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BEA WebLogic Process Integrator

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BEA WebLogic Process Integrator is a robust, J2EE standards-based workflow and process integration solution.

BEA WebLogic Process Integrator...

  • a powerful workflow engine that automates workflow, business-to-business processes, and enterprise application assembly.

  • ...runs on BEA WebLogic Server and is a robust, J2EE standards-based workflow and process integration solution.

  • used by business analysts to define business processes that span applications or to automate human interaction with applications.

  • used by developers to assemble application components quickly without programming.

  Read our product overview!



Getting Started With WebLogic Process Integrator

Install the software and run the tutorial to learn how to develop and execute a simple business process.

Using WebLogic Process Integrator

Use the Studio client to graphically model business processes. Use the Worklist client to execute defined business processes.

Developing Applications for WebLogic Process Integrator

Develop client applications and/or application plug-ins.

Programming BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Plug-Ins
Refer to this document for information about programming BEA WebLogic Process Integrator plug-ins. Available at the BEA Developer Center.

What's New?

As described in the Release Notes, WebLogic Process Integrator Release 2.0 supports the following new features:
WebLogic Server Release 6.0 compatibility
XML repository
Interface view in Studio
Plug-in framework
Publishing and distribution mechanism
Enhanced security for workflows
XPath wizard for creating expressions
XSL transformation action
JMS ordered and addressed messaging
Online help in Studio

Product Information Site

Visit the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator product information Web site, which includes a list of useful resources and white papers.

Customer Web Site

See the BEA Customer Web site for details about how customers are using WebLogic Process Integrator for B2B e-commerce systems.

Documentation Conventions

Review the documentation conventions.