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Installing WebLogic Collaborate


This section provides the information you need to run the WebLogic Collaborate installation program on a Windows or UNIX system. It includes the following topics:


About the WebLogic Collaborate Installation Program

The WebLogic Collaborate installation program guides you through the process of installing WebLogic Collaborate 2.0 for WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2.

Note: You must specify the Full Install (Server & samples/examples) option when you install WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2.

The installation detects whether WebLogic Server 6.0 is installed and prompts you to specify an installation location and other information required to perform basic WebLogic Collaborate configuration. It then unpacks and installs the software.

The installation program requires a graphics (windowing) terminal or workstation. To install WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX system that does not support a graphics terminal or workstation, see WebLogic Collaborate Console-Mode Installation.

After you verify that the Installation Prerequisites have been met, complete the following steps, which make up the installation procedure:

Step 1. Starting the Installation Program

Step 2. Reviewing the License Agreement and Prerequisites

Step 3. Specifying the BEA Home and Installation Location

Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain

Step 5. Completing the Installation

Step 6. Installing Your Software License

Step 7. Creating the WebLogic Collaborate Tables

Step 8. Loading the System Data

Step 9. Verifying the WebLogic Collaborate Installation

Detailed instructions for each step are provided in the following sections.


Step 1. Starting the Installation Program

The following section provides instructions for installing WebLogic Collaborate on a Windows system from the WebLogic Integration CD-ROM. If you are installing WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX system, skip the following section and go to Starting the Installation Program on a UNIX System.

Warning: If you are migrating from a previous version of WebLogic Collaborate, review Migrating BEA WebLogic Collaborate to Release 2.0 before proceeding with the installation. To migrate repository data from a previous release, you must perform several steps using the previous release. Do not install this release until you have performed those steps. See Migrating the Repository in Migrating BEA WebLogic Collaborate to Release 2.0.

Starting the Installation Program on a Windows System

To start the WebLogic Collaborate installation program on a Windows system:

  1. Insert the WebLogic Integration CD-ROM in the CD tray.

  2. Choose Start—>Programs—>Windows NT (or 2000) Explorer, click on the CD drive, navigate to the wlintegration2.0/nt/collaborate folder, then double-click install.exe to run the installation program.

    The initial WebLogic Collaborate installation dialog box is displayed.

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. Click Next.

    The License Agreement dialog box is displayed.

  5. Go to Step 2. Reviewing the License Agreement and Prerequisites.

Starting the Installation Program on a UNIX System

To start the WebLogic Collaborate installation program on a UNIX system:

  1. Insert the WebLogic Integration CD-ROM in the CD tray.

    Note: If the daemon /usr/sbin/vold is running, the CD should be mounted in the /cdrom directory. If vold is not running, see the instructions for mounting a CD in your UNIX administration documentation.

  2. Go to the CD mount point, and then enter the following to go to the wlintegration2.0/unix/collaborate directory on the CD:

    cd wlintegration2.0/unix/collaborate

  3. Start the installation by entering the following at the prompt.


    The initial WebLogic Collaborate installation dialog box is displayed.

  4. Do one of the following:

  5. Click Next.

    The License Agreement dialog box is displayed.

  6. Go to Step 2. Reviewing the License Agreement and Prerequisites.


Step 2. Reviewing the License Agreement and Prerequisites

After you have clicked Next in the Introduction dialog box, the License Agreement is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-1 License Agreement Dialog Box


Complete the following procedure:

  1. Review the license agreement, using the scroll bar to display the text.

  2. Select the Yes option to accept the license agreement.

  3. Click Next.

    The Important Information dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-2 Important Information Dialog Box


  4. Review the installation requirements.

  5. Click Next to acknowledge that you have read and understood the requirements for WebLogic Collaborate.

    The Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box is displayed.

  6. Go to Step 3. Specifying the BEA Home and Installation Location.


Step 3. Specifying the BEA Home and Installation Location

After you review the installation prerequisites, the Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-3 Choose BEA Home Directory Dialog Box


The BEA Home directory serves as the central support directory for all the BEA products installed on your system. Although it is possible to create more than one BEA Home directory, we recommend that you avoid doing so. In almost all situations, a single BEA Home directory is sufficient. For a detailed description of how the BEA Home directory is used, see "BEA Home Directory" in the Preparing to Install the Server topic of the BEA WebLogic Server Installation Guide at the following URL:

You must install WebLogic Collaborate in an existing BEA Home directory.

To specify the BEA Home directory and installation location:

  1. Select an existing directory by selecting Use Existing BEA Home.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. Click Next.

  5. Go to Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain.


Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain

After you have selected the BEA Home directory, the Database Selection dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-5 Database Selection Dialog Box


As described in "About the Preconfigured Domains" in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate, the WebLogic Collaborate installation program configures two domains: a sample domain and a custom development domain:

To promote integrated operation, a common database is used by the custom domain configured for each WebLogic Integration component. Therefore, you should specify the same database and provide the same access information that you provided for any previously installed component. To facilitate this, the information you provided when you installed any other WebLogic Integration component is carried forward to the WebLogic Collaborate installation.

If you have not already determined which database to use with the custom domain, you should consider the following:

Note: If, when you installed WebLogic Process Integrator, you specified a Sybase database for the custom domain, we recommend that you reinstall WebLogic Process Integrator, and select a database that is supported by WebLogic Collaborate. Click Exit, to exit the WebLogic Collaborate installation program. After you have reinstalled WebLogic Process Integrator, you may restart the WebLogic Collaborate installation program.

The sections that follow provide the information you need to configure a database for the custom domain. Refer to the section appropriate to your configuration:

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Cloudscape

To configure the custom domain to use Cloudscape:

  1. If it is not already selected, select Cloudscape in the Database Selection dialog box.

  2. Click Next.

    The Confirm Database Selection dialog box is displayed.

  3. Go to Step 5. Completing the Installation.

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Oracle

To configure the custom domain to use Oracle:

  1. If it is not already selected, select Oracle in the Database Selection dialog box.

  2. Click Next.

    The Oracle Access Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-6 Oracle Access Configuration Dialog Box


  3. The Oracle Server Hostname, Oracle User, Oracle Password, and Oracle Service Name displayed should reflect the values you specified for any previously installed WebLogic Integration component. If WebLogic Collaborate is the first WebLogic Integration component you are installing, you must enter the following values for the database: Oracle Server Hostname, Oracle User, Oracle Password, and Oracle Service Name.

    Note: The Oracle Server Port Number is preset to the Oracle default.

  4. Click Next.

    The Confirm Database Selection dialog box is displayed.

  5. Go to Step 5. Completing the Installation.

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Microsoft SQL Server

To configure the custom domain to use Microsoft SQL Server:

  1. If it is not already selected, select Microsoft SQL Server in the Database Selection dialog box.

  2. Click Next.

    The Database Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-7 Database Configuration Dialog Box


  3. The Database Host Name, Database User, Database Password, and Database Name displayed should reflect the values you specified for any previously installed WebLogic Integration component. If WebLogic Collaborate is the first WebLogic Integration component you are installing, you must enter the following values for the Database: Host Name, User, Password, and Name.

    Note: The Database Port is preset to the Microsoft SQL Server default.

  4. Click Next.

    The Confirm Database Selection dialog box is displayed.

  5. Go to Step 5. Completing the Installation.


Step 5. Completing the Installation

After you have provided the information required to configure the database for the custom domain, the Confirm database selection dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-8 Confirm Database Selection Dialog Box


To complete the installation:

  1. Verify that the selected database is correct.

  2. Click Install to begin copying files.

    The Installation Status dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-9 Installation Status Dialog Box


    When the installation program has completed copying the required files, the Configuring dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-10 Configuring Dialog Box


    The installation program completes the setup of the WebLogic Collaborate environment and populates the default Cloudscape database with the tables and data required to run the samples provided.

    When the installation program has completed configuring the WebLogic Collaborate environment (this can take a couple of minutes), the Install Complete dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-11 Install Complete Dialog Box


  3. Click Done to dismiss the Install Complete dialog box.

  4. Go to Step 6. Installing Your Software License.


Step 6. Installing Your Software License

The components of WebLogic Integration cannot be used without a valid software license.

The license is provided to you in one of the following ways:

To install the WebLogic Integration software license:

  1. Save the license file from the appropriate diskette or e-mail attachment, with a name other than license.bea, in the BEA Home directory. For example, save the file as wli_license.bea. Use this file as the license_update_file in step 4.

    Warning: Do not overwrite the existing license.bea file.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. If it is not already set in the default path, add the JDK to your PATH variable by entering one of the following commands:

  4. Enter one of the following commands:

  5. Save a copy of your updated license.bea file in a safe place outside the WebLogic Server and application installation directories.

    Although no one else can use your license file, you should save this information in a place protected from either malicious or innocent tampering by others.


Step 7. Creating the WebLogic Collaborate Tables

If you selected either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server for your custom domain, you must create the tables required by WebLogic Collaborate on the database server before starting WebLogic Collaborate from that domain. Scripts that automate the table creation process have been provided.

As part of the installation process, the tables required are created in the Cloudscape database for the samples domain. If you selected Cloudscape for the custom domain, that domain has been configured to use the same Cloudscape database as the samples domain.

Table Creation Scripts

The following tables summarize the location of the scripts used to create the tables required by WebLogic Collaborate.

Review these scripts with your database administrator to determine whether your local machine has the appropriate tools and whether your database login has the appropriate permissions for running these scripts. When you have successfully created the tables required, go to Step 9. Verifying the WebLogic Collaborate Installation.

Note: If you selected Cloudscape for the custom domain, the tables required have already been created. The scripts used and the procedure required to manually create the tables in Cloudscape have been documented in the following section for your reference.

Table 2-1 Scripts to Create WebLogic Integration Common Tables

To create tables for this database . . .

Use the files in this directory . . .

Oracle 8.1.6


Microsoft SQL Server 7 with Service Pack 3 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000


Cloudscape 3.5.1



Each directory in the preceding table contains the following scripts. The scripts are specific to database type.

Each directory in the preceding table contains the following two SQL scripts. The scripts are specific to database type.

In addition to the these scripts, a createDB.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command file resides in the BEA_Home/wlintegration2.0/collaborate/bin directory. This command can be used to execute both SQL scripts for a specified database. This command requires the following syntax:

createDB database

Here database is mssql, oracle, or cloudscape.

Note: As part of the installation process, the section of the createDB.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) file applicable to the database specified in Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain is updated with the access information you provide in that step. If for some reason you change to a different database in the future, you will not be able to make use of the createDB file to create tables in the new database until you have modified the file, as required, to access the new database.

Creating Tables and Updating Settings for Cloudscape

During the installation process, a default Cloudscape database was created and populated with the tables and schema required. This default database is located in the BEA_Home\wlintegration2.0\repository\cloudscape\db directory.

This section provides a procedure that can be used if, for some reason, you must use an alternate Cloudscape database with WebLogic Collaborate.

In order to use an alternate database, you must modify the config.xml file for the domain that will be set up to use the database must. See "Updating the JDBC Configuration" in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate and Sample WebLogic Configuration Files in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

To set up a Cloudscape database:

  1. Start Cloudview, the Cloudscape administrative tool, by executing the following command (entered as a single line, modified as required to reflect the location of your WebLogic Server installation):
    java -classpath c:\bea\wlserver6.0\samples\eval\cloudscape\lib\

  2. In Cloudview, choose File—>New—>Database. Enter the name and location of the database; then click OK. For example, the entry shown in the following figure would create a database named wlidb in the \bea\wlintegration2.0\repository\cloudscape directory.

    Figure 2-12 New Database


  3. Select the Database tab; then click the Script icon, as shown in the following figure, to open the required SQL script. Refer to Table Creation Scripts for script name, location, and purpose.

    Figure 2-13 Running a Script in Cloudscape


  4. Click the Execute icon (lightning bolt) to run the script.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each required script.

  6. Close Cloudview.


Step 8. Loading the System Data

Note: If you do not have a custom domain configured for an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database, skip this step.

Each business protocol supported by WebLogic Collaborate, requires the following:

These definitions constitute the WebLogic Collaborate system data. After you have loaded the required database tables, you are ready to import the system data.

You load the system data into the Cloudscape database for the samples domain when you load the samples data in Step 9. Verifying the WebLogic Collaborate Installation.

As noted in Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain, if you select Cloudscape for the custom domain, the same Cloudscape database is used by both the samples and custom domains. If you select Cloudscape, you can skip this step entirely.

If you select either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server for the custom domain, you must load the system data in either of two ways: You can bulkload the data or import the data from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

The information required for both methods is provided in the following sections:

Bulk Loader Configuration Files

Bulk Loader configuration files are provided which can be used to import the system data. The following table lists the names and locations of these files.

Note: The name and location of the Bulk Loader configuration file for Cloudscape is included in the following table for your reference.

Table 2-3 System Data Bulk Loader Configuration Files

To load the system data for this database . . .

Use this Bulk Loader configuration file . . .

Oracle 8.1.6


Microsoft SQL Server 7 with Service Pack 3 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000


Cloudscape 3.5.1



Each Bulk Loader configuration file is an XML file that specifies:

Each of the files listed in the preceding table bulk loads the data found in the collaborate/bin/systemData/SystemRepData.xml file.

As part of the installation process, the Bulk Loader configuration file for the database you specified in Step 4. Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain is updated with the access information you provide in that step. If, for some reason, you use a different database in the future, you will not be able to use the Bulk Loader configuration to load the system data into the new database until you have made the changes required to access that database. For additional information about using the Bulk Loader, see Working with the Bulk Loader in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Bulk Loading the System Data on a Windows System

To bulk load the system data on a Windows system:

  1. Open a command window.

  2. Go to the WebLogic Collaborate bin directory by entering the following:

    cd BEA_Home\wlintegration\collaborate\bin

  3. Execute the setEnv command by entering the following:


  4. Go to the systemData subdirectory by entering the following:

    cd systemData

  5. Execute the following command to load the system data into the Oracle or Microsoft SQL server database:

Bulk Loading the System Data on a UNIX System

To bulk load the system data on a UNIX system:

  1. Go to the WebLogic Collaborate bin directory by entering the following:

    cd BEA_Home/wlintegration2.0/collaborate/bin

  2. Execute setEnv by entering the following:

    . ./

  3. Go to the systemData subdirectory by entering the following:

    cd systemData

  4. Execute the following command to load the system data into the Oracle or Microsoft SQL server database:

Importing the System Data

To import the system data from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console, perform the following procedure.

Note: All references in the procedure are to Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

  1. Start WebLogic Collaborate for the custom domain as described in "Starting WebLogic Collaborate" in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate.

  2. Start the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console as described in "Starting the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console" in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate.

  3. Shut down WebLogic Collaborate, but leave WebLogic Server and other deployed applications running, as described in "Stopping from the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console" in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate.

  4. Import the collaborate/bin/systemData/SystemRepData.xml file as described in "Importing to WebLogic Collaborate" in Importing and Exporting Business Collaborations.


Step 9. Verifying the WebLogic Collaborate Installation

Verify the configuration of the custom domain by starting WebLogic Collaborate in that domain, and then starting the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console as described in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Verify the configuration of the samples domain by running the Hello Partner sample as described in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Samples. In order to run the Hello Partner sample, you will need to load the sample data and workflows into the WebLogic Collaborate repository as described in Getting Started in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Samples.

Note: Both domains are configured to use the 7001 listen port, therefore, you must shutdown a domain as described in "Stopping WebLogic Server and All Deployed Applications" in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate before you can start WebLogic Collaborate from another domain.


Uninstalling WebLogic Collaborate

This section provides platform-specific procedures for uninstalling WebLogic Collaborate. See the section appropriate for your platform:

Uninstalling WebLogic Collaborate on a Windows System

To uninstall WebLogic Collaborate on a Window system:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click Uninstall to remove WebLogic Collaborate. When the program has been removed, the Uninstall Complete dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Exit to dismiss the dialog box.

Uninstalling WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX System

The following procedure applies to graphics (windowing) terminals or workstations. See Using Console Mode to Uninstall WebLogic Collaborate for the text-only method which can be used to uninstall WebLogic Collaborate on a system that does not include a graphics terminal or workstation.

To uninstall WebLogic Collaborate on a UNIX system:

  1. Go to the wlintegration2.0/collaborate/uninstaller subdirectory of the BEA Home directory.

  2. Enter the following:


    When the uninstallation process is complete, the message Uninstall Complete is displayed.


Troubleshooting the Installation

This section describes the problems that may occur during installation, and the symptoms, possible causes, and solutions for those problems.

The following problems are described:

Previous Installation Found

This section describes the problem, and discusses the possible causes and solutions to the problem.


You have selected a BEA Home directory in the Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box and clicked Next. The Previous Installation Found warning is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-15 Previous Installation Found Warning



The warning dialog box presents three options: Continue, Cancel and Exit:

If you select this option . . .

The results are as follows . . .


The installation continues and the product is installed in the same directory as the previous installation, overwriting previously installed WebLogic Collaborate files. Therefore, any changes that you made to these files on the previous installation are lost. If you have changed any of the WebLogic Collaborate files, you may want to copy them into a temporary directory before proceeding with this option.


You are returned to the Choose BEA Home Directory Dialog Box. If you have an alternate valid BEA Home directory for this installation, select the directory and resume the installation.


The installation process is stopped and no changes are made to the system.


WebLogic Server 6.0 Not Detected

This section discusses describes the problem, and discusses the possible causes and solutions to the problem.


The WebLogic Server 6.0 Not Installed warning (shown in the following figure) is displayed when you click Next after selecting the BEA Home directory.

Figure 2-16 WebLogic Server 6.0 Not Installed Warning


Possible Cause 1

Your WebLogic Server 6.0 installation has an expired evaluation license.

Solution 1

You must purchase WebLogic Server and update the license. Information about purchasing licenses for BEA software can be found at

Possible Cause 2

You have more than one BEA Home directory configured and the selected directory does not correspond to a valid installation.

Solution 2

Click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box and to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box. Select a valid BEA Home directory. For information about the BEA Home directory, see "BEA Home Directory" in the Preparing to Install the Server topic of the BEA WebLogic Server Installation Guide at the following URL:

Possible Cause 3

You have not installed WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2.

Solution 3

Click Exit to dismiss the dialog box and exit the installation. Install WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2 before installing WebLogic Collaborate 2.0.

Note: You must select the Full Install (Server & samples/examples) option when you install WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2


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