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Importing Packages and Interfaces


This section describes the following packages and interfaces that are available for importing into your applications:


BPM Packages and Interfaces

The following table lists the business process management (BPM) API packages and interfaces that are used by design and run-time client applications, and suggests when you might consider importing them.

Table 2-1 BPM Packages and Interfaces

This package or interface . . .

Consists of . . .


Interface supporting BPM administrative functions.

Import when configuring, designing, and monitoring business processes.


Interface supporting a catalog of EJBs installed on the application server.

Import when configuring business operations.


Interface supporting security configuration through setting permissions for roles and users.

Import when configuring permissions for roles and users.


Interface supporting run-time management of plug-ins during workflow execution.

For more information about programming plug-ins and the PluginManager EJB, see Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration.


Interface enabling you to manage the implementation of user-defined plug-ins.

For more information about programming plug-ins and the PluginManager EJB, see Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration.


Interface that allows you to access BPM server information, and inspect Java system properties remotely.

Note: In a clustered environment, the remote inspection of Java system properties is of limited use, as the method request is directed to a server, based on the configured routing algorithm. The information returned by the method call varies, particularly if the systems in the cluster have unique specifications.

Import, as necessary, to determine the compatibility of templates, template definitions, and so on.


Interface supporting BPM security functions.

Import when configuring organizations, roles, and users.


Interface supporting BPM run-time management functions.

Import when executing business processes.


Interface supporting the XML repository database.

Import when XML repository database access is required.


Package containing common client-side classes, including various convenience methods.

Import, as necessary.


Package containing JMS test utilities.

Import, as necessary, for testing JMS.


Package containing classes used by both the BPM client and BPM server, including value objects.

Import as necessary.


Package containing classes used for managing user-defined plug-ins.

Import when managing user-defined plug-ins.

For more information about programming plug-ins and the PluginManager EJB, see Programming BPM Plug-Ins for WebLogic Integration.*

Package containing common classes used when defining security permissions.

Import when defining security permissions.


Package containing general BPM utilities, including a utility for generating message-driven beans.

Import when generating message-driven beans.


Package containing common classes used for accessing the XML repository.

Import when using the XML repository.



General Java Packages

The following table lists the general Java packages that are used by design and run-time client applications, and suggests when you might consider importing them.

Table 2-2 General Java Packages

This package . . .

Supports . . .*

System input and output.

Import when performing file I/O operations.


Fundamental design classes.

Import as necessary.*

Network application implementation.

Import, as necessary, when performing various network-specific functions.


Data accessing and processing API using the Java programming language.

Import, as necessary, when performing database-specific functions.


Text that is independent of natural languages.

Import as necessary.


Standard APIs, such as date and time utilities.

Import, as necessary.


Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs).

Import, as necessary, when performing various EJB operations.


Java Message System (JMS).

Import when connecting to JMS.


JNDI interfaces required for server and destination lookups.

Import when performing JNDI lookups.


Remote Method Invocation (RMI).

Import as necessary to support, for example, exceptions related to remote method calls, and other RMI-related interactions.


Java API for XML parsing (JAXP).

The JAXP API does not replace either the SAX or DOM API. Instead, it adds some convenience methods that are designed to make the SAX and DOM APIs easier to use.

Import, as necessary, when parsing XML.


SAX (Simple API for XML) interfaces.

Import, as necessary, when parsing XML.


Apache Xerces XML parser.

Import, as necessary, when parsing XML.


Depending on the user interface requirements, you may also consider importing the packages listed in the following table.

To support . . .

Import . . .

Java applets


Java user interface


Java Swing GUI applications




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