WebLogic Collaborate from the Command Line

To start WebLogic Collaborate from the command line:

  1. Choose Start—>Run.

  2. Enter cmd in the Open text box then click OK.

  3. Go to the appropriate domain subdirectory.

    For example, if you installed the product in the default location, and you want to start the WebLogic Collaborate custom domain, enter the following:

    cd \bea\wlintegration2.0\collaborate\config\mydomain

    For the default location for each preconfigured domain see Understanding the Preconfigured Domains.

  4. Execute the startWeblogic command by entering:


    When the following message is displayed, startup has completed successfully:

<Month DD, YYYY hh:mm:ss meridianAbbreviation Timezone> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <ListenThread listening on port 7001>

Starting WebLogic Collaborate on UNIX

Note: If WebLogic Server is already running, you must stop it before executing the start command.

To start WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX system:

  1. Go the appropriate domain subdirectory.

    For example, if you installed the product in the default location, and you want to start the WebLogic Collaborate custom domain, enter the following:

    cd <BEA_Home>/wlintegration2.0/collaborate/config/mydomain

    For the default location for each preconfigured domain see Understanding the Preconfigured Domains.

  2. Execute the command by entering:

    . ./

    When the following message is displayed, startup has completed successfully:

<Month DD, YYYY hh:mm:ss meridianAbbreviation Timezone> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <ListenThread listening on port 7001>


Starting the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console

You can use the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console to:

Note: The WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console requires Netscape Navigator 4.7 (or above) or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x (or above). The browser you use must be configured to accept cookies. In Netscape Navigator select File—>Preferences to display the Preferences dialog box. The accept cookies option is set in the Advanced category. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, select Tools—>Internet Options to display the Internet Options dialog box. Cookies are enabled by customizing the security level settings for the applicable Web content zone.

To start the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console:

  1. Start WebLogic Collaborate as described in Starting WebLogic Collaborate.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. When prompted, enter system in the user name field, then enter the system password.

    Note: If you have not yet changed the password, see Understanding WebLogic Collaborate Users and Passwords for the default password.

  4. The WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console is displayed in your Web browser as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1-1 WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console


Note: Bookmark the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console for quick access.

Overviews of the tasks performed from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console are provided in Basic Configuration Tasks, Advanced Configuration Tasks, and Monitoring WebLogic Collaborate.

Detailed information about using the interface and setting the required attributes is provided in the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console online help. For help at any time, click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Note: The information in the online help is also available as a document entitled BEA WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console Online Help.


Stopping WebLogic Collaborate

There are two options for stopping WebLogic Collaborate:

The required procedures are provided in the following sections:

Stopping WebLogic Server and All Deployed Applications

You can stop WebLogic Server and all applications deployed in a WebLogic Collaborate domain by executing the stopWeblogic.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command located in the domain directory. The following sections provide instructions for executing the stop command on a Windows or UNIX system.

Stopping WebLogic Server and All Deployed Applications on Windows

The following sections provide instructions for stopping WebLogic Server and all deployed applications by using the program icons or by executing the stopWeblogic.cmd from the command line.

Stopping WebLogic Server and All Deployed Applications with Program Icons

To stop WebLogic Server and all deployed applications using program icons, do one of the following:

Shutdown messages are displayed as shown in the following figure. When you are returned to the command prompt, shut down is complete.

Figure 1-2 Shut down Sequence Messages


Once WebLogic Server and all applications have been terminated, you can restart WebLogic Collaborate, as described in Starting WebLogic Collaborate on Windows.

Stopping WebLogic Server and All Deployed Applications from the Command Line

To start WebLogic Collaborate from the command line:

  1. Choose Start—>Run

  2. Enter cmd in the Open text box then click OK.

  3. Go to the appropriate domain subdirectory.

    For example, if you installed the product in the default location, and you want to start the WebLogic Collaborate custom domain, enter the following:

    cd \bea\wlintegration2.0\collaborate\config\mydomain

    For the default location for each preconfigured domain see Understanding the Preconfigured Domains.

  4. Execute the stopWeblogic command by entering:


    Shutdown messages are displayed as shown in Figure 1-2.

Once WebLogic Server and all applications have been terminated, you can restart WebLogic Collaborate, as described in Starting WebLogic Collaborate on Windows

Stopping WebLogic Server and All Deployed Applications on UNIX

To stop WebLogic Server and all deployed applications on a UNIX system:

  1. Go the appropriate domain subdirectory.

    For example, if you installed the product in the default location, and you want to stop the WebLogic Collaborate custom domain, enter the following:

    cd <BEA_Home>/wlintegration2.0/collaborate/config/mydomain

    For the default location for each preconfigured domain see Understanding the Preconfigured Domains.

  2. Execute the command by entering:

    . ./

    Shutdown messages are displayed as shown in Figure 1-2.

Stopping from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console

You can shut down the WebLogic Collaborate application, but leave WebLogic Server and other deployed applications running, from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

To shut down the WebLogic Collaborate application:

  1. Select WebLogic Collaborate (WLC) from the navigation tree to display the WLC page.

  2. Select the Monitoring tab, then select the General tab to display the Monitoring General tab as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1-3 WebLogic Collaborate Monitoring General Tab


  3. Select Shut down this server.

    The shut down confirmation page is displayed. This page allows you to select shut down mode as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1-4 Shut down Options


  4. Select the appropriate shut down mode.

  5. Click Yes to shut down WebLogic Collaborate.

    The WebLogic Collaborate application is shut down. WebLogic Server and any other applications remain active. When WebLogic Collaborate has shut down, you can restart it as described in the following procedure.

Restarting from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console

To restart WebLogic Collaborate after shutting down from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console:

  1. Select WebLogic Collaborate (WLC) from the navigation tree.

  2. Select the Monitoring tab, then select the General tab to display the Monitoring General tab as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1-5 WebLogic Collaborate Monitoring General Tab


  3. Select Start this server.

    The start up confirmation page is displayed. This page allows you to turn persistence on or off as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1-6 Start Up Confirmation


  4. Do one of the following:

The restart process may take a couple minutes. You will be returned to the Monitoring General tab when the process is complete.


Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console

Some tasks require access to the WebLogic Server Administration Console for the active domain. The following procedure describes how to start the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

To start the WebLogic Server Administration Console:

  1. Start WebLogic Collaborate as described in Starting WebLogic Collaborate.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. When prompted, enter system in the user name field; then enter the system password.

    Note: The password you enter is the WebLogic Server system password specific to the active domain. It is usually not the same as the default password specified when you install WebLogic Server. If you have not yet changed the password, see Understanding WebLogic Collaborate Users and Passwords for the default password.

  4. The WebLogic Server Administration Console is displayed in your Web browser as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1-7 WebLogic Server Administration Console


Note: Bookmark the WebLogic Server Administration Console for quick access.

For instructions on using and navigating the WebLogic Server Administration Console, see the WebLogic Server 6.0 documentation set.


Starting WebLogic Process Integrator Studio

WebLogic Process Integrator Studio, with the WebLogic Collaborate plug-in, is used to create the collaborative workflows that implement the trading partner roles assigned in WebLogic Collaborate.

Both the custom and sample WebLogic Collaborate domains contain a studio.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command file. This command can be used to start WebLogic Process Integrator Studio with the WebLogic Collaborate plug-in if you have installed the Studio client in the same BEA Home directory as the WebLogic Collaborate installation.

If you have installed the Studio client on another system, or will be deploying WebLogic Collaborate in another domain, you need to be aware of certain requirements.

The following sections provide the information you need to start the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio:

Starting Studio for the Custom or Samples Domain

The following sections provide instructions for starting a locally installed Studio client for the custom or sample domain on a Windows or UNIX system. If you have installed Studio on a system that is remote to the WebLogic Collaborate installation, see Starting Studio on a System Remote to WebLogic Collaborate.

Starting on Windows

To start the local installation of the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio on Windows:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Log in as described in Logging In and Connecting to the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

Starting on UNIX

To start the local installation of the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio on UNIX:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Log in as described in Logging In and Connecting to the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

Starting Studio on a System Remote to WebLogic Collaborate

Before starting Studio on a system remote to WebLogic Collaborate, make sure you have met the requirements described in Studio Configuration Requirements.

Starting on Windows

To start WebLogic Process Integrator Studio on Windows:

  1. Choose Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.0—>Process Integrator—>Start Studio

    Note: The Studio installation, and the studio.cmd file that is invoked by the shortcut, must be modified as described in Studio Configuration Requirements.

    The studio.cmd executes in a command window, then, within a few moments, the Studio application window is displayed.

  2. Log in as described in Logging In and Connecting to the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

Starting on UNIX

To start WebLogic Process Integrator Studio on UNIX:

  1. Go to the processintegrator/bin directory, then run the command. For example, if you installed Studio in the default location you would enter the following:

    cd <BEA_Home>/wlintegration2.0/processintegrator/bin
    . /

    The command executes in a command window, then, within a few moments, the Studio application window is displayed.

  2. Log in as described in Logging In and Connecting to the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

Logging In and Connecting to the WebLogic Process Integrator Server

After you have executed the Studio command as described in the previous section, the logon dialog box is displayed in front of the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio application window as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1-8 Logon to WebLogic Process Integrator Dialog Box


To log on and connect to the WebLogic Process Integrator Server instance deployed in the active WebLogic Collaborate domain:

  1. Enter the user name and password in the appropriate fields. If you have not yet been assigned a user name and password for WebLogic Process Integrator, enter a default user name and password. See Understanding WebLogic Collaborate Users and Passwords.

  2. In the Server [:port] field, specify the system that is running the WebLogic Process Integrator Server application as follows:

    Here, host is the computer name or IP address of the system that is running the WebLogic Process Integrator Server. Specify localhost if the server is running on the same computer as the Studio application.

Studio Configuration Requirements

If you have installed the Studio client on another system, or will be deploying WebLogic Collaborate in another domain, you need to be aware of the following requirements.

Adding the Required Users to the File

The file is located in the root of the domain. The required entries for each user are:


To edit the file:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Open the file in your preferred text editor.

  3. Add the required entries.

  4. Save your changes and close the file.

Adding wlc.jar to the CLASSPATH in the Start Studio Command

To add the wlc.jar file to the CLASSPATH in the studio.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) file:

  1. Copy the wlc.jar file from the WebLogic Collaborate installation to the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio installation.

    The wlc.jar file is located in the <BEA_Home>/wlintegration2.0/collaborate/lib directory and should be copied to the <BEA_Home>/wlintegration2.0/processintegrator/lib directory for the Studio installation.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Open the file in your preferred text editor.

  4. Add the complete path to the wlc.jar file to the CLASSPATH. For example, if you installed Studio on a Windows system in the default location, you would add the following to the CLASSPATH, using a semi-colon to separate this entry from others in the CLASSPATH:


  5. Save your changes and close the file.


Customizing WebLogic Collaborate

The following sections describe how to modify the default installation.

About Updating the JDBC Configuration

As discussed in Understanding the Preconfigured Domains, when you installed WebLogic Collaborate, the JDBC connection pool for the samples domain is configured to use the default Cloudscape database. Depending on the information provided during installation, the JDBC connection pool for the custom domain was configured to use either:

In a standard installation, each WebLogic Integration component follows this model, with a samples domain configured to use the default Cloudscape domain, and a custom domain configured to use either the Cloudscape or the alternate database. Therefore, the components share the database resources.

Although this arrangement typically provides an environment that meets your evaluation, development, and testing needs, there are circumstances that may require you to customize the JDBC configuration. For example, you may wish to:

The first case is fairly straightforward. As described in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Samples, commands have been provided to assist you in reconfiguring the the samples domain to use the alternate database you selected during installation.

The second case, where it becomes necessary to change the database used (for example, from Microsoft SQL to Oracle) you can do one of the following:

Installing the WebLogic Integration components in a new location is the recommended method. When this methods is used, the JDBC connection pool is automatically configured as part of the installation process. Because you are not overwriting the existing installation, the information remains available and can be exported as needed for import to the new installation.

If you choose the second method, keep the following in mind:

Updating the JDBC Connection Pool

To update the WebLogic Integration JDBC connection pool:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Using the navigation tree, choose Services—>JDBC—>Connection Pools—>wlipool.

  3. Select the Configuration tab. Then, if it is not already displayed, select the General tab.

  4. Edit the URL, Driver Classname, and Properties as required to customize the settings for your JDBC connection pool. For additional information see JDBC Connection Pool Parameters in the following section.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes.

  6. Close the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  7. Shut down and restart WebLogic Collaborate to initiate the new settings.

JDBC Connection Pool Parameters

The following table summarizes the information required to configure the JDBC connection pool.

Table 1-2 JDBC Connection Pool Parameters



Connection Pool

JDBC driver to be used to connect to the database.

Connection Pool

Account login name required for connecting to the database server.

Connection Pool

Password required for connecting to the database server.

Connection Pool

URL for the database, as specified in the JDBC driver documentation. The format for the JDBC connection pool URL is discussed in the following section.


JDBC Connection Pool URL Format

The JDBC connection pool URL includes the following:

The following list provides a sample URL for each supported database.

Updating the RDBMS Realm Properties

To update the WebLogic Process Integrator RDBMS realm properties:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Using the navigation tree, choose Security—>Realms—>wlpiRDBMSRealm.

  3. Select the Configuration tab.

  4. Select the Database tab.

  5. Edit the Driver, URL, Username, and Password as required to customize the settings for your database. For additional information see JDBC Connection Pool Parameters in the preceding section.

  6. Click Apply to save your changes.

  7. Close the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  8. Shut down and restart WebLogic Collaborate to initiate the new settings.

Updating the WebLogic Collaborate Environment

The WebLogic Collaborate environment is set by the setEnv.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) file. This file is located in the config\domain_name subdirectory, as described in Understanding the Preconfigured Domains. An example of this file is provided in WebLogic Collaborate Sample Configuration Files.

The variables in this file are set when you install WebLogic Collaborate and normally do not require update. If you must update the environment, however, you can do so by completing the following procedure.

To update the WebLogic Collaborate environment:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Set the following variables to values appropriate for your environment:

  3. Save your changes and close the file.

The setEnv.cmd file will run to set these environment variables for WebLogic Collaborate when you execute the start command as described in Starting WebLogic Collaborate.

Updating the Default Passwords

After you have installed WebLogic Collaborate, you can update the default passwords to ensure system security.

Warning: The wlcsystem user name and password are used by the WebLogic Collaborate run-time environment and are stored in the WebLogic Collaborate repository. This password must be updated using the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console. Do not use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to update this password.

Updating the system Password

The password for the system login can be changed through the WebLogic Server Administration Console as described in the following procedure.

To update the password for the system user for the active domain:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console as described in Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Select Users from the navigation tree to open the Users page.

  3. In the Change a User's Password section, enter the user name in the Name field.

    For example, to change the system password, enter system.

  4. Enter the existing password in the a Old Password field.

  5. Enter the new password in the New Password field.

  6. Retype the new password in the Confirm Password field.

  7. Click Change to update the password.

  8. Update the startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) for the domain.

    The startWeblogic.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) commands used to start WebLogic Collaborate are configured for automatic login. If you change the password for system, you will need to update these files. See WebLogic Collaborate Sample Configuration Files.

Updating the default WebLogic Process Integrator Passwords

The default passwords for admin, joe, and mary, which are used to log on to WebLogic Process Integrator Studio and Worklist, can also be changed through the WebLogic Server Administration Console as described in the previous section.

Updating the wlcsystem Password

The password for the wlcsystem user can only be changed through the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console as described in the following procedure.

  1. Start the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console as described in Starting the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

  2. Select WebLogic Collaborate (WLC) from the navigation tree.

  3. If it is not already selected, select the Configuration tab, then select the Security tab.

    The Security tab is displayed as shown in the following figure. The content of the System Password field is the password for the wlcsystem user.

    Figure 1-9 WebLogic Collaborate Configuration Security Tab


  4. To update the wlcsystem password, highlight the current content of the System Password field, then carefully overtype with the new password.

  5. Click Apply to update the wlcsystem password.


Verifying Configuration

If you make changes to the WebLogic Collaborate installation, or configure your own domain, you can verify the WebLogic Collaborate configuration by starting WebLogic Collaborate for the domain, then starting the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console for the domain as described in this section.

We also recommend that you verify the configuration of the samples domain by running the Hello Partner sample as described in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Samples. In order to run the Hello Partner sample, you will need to load the sample data and workflows into the WebLogic Collaborate repository as described in Hello Partner Sample in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Samples.


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