WebLogic Integration

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _


RadioTagSupport - class com.bea.web.tag.RadioTagSupport.
Provides the rendering logic for an option in an HTML radio button group.
RadioTagSupport() - Constructor for class com.bea.web.tag.RadioTagSupport
Default constructor, all subclasses of javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport are required to only define a public constructor with the same signature, and to call the superclass constructor.
rawDateToString(byte[], String) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.BintypeDate
Take a date that is in byte array format and return it as a String.
READ_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
read(InputStream) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BusinessDocument
Reads XML document from the specified input stream.
read(InputStream, MFLField) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.Bintype
Defines the method signature for reading a field.
read(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
readDate(String, SimpleDateFormat) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.BintypeDate
Returns a String containing the date.
readDate(String, SimpleDateFormat, MFLField, int) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.BintypeDate
Returns a String containing the date.
readDelimitedField(InputStream, MFLField) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.Bintype
Reads data from the input stream until encountering delimiter for this field.
readDOM(InputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.BusinessDocument
readEISProductName(AbstractManagedConnection) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractConnectionMetaData
readEISProductVersion(AbstractManagedConnection) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractConnectionMetaData
readField(InputStream, MFLField) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.BintypeString
Creates and returns a byte array containing data for the specified MFL field.
readLength(InputStream, MFLField) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.Bintype
Reads the length value for an MFL field from the input buffer.
readMaxConnections(AbstractManagedConnection) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractConnectionMetaData
readPackage(byte[], Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.admin.Admin
Reads a packaged workflow application, as created by the Admin.exportPackage(com.bea.wlpi.common.PublishPackage, java.lang.Object) method.
readTag(InputStream, MFLField) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.Bintype
Reads and Validates a tag value for an MFL field from the input buffer.
readUserName(AbstractManagedConnection) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractConnectionMetaData
REALM_NOT_INSTALLED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"No security realm has been installed."
REALM_NOT_LISTABLE - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The installed security realm {0} is not listable."
REALM_NOT_UPDATEABLE - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The security realm {0} is not updateable."
RecordImpl - class com.bea.adapter.cci.RecordImpl.
Provides a base implementation for a Record.
RecordImpl() - Constructor for class com.bea.adapter.cci.RecordImpl
Initializes the name and description to null.
RecordImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.adapter.cci.RecordImpl
Initializes the members of this class to the arguments supplied.
RecordTranslationException - exception com.bea.connector.RecordTranslationException.
This class extends a ResourceException and encapsulates the input record that caused the exception; of course a ResourceException already allows for a linked exception
RecordTranslationException(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.connector.RecordTranslationException
RecordTranslationException(String, Record) - Constructor for class com.bea.connector.RecordTranslationException
RECURRINGDATE - Static variable in class com.bea.schema.type.SOMType
Deprecated. 3/16/2001
RECURRINGDAY - Static variable in class com.bea.schema.type.SOMType
Deprecated. 3/16/2001
RECURRINGDURATION - Static variable in class com.bea.schema.type.SOMType
Deprecated. 3/16/2001
redepappvw(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Re-deploy a previously deployed application view directly from the appvwsum page.
REFERENCE_MISSING - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Fixup error: missing reference {0}."
referencesExceptionHandler(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginPanel
Check whether the panel references the specified exception handler.
referencesVariable(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginPanel
Check whether the panel references the specified variable.
refresh() - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManager
Deprecated. Call PluginManagerCfg.refresh(). The cluster-wide plugin manager state is pinned to a single server in the cluster.
refresh() - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManagerCfg
Flush cached plugin capabilities information.
refresh() - Method in class com.bea.util.PropertyResourceBundleWriter
Reload properties from file.
refresh() - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.event.IEventGenerator
Refresh the list of requested event types by talking to the parent IEventRouter.
refresh() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Tasklist
Rebuild the contents of this task list.
refresh() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractEventGenerator
Refreshes the set of event types known to this worker.
refreshTree() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.repository.RepositoryExplorer
Rerfreshes the tree with the latest contents from the database.
register(CXMLListener, Properties) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.CXMLManager
Registers the application with this CXMLManager.
register(Properties) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.CXMLManager
Registers the application with this CXMLManager.
registerConversationHandler(ConversationType[], ConversationHandler) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.enabler.xocp.XOCPEnablerSession
Deprecated. Registers a conversation handler with this c-enabler session.
registerMessageErrorListener(XOCPMessageErrorListener) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application.XOCPApplicationSession
Registers a message error handler with this XOCP application session.
registerMessageListener(String, String, XOCPMessageListener) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.xocp.application.XOCPApplicationSession
Registers a message listener with this XOCP application session.
reinit(Properties) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Reinitialize the entire cache.
reinitialize() - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.EventContext
Reinitialize JMS resources using stored environment properties, and JMS topic name.
reinitStylesheet(URL) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Reinitialize a single stylesheet.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.AbstractInputTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance for reuse.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.LabelTag
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.PasswordTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.TextTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.TextareaTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.ContentTag
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.SubmitTag
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.IntegerTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.FloatTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.CheckBoxTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DateTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.DoubleTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
release() - Method in class com.bea.web.tag.RadioTagSupport
Resets the internal state of this instance.
remappvw(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
This method is used to DELETE an application view from the repository.
remove() - Method in class com.bea.util.EmptyIterator
remove() - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.SerializableIterator
Not supported
remove(Object) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.ConnectionRequestInfoMap
remove(SOMAttribute) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
remove an attribute child.
remove(SOMAttributeGroup) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
remove an attribute child.
remove(SOMObject) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
remove a child sub-element.
remove(String) - Method in class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
removeAclEntryFromAcl(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
This method is used to remove an AclEntry from this object's ACL.
removeAclEntryFromAcl(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
This method is used to remove an AclEntry from this object's ACL Caller should pass the boolean negative to indicate whether to remove the negative or not-negative entry for the given permission.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.repository.RepositoryExplorer
Remove a listener that was registered to be notified of events generated by this object.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
Remove a previously registered ActionListener.
removeAllAttributeGroups() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
remove an all attribute sub-elements.
removeAllAttributes() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
remove an all attribute sub-elements.
removeAllPayloadParts() - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.MessageBase
Removes all payload parts from this business message.
removeAllPayloadParts() - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.Message
Removes all payload parts from this business message.
removeAllRecipients() - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.MessageBase
Removes all recipients from the recipients list of this business message.
removeAnnotation() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMUserDefinedType
set the annotation for this type to null.
removeAnnotation() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleContent
set the annotation at this content type to null.
removeAnnotation() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttributeGroup
set the annotation at this group to null.
removeAnnotation() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
set the annotation for this type to null.
removeAnnotation() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMGroupType
set the annotation at this group to null.
removeAnnotation() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMBasic
set the annotation for this type to null.
removeAnnotation(SOMAnnotation) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
remove an annotation and all of its children from the root level of this schema
removeApplicationView(QualifiedName) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.client.ApplicationViewManagerRemote
Removes the ApplicationView with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
removeApplicationView(QualifiedName) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.ApplicationViewManager
Removes the application view with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
removeApplicationView(String, String, WebConversation, Properties) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AdapterDesignTimeTestCase
removeAttribute(SOMAttribute) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
remove an attribute sub-element.
removeAttribute(SOMAttribute) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
remove an attribute sub-element.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
remove an attribute from the root level of this schema
removeAttributeGroup(SOMAttributeGroup) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMExtension
remove an attribute group sub-element.
removeAttributeGroup(SOMAttributeGroup) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
remove an attribute sub-element.
removeChildFolder(RepositoryFolderInfo, RepositoryFolderInfo) - Method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryActions
Remove a reference between a child folder and its parent folder.
removeChildFolder(RepositoryFolderInfo, RepositoryFolderInfo) - Method in interface com.bea.eci.repository.ejb.XMLRepository
Remove a reference between a child folder and its parent folder.
removeComplexType(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
remove a complexType from the root level of this schema
removeConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnection
Removes an already registered connection event listener from the ManagedConnection instance.
removeConnectionFactory(QualifiedName) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.client.ConnectionFactoryManager
Removes the ConnectionFactory with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
removeConnectionHandle(Object) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnection
Removes connectionHandle from the set of application-level connection handles that is managed by this instance.
removeConstraint() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSimpleType
remove the previously set constraint.
removeContent() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
remove the previously set content, simpleContent or complexContent.
removeDataType(String) - Static method in class com.bea.wlxt.WLXT
Remove a User Defined Type from the WLXT engine.
removeDeadTypes(List) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractEventGenerator
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle dead event types; an event type is considered dead if it is no longer in the list of event types known to the router.
removeDeadTypes(List) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPullEventGenerator
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle dead event types; an event type is considered dead if it is no longer in the list of event types known to the router.
removeDeadTypes(List) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPushEventGenerator
Allows this instance to apply any EIS specific setup logic needed to handle dead event types; an event type is considered dead if it is no longer in the list of event types known to the router.
removeDocumentData(String) - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Remove the data element referred to by path.
removeElement(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
remove an element from the root level of this schema
removeEntityFromFolder(XMLEntityInfo, RepositoryFolderInfo) - Method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryActions
Remove an entity from a folder, but do not delete the entity.
removeEntityFromFolder(XMLEntityInfo, RepositoryFolderInfo) - Method in interface com.bea.eci.repository.ejb.XMLRepository
Remove an entity from a folder, but do not delete the entity.
removeError(Error) - Method in class com.bea.util.AbstractErrorContainer
Removes an Error from the container.
removeEvent(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Removes the event descriptor with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
removeEvent(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Removes the event with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
removeEventListener(String, EventListener) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.ApplicationView
Remove the given listener from the subscription list for events with type given by eventTypeName.
removeEventWatch(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.EventContext
De-register the event processor watch record for the specified message.
removeException(Exception) - Method in class com.bea.util.AbstractExceptionContainer
Removes an Exception from the container.
removeException(Exception) - Method in class com.bea.util.RuntimeExceptionContainer
Removes an Exception from the container.
removeFacet(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMRestriction
remove a facet element from this restriction element.
removeGroup() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexExtension
removeGroup() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMComplexType
remove the previously set group-type.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
remove an group from the root level of this schema
removeInstanceListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManager
Deprecated. Call PluginManagerCfg.removeInstanceListener(com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.Plugin). The cluster-wide plugin manager state is pinned to a single server in the cluster.
removeInstanceListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManagerCfg
Unregister a specific plugin as an InstanceNotification listener.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.AttachmentsLayout
removeListener(String, EventListener) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.client.EventContext
Remove this listener from the list of listeners on events of type eventTypeName.
removeMailbox(String) - Method in class com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailbox
Remove the mailbox with the specified name.
removeMailbox(String) - Method in interface com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailboxDirectory
Remove the mailbox with the specified name.
removeMessage(String) - Method in class com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailbox
Removes the message with the specified id from the mailbox.
removeMessage(String) - Method in interface com.bea.lwclient.LwcMailboxDirectory
Removes the message with the specified id from the mailbox.
removeNamespace(QualifiedName) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.client.NamespaceManager
Removes the namespace with the given qualified name from its parent namespace.
removeNamespace(String, String, WebConversation, Properties) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AdapterDesignTimeTestCase
removeNamespaceQualifier(String) - Static method in class com.bea.schema.SOMObject
remove the namespace qualifier from a string.
removeNDC() - Method in class com.bea.logging.LogCategory
Remove the diagnostic context for this thread
removeNDC() - Method in interface com.bea.logging.INestedDiagnosticContext
Remove the diagnostic context for this thread
removeParameter(ParameterMBean) - Method in interface com.bea.b2b.management.WLCMBean
Removes a parameter for the WebLogic Collaborate.
removeprincipal(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
This method is used to remove a principle from a security list.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.AbstractPropertiedDescriptor
Remove a property from this descriptor.
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IPropertiedDescriptor
Remove a property from this descriptor.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.InteractionSpecImpl
To support JavaBeans constrained properties
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
To support JavaBeans constrained properties
removePushListener(IPushListener) - Method in interface com.bea.adapter.event.IPushHandler
removes a push listener from the implementation object
removeRecipient(String) - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.MessageBase
Removes the specified recipient from the recipients list of this business message.
removeSchema(QualifiedName) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.client.SchemaManager
Remove the schema with name given by aQualifiedName parameter.
removeService(String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Removes the service with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
removeService(String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Removes the service with the given name from this IApplicationViewDescriptor object.
removeSimpleType(String) - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
remove a simpleType from the root level of this schema
removeStartWatch() - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.EventContext
De-register the event processor watch record for the specified message.
removeTaskListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManager
Deprecated. Call PluginManagerCfg.removeTaskListener(com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.Plugin). The cluster-wide plugin manager state is pinned to a single server in the cluster.
removeTaskListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManagerCfg
Unregister a specific plugin as a TaskNotification listener.
removeTemplateDefinitionListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManager
Deprecated. Call PluginManagerCfg.removeTemplateDefinitionListener(com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.Plugin). The cluster-wide plugin manager state is pinned to a single server in the cluster.
removeTemplateDefinitionListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManagerCfg
Unregister a specific plugin as a TemplateDefinitionNotification listener.
removeTemplateListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManager
Deprecated. Call PluginManagerCfg.removeTemplateListener(com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.Plugin). The cluster-wide plugin manager state is pinned to a single server in the cluster.
removeTemplateListener(Plugin) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginManagerCfg
Unregister a specific plugin as a TemplateNotification listener.
removeThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class com.bea.util.ThrowableContainer
Removes a Throwable from the container.
removeUserFromOrganization(String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.principal.WLPIPrincipal
Remove a user from an organization.
removeUserFromRole(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.principal.WLPIPrincipal
Remove a user from a role.
removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.cci.InteractionSpecImpl
To support JavaBeans constrained properties
removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractManagedConnectionFactory
To support JavaBeans constrained properties
RENAME_NONEXISTANT_ENTITY - Static variable in interface com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryExceptionMessages
RENAME_NONEXISTANT_FOLDER - Static variable in interface com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryExceptionMessages
renameEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryActions
Change the name of an entity.
renameEntity(String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.eci.repository.ejb.XMLRepository
Change the name of an entity.
renameFolder(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryActions
Change the name of an folder.
renameFolder(String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.eci.repository.ejb.XMLRepository
Change the name of an folder.
renameVariableInDocument(String, String, PluginPanelContext) - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.XMLTemplate
renameVariableInExpression(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.plugin.PluginPanelContext
Update an expression's references to a renamed variable.
REPLACE - Variable in class com.bea.schema.facet.FacetWhiteSpace
reply() - Method in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.cxml.messaging.CXMLMessage
Reply to the request message.
REPORT_NAMES_UNIQUE - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Report names must be unique."
report() - Static method in class com.bea.logging.LogManager
Generates a debugging report on the current state of the LogManager
reportException(Exception) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.ExceptionHandler
Deprecated. Use the two-args overload to pass a parent component. This ensures that the message box is displayed correctly and avoids lost-focus problems.
reportException(Exception, Component) - Static method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.ExceptionHandler
Report the specified exception.
RepositoryActions - class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryActions.
This class provides methods for accessing and manipulating the XML Entity Repository.
RepositoryActions() - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryActions
Constructor for use from within an EJB.
RepositoryActions(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryActions
Constructor for use from a 2-tier client.
RepositoryException - exception com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryException.
Thrown by the repository EJB, this class insulates the repository client from the repository implementation classes, specifically com.bea.eci.repository.RepositoryException.
RepositoryException(int, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryException
Create a new RepositoryException containing a nested exception with a specific message.
RepositoryException(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryException
Create a new RepositoryException containing a nested exception with a specific message.
RepositoryExceptionMessages - interface com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryExceptionMessages.
Message numbers used by com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryException.
RepositoryExplorer - class com.bea.wlpi.client.repository.RepositoryExplorer.
A graphical component used to access the BEA repository.
RepositoryExplorer(String, String, String, String, String, JFrame) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.client.repository.RepositoryExplorer
Creates new RepositoryExplorer for displaying repository information in which the client is connected using a JDBC connection (as opposed to using a WLS data source).
RepositoryExplorer(XMLRepository, JDialog) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.client.repository.RepositoryExplorer
Creates new RepositoryExplorer.
RepositoryExplorer(XMLRepository, JFrame) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.client.repository.RepositoryExplorer
Creates new RepositoryExplorer.
RepositoryFolderInfo - class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo.
A class used to represent a folder in the repository.
RepositoryFolderInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo
Creates a new representation of a repository folder.
RepositoryFolderInfoHelper - class com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper.
This is an auxilliary class for com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo used solely for Import/Export purposes.
RepositoryFolderInfoHelper(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper
RepositoryFolderInfoHelper(String, String, String, String, RepositoryFolderInfoHelper) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.RepositoryFolderInfoHelper
RepositoryResolver - class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryResolver.
This class provides methods for obtaining XML entities stored in the repository.
RepositoryResolver(Properties) - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryResolver
Creates a new RepositoryResolver and obtains a reference to the Repository EJB using the default JNDI name of the Repository Ejb and the connection properties provided.
RepositoryResolver(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryResolver
Creates a new RepositoryResolver and obtains a reference to the Repository EJB using the provided JNDI name for the Repositroy EJB and the connection properties specified.
RepositoryResolver(XMLRepository) - Constructor for class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryResolver
Create a new RepositoryResolver and uses the provided Repository EJB reference.
RepositoryURL - class com.bea.wlxt.repository.RepositoryURL.
The RepositoryURL class provides a means to obtain a URL which can be used to retrieve a document from the configured (or default) WLXT repository.
RepositoryURL() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlxt.repository.RepositoryURL
request - Variable in class com.bea.wlai.client.EventTester.EventCreationInfo
REQUEST_ABORTED_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The server was unable to complete your request."
REQUEST_ABORTED_WARNING - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The server was unable to complete your request."
RequestDefinition - class com.bea.wlai.common.RequestDefinition.
An implementation of the IRequestDefinition interface.
RequestDefinition() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.RequestDefinition
RequestHandler - class com.bea.web.RequestHandler.
A base class for developing HTML form handlers.
RequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.bea.web.RequestHandler
REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.bea.schema.SOMAttribute
requiresLayout() - Method in class com.bea.logging.WeblogicAppender
Objects can call this method to find out if they are required to provide a layout for this appender.
REROUTE_ALREADY_REROUTED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Source user is already rerouted during the period specified."
REROUTE_CIRCULAR - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Specified reroute would create a circular reference."
REROUTE_DIFFERENT_USER - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Source and destination of reroute must be different."
REROUTE_EFF_BEFORE_EXP - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Effective date must be before expiry date."
RerouteInfo - class com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo.
Holds information about a task reroute.
RerouteInfo(String, String, String, int, Timestamp, Timestamp) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.RerouteInfo
Create a new RerouteInfo object.
resetApplicationViewDescriptor(String) - Method in class com.bea.adapter.web.AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler
Resets our internal representation of an application view to arg if needed
resetContextNode() - Method in interface com.bea.document.IDocument
Resets the context node to the document root element.
resolve(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryResolver
Implementation of the URIResolver interface that uses the eCI repository as the entity source.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryResolver
Implementation of the EnityResolver interface that uses the eCI repository as the entity source.
resolveReferences() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Resolve unresolved elements in this schema.
resolveTypes() - Method in class com.bea.schema.SOMSchema
Resolve unresolved element types in this schema.
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class com.bea.wlpi.client.worklist.WorklistPane
RESOURCE_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.bea.adapter.util.IConstants
ResourceAdapterMetaDataImpl - class com.bea.adapter.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaDataImpl.
Encapsulates metadata about a resource adapter.
ResourceAdapterMetaDataImpl(String, String, String, String, String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.bea.adapter.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaDataImpl
Constructs an instance.
Resources - class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Resources.
Manages localized resources used by WebLogic Process Integrator client classes.
Resources() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Resources
response - Variable in class com.bea.wlai.client.EventTester.EventCreationResults
response(ActionContext, ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginAction
Process an asynchronous response directed to this action.
response(String, String, String, Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.worklist.Worklist
Send the client's response to a previously received client request.
response(String, String, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.worklist.Worklist
Send the client's response to a previously received client request.
response(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlpi.server.worklist.Worklist
Send the client's response to a previously received client request.
ResponseDefinition - class com.bea.wlai.common.ResponseDefinition.
An implementation of the IResponseDefinition interface.
ResponseDefinition() - Constructor for class com.bea.wlai.common.ResponseDefinition
RESULT_SET_INFO_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.bea.adapter.util.IConstants
RETRIES_EXHAUSTED - Static variable in class com.bea.b2b.protocol.messaging.DeliveryStatus
Delivery retries exhausted.
retrieveFolderlessTextDocuments(RepositorySession) - Static method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.TextDocumentUtil
Obtains a list of all entities that are not contained in a folder.
retrieveTopFolders(RepositorySession) - Static method in class com.bea.eci.repository.helper.ObjectFolderUtil
Obtains a list of ObjectFolder objects, each one not a child of another folder (ie - top level parent folders).
RETRIEVING_INVALID_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"$$$$$$$$$Invalid License $$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Retrieving Invalid Templates For B2b Trading Partner License$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
reverseBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.Bintype
Reverse the order of bytes in a byte array.
revokePermission(String, String) - Method in interface com.bea.wlai.common.IApplicationViewDescriptor
Revokes a given permission from a principal (user or group) with the given name.
revokePermission(String, String) - Method in class com.bea.wlai.common.ApplicationViewDescriptor
Revokes a given permission from a principal (user or group) with the given name.
RIGHT - Static variable in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.Attachments
Component is attached to the right side of its parent.
ROLE - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Publishable
ROLE - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
ROLE_CANNOT_DELETE_ACTION_REF - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The role {0} cannot be deleted, because it is referenced by one or more actions."
ROLE_EMPTY - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The role {0} is empty."
ROLE_INVALID - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Only characters and numbers are valid in role identifiers."
ROLE_NAMES_UNIQUE - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Role names must be unique within an organization."
ROLE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The system could not find the specified role: {0}."
ROLE_NOT_MAPPED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The Process Integrator role {0} is not mapped to a WebLogic Server security group."
ROLE_TASKS_ASSIGNED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Cannot delete role {0}, because there are tasks assigned to the role. Please reassign all tasks first."
ROLE_USER_ADD_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The system could not add user {0} to role {1}."
ROLE_USER_EMAIL_ID_UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"User {0} in role {1} does not have an email address."
ROLE_USER_REMOVE_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"The system could not remove user {0} from role {1}."
RoleInfo - class com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo.
Holds information about a workflow role.
RoleInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo
Create a new RoleInfo object.
RoleInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo
Create a new RoleInfo object.
RoleInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.RoleInfo
Create a new RoleInfo object.
RolePermissionInfo - class com.bea.wlpi.common.security.RolePermissionInfo.
Holds permisssion infomation about a WLPI role.
RolePermissionInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.security.RolePermissionInfo
Create a new RolePermissionInfo object.
RolePermissionInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bea.wlpi.common.security.RolePermissionInfo
Create a new RolePermissionInfo object.
rollback() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.spi.AbstractLocalTransaction
ROOT_LOG_CONTEXT_NOT_SET - Static variable in class com.bea.adapter.util.DefaultMessageBundle
ROUTER_EVENT_TYPES_NULL - Static variable in interface com.bea.adapter.util.IConstants
ROUTING_TABLE_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.bea.wlpi.common.Messages
"Routing table failed to identify suitable assignee."
RTreeDocumentData - class com.bea.document.RTreeDocumentData.
Represents a RTreeFragment within a DOM.
RTreeDocumentData(DocumentFragment) - Constructor for class com.bea.document.RTreeDocumentData
run() - Method in class com.bea.wlpi.client.common.ExceptionHandler
Internal use only.
run() - Method in class com.bea.adapter.event.AbstractPullEventGenerator
Runnable implementation.
RuntimeExceptionContainer - exception com.bea.util.RuntimeExceptionContainer.
A Runtime Exception Container class.
RuntimeExceptionContainer(String) - Constructor for class com.bea.util.RuntimeExceptionContainer
Construct RuntimeExceptionContainer.
RuntimeExceptionContainer(String, Exception) - Constructor for class com.bea.util.RuntimeExceptionContainer
Construct RuntimeExceptionContainer with message.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _
WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)