WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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ebXML Sample


The ebxML sample demonstrates how two trading partners exchange business messages using the ebXML business protocol. The ebXML sample application is provided in the \samples\ebxml directory of your WebLogic Integration installation.

This section includes the following topics:


Overview of the ebXML Sample

WebLogic Integration supports the ebXML business protocol for the exchange of business messages in e-business transactions. The ebXML sample demonstrates how two workflows are used to manage an ebXML-based conversation between two trading partners, each of which deploys WebLogic Integration.

The workflows in the sample are named ebXMLConversationInitiator and ebXMLConversationResponder. They choreograph the exchange of ebXML messages for trading partners, in the roles of initiator and participant, in a query price and availability (QPA) conversation. The sample provides a Java Server Page (JSP) you can use to initiate the QPA process and to display QPA request and response data.

The following figure illustrates the data flow between the trading partners involved in this sample QPA business transaction.

Figure 7-1 Data Flow in the QPA Business Process


The following sequence provides a high-level overview of the communications between the trading partners in this sample:

  1. As the buyer, you use the Web form provided to select a product, a unit price for it and the quantity you want. The JSP containing the Web form sends an XML message to a JMS queue and triggers the buyer's (ebXMLConversationInitiator) workflow.

  2. The buyer's workflow sends a query price and availability (QPA) message, with the product details you selected, to the supplier trading partner. The QPA message is in ebXML format.

    The ebXML message sent by the buyer's workflow (ebXMLConversationInitiator) triggers the supplier's workflow (ebXMLConversationResponder) for this conversation.

  3. The supplier's workflow processes the QPA and sends a response, also in ebXML format, to the buyer trading partner.

  4. The buyer's workflow (ebXMLConversationInitiator) receives the QPA response ebXML message and writes it to an XML file. A JSP parses the XML and displays the QPA response in the buyer's Web browser.

    This step marks the end of the QPA business process.


Before Running the ebXML Sample

Before running the ebXML sample, complete the following steps:

  1. Follow the instructions in Preparing to Run the Samples.

  2. Make sure the proxy settings on your browser do not prevent you from connecting to the sample WebLogic Server. For more information, see "Web Browser Configuration Requirements" in WebLogic Integration Administration and Design Tools in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.


Running the ebXML Sample

To run the ebXML sample:

  1. Run the RunSamples script by completing the procedure appropriate for your platform:

  2. If the RunSamples script detects that its configuration section has already been run, the following prompt is displayed:
    The WebLogic Integration repository has already been
    created and populated, possibly from a previous run
    of this RunSamples script. Do you want to destroy all the
    current data in the repository and create and populate the
    WebLogic Integration repository, again? Y for Yes, N for No

    If you answer N to this question, the RunSamples script skips the steps for creating and populating the repository and runs only the step for booting WebLogic Server in the sample domain.

    If you answer Y to this question, the RunSamples script recreates and repopulates the repository, and then it boots WebLogic Server in the sample domain. When you answer Y, the RunSamples script destroys all the data currently in the repository and loads an unaltered version of the sample data into the repository. Answer Y in the following circumstances:

    Now the RunSamples script starts an instance of WebLogic Server as a background process and the samples launcher page is displayed.

    Figure 7-2 Samples Launcher Page


  3. Click the ebXML Sample link, listed under Sample Applications in the left pane of the samples launcher page. The ebXML sample is displayed in the right pane.

    Figure 7-3 ebXML Sample Launcher Page


  4. Select values in the Product ID, Product Unit Price, and Product Quantity fields on this form, and click Submit.

    An ebXML-based QPA message is sent to the supplier trading partner.

  5. The supplier trading partner processes the QPA message and sends a response ebXML message to you (the buyer trading partner).

    The response is displayed in your Web browser.

    Figure 7-4 Response Message


  6. If you want to run more WebLogic Integration samples at this time, keep the samples launcher page open and keep WebLogic Server running.

    If you do not want to run more samples at this time, exit from your browser and shut down WebLogic Server by completing the procedure appropriate for your platform:


How the Sample Works

This section includes the following topics:


The configuration data to support this sample application is bulk loaded into the WebLogic Integration repository when you run the RunSamples script during the sample setup (see Running the ebXML Sample). WebLogic Integration allows you to bulk load configuration data or enter it through the WebLogic Integration B2B Console. You do not need to run the B2B Console when you run the ebXML sample, but you can use it to view the repository data after the data is bulk loaded for the sample.

Two workflows provided in this sample choreograph the exchange of ebXML-based business messages in a QPA conversation. These workflows manage the sender and receiver sides of the ebXML message exchange.

An exhaustive discussion of how to configure your B2B integration environment is beyond the scope of this document. However, this section briefly describes the WebLogic Integration repository data that is used in the sample application. This section also describes the implementation of the workflows on the sender side and receiver side of the sample ebXML business transaction. Key workflow design elements, tasks, and events are highlighted.

Loading the Repository Data

The data required by the sample for integrating the trading partners is bulk loaded into the WebLogic Integration repository when you run the RunSamples script during the sample setup (see Running the ebXML Sample).

The RunSamples script loads the repository with the B2B configuration data contained in the following XML files:

Understanding the Repository Data

This section highlights important information about the following data elements that are bulk loaded to the WebLogic Integration repository for the ebXML sample application:

Data from the SystemRepData.xml file and BulkLoaderData.xml file are imported into the WebLogic Integration repository to support the sample application. When you create ebXML applications, you can bulk load configuration data or enter it through the WebLogic Integration B2B Console. You can also access and configure bulk-loaded data using the B2B Console. For information about configuring the WebLogic Integration data required for e-business transactions, see Getting Started in Implementing ebXML for B2B Integration.

Business Protocol Definitions

The SystemRepData.xml file contains definitions for all the business protocols supported by WebLogic Integration including ebXML.The following excerpt from the SystemRepData.xml file shows the ebXML business protocol definition.

Listing 7-1 ebXML Business Protocol Definition


Logic Plug-Ins

Logic plug-ins are Java classes that intercept and process business messages at run time. Each business protocol is associated with standard router and filter logic plug-ins. The SystemRepData.xml file contains logic plug-in data for the XOCP, RosettaNet, cXML, and ebXML business protocols. This sample uses the ebXML logic plug-ins only:

The following excerpt from the SystemRepData.xml file shows the ebXML Encoder and Decoder logic plug-ins.

Listing 7-2 ebXML Logic Plug-In Definition


Trading Partners

The ebXML sample scenario involves two business partners: a buyer and a supplier. In the WebLogic Integration environment, a trading partner must be configured for each business partner. In this case, two trading partners are configured in the BulkLoaderData.xml file: ebXML-sender and ebXML-receiver. For configuration elements, attributes, and subelements associated with these trading partners, see the following file: WLI_HOME\samples\ebxml\lib\BulkLoaderData.xml.

Conversation Definitions

The BulkLoaderData.xml file contains the conversation definition for the ebXML-based Query Price and Availability (QPA) conversation in this sample. The conversation definition is named ebxmlQPA. It contains two roles: Initiator and Participant. For the ebXML business protocol, all conversation definitions reference two roles with predefined names: Initiator and Participant.

The following listing is an excerpt from the BulkloaderData.xml file. It defines the ebXMLQPA conversation.

Listing 7-3 Conversation Definition in the BulkLoaderData.xml File


Collaboration Agreements

The BulkLoaderData.xml file contains the collaboration agreement used by the ebxml-sender and ebxml-receiver trading partners for this sample. The following figure illustrates the relationships between trading partners, parties to the collaboration agreement, and roles defined for the conversation in this sample application.

Figure 7-5 Collaboration Agreement Between Trading Partners in a QPA Conversation


The following listing is an excerpt from the BulkloaderData.xml file. It shows the elements of the ebxml-QPA-CA collaboration agreement.

Listing 7-4 Collaboration Agreement in the BulkLoaderData.xml File


Understanding the Workflows

Two workflows manage the exchange of ebXML messages by the two trading partners, in the roles of initiator and participant, in this sample QPA conversation. The workflows, named ebXMLConversationInitiator and ebXMLConversationResponder, are loaded to the WebLogic Integration repository when you run the RunSamples script during the sample setup (see Running the ebXML Sample).

This section contains the following topics:

Using the WebLogic Integration Studio

The WebLogic Integration Studio allows you to design new workflows and monitor running workflows using a familiar flowchart paradigm. You are not required to run the Studio when you run the ebXML sample, but you may find it useful for viewing the details of any workflow or workflow node, and for learning how nodes are defined and configured for this sample.

Launch the Studio by completing the procedure appropriate for your platform:

After you launch the Studio, you can view a workflow template and its properties by completing the following procedure:

  1. In the left pane of the Studio, make sure ORG1 is selected in the Organization field.

  2. In the left pane, double-click the Templates folder to display a list of workflow templates.

  3. Expand the Templates folder to display the list of workflow template definitions. The template definitions of interest for this sample application are ebXMLConversationInitiator and ebXMLConversationResponder. They are imported, via the workflow.jar file, when you configure the sample, as described in Running the ebXML Sample.

  4. Right-click a template definition, and select Open to open the workflow template in the Studio.

    Note: You can also expand a particular workflow template definition to display folders containing the Tasks, Decisions, Events, Joins, Starts, Dones, and Variables for that workflow template definition.

  5. Double-click any node in the Studio to display the Properties dialog box for that node.

See Using the WebLogic Integration Studio for complete details about the Studio tools and functionality.

Understanding the ebXMLConversationInitiator Workflow

This section describes the workflow that manages the buyer side of the QPA conversation in the ebXML sample scenario. The following figure shows the ebXMLConversationInitiator workflow template in the Studio.

Figure 7-6 ebXMLConversationInitiator Workflow Template


The following sections define the key tasks and events at the nodes in the ebXMLConversationInitiator workflow template, shown in the preceding figure.


A QPA request is created as XML, based on your input to the HTML Web form (see Figure 7-3) when you run the sample. The XML is sent, via a JSP (ebXML_Sample.jsp), to a JMS queue.

The ebXML_Sample.jsp file can be found in the following directory in your WebLogic Integration installation:


The Start node is designed to start this ebXMLConversationInitiator workflow when an XML event is received from the JMS queue. The Start Properties dialog box for the Start node is displayed in the following figure.

Figure 7-7 Start Properties Dialog Box



Note the following property settings displayed in the preceding figure:

Build XML Message Attachment

The outXMLAttach workflow variable is set at this task node. It holds the QPA Request XML message (ebXMLQPARequest) that will be sent to the supplier's workflow (ebXMLConversationResponder) as part of the ebXML message payload. (For details, see the next node in this workflow.)

Send ebXML Message

An action defined at this task node sends the first ebXML message in the QPA conversation. Because the ebXMLConversationInitiator workflow is designed for an ebXML-based conversation, this task node uses the Send ebXML Message action (provided by the ebXML plug-in to BPM).

You can define a Send ebXML Message action in the Studio as follows:

  1. Double-click the task node to invoke the Task Properties dialog box.

  2. Choose Actions—>Add—>ebXML Actions—>Send ebXML Message.

    The Send ebXML Message dialog box is displayed.

To view the Send ebXML Message properties specified for this sample node:

  1. Double-click the task node to invoke the Task Properties dialog box.

  2. Choose Actions—>Activated.

  3. Double-click Send ebXML Message to display the Send ebXML Message dialog box shown in the following figure.

    Figure 7-8 Send ebXML Message Dialog Box


Note the following Send ebXML Message properties in the preceding figure:

The message is sent asynchronously at this node. That is, in the Actions—>Activated tab in the Task Properties dialog box, the following actions are specified in the order shown:

  1. Send ebXML Message

  2. Mark task "Send ebXML Message" done

Receive ebXML Response

The workflow waits, at this event node, for a specific ebXML event from the ebXMLConversationResponder workflow. Note that ebXML Event is selected in the Event Properties dialog box, displayed in the following figure.

Figure 7-9 Event Properties Dialog Box


When the ebXML event is received, the message envelope is stored in an envelope variable (inEnvelope, in this case), and the payload is stored in XML or binary variables, as appropriate. In this case, there are two attachments in the payload: one XML and one binary. They are assigned to the inXMLAttach and inBinAttach variables, respectively.

Write Out Binary Attachment

This task node first defines a Set Workflow Variable action that extracts the name of the image file from the incoming QPA Response XML document (ebXMLQPAResponse), and assigns that name to the imageFileName workflow variable. The Set Workflow Variable action performs these tasks by using the following XPath expression:

XPath("/ebXMLQPAResponse/ImageFileName/text()", $inXMLAttach)) 

Subsequently, an action that uses a business operation (ebXMLSavePictureToWebApp) is defined at this node. This action saves the binary attachment from the incoming ebXML message to the following location in your WebLogic Integration installation:


The local file is consumed by a JSP. (See the description of the Respond to JSP node later in this section.)

To see the business operations defined for this sample, choose Configuration—>Business Operations from the Studio task menu. The Business Operations dialog box containing a list of business operations is displayed. Double-click any business operation to see more information about it. You can find the Java class for the ebXMLSavePictureToWebApp business operation in the following location in your WebLogic Integration installation:


Respond to JSP

This task node defines a Post XML Event action. (You can define such an action for a node by double-clicking the node to display the Task Properties dialog box, then choosing Add—>Integration Actions—>Post XML Event.)

This action posts the XML from the response message (the inXMLAttach variable defined at the previous node) as an internal XML event. The JMS queue to which the XML event is posted is defined in the Destination tab, which is shown in the Post XML Event dialog box.

The Post XML Event dialog box for this node is displayed in the following figure.

Figure 7-10 Post XML Event Dialog Box: Destination Tab


In the preceding figure, note that JMS Queue is selected in the Destination field. This means that the message is posted to an internal queue that has been configured in WebLogic Server. You can enter a static JNDI name for the queue enclosed by quotation marks, or you can enter an expression that will determine the queue name at run time. In this case, the JNDI name of the internal JMS queue is com.bea.wlpi.EventQueueExt.

The XML message from the JMS queue is consumed by the ebXML_Sample.jsp file, which displays the contents of the QPA response message in your browser when you run the sample, as shown in Figure 7-4.

The ebXML_Sample.jsp file can be found in the following directory in your WebLogic Integration installation:



Marks the end of the workflow. An ebXML-based conversation ends when the exchange of ebXML messages is complete for both trading partners.

Contrast this behavior to that of the XOCP business protocol. WebLogic Integration supports an XOCP conversation management service, meaning that the workflow responsible for initiating the conversation also ends the conversation and sends an end-of-conversation message to each workflow in the conversation. (See Ending Collaborative Workflows in Creating Workflows for B2B Integration.)

In the case of an XOCP conversation, to define a conversation termination property, you select the Custom option on the Done node in the workflow that initiated the conversation. You do not end ebXML-based conversations in this way, however. Note, for example, that the Custom option for this Done node is not selected.

Understanding the ebXMLConversationResponder Workflow

This section describes the workflow that manages the supplier side of the QPA conversation in this ebXML sample scenario. The following figure shows the ebXMLConversationResponder workflow template in the Studio.

Figure 7-11 ebXMLConversationResponder Workflow Template


The following sections define the key tasks and events at the nodes in the ebXMLConversationResponder workflow template, shown in the preceding figure.



This ebXMLConversationResponder workflow is designed for a trading partner in the participant role in an ebXML-based conversation. This workflow is started when it receives an ebXML message from a trading partner. The Studio provides an ebXML-specific option in the Start node to support the design of a workflow for the participant role in an ebXML-based conversation. The following figure shows the Start Properties dialog box.

Figure 7-12 Start Properties Dialog Box


Note the following property settings displayed in the preceding figure:

Perform Message Processing

This task node processes the incoming ebXML message. Actions are defined to set workflow variables, and to perform business operations.

XPath expressions extract the product ID, quantity, and unit price from the incoming QPA ebXML message, and assign the data to the following workflow variables: ProductID, ProductQuantity, and ProductUnitPrice.

The following business operations are performed at this node:

  1. ebXMLGetQPAReply—Creates the XML QPA response document, using the values extracted at this node for product ID, quantity, and unit price. The response document is assigned to the XML variable outXMLAttach.

  2. ebXMLGetPictureForProductID—Takes, as input, the product ID, and returns the filename of an image file containing a picture of the specified product.

  3. file to binary—Reads the binary data in the image file data in the file location returned by the ebXMLGetPictureForProductID business operation. The resulting binary data is assigned to the outBinAttach variable.

To see the business operations defined for this sample, choose Configuration—>Business Operations from the Studio task menu. The Business Operations dialog box is displayed. It shows a list of business operations. Double-click any business operation to see more information about it.

You can find the Java classes for the ebXMLGetQPAReply and ebXMLGetPictureForProductID business operations in the following location in your WebLogic Integration installation:


You can find the Java class for the file to binary business operation in the following location in your WebLogic Integration installation:


Send ebXML Response

At this task node an action is defined for sending an ebXML message in response to the ebXML message received by this trading partner in the QPA conversation. Because the ebXMLConversationResponder workflow is defined for an ebXML-based conversation, this task node uses the Send ebXML Message action (provided by the ebXML plug-in to BPM).

You can define a Send ebXML Message action in the Studio as follows:

  1. Double-click the task node to invoke the Task Properties dialog box.

  2. Choose Actions—>Add—>ebXML Actions—>Send ebXML Message to display the Send ebXML Message dialog box.

To view the Send ebXML Message properties specified for this sample node:

  1. Double-click the task node to invoke the Task Properties dialog box.

  2. Choose Actions—>Activated.

  3. Double-click Send ebXML Message to display the Send ebXML Message dialog box shown in the following figure.

    Figure 7-13 Send ebXML Message Dialog Box


Note the following properties for this ebXML sample task node in the preceding figure:


Marks the end of the workflow. For information about Done nodes in workflows that exchange ebXML messages, see the description of the Done node for the ebXMLConversationInitiator workflow in Done.


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