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Value Object Summary


This appendix describes the BPM value objects and their methods, including the following:

For more information about accessing object data, see Using Value Objects.


BusinessCalendarInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.BusinessCalendarInfo object maintains object data pertaining to business calendars.

You can use the following constructors to create a new BusinessCalendarInfo object:

public BusinessCalendarInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String timezone,
java.lang.String xml
public BusinessCalendarInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String timezone,
java.lang.String xml,
boolean published

The following table describes the BusinessCalendarInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-1 BusinessCalendarInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Business calendar ID


public java.lang.String getId()

public void setId(java.lang.String id)

Business calendar name


public java.lang.String getName()

public void setName(java.lang.String name)

Timezone in which the business calendar operates


public java.lang.String getTimeZone()

public void setTimeZone(java.lang.String id)

Business calendar definition (XML)

For a description of the Business Calendar DTD format, see Business Calendar DTD.


public java.lang.String getXML()

public void setXML(java.lang.String xml)

Boolean flag specifying whether or not the business calendar is published.


public boolean isPublished()



For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.BusinessCalendarInfo javadoc.


EventKeyInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.EventKeyInfo object maintains object data pertaining to event keys.

An event key specifies a unique value that is encoded as part of the event data, and that is used to identify workflow definitions or instances associated with an incoming XML document. The process engine generates an EventKey table that associates a workflow expression to an event based on the event content type and descriptor. The workflow expression is used to evaluate the event key value for an incoming event.

You can use the following constructor to create a new EventKeyInfo object:

public EventKeyInfo(
java.lang.String contentType,
java.lang.String eventDescriptor,
java.lang.String expr,
java.lang.String plugin,
int fieldId

The following table describes the EventKeyInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Note: For more information about programming plug-ins, see Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration.

Table B-2 EventKeyInfo Object Data

Object Data


Get Method

Set Method

MIME Content type (for example, text/xml)


public final java.lang.String getContentType()


If the MIME Content type is set to text/xml, specifies one of the following:

Otherwise, specifies an event descriptor, in a plug-in defined format


public final java.lang.String getEventDescriptor()


Expression that yields a unique event key for a document with the specified content type and format description


public final java.lang.String getExpr()

public final void setExpr(java.lang.String expr)

Plug-in that supplies the field type required to evaluate the expression; if null, and the content type is text/xml, the default XML field type is used


public final java.lang.String getPlugin()


Field ID assigned by the plug-in


public final int getFieldId()



For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.EventKeyInfo javadoc.


InstanceInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.InstanceInfo object maintains object data pertaining to workflow instances.

You can use the following constructors to create a new InstanceInfo object:

public InstanceInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String templateId,
java.lang.String templateDefinitionId,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String initiator,
java.lang.String parentId,
java.sql.Timestamp started,
java.sql.Timestamp completed,
java.lang.String idString,
int state,
java.lang.String comment
public InstanceInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String templateId,
java.lang.String templateDefinitionId,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String initiator,
java.lang.String parentId,
java.sql.Timestamp started,
java.sql.Timestamp completed,
java.lang.String idString,
int state,
java.lang.String comment
java.util.Map pluginData

The following table describes the InstanceInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Note: For more information about programming plug-ins, see Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration.

Table B-3 InstanceInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Instance ID


public final java.lang.String getId()

Template ID


public final java.lang.String getTemplateId()

Template definition ID


public final java.lang.String getTemplateDefinitionId()

Template definition name


public final java.lang.String getName()

Initiator ID


public final java.lang.String getInitiator()

Parent ID


public final java.lang.String getParentId()

Date and time at which the workflow was started


public final java.sql.Timestamp getStarted()

Date and time at which the workflow was completed


public final java.sql.Timestamp getCompleted()

Instance label


public final java.lang.String getIdString()

Workflow instance state that can be expressed as one of the following static integer values:


public final int getState()



public final java.lang.String getComment()

Plug-in data


public java.lang.Object getPluginInstanceData(java.lang.String pluginName)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.InstanceInfo javadoc.


OrganizationInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.OrganizationInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the organization.

You can use the following constructors to create a new OrganizationInfo object:

public OrganizationInfo(
java.lang.String orgId
public OrganizationInfo(
java.lang.String orgId,
java.lang.String calendarId

The following table describes the OrganizationInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-4 OrganizationInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Organization ID


public final java.lang.String getOrgId()


ID of the business calendar to be used


public final java.lang.String getCalendarId()

public final void setCalendarId(java.lang.String calendarId)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.OrganizationInfo javadoc.


PermissionInfo Object

The object maintains permission information for a principal (role or user), as defined by the associated object.

You can use the following constructor to create a a new PermissionInfo object:

public PermissionInfo(
java.lang.String principalId

The following table describes the PermissionInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-5 PermissionInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Principal ID


public java.lang.String getPrincipalId()


Permission level and value

The permission level can be set to one of the static integer values defined in the table Permissions Overview.

The permission value can be set to true (enabled) or false (disabled).



public void setPermission(com.bea.wlpi.common.
permission, boolean value)

Boolean flag specifying whether or not a permission level is in effect

For more information about the permission levels that can be set, see Permissions Overview.


public boolean hasPermission(com.bea.wlpi.common.



For more information, see the javadoc. See also RolePermissionInfo Object and UserPermissionInfo Object.


RepositoryFolderInfo Object

Note: The com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper object provides an auxiliary class to the com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo object to support the importing and exporting of object data. For more information, see RepositoryFolderInfoHelper Object.

The com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the folders within the XML repository.

You can use the following constructor to create a new OrganizationInfo object:

public RepositoryFolderInfo(
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes

The following table describes the RepositoryFolderInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-6 RepositoryFolderInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Folder type


public java.lang.String getType()

Folder name


public java.lang.String getName()

Folder description


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Folder notes


public java.lang.String getNotes()

Date on which folder was created


public java.sql.Timestamp getCreatedOn()

Date on which folder was last modified


public java.sql.Timestamp getLastModifiedOn()


For more information, see the com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo javadoc.


RepositoryFolderInfoHelper Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper object provides an auxiliary class to the com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo object to support the importing and exporting of object data.

You can use the following constructors to create a new RepositoryFolderInfoHelper object:

public RepositoryFolderHelperInfo(
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes
public RepositoryFolderInfoHelper(
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes,
com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper parent

The following table describes the RepositoryFolderInfoHelper object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-7 RepositoryFolderInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Folder type


public java.lang.String getFolderType()


Folder name


public java.lang.String getName()


Folder description


public java.lang.String getDescription()


Folder notes


public java.lang.String getNotes()




public com.bea.wlpi.common.
RepositoryFolderInfoHelper getParent()

public void setParent(com.bea.wlpi.common.

XML repository publishable object contents


public java.lang.Object getContents()


XML repository publishable entry name


public java.lang.String getEntryName()


XML repository publishable owner name


public java.lang.String getOwnerName()


XML repository publishables referenced by specified publishable objects


public java.util.List getReferencedPublishables(java.util.Map publishables)


XML repository publishable object type


public int getType()



For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper javadoc.


RerouteInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo object maintains object data pertaining to task reroutes.

You can use the following constructor to create a new RerouteInfo object:

public RerouteInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String from,
java.lang.String to,
int type,
java.sql.Timestamp effective,
java.sql.Timestamp expiry

The following table describes the RerouteInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-8 RerouteInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Task reroute ID


public final java.lang.String getId()


User or role for whom the task will be rerouted


public final java.lang.String getFrom()

public void setFrom(java.lang.String from)

User or role to whom the rerouted tasks will be assigned


public final java.lang.String getTo()

public void setTo(java.lang.String to)

Type of task reroute. Can be represented by one of the following static integer values, defined by static final members of the ReRouteInfo class:


public final int getType()

public void setType(int type)

Date and time at which the task reroute becomes effective


public final java.sql.Timestamp getEffective()

public void setEffective(java.sql.Timestamp effective)

Date and time at which the task reroute expires


public final java.sql.Timestamp getExpiry()

public void setExpiry(java.sql.Timestamp expiry)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo javadoc.


RoleInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo object maintains object data pertaining to roles.

You can use the following constructors to create a new RoleInfo object:

public RoleInfo(
java.lang.String roleId,
java.lang.String orgId
public RoleInfo(
java.lang.String roleId,
java.lang.String orgId,
java.lang.String calendarId
public RoleInfo(
java.lang.String roleId,
java.lang.String orgId,
java.lang.String calendarId,
java.lang.String groupId

The following table describes the RoleInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-9 RoleInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Role ID


public final java.lang.String getRoleId()


ID of the organization within which the role is defined


public final java.lang.String getOrgId()


ID of the business calendar to be used


public final java.lang.String getCalendarId()

public void setCalendarId(java.lang.String calendarId)

ID of the security realm group to which this role maps


public final java.lang.String getGroupId()

public final java.lang.String setGroupId(java.lang.String groupId)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo javadoc.


RolePermissionInfo Object

The object maintains object data pertaining to role permissions, as defined by the associated object.

You can use the following constructors to create a new RolePermissionInfo object:

public RolePermissionInfo(
java.lang.String roleId,
java.lang.String orgId
public RolePermissionInfo(
java.lang.String roleId,
java.lang.String orgId,
java.lang.String groupId

The following table describes the RolePermissionInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Note: The RolePermissionInfo class extends the PermissionInfo class. For information about the get and set methods, including how to set permissions for a specific role, see PermissionInfo Object.

Table B-10 RolePermissionInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Role ID




ID of the organization within which the role is defined


public java.lang.String getOrgId()

public void setOrgId(java.lang.String orgId)

ID of the security realm group within which the role is defined


public java.lang.String getGroupId()

public void setGroupId(java.lang.String groupId)


For more information, see the javadoc. See also PermissionInfo Object.


TaskInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.TaskInfo object maintains object data pertaining to workflow tasks.

You can use the following constructor to create a new TaskInfo object:

public TaskInfo(
java.lang.String templateId,
java.lang.String templateDefinitionId,
java.lang.String instanceId,
java.lang.String taskId,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String assignee,
boolean assigneeIsRole,
java.lang.String workflow,
java.lang.String workflowId,
int priority,
java.sql.Timestamp started,
java.sql.Timestamp completed,
java.sql.Timestamp due,
java.lang.String comment,
boolean doneWithoutDoit,
boolean doitIfDone,
boolean unmarkDone,
boolean modifiable,
boolean reassignment

The following table describes the TaskInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-11 TaskInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Template ID


public final java.lang.String getTemplateId()

Template definition ID


public final java.lang.String getTemplateDefinitionId()

Instance ID


public final java.lang.String getInstanceId()

Task ID


public final java.lang.String getTaskId()

Task name


public final java.lang.String getTaskName()

Assignee (user or role) to which the task is assigned


public final java.lang.String getAssignee()

Boolean flag specifying whether or not the assignee is a role


public final boolean isAssignedToRole()

Workflow name


public final java.lang.String getWorkflowName()

Workflow ID


public final java.lang.String getWorkflowId()

Task priority


public final int getPriority()

Date and time at which the task was started


public final java.sql.Timestamp getStarted()

Date and time at which the task was completed


public final java.sql.Timestamp getCompleted()

Date and time at which the task should be due


public final Timestamp getDue()



public final java.lang.String getComment()

Permission to mark a task as complete


public final boolean getDoneWithoutDoIt()

Permission to execute a task after it has been marked as complete


public final boolean getDoitIfDone()

Permission to mark a task as incomplete


public final boolean getUnmarkDone()

Permission to modify the task run-time properties


public final boolean getModifiable()

Permission to reassign a task instance to another participant


public final boolean getReassignment()

Task status that can be represented by one of the following static integer values, defined by static final members of the TaskInfo class:


public final int getStatus()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.TaskInfo javadoc.


TemplateDefinitionInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.TemplateDefinitionInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the template definition.

You can use the following constructors to create a new TemplateDefinitionInfo object:

public TemplateDefinitionInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.sql.Timestamp effective,
java.sql.Timestamp expiry,
boolean active
public TemplateDefinitionInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.sql.Timestamp effective,
java.sql.Timestamp expiry,
boolean active,
java.lang.String templateId,
java.lang.String templateName
public TemplateDefinitionInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.sql.Timestamp effective,
java.sql.Timestamp expiry,
boolean active,
java.lang.String templateId,
java.lang.String templateName,
java.lang.String xml,
java.utilMap pluginData,
boolean published

The following table describes the TemplateDefinitionInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Note: For more information about programming plug-ins, see Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration.

Table B-12 TemplateDefinitionInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Template definition ID


public final java.lang.String getId()

Effective date for the template definition


public final java.sql.Timestamp getEffective()

Expiration date for the template definition


public final java.sql.Timestamp getTemplateDefinition()

Boolean flag specifying whether the template definition is marked active


public final boolean getActive()

Template ID


public final java.lang.String getTemplateId()

Template name


public final java.lang.String getTemplateName()

Workflow template definition in XML format


public java.lang.String getContents()

Plug-in data


public java.util.Map getPluginData()

public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginObject getPluginData(java.lang.String pluginName)

Boolean flag specifying whether or not the template definition is published.


public boolean isPublished()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.TemplateDefinitionInfo javadoc.


TemplateInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.TemplateInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the template.

You can use the following constructors to create a new TemplateInfo object:

public TemplateInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String name
public TemplateInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String xml
public TemplateInfo(
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String xml,
java.util.Map pluginData,
boolean published

The following table describes the TemplateInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-13 TemplateInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Template ID


public final java.lang.String getId()

Template name


public final java.lang.String getName()

Plug-in defined template properties in XML form



Plug-in data


public java.util.Map getPluginData()

public com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginObject getPluginData(java.lang.String pluginName)

Boolean flag specifying whether or not the template is published


public boolean isPublished()


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.TemplateInfo javadoc.


UserInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.UserInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the user.

You can use the following constructors to create a new UserInfo object:

public UserInfo(
java.lang.String userId
public UserInfo(
java.lang.String userId,
java.lang.String eMailAddress,
java.lang.String defaultOrgId,
java.lang.String calendarId

The following table describes the UserInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-14 UserInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

User ID


public final java.lang.String getUserId()


User e-mail address


public final java.lang.String getEMailAddress()

public void setEMailAddress(java.lang.String eMailAddress)

ID of the default organization within which the user is defined


public final java.lang.String getDefaultOrgId()

public void setDefaultOrgId(java.lang.String defaultOrgId)

ID of the business calendar to be used


public final java.lang.String getCalendarId()

public void setCalendarId(java.lang.String calendarId)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.UserInfo javadoc.


UserPermissionInfo Object

The object maintains object data pertaining to user permissions.

You can use the following constructors to create a new UserPermissionInfo object:

public UserPermissionInfo(
java.lang.String userId
public UserPermissionInfo(
java.lang.String userId,
java.util.List roles

The following table describes the UserPermissionInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get and set methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-15 RolePermissionInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

User ID




ID of the roles to which the user belongs


public java.util.List getRoles()



For more information, see the javadoc.


VariableInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.VariableInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the workflow variables.

You can use the following constructors to create a new VariableInfo object:

public VariableInfo(
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.Object value
public VariableInfo(
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String type

The following table describes the VariableInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-16 VariableInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Variable name


public final java.lang.String getName()

Variable value


public final java.lang.String getValue()

Variable type


public final java.lang.String getType()

You can also use the following methods to validate the type:

static void validateType(java.lang.String type)

static void validateTypes(java.lang.String[] types)


For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.VariableInfo javadoc.


VersionInfo Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the version number.

You can use the following constructors to create a new VersionInfo object:

public VersionInfo(
int majorVersion,
int minorVersion,
int volume,
java.lang.String build,
java.lang.String name
public VersionInfo(
int majorVersion,
int minorVersion,
java.lang.String build,
java.lang.String name
public VersionInfo(
java.lang.String version

The following table describes the VersionInfo object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-17 VersionInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Major version number


public final int getMajorVersion()

Minor version number


public final int getMinorVersion()

Volume number


public final int getVolume()

Build number or name


public final java.lang.String getBuild()

Version name


public final java.lang.String getName()

Default version


public static final VersionInfo getDefaultVersion()

Version number in decimal format containing between two and four integer components (separated by dots) specifying the following data (in the order listed): majorVersion, minorVersion, volume, and build values




For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.VersionInfo javadoc.


XMLEntityInfo Object

Note: The com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLEntityInfoHelper object provides an auxiliary class to the com.bea.eci.repository.helper.XMLEntityInfo object to support the importing and exporting of object data. For more information, see XMLEntityInfoHelper Object.

The com.bea.eci.repository.helper.XMLEntityInfo object maintains object data pertaining to the entities within the XML repository.

You can use the following constructors to create a new XMLEntityInfo object:

public XMLEntityInfo(
int type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes
public XMLEntityInfo(
int type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes,
byte[] content
public XMLEntityInfo(
int type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes,
java.sql.Timestamp createdOn,
java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedOn
public XMLEntityInfo(
int type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes,
java.sql.Timestamp createdOn,
java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedOn,
java.lang.String content

The following table describes the XMLEntityInfoHelper object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-18 XMLEntityInfo Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Entity type


public java.lang.String getType()

Entity name


public java.lang.String getName()

Entity description


public java.lang.String getDescription()

Entity notes


public java.lang.String getNotes()

Entity contents (as array of bytes)


public byte[] getContent()

Entity creation date


public java.sql.Timestamp getCreatedOn()

Entity last modified date


public java.sql.Timestamp getLastModifiedOn()

Entity contents (as a string)


public java.lang.String getContentAsString()


For more information, see the com.bea.eci.repository.helper.XMLEntityInfo javadoc.


XMLEntityInfoHelper Object

The com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLEntityInfoHelper object provides an auxiliary class to the com.bea.eci.repository.helper.XMLEntityInfo object to support the importing and exporting of object data.

You can use the following constructor to create a new XMLEntityInfoHelper object:

public XMLEntityInfo(
int type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String notes

The following table describes the XMLEntityInfoHelper object data, the constructor parameters used to define the data, and the get methods that can be used to access that data after the object is defined.

Table B-19 XMLEntityInfoHelper Object Data

Object Data

Constructor Parameter

Get Method

Set Method

Entity type


public java.lang.String getEntityType()


Entity name


public java.lang.String getName()


Entity description


public java.lang.String getDescription()


Entity notes


public java.lang.String getNotes()


Parent folder


public java.util.List getParentFolders()

public void addParentFolder(com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper rfih)

XML Repository publishable object contents


public java.lang.Object getContents()


XML Repository publishable entry name


public java.lang.String getEntryName()


XML Repository publishable owner name


public java.lang.String getOwnerName()


XML Repository publishables referenced by specified publishable objects


public java.util.List getReferencedPublishables(java.util.Map publishables)


XML repository publishable object type


public int getType()



For more information, see the com.bea.wlpi.common.XMLEntityInfoHelper javadoc.


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