WebLogic Integration

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _


save() - Method in class com.bea.util.PropertyResourceBundleWriter
save(BufferedWriter, int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
save(XMLWriter, int) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginData
Instruct the plugin to store its data in an XML document.
saveElement(BufferedWriter, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLWriterUtilities
saveElement(BufferedWriter, int, String, String) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLWriterUtilities
saveElement(BufferedWriter, int, String, String[][], boolean) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLWriterUtilities
saveElement(BufferedWriter, int, String, String[][], String) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLWriterUtilities
saveElement(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLWriter
saveElement(int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLWriter
saveElement(int, String, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLWriter
saveElement(int, String, String[][], boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLWriter
saveElement(int, String, String[][], boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLWriter
saveElement(int, String, String[][], String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLWriter
saveIndent(BufferedWriter, int) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLWriterUtilities
saveIndent(int) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLWriter
savePropertiesFromFactory(ManagedConnectionFactory) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
This method uses java reflection to save the appropriate properties from the ManagedConnectionFactory.
scale - Static variable in class com.bea.schema.facet.SOMFacet
Deprecated. 3/16/2001
SchemaDescriptor - class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor.
Represents the metadata for an Schema Document
SchemaDescriptor() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor
For use by Serialize code.
SchemaDescriptor(INamespace, String, SOMSchema) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor
Construct a new SchemaDescriptor in the given namespace, with the given name, and contents.
SchemaDescriptor(INamespace, String, SOMSchema, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor
Construct a new SchemaDescriptor in the given namespace, with the given name, contents, and description.
SchemaException - exception com.bea.wlai.client.SchemaException.
An exception which indicates an error accessing or manipulating a schema.
SchemaException(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.client.SchemaException
Construct a new SchemaException with the given message, and no linked exceptions.
SchemaException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.client.SchemaException
Construct a new SchemaException with the given message and one linked exception.
SchemaManager - interface com.bea.wlai.client.SchemaManager.
Remote interface for the SchemaManager EJB, used to interact with the WLAI schema repository.
SchemaManagerHome - interface com.bea.wlai.client.SchemaManagerHome.
Home interface for the SchemaManager EJB.
Security - class com.bea.b2b.security.Security.
The Security class implements WebLogic Collaborate security.
SecurityException - exception com.bea.b2b.security.SecurityException.
A SecurityException is thrown if an error occurs with security validation or authentication.
SecurityException() - Constructor for class com.bea.b2b.security.SecurityException
Constructs a SecurityException.
SecurityException(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.b2b.security.SecurityException
Constructs a SecurityException with the specified message.
selectDocument() - Method in class com.bea.schema.helper.test.TreeView
send() - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.Message
Sends this business message to the c-hub.
send() - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.XOCPMessage
Sends this business message with a deferred synchronous delivery option.
send() - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLMessage
Send a request message.
sendAndWait(long) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.XOCPMessage
Sends this business message synchronously and waits until the business message reaches its destination(s).
sender - Variable in class com.bea.b2b.mailbox.MessageInfo
SENDING_EMAIL_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Sending email failed."
sendMessage(String, Map, boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.audit.Audit
Send an audit or error message with user-specified header properties.
SerializableIterator - class com.bea.wlai.common.SerializableIterator.
SerializableIterator(ArrayList) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.SerializableIterator
serialize(URL, Document, OutputStream, PrintWriter) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Serialize the XML data (given in document argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
serialize(URL, InputSource, OutputStream) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
serialize(URL, InputSource, OutputStream, PrintWriter) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
serialize(URL, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
serialize(URL, InputStream, OutputStream, PrintWriter) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
serializeElement(Element) - Static method in class com.bea.document.DocumentFactory
Serialize the given Element out as XML and return a String.
serializeElement(Writer, Element) - Static method in class com.bea.document.DocumentFactory
Serialize the given Element as XML out to the given Writer.
serializeElement(Writer, int, int, Element) - Static method in class com.bea.document.DocumentFactory
Serialize the given Element as XML out to the given Writer, using the given indent level and indentSize.
serializeXML(Document, BufferedWriter) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLWriterUtilities
serializeXML(Document, Writer) - Static method in class com.bea.document.XMLUtils
Serialize (write to storage) a W3C DOM Document
serializeXML(Document, Writer, String) - Static method in class com.bea.document.XMLUtils
Serialize (write to storage) a W3C DOM Document
serializeXMLNode(Writer, int, Node) - Static method in class com.bea.document.XMLUtils
Serializes (write to storage) an XML node and its descendents.
ServerProperties - interface com.bea.wlpi.server.serverproperties.ServerProperties.
Provides information about the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.
ServerPropertiesHome - interface com.bea.wlpi.server.serverproperties.ServerPropertiesHome.
Home interface for the ServerProperties session EJB.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.event.EventRouterServlet
ServiceDefinition - class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDefinition.
ServiceDefinition() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDefinition
ServiceDescriptor - class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDescriptor.
An implementation of the IServiceDescriptor interface for use by the WLAI server.
ServiceDescriptor(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDescriptor
Construct a new ServiceDescriptor with the given name, description, interaction spec class name, and request/response document descriptors.
serviceExists(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Indicates whether the service with the given name exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
serviceExists(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Indicates whether the service with the given name exists in this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
serviceName - Variable in class com.bea.wlai.client.EventTester.EventCreationInfo
set(String, EJBDescriptor, MethodDescriptor, String[], MethodDescriptor, String[]) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set descriptor values.
set(String, EJBDescriptor, MethodDescriptor, String[], MethodDescriptor, String[], boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set descriptor values.
set(String, String, MethodDescriptor, String[], MethodDescriptor, String[]) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.ClassInvocationDescriptor
Update a class invocation descriptor.
set(String, String, MethodDescriptor, String[], MethodDescriptor, String[], boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.ClassInvocationDescriptor
Update a class invocation descriptor.
set(String, String, String) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "abstract" attribute.
setAbstract(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "abstract" attribute.
setAbstract(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
set the abstract attribute for this complexType
setActionCmd(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.helper.test.ListSelector
setActiveOrganization(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.worklist.Worklist
Set the active organization.
setAdapterDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the adapter description; this overrides the setting provided by the message bundle for this instance if the adapter_description key is mapped to a value in the message bundle.
setAdapterLogicalName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the logical name of the adapter that will be associated with connection pools based off this descriptor.
setAdapterLogicalName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the logical name of the adapter that will be associated with connection pools based off this descriptor.
setAdapterName(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the adapter name; this overrides the setting provided by the message bundle for this instance if the adapter_name key is mapped to a value in the message bundle.
setAdapterVendor(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the adapter vendor; this overrides the setting provided by the message bundle for this instance if the adapter_vendor key is mapped to a value in the message bundle.
setAdapterVersion(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the adapter version; this overrides the setting provided by the message bundle for this instance if the adapter_version key is mapped to a value in the message bundle.
setAdditionalLogContext(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets additional context information for identifying logging configuration.
setAllowPoolToShrink(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set whether the J2EE Connector Architecture engine maintaining a connection pool based off this descriptor is allowed to close free connections to reach the requested target fraction of max pool size.
setAllowPoolToShrink(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set whether the J2EE Connector Architecture engine maintaining a connection pool based off this descriptor is allowed to close free connections to reach the requested target fraction of max pool size.
setAlt(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.LabelTag
setApplicationViewDescriptor(IApplicationViewDescriptor) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
This method allows you to set the member variable m_avd by passing in an IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setArg(int, String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMValidationException
override an Object[] argument after contruction.
setArg(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.ContentTag
setAsyncEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Set whether the ApplicationView represented by this descriptor is enabled for asynchronous service invocations.
setAsyncEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set whether the ApplicationView represented by this descriptor is enabled for asynchronous service invocations.
setAttrs(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.AbstractInputTagSupport
Sets any HTML Attrs for this input tag
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.AbstractConnection
This method gets the current physical (jdbc) connection of our managed connection and checks to make sure that it supports local transactions.
setBase(SOMType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
set the base type attribute
setBase(SOMType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setBase(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
performs a type lookup for the type name.
setBase(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexExtension
performs a type lookup for the type name.
setBlock(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "block" attribute.
setBlock(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
setBooleanIn(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the node value of all data nodes found for the given xpath to the string representation of the given newValue.
setBooleanInFirst(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the first data element found with the given name to the string representation of the given newValue.
setBorder(int, int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.AttachmentsLayout
Deprecated. Set the border on the parent container instead.
setBottomAttachment(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the bottom of a component to the bottom of its container.
setBottomAttachment(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the bottom of one component to the top of another.
setBottomAttachmentSameSide(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the bottom of one component to the bottom of another.
setBrowser(byte) - Method in class com.bea.web.UserAgent
setCAId(String) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.Message
Set Collaboration Agreement global identifier associated with this message.
setCalendarId(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.UserInfo
Set the user's business calendar.
setCalendarId(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo
Set the business calendar to use.
setCalendarId(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.OrganizationInfo
Set the business calendar to use.
setCatalogRoot(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.catalog.EJBCatalog
Set the JNDI context to use when looking up installed EJBs.
setClassName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.NamespaceObjectHandle
Set the name of the Class of the object this handle represents.
setCollaborationAgreement(Properties) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLMessage
Sets the CA id to which this message belongs.
setColumns(int) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.TextareaTagSupport
setConfiguration(PluginObject) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.Plugin
Set a plugin's configuration.
setConfirmedDeliveryToApplication(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the target application (true) or only up to the c-hub (false).
setConfirmedDeliveryToDestination(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to its destination (true) or only up to the c-hub (false).
setConfirmedDeliveryToHub(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the c-hub (true) or not (false).
setConfirmedDeliveryToRouter(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
Sets the Quality of Service for this business message, specifying whether to confirm message delivery up to the router in the c-hub (true) or only up to the c-hub (false).
setConnectionFactoryDescriptor(IConnectionFactoryDescriptor) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the IConnectionFactoryDescriptor that represents the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionFactoryDescriptor(IConnectionFactoryDescriptor) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the IConnectionFactoryDescriptor that represents the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionFactoryDescriptor(IConnectionFactoryDescriptor, boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the IConnectionFactoryDescriptor that represents the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionFactoryDescriptor(IConnectionFactoryDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the IConnectionFactoryDescriptor that represents the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionFactoryJNDIName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the JNDI name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionFactoryJNDIName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the JNDI name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionFactoryNameString(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the qualified name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionFactoryNameString(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the qualified name for the connection factory that will be used at runtime to fulfill connection requests for ApplicationViews based off this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setConnectionSpec(ConnectionSpec) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.ApplicationView
Sets the connectionSpec for connections made to the EIS.
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the ConnectionURL for connecting to the underlying EIS.
setContent(byte[]) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLEntityInfoHelper
setContent(SOMSimpleContent) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
Method for setting simpleContent or complexContent within the complexType.
setContent(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAppInfo
setContentHandler(ContentHandler) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
setContentValidation(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
toggle element and attribute content validation.
setContext(Context) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.EventContext
Set the JNDI context to use.
setContext(Object) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginVariablePanel
Set the operating context for the panel.
setContext(PluginPanelContext, PluginData) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginPanel
Set the operating context for the panel.
setContextNode(DocumentData) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Sets the context node for use in all queries to data.
setContextNode(Node) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Sets the context node for use in all queries to node.
From this point on, until resetContextNode() is called, all calls to getDocumentData (direct or indirect) will be relative to the new context node.
setContextNode(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Sets the context node for use in all queries to path.
setConversation(Conversation) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.XOCPMessage
Sets the conversation in which to send this business message.
setCorrelationId(String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
Sets the message ID of the correlated business message, which is the business message that corresponds to this business message (for example, the message ID of the request to which this business message is a reply).
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the country code for enabling I18N log and exception messages from instances of this class.
setDefault(PartyInstance, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
setDefault(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.AbstractInputTagSupport
Sets the default value for this input tag
setDefault(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
The default attribute for an schema element.
setDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
manually override the XMLSchema namespace - NOT RECOMMENDED.
setDefaultOrg(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.UserInfo
Set the user's default organization.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocumentDefinition
Set the description for this object.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.AbstractDescriptor
Set the description of the object that this descriptor represents and its intended use.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.NamespaceObject
Set the description of this namespace object and its intended use.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDefinition
setDescription(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.INamespaceObject
Set the description of this namespace object and its intended use.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDefinition
Set the description for this event definition;
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor
Set the description of the object that this descriptor represents and its intended use.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDefinition
Set the description for this event definition;
setDescription(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDescriptor
Set the description of the object that this descriptor represents and its intended use.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.ExtensionFileFilter
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the description.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setDoAction(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.SubmitTag
setDocument(Document) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BusinessDocument
Sets the XML document part of this business document.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLDocument
Sets the associated XML document.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
setDocumentData(String, DocumentData) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the data element referred to by path to be value.
setDocumentDefinition(IDocumentDefinition) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the IDocumentDefinition for this document.
setDocumentDefinition(IDocumentDefinition) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.Event
setDocumentElement(Element) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the element that will act as the document root element for this document.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
setDocumentSchema(SOMSchema) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocumentDefinition
Set the document schema for this document definition.
setDocumentSchemaName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocumentDefinition
Set the name of the document schema for this document definition.
setDocumentTypeName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the document type name for this document.
setDouble(double) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.NumericFacet
setDoubleIn(String, double) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the node value of all data nodes found for the given xpath to the string representation of the given newValue.
setDoubleInFirst(String, double) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the first data element found with the given name to the string representation of the given newValue.
setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
setDuration(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setEffective(Timestamp) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo
Set the date/time at which the task reroute becomes effective.
setEisType(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setEJBDeploymentName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the EJB deployment name.
setEJBDeploymentName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBDescriptor
Set the EJB deployment name.
setEJBHomeMethod(MethodDescriptor) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the home method to invoke.
setEJBHomeMethodDescriptors(List) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBDescriptor
Set the methods on the EJB's home interface.
setEJBHomeName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the home interface name.
setEJBHomeName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBDescriptor
Set the name of the home interface.
setEJBPrimaryKeyName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the primary key class name.
setEJBPrimaryKeyName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBDescriptor
Set the name of the primary key class.
setEJBRemoteMethod(MethodDescriptor) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the remote method to invoke.
setEJBRemoteMethodDescriptors(List) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBDescriptor
Set the methods on the EJB's remote interface.
setEJBRemoteName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the remote interface name.
setEJBRemoteName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBDescriptor
Set the name of the remote interface.
setEMailAddress(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.UserInfo
Set the user's email address.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the EntityResolver to use when unserializing.
setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
setEnumeration(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setEquivClass(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "equivclass" attribute.
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
setErrorHandler(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.common.ExecutionContext
Set the current error handler.
setEventDefinition(IEventDefinition) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.Event
setEventDefinition(IEventDefinition) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEvent
setEventForwardingEnabled(QualifiedName, boolean, String, int, Map) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.client.EngineManager
Enables or disables event forwarding for a given ApplicationView to a given target JMS resource.
setEventHandlerDebug(boolean) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXTPool
Enable or disable WLXT Plugin EventHandler debugging messages
setEventRouterURL(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the URL of the event router that will receive any event subscriptions for this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setEventRouterURL(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set the URL of the event router that will receive any event subscriptions for this IApplicationViewDescriptor.
setEventType(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventHeader
setEventTypeName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.Event
setEventTypeName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEvent
setExecutionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.InteractionSpecImpl
Sets the execution timeout for this
setExpiry(Timestamp) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo
Set the date/time at which the task reroute expires.
setExpr(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EventKeyInfo
Set the unique key expression.
setExpression(String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.XOCPMessage
Sets the c-enabler XPath expression for this business message.
setFacet(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
Use the setFacet method to place restrictions on a previously defined type.
setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
setFilters(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Tasklist
Set the list filtering.
setFinal(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "final" attribute.
setFinal(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
setFixed(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.SOMFacet
setFixed(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
The fixed attribute for an schema element.
setForceAttrValues(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
Force Element attributes.
setForceMinOccurs(int) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
Force minimum occurs (minOccurs).
setForm(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
set the "form" attribute.
setFormat(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DateTagSupport
setFormat(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.DateWord
setFractionDigits(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setFrom(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo
Set the participant from whom rerouted tasks will be reassigned.
setFunctionName(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.InteractionSpecImpl
Sets the function name for this interaction spec
setGroup(SOMGroupType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexExtension
setGroup(SOMGroupType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
setGroupId(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo
Set the WLS group this role maps to.
setGroupID(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.security.RolePermissionInfo
Set the group ID.
setHandler(LexicalHandler) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.LexicalHandlerProxy
setHeader(EventHeader) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.Event
setHeader(EventHeader) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEvent
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.Attachment
Sets a specific key/value pair into the part header
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Set the height of the component that uses this attachment.
setHelpBroker(HelpBroker) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.HelpListener
setHomeParamDescriptions(String[]) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the EJB home parameter descriptions
setHorizontalCentering() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Center a component horizontally within its container.
setHorizontalCentering(Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Horizontally center one component on another component.
setHorizontalCentering(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Horizontally offset a component from its container's horizontal center.
setHorizontalCentering(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Horizontally center one component relative to another component.
setId(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.ClassInvocationDescriptor
Set the unique identifier.
setId(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the unique identifier.
setId(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.BusinessCalendarInfo
Set the business calendar unique ID.
setImage(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.LabelTag
setIndent(String) - Static method in class com.bea.schema.SOMObject
Allows the user to specify a token to be used for the indent when formatting output XML.
setInformation(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.ActionResult
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.Attachment
Sets the input stream for this message part.
setInspectAlways(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.catalog.EJBCatalog
Specify whether to regenerate the JNDI names and EJBMetaData on every call to EJBCatalog.getEJBNames() and EJBCatalog.getEJBDescriptors().
setInstanceVariable(String, String, String, Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.admin.Admin
Assign a value to a workflow instance variable.
setIntegerIn(String, int) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the node value of all data nodes found for the given xpath to the string representation of the given newValue.
setIntegerInFirst(String, int) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the first data element found with the given name to the string representation of the given newValue.
setInteractionSpecClassName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDescriptor
Set the name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.
setInteractionSpecClassName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IServiceDescriptor
Set the name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.
setInteractionVerb(int) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.InteractionSpecImpl
Sets the interaction verb for this
setIsSessionBean(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
setJMSTopic(Topic) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.EventContext
Set the JMS topic to use.
setJNDIName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the JNDI name at which connection factories based off this descriptor are to be bound.
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the JNDI name at which connection factories based off this descriptor are to be bound.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.Word
setLang(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMDocumentation
setLanguageCode(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the language code for enabling I18N log and exception messages from instances of this class.
setLeftAttachment(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the left of a component to the left of its container.
setLeftAttachment(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the left of one component to the right of another.
setLeftAttachmentSameSide(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the left of one component to the left of another.
setLength(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DateTagSupport
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.DateWord
setListData(Vector, Vector) - Method in class com.bea.schema.helper.test.ListSelector
setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Resources
Set the locale.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
setLogConfigFile(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the name for the log configuration file used by this instance.
setLogConfigFile(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
setLogContextName(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Overrides parent's method to append .DesignTime onto the log context.
setLogContextName(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
setLogicalName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setLogLevel(int) - Static method in class com.bea.wlai.common.LogManager
Set the logging level
setLogLevel(String) - Static method in class com.bea.wlai.common.LogManager
Set the logging level
setLogLevel(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the log priority level for 'this' instance.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnection
Adds out as a runtime destination to the ILogger for this instance.
setManagedConnection(AbstractManagedConnection) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.AbstractConnection
Sets the managed connection for this connection.
setMaxExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.IntegerTagSupport
setMaxExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.FloatTagSupport
setMaxExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DoubleTagSupport
setMaxExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.IntegerWord
Sets the value for the maximum exclusive constraining facet.
setMaxExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.DoubleWord
Sets the value for the maximum exclusive constraining facet.
setMaxExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.FloatWord
Sets the value for the maximum exclusive constraining facet.
setMaxExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setMaxInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.IntegerTagSupport
setMaxInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.FloatTagSupport
setMaxInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DoubleTagSupport
setMaxInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.IntegerWord
Sets the value for the maximum inclusive constraining facet.
setMaxInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.DoubleWord
Sets the value for the maximum inclusive constraining facet.
setMaxInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.FloatWord
Sets the value for the maximum inclusive constraining facet.
setMaxInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.AbstractInputTagSupport
Sets the maxlength for this form field.
setMaxLength(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setMaxOccurs(int) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
The maxOccurs attribute.
setMaxOccurs(int) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAll
overrides the super class setMaxOccurs method.
setMaxOccurs(int) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
The maxOccurs attribute for schema element.
setMaxOccurs(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
The maxOccurs attribute for schema element.
setMaxOccurs(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
The maxOccurs attribute for schema element.
setMaxPool(int) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXTPool
Sets the maximum size of the WLXT pool.
setMaxPoolSize(int) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the maximum number of connections to maintain in any connection pool based off this IConnectionFactoryDescriptor.
setMaxPoolSize(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the maximum number of connections to maintain in any connection pool based off this IConnectionFactoryDescriptor.
setMaxPoolXT(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXTPool
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.ActionResult
setMessageBundleBase(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the base name for the message bundle used by this instance.
setMessageBundleBase(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
setMessageStatus(String, int) - Method in class com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailbox
Sets the status of the message to the specified value.
setMessageStatus(String, int) - Method in interface com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailboxDirectory
Sets the status of the message to the specified value.
setMinExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.IntegerTagSupport
setMinExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.FloatTagSupport
setMinExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DoubleTagSupport
setMinExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.IntegerWord
Sets the value for the minimum exclusive constraining facet.
setMinExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.DoubleWord
Sets the value for the minimum exclusive constraining facet.
setMinExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.FloatWord
Sets the value for the minimum exclusive constraining facet.
setMinExclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setMinInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.IntegerTagSupport
setMinInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.FloatTagSupport
setMinInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DoubleTagSupport
setMinInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.IntegerWord
Sets the value for the minimum inclusive constraining facet.
setMinInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.DoubleWord
Sets the value for the minimum inclusive constraining facet.
setMinInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.FloatWord
Sets the value for the minimum inclusive constraining facet.
setMinInclusive(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setMinLength(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setMinOccurs(int) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
The minOccurs attribute.
setMinOccurs(int) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAll
overrides the super class setMinOccurs method.
setMinOccurs(int) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
The minOccurs attribute for schema element.
setMinOccurs(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
The minOccurs attribute.
setMinOccurs(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
The minOccurs attribute for schema element.
setMinPoolSize(int) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the minimum number of connections to maintain in any connection pool based off this IConnectionFactoryDescriptor.
setMinPoolSize(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the minimum number of connections to maintain in any connection pool based off this IConnectionFactoryDescriptor.
setMixed(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexContent
setMixed(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
setMixed(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexContent
setMixed(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.MappedTableModel
Set the inner table model (i.e., the one actually providing the data).
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Set the backing model.
setName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocumentDefinition
Set the name of this object.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.AbstractDescriptor
Set the name of the service this object represents.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.NamespaceObject
Set this object's name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDefinition
setName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.INamespaceObject
Set this object's name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set this descriptor's name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDefinition
Set the name for this event definition;
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.QualifiedName
Set the name portion of this QualifiedName.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor
Set this descriptor's name.
setName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDefinition
Set the type name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set this descriptor's name.
setName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDescriptor
Set the name of the service this object represents.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.BusinessCalendarInfo
Set the business calendar name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.AbstractInputTagSupport
Sets the name of this input tag
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.LabelTag
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.ContentTag
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.SubmitTag
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMUserDefinedType
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
set the "name" attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
set the "name" attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
setNamespace(INamespace) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.QualifiedName
Set the namespace portion of this QualifiedName.
setNDCMaxDepth(int) - Method in class com.bea.logging.LogCategory
Set maximum depth of this diagnostic context.
setNDCMaxDepth(int) - Method in interface com.bea.logging.INestedDiagnosticContext
Set maximum depth of this diagnostic context.
setNodeValue(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLDocument
Sets the value of a document node using the specified XPath expression to locate the node.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "nullable" attribute.
setNullable(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "block" attribute.
setObjectClassName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.ClassInvocationDescriptor
Sets the name of the class that the wrapped method is intended to be called on.
setOrganizationInfo(OrganizationInfo) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.principal.WLPIPrincipal
Update the information about an organization.
setOrgID(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.security.RolePermissionInfo
Set the organization ID.
setOwnsConnectionFactoryFlag(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Sets the ownership flag for the connection factory; passing true indicates that the connection factory is solely owned by this object and it is free to do whatever it wants with the connection factory; false indicates that the connection factory is not solely owned by this application view.
setOwnsConnectionFactoryFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Sets the ownership flag for the connection factory; passing true indicates that the connection factory is solely owned by this object and it is free to do whatever it wants with the connection factory; false indicates that the connection factory is not solely owned by this application view.
setOwnsRequestSchemaFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDescriptor
Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the request schema it references; this flag is true by default.
setOwnsRequestSchemaFlag(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IServiceDescriptor
Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the request schema it references; this flag is true by default.
setOwnsResponseSchemaFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDescriptor
Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the response schema it references; this flag is true by default.
setOwnsResponseSchemaFlag(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IServiceDescriptor
Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the response schema it references; this flag is true by default.
setOwnsSchemaFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDescriptor
Sets a flag that indicates if this event owns the schema it references; this flag is true by default.
setOwnsSchemaFlag(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDescriptor
Sets a flag that indicates if this event owns the schema it references; this flag is true by default.
setParent(RepositoryFolderInfoHelper) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper
setParent(SOMObject) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMObject
setParentNamespace(INamespace) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.NamespaceObject
Set this namespace object's parent namespace.
setParentNamespace(INamespace) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.INamespaceObject
Set this namespace object's parent namespace.
setParentNamespace(INamespace) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set this descriptor's parent namespace.
setParentNamespace(INamespace) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor
Set this descriptor's parent namespace.
setParentNamespace(INamespace) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Set this descriptor's parent namespace.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the Password for connecting to the underlying EIS.
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.PasswordTagSupport
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.TextTagSupport
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.TextareaTagSupport
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.Word
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setPayload(IDocument) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.Event
setPayload(IDocument) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEvent
setPayloadRootElementName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDefinition
Set the root element name for the payload for this event definition.
setPayloadRootElementName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDefinition
Set the root element name for the payload for this event definition.
setPayloadSchema(SOMSchema) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDefinition
Set the schema for the payload document.
setPayloadSchema(SOMSchema) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDefinition
Set the schema for the payload document.
setPayloadSchemaName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDefinition
Set the name of the document schema for payload for this event definition.
setPayloadSchemaName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDefinition
Set the name of the document schema for payload for this event definition.
setPeriod(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setPermission(EnumPermission, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.security.PermissionInfo
Set a specific permission of the principal to val.
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
setPhysicalConnection(Object) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnection
A convenience method that allows an adapter developer to save an object that represents the underlying physical connection to the EIS.
setPlatform(byte) - Method in class com.bea.web.UserAgent
setPluginConfiguration(String, VersionInfo, int, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManagerCfg
Set a plugin's configuration data.
setPluginInstanceData(String, Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.common.ExecutionContext
Set the workflow instance data provided by the named plugin.
setPluginInstanceData(String, String, Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.admin.Admin
Set the plugin-supplied data associated with a workflow instance.
setPortNumber(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the PortNumber for connecting to the underlying EIS.
setPrecision(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setPreferredLocation(Point) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
Inform the worklist of the preferred start-up location for the worklist's container.
setPriority(int) - Method in class com.bea.logging.LogCategory
This method overrides the method in super.
setPriority(int) - Method in interface com.bea.logging.ILogger
converts int to Priority, and sets
setPriority(LogPriority) - Method in class com.bea.logging.LogCategory
This method overrides the method in super.
setPriority(LogPriority) - Method in interface com.bea.logging.ILogger
sets the category priority
setPriority(String) - Method in class com.bea.logging.LogCategory
This method overrides the method in super.
setPriority(String) - Method in interface com.bea.logging.ILogger
sets the category priority
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.util.PropertyResourceBundleWriter
setPropertySet(Map) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDefinition
setPropertySet(Map) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDefinition
Set the properties (name/value pairs) for this service.
setPropertySet(Map) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDefinition
Set the properties (name/value pairs) for this event.
setPublicID(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Get the system id for this document.
setPublishable(Publishable) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.PackageEntry
setPublished() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.ClassInvocationDescriptor
setPublished() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
setPublished(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.PackageEntry
setQoS(QualityOfService) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.XOCPMessage
Sets the Quality of Service for message delivery.
setQualifiedName(QualifiedName) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.NamespaceObjectHandle
Set the qualified name of the object this handle represents.
setQualifier(PluginField) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginField
Set the field qualifier.
setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.MessageBase
Sets the recipient trading partner for this business message.
setRecipient(String) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.Message
Sets the recipients list of this business message to the single specified trading partner.
setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.XOCPMessage
Specifies the name of a single trading partner to receive this business message.
setRecordName(String) - Method in class com.bea.connector.DocumentRecord
setRecordName(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.RecordImpl
Sets the name of this record
setRecordShortDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.connector.DocumentRecord
setRecordShortDescription(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.RecordImpl
Sets the short description for this record
setRef(SOMReference) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
set the "ref" attribute.
setRef(SOMReference) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
set the element to which this element should reference.
setRef(SOMReference) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
set the "ref" attribute.
setRef(SOMReference) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMUnresolvedReference
setRef(SOMReference) - Method in interface com.bea.schema.SOMReference
setRef(SOMUnresolvedReference) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
set the "ref" attribute.
setRef(SOMUnresolvedReference) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
set the element to which this element should reference.
setRef(SOMUnresolvedReference) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
set the element to which this element should reference.
setReference(Reference) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.ConnectionFactoryImpl
setReferences(Map) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.PackageEntry
setRemoteParamDescriptions(String[]) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set the EJB remote parameter descriptions
setReplyDocument(CXMLDocument) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLMessage
Sets the reply cXML document.
setRequestDefinition(IRequestDefinition) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDefinition
setRequestDocument(CXMLDocument) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLMessage
Sets the request cXML document.
setRequestDocumentDefinition(IDocumentDefinition) - Method in interface com.bea.connector.DocumentInteractionSpec
Set the IDocumentDefinition object representing the request document for this InteractionSpec object.
setRequestDocumentDefinition(IDocumentDefinition) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.DocumentInteractionSpecImpl
Sets the request document definition
setRequestDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDescriptor
Set the descriptor for the request document required for this service.
setRequestDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IServiceDescriptor
Set the descriptor for the request document required for this service.
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.AbstractInputTagSupport
Sets whether this input field is required for successful processing of the HTML form.
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.LabelTag
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.web.validation.Word
setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in interface com.bea.logging.ILogger
sets the category's resource bundle
setResourceBundle(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginPanel
Set the resource bundle to use when localizing strings and messages.
setResponseDefinition(IResponseDefinition) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDefinition
setResponseDocumentDefinition(IDocumentDefinition) - Method in interface com.bea.connector.DocumentInteractionSpec
Set the IDocumentDefinition object representing the response document for this InteractionSpec object.
setResponseDocumentDefinition(IDocumentDefinition) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.DocumentInteractionSpecImpl
Sets the response document definition
setResponseDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ServiceDescriptor
Set the descriptor for the response document returned from this service.
setResponseDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IServiceDescriptor
Set the descriptor for the response document returned from this service.
setRetryAttempts(int) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
Sets the maximum number retries to attempt when sending this business message over a network link.
setRightAttachment(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the right of a component to the right of its container.
setRightAttachment(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the right of one component to the left of another.
setRightAttachmentSameSide(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the right of one component to the right of another.
setRoleInfo(RoleInfo) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.principal.WLPIPrincipal
Update the information about a role.
setRolePermissions(List) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.permission.Permission
This method allows the batch update of role permissions in the system.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.common.ExecutionContext
Set the current user transaction for rollback only.
setRootElement(SOMElement) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
Specify a SOMElement that will act as the root element for the new document.
setRootElementName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocumentDefinition
Set the root element name for this document definition.
setRootElementName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDescriptor
Set the root element name for this event descriptor.
setRootElementName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDescriptor
Set the name of the root element for the event payload (XML) for events of this type that are received at runtime.
setRootElementName(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDocumentDescriptor
Set the name of the root element for the documents of this type.
setRootElementName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.DocumentDescriptor
Set the name of the root element for the documents of this type.
setRootLogContext(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the root log context for this factory.
setRootName(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
specify the name of the element from the schema to be used as the root element for the new document.
setRows(int) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.TextareaTagSupport
setScale(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setSchema(SOMSchema) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.ISchemaDescriptor
Set the schema document for this schema descriptor.
setSchema(SOMSchema) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.SchemaDescriptor
Set the SOMSchema that this descriptor contains
setSchemaLocation(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
set xsi document attribute.
setSchemaLocation(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
set xsi document attribute.
setSchemaNameString(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventDescriptor
Set the name of the document schema for this event descriptor.
setSchemaNameString(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IEventDescriptor
Set the name of the schema for the event type represented by this descriptor.
setSchemaNameString(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDocumentDescriptor
Set the name of the schema for the document type represented by this descriptor.
setSchemaNameString(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.DocumentDescriptor
Set the name of the schema for the document type represented by this descriptor.
setSenderSharedSecret(String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLDocument
Sets the Sender Credential Shared Secret in the document Header.
setServerName(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the ServerName for connecting to the underlying EIS.
setServices(T3ServicesDef) - Method in class com.bea.lwclient.Startup
We don't need access to any services, so this method does nothing.
setSessionContext(SessionContext) - Method in class com.bea.eci.repository.ejb.XMLRepositoryBean
Set the object's SessionContent to the one provided.
setSessionEJB(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBDescriptor
Specify whether this object describes a session EJB or an entity EJB.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Set the size of the component that uses this attachment.
setSize(int) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.AbstractInputTagSupport
Sets the size for this form field.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Set the size of the component that uses this attachment.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAppInfo
setSourceKey(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventHeader
setSourceType(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.EventHeader
setSpecVersion(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setStringIn(String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the node value of all data nodes found for the given xpath to the string representation of the given newValue.
setStringInFirst(String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the first data element found with the given name to the string given by newValue.
setSubstitutionGroup(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
set the "substitionGroup" attribute.
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.web.ActionResult
setSystemID(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.CategoryInfo
Set the category's system ID.
setSystemID(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Set the system id for this document.
setTable(JTable) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.ColumnSorterMenu
Associate this menu item with a table.
setTargetDocument(Document) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
set a target document holder for the default document to be created.
setTargetDocument(IDocument) - Method in class com.bea.schema.DefaultDocumentOptions
set a target document holder for the default document to be created.
setTargetFractionOfMaxPoolSize(float) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the fraction of the maximum pool size that represents the number of connections to maintain in a connection pool based off this descriptor.
setTargetFractionOfMaxPoolSize(float) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ConnectionFactoryDescriptor
Set the fraction of the maximum pool size that represents the number of connections to maintain in a connection pool based off this descriptor.
setTemplateDefinitionContent(String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.admin.Admin
Set the content of a workflow template definition.
setTemplateNameOrgs(String, String, Collection) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.admin.Admin
Deprecated. Use Admin.setTemplateOrgs(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection) and Admin.updateTemplate(com.bea.wlpi.common.TemplateInfo).
setTemplateOrgs(String, Collection) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.admin.Admin
Specify which organizations have access to a workflow template.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.messaging.QualityOfService
Sets the timeout value for the business message, in milliseconds.
setTimeZone(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.BusinessCalendarInfo
Set the business calendar timezone.
setTo(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo
Set the participant to whom rerouted tasks will be assigned.
setTopAttachment(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the top of a component to the top of its container.
setTopAttachment(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the top of one component to the bottom of another.
setTopAttachmentSameSide(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Attach the top of one component to the top of another.
setToRole(String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.MessageBase
Sets the to-role for the recipients of this business message.
setTotalDigits(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setTrigger(EventContext, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginStart
Deprecated. Establish the event watch for this start node.
setType(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo
Set the task reroute type.
setType(SOMType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
sets the type attribute or complexType/simpleType for the element.
setType(SOMType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
Valid types for SOMAttribute are SOMElementalType's, SOMSimpleType, and SOMAnnotation
setType(SOMType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setType(SOMType) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMList
setupNewTypes(List) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractEventGenerator
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle new event types provided by the event router.
setupNewTypes(List) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPullEventGenerator
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle new event types provided by the event router.
setupNewTypes(List) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPushEventGenerator
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle new event types provided by the event router.
setUse(short) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
set the use attribute.
setUse(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
set the use attribute.
setUserAgent(UserAgent) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
setUserInfo(UserInfo) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.principal.WLPIPrincipal
Update the information about a user.
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
Sets the UserName for connecting to the underlying EIS.
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
setUserPermissions(List) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.permission.Permission
This method allows the batch update of user permissions in the system.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginVariableRenderer
Set the variable to display.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.CheckBoxTagSupport
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.RadioTagSupport
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
Deprecated. "fixed" and "default" attributes replaced "value"
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.SOMFacet
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.FacetPeriod
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.FacetWhiteSpace
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.FacetEnumeration
Adds the enumeration value to the list of valid <enumeration> values.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.NumericFacet
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.FacetEncoding
setValue(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.facet.FacetPattern
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.MappedTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Set a table cell value.
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.wlpi.WorkflowInstance
Sets an instance variable for this workflow instance.
setVariableValue(String, Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.common.ExecutionContext
Set the value of a workflow instance variable.
setVendorName(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.EJBInvocationDescriptor
Set whether the invokeXXX() methods emit debugging messages.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.UserAgent
setVerticalCentering() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Center a component vertically within its container.
setVerticalCentering(Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Vertically center one component on another component.
setVerticalCentering(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Vertically offset a component from its container's vertical center.
setVerticalCentering(int, Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Vertically center one component relative to another component.
setWebAppPath(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.AdapterInfo
setWhiteSpace(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Set the width of the component that uses this attachment.
setXML(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.BusinessCalendarInfo
Set the business calendar definition.
SHORT - Static variable in class com.bea.schema.type.SOMType
showMap() - Method in class com.bea.schema.helper.SOMHelper
For debugging, displays the dom-som mappings.
SHTest - class com.bea.schema.helper.test.SHTest.
SHTest(String[]) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.helper.test.SHTest
shutDown() - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.management.TradingPartnerSessionMBean
Shutsdown the session, forces the trading partner to leave.
shutDown() - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.PlugIn
Shuts down this logic plug-in.
shutDown() - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application.XOCPApplicationSession
Shuts down the XOCP application session.
shutDown() - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application.XOCPApplication
Shuts down this XOCPApplication, including all of the active XOCP application sessions associated with this XOCPApplication.
shutDown(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.enabler.EnablerSession
Deprecated. Shuts down the c-enabler session and, optionally, leaves the c-space.
shutDown(boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.enabler.Enabler
Deprecated. Shuts down this c-enabler node, including all of the active c-enabler sessions associated with this c-enabler.
shutDown(int) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.management.WLCMBean
Shuts down the current WebLogic Collaborate server.
SINGLE_ROOT - Static variable in interface com.bea.schema.helper.Messages
size() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.ConnectionRequestInfoMap
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
slaves - Variable in class com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginConfiguration
SOMAll - class com.bea.schema.SOMAll.
<all> The grouping construct for schema components.
SOMAll() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAll
SOMAll(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAll
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMAnnotation - class com.bea.schema.SOMAnnotation.
<annotation> The XML representation for an annotation schema component is an element information item.
SOMAnnotation() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAnnotation
SOMAny - class com.bea.schema.SOMAny.
<any> The XML representation for a wildcard schema component is an any or anyAttribute element information item.
SOMAny() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAny
SOMAny(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAny
SOMAppInfo - class com.bea.schema.SOMAppInfo.
<appInfo> content element for the schema element annotation.
SOMAppInfo(Attributes) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAppInfo
SOMAppInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAppInfo
SOMAttribute - class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute.
<attribute> The XML representation for an attribute declaration schema component is an <attribute> element information item.
SOMAttribute(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
Construct an <attribute> where type is defaulted to SOMType.STRING
SOMAttribute(String, SOMType) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
Construct an <attribute>
SOMAttributeGroup - class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup.
<attributeGroup> The XML representation for an attribute group definition schema component is an <attributeGroup> element information item.
SOMAttributeGroup() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
SOMAttributeGroup(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
SOMAttributeGroup(SOMAttributeGroup, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
Construct an <attributeGroup> reference
SOMAttributeGroup(String, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
SOMBasic - class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic.
Abstract base class for SOMElement and SOMAttribute.
SOMBasic(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMBasic(SOMBasic) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
Construct an element using another element as a reference.
SOMBasic(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
SOMChoice - class com.bea.schema.SOMChoice.
<choice> The grouping construct for schema components.
SOMChoice() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMChoice
SOMChoice(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMChoice
SOMComplexContent - class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexContent.
<complexContent> Alternative content for complexType's.
SOMComplexContent(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexContent
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMComplexContent(SOMExtension) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexContent
SOMComplexContent(SOMRestriction) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexContent
SOMComplexExtension - class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexExtension.
<extension> This class acts as a wrapper to extension elements for complexContent.
SOMComplexExtension(SOMObject, Attributes) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexExtension
SOMComplexExtension(SOMType) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexExtension
Constructs a new <extension> element of a given base type.
SOMComplexRestriction - class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexRestriction.
<restriction> This class acts as a wrapper to restriction elements for complexContent.
SOMComplexRestriction(SOMObject, Attributes) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexRestriction
SOMComplexRestriction(SOMType) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexRestriction
Constructs a new <restriction> element of a given base type.
SOMComplexType - class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType.
<complexType> This class acts as a wrapper to complexType elements.
SOMComplexType() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
SOMComplexType(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
SOMComplexType(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
SOMDocumentation - class com.bea.schema.SOMDocumentation.
<documentation> content element for the schema element annotation.
SOMDocumentation(Attributes) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMDocumentation
SOMDocumentation(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMDocumentation
SOMElement - class com.bea.schema.SOMElement.
<element> The XML representation for an element declaration schema component is an <element> element information item.
SOMElement(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMElement(SOMElement) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
Construct an <element>
SOMElement(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
Construct an <element> where type is defaulted to SOMType.STRING
SOMElement(String, SOMType) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMElement
Construct an <element>
SOMElementalType - class com.bea.schema.type.SOMElementalType.
abstract base class for all Primitive and Derived types.
SOMElementalType() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.type.SOMElementalType
SOMExtension - class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension.
<extension> This class acts as a wrapper to extension elements.
SOMExtension() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
The extension element cannot exist without specifying a base type.
SOMExtension(SOMObject, Attributes) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
SOMExtension(SOMType) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
Constructs a new <extension> element of a given base type.
SOMFacet - class com.bea.schema.facet.SOMFacet.
SOMFacet() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.facet.SOMFacet
SOMGroup - class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup.
<group> The XML representation for a model group definition schema component is a <group> element information item.
SOMGroup() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
SOMGroup(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMGroup(SOMGroup) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
SOMGroup(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
SOMGroupType - class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType.
Abstract base class for all schema group types
SOMGroupType() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
SOMGroupType(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
SOMHelper - class com.bea.schema.helper.SOMHelper.
A helper class for the Schema Object Model (SOM) providing methods that can be used to create XML documents based on an XML Schema.
SOMHelper(SOMSchema) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.helper.SOMHelper
Construct a new SOMHelper Object.
SOMHelperException - exception com.bea.schema.helper.SOMHelperException.
Thrown by the repository EJB, this class insulates the repository client from the repository implementation classes, specifically com.bea.eci.repository.RepositoryException.
SOMHelperException(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.helper.SOMHelperException
Create a new RepositoryException containing a nested exception with a specific message.
SOMHelperException(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.helper.SOMHelperException
Create a new RepositoryException containing a nested exception with a specific message.
SOMList - class com.bea.schema.SOMList.
<list> A defining construct for schema components.
SOMList(SOMType) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMList
SOMObject - class com.bea.schema.SOMObject.
abstract base class for all SOM classes
SOMObject() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMObject
SOMReference - interface com.bea.schema.SOMReference.
SOMRestriction - class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction.
<restriction> A restricting construct for schema components.
SOMRestriction(Attributes) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
SOMRestriction(SOMType) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
SOMSchema - class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema.
<schema> The SOMSchema object is the building block for the Schema Object Model, SOM.
SOMSchema() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Create an empty top schema level object
SOMSchema(InputSource, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Load a schema from an XML instance document in a file.
SOMSchema(Reader) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Load a schema from stringified XML using the default SAX parser.
SOMSchema(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Load a schema from serialized XML using the default SAX parser.
SOMSchema(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Load a schema from stringified XML using the default SAX parser.
SOMSchema(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Load a schema from stringified XML using the default SAX parser.
SOMSchema(XMLReader, InputSource, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Load a schema from an XML instance document in a file.
SOMSequence - class com.bea.schema.SOMSequence.
<sequence> The grouping construct for schema components.
SOMSequence() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSequence
SOMSequence(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSequence
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMSimpleContent - class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleContent.
<simpleContent> Alternative content for complexType's.
SOMSimpleContent(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleContent
constructor for use with SAX parser, loading SOM from a file.
SOMSimpleContent(SOMExtension) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleContent
SOMSimpleContent(SOMRestriction) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleContent
SOMSimpleType - class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleType.
<simpleType> defines a simple user defined schema type
SOMSimpleType() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleType
SOMSimpleType(Attributes, SOMObject) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleType
SOMSimpleType(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleType
SOMType - class com.bea.schema.type.SOMType.
abstract base class for all SOM type objects, including complexType and simpleType.
SOMType() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.type.SOMType
SOMUnion - class com.bea.schema.SOMUnion.
<union> A defining construct for schema components.
SOMUnion() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMUnion
SOMUnresolvedReference - class com.bea.schema.SOMUnresolvedReference.
Place holder for element(s) and attribute(s) not yet defined.
SOMUnresolvedReference(SOMObject, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMUnresolvedReference
Creating a SOMUnresolvedReference registers this instance in the static table of unresolved references.
SOMUnresolvedType - class com.bea.schema.type.SOMUnresolvedType.
Place holder for complex and simpleTypes not yet defined.
SOMUnresolvedType(SOMObject, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.type.SOMUnresolvedType
Creating a SOMUnresolvedType registers this instance in the static table of unresolved types.
SOMUserDefinedType - class com.bea.schema.SOMUserDefinedType.
Superclass for complexType and simpleType
SOMUserDefinedType() - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMUserDefinedType
SOMUserDefinedType(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMUserDefinedType
SOMValidationException - exception com.bea.schema.SOMValidationException.
This class describes an error found during a validation procedure.
SOMValidationException(SOMObject, Node, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMValidationException
SOMValidationException(SOMObject, Node, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMValidationException
SOMValidationException(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.schema.SOMValidationException
sort() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Re-sort the table using the previously specified column and order.
sort(int) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Sort the table on the specified column in ascending order.
sort(int, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Sort the table on the specified column in the specified order.
SortableTableModel - class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel.
A sorter for TableModels.
SortableTableModel() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Create a new SortableTableModel with no backing model.
SortableTableModel(TableModel) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Create a new SortableTableModel with the specified backing model.
source - Variable in class com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginNotification
stackTrace - Variable in class com.bea.b2b.B2BException
start() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistApplet
Applet start.
start() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
Start the worklist.
start() - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.event.IEventGenerator
Start generating events as they are detected in the EIS.
start() - Method in class com.bea.b2b.wlpi.WorkflowInstance
Instantiate a workflow for the WLPI template name retrieved from the CPAid identified by the CPA and parties properties passed to the constructor.
start() - Static method in class com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailbox
This is the entry point for Lwc RMI registry allowing remote File Sharing Client access
start() - Static method in class com.bea.lwclient.Startup
This is the entry point for Lwc
start() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractEventGenerator
Starts the EventGenerator
start() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPullEventGenerator
Starts the PullEventGenerator to polling.
start() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPushEventGenerator
Adds this object, as a listener, to any IPushHandlers created.
start(boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.management.WLCMBean
Starts up the WebLogic Collaborate server.
start(String, String, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
Start the worklist.
startCDATA() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
startCDATA() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.LexicalHandlerProxy
Report the start of a CDATA section.
startDocument() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.LexicalHandlerProxy
Report the start of DTD declarations, if any.
startedWorkflowDone(ActionContext, ExecutionContext, VariableInfo[]) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginAction
Notify the plugin action that a sub-workflow it started is now complete.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
startEntity(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
startEntity(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.LexicalHandlerProxy
Report the beginning of an entity in content.
StartInfo - class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.StartInfo.
Provides information about a start node type defined by a plugin.
StartInfo(String, int, String, String, byte[], String[], FieldInfo) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.StartInfo
Create a new StartInfo.
StartInfo(String, int, String, String, Icon, String[], FieldInfo) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.StartInfo
Deprecated. To avoid using java.awt library.
startMode - Variable in class com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginConfiguration
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLProxy
startsWith(Node) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
Attempt to determine if the element is the start of a group.
startsWith(Node) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAll
startsWith(Node) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAny
Not supported with this release
startsWith(Node) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroup
startsWith(Node) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMChoice
startsWith(Node) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSequence
Startup - class com.bea.lwclient.Startup.
The startup class from Weblogic Server.
startup() - Method in class com.bea.lwclient.Startup
Startup() - Constructor for class com.bea.lwclient.Startup
startup(String, Hashtable) - Method in class com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailbox
startup(String, Hashtable) - Method in class com.bea.lwclient.Startup
startWorkflow(ExecutionContext, String, EventData) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.ActionContext
Start a previously instantiated workflow.
State - interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.conversation.State.
The State interface represents the state of a conversation in the WebLogic Collaborate system.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
Called when the user changes the active tasklist by clicking the tab control.
stateChanged(Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManager
Notify a server of a plugin manager cluster-wide state change.
statisticsQuery(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.admin.Admin
Run a statistics query.
Stats - class com.bea.wlcfilesync.Stats.
Stats This class holds the statistics of the Thread Pool from which it was returned.
Stats() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlcfilesync.Stats
status - Variable in class com.bea.b2b.mailbox.MessageInfo
status - Variable in class com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginConfiguration
STATUS_COMPLETE - Static variable in class com.bea.wlpi.common.TaskInfo
Task is complete.
STATUS_DEPLOYED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginConstants
The plugin has been deployed but not initialized.
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginConstants
The plugin threw an exception when called, or requires a later version of the framework.
STATUS_INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.bea.wlpi.common.TaskInfo
Task has not yet been started.
STATUS_INITIALIZED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginConstants
The plugin has been initialized but not loaded.
STATUS_LOADED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginConstants
The plugin has been loaded.
STATUS_LOADING - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginConstants
The plugin is being loaded.
STATUS_MISSING - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginConstants
The plugin has a registered configuration, but the plugin itself is not deployed.
STATUS_OVERDUE - Static variable in class com.bea.wlpi.common.TaskInfo
As for TaskInfo.STATUS_PENDING, but due date is in the past.
STATUS_PENDING - Static variable in class com.bea.wlpi.common.TaskInfo
Task has been started but is not yet complete.
STATUS_UNLOADING - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginConstants
The plugin is being unloaded.
StatusNew - Static variable in class com.bea.b2b.mailbox.MessageInfo
StatusRead - Static variable in class com.bea.b2b.mailbox.MessageInfo
STOP - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.common.ExecutionContext
Return code to prevent processing of subsequent operations.
stop() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistApplet
Applet stop.
stop() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
Stop the worklist.
stop() - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.event.IEventGenerator
Stop generating events from the EIS.
stop() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractEventGenerator
Stops the Event Generator
stop() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPullEventGenerator
Notifies this thread that it should stop posting events to the event router.
stop() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPushEventGenerator
Removes this object, as a listener, from all IPushHandler objects
store(Properties, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.WATableColumnModel
Store this WATableColumnModel into a Properties object.
store(Properties, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.SortableTableModel
Store the sort column index and sort order.
storeProperties() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
Store current properties.
STRING - Static variable in class com.bea.schema.type.SOMType
stringDateToRaw(String, String) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.BintypeDate
Take a date that is in String format and return it in a byte array.
StringDocumentData - class com.bea.document.StringDocumentData.
Represents a string value within a DOM tree.
StringDocumentData(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.document.StringDocumentData
stringDOM(Document, int, int) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Convert a DOM Document object to an XML String.
stringDOM(Document, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Convert a DOM Document object to an XML String.
strToPriority(String) - Static method in class com.bea.logging.LogPriority
Converts a String into a Priority.
subContext(String) - Method in class com.bea.logging.LogContext
Creates a new LogContext object with this context as its base context.
SubmitTag - class com.bea.web.tag.SubmitTag.
SubmitTag() - Constructor for class com.bea.web.tag.SubmitTag
SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.DeliveryStatus
Message delivery succeeded.
SUCCESS - Static variable in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.conversation.local.Conversation
Conversation terminated successfully.
suite() - Static method in class com.bea.adapter.test.TestHarness
suite() - Static method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AdapterDesignTimeTestCase
supportsEditableEvents() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports editing of events.
supportsEditableServices() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports editing of services.
supportsEvents() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports events.
supportsEventTest() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports the testing of events.
supportsExecuteWithInputAndOutputRecord() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaDataImpl
supportsExecuteWithInputRecordOnly() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaDataImpl
supportsLocalTransactionDemarcation() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaDataImpl
supportsQualifiers() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.FieldInfo
Whether this field type supports dot-delimited qualified names.
supportsServices() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports services.
supportsServiceTest() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Used by the designtime web frame work to determine if an adapter supports the testing of services.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _
WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)