WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Configuring WebLogic Integration Clusters


The following sections describe how to configure a clustered deployment for WebLogic Integration:


Understanding WebLogic Integration Clusters

The following sections describe clustering in WebLogic Integration deployments:

About WebLogic Integration Clusters

Clustering allows WebLogic Integration to run on a group of servers that can be managed as a single unit. In a clustered environment, multiple machines share the processing load. WebLogic Integration provides load balancing so that resource requests are distributed proportionately across all machines. A WebLogic Integration deployment can use clustering and load balancing to improve scalability by distributing the workload across nodes. Clustering provides a deployment platform that is more scalable than a single server.

A WebLogic Server domain consists of one and only one administration server, and one or more managed servers. The managed servers in a domain can be organized into clusters. When you configure WebLogic Integration clusterable resources, you can target selected servers or selected clusters. Targeting clusters provides the most flexibility because servers can be added to them, dynamically, to increase capacity.

The topics in this section provide the information you need to configure WebLogic Integration in a clustered environment. Although some background information about how WebLogic Server supports clustering is provided, the focus is on procedures that are specific to configuring WebLogic Integration for a clustered environment.

Before proceeding, we recommend that you review the following sections of the WebLogic Server documentation to obtain a more in-depth understanding of clustering:


Designing a Clustered Deployment

The following sections provide the information you need to design a clustered deployment:

Before you begin designing the architecture for your clustered domain, you need to learn how WebLogic Server clusters operate. For general information, see Using WebLogic Server Clusters in the WebLogic Server documentation set, at the following URL:

For details about basic, multi-tiered, and proxy architectures that are recommended, see Planning WebLogic Server Clusters in Using WebLogic Server Clusters. To learn how WebLogic Integration resources can be partitioned and distributed within a clustered domain, see WebLogic Integration Deployment Resources.

WebLogic Integration Deployment Resources

The following sections describe WebLogic Integration resources that can be deployed in a cluster:

Resource Groups

Resource groups are collections of related deployment resources that are categorized for clustering purposes. Each resource in a resource group must be targeted to the same machine.

Types of Resource Groups

There are two types of resource groups:

List of Resource Groups

The following table describes the resource groups supported by WebLogic Integration.

Table 2-1 Resource Groups for WebLogic Integration Resources

Group Name


Type of Resource Group


B2B integration components.

Single node

Must reside on the same node as bpm-singleNode components.


BPM master components.

Single node


BPM default event queue and message-driven beans.

Single node


BPM user-defined event queue and message-driven beans.

Single node

While multiple user-defined queues and message-driven beans can exist, each one can be targeted to only a single node in a cluster.


BPM clusterable components.


Must reside on any bpm-singleNode and any bpm-queue-default or bpm-queue-xxx node.


Application integration administration components.

Single node


Application integration clusterable components.



Application integration event adapter.

Note: Event and service adapters reside in a single EAR file but they are deployed separately and are listed as separate resources in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Depends on the adapter

For example, the mail and DBMS sample event adapters, as well as the binary file event adapter, are all single node. For more information, see the documentation for the adapter you are using.


Application integration service adapter.

Note: Event and service adapters reside in a single EAR file but they are deployed separately and are listed as separate resources in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Depends on the adapter

For example, the mail and DBMS sample event adapters, as well as the binary file event adapter, are all single node. For more information, see the documentation for the adapter you are using.


Default queue for application integration.

Single node


Application integration queue for a specific server.

Single node


Resources that must be located on all servers in the domain.



Deployment Containers

The table provided in this section describes the WebLogic Integration deployment resources. These resources can be viewed and modified in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. The table provides the following information for each package or service:

Note: Names shown in italic represent user-defined packages or resource groups that are not part of the default domain.

Table 2-2 WebLogic Integration Deployment Containers

Resource Group

Resource Name




Deployments—>Application—>WLC console






Services—>JMS—>Tx Data Sources


Time processor

Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application





Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application





Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application



Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLPI Application


Services—>JMS—>Connection Factories


Services—>JMS—>Connection Factories


Services—>JMS—>Tx Data Sources



Deployments—>Application—>WLAI Application



Deployments—>Application—>WLAI Application


Deployments—>Application—>WLAI Application






Note: Event and service adapters reside in a single EAR file but they are deployed separately and are listed as separate resources in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.


BEA . . . yyy . . . ADK_RAR

Deployments—>Application—> BEA . . . yyy . . . ADK_RAR

Note: Event and service adapters reside in a single EAR file but they are deployed separately and are listed as separate resources in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

BEA . . . yyy . . . ADK_WEB

Deployments—>Application—> BEA . . . yyy . . . ADK_WEB





WLAI_zzz_ JMSServer




Java mail sessions used for the BPM Send E-mail action.


Used for all database connections in WebLogic Integration.


Used for all JMS connections in WebLogic Integration.


Transaction coordinator pool used for all transactions in WebLogic Integration.


Load Balancing in a WebLogic Integration Cluster

Load balancing distributes the workload proportionally among all the servers in a cluster so that each server can each run at full capacity. The following sections describe load balancing in a WebLogic Integration cluster:

Load Balancing WebLogic Server in a Cluster

WebLogic Server supports load balancing for HTTP session states and clustered objects. For more information, see Using WebLogic Server Clusters in the WebLogic Server documentation set, at the following URL:

Load Balancing BPM in a Cluster

BPM workflows require an event queue for processing event-based workflows. For more information, see Business Process Management Resources.

Event Queues and Associated Pools

Two types of pools are associated with each BPM event queue:

The following figure illustrates an event queue and the pools associated with it.

Figure 2-1 Event Queue and Associated Pools


The unordered event listener message-driven beans process messages in a nondeterministic order. Although messages are read in first-in, first-out (FIFO) order, messages can be processed out of order after they are read, depending on thread scheduling and the load at the time they are processed.

The ordered event listener message-driven beans guarantee that, for a particular order key (WLPIOrderKey), messages are processed in an ordered sequence. To achieve this, a single event listener message-driven bean in a cluster must be configured to process messages for WLPIOrderKey.

The message producer is responsible for delivering the messages in the queue in the correct order.

Note: WLPIOrderKey is a custom JMS property that BPM uses. You can set this property in the WebLogic Integration Studio or you can set it programmatically. If you are using messages between workflows, you can set WLPIOrderKey in the post-XML event dialog box. For more information, see "Posting an XML Message to a JMS Topic or Queue" in Defining Actions in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio.

A single jar file contains both ordered and unordered event listener message-driven beans for a particular queue. The WebLogic Integration installation provides the wli-mdb-ejb.jar file to be read from the default EventQueue. To ensure that the ordered event listener message-driven beans preserve processing order, this jar file must be targeted to one—and only one—server in a cluster.

Creating New Pools

If you have sufficient processing power on a single server, you can increase the pool size for event listener message-driven beans in the wli-mdb-ejb.jar file. If you want to put more event listener message-driven beans on another server, you need to create a new jar file and a new queue.

The pool size and range of WLPIOrderKeys can be changed for wli-mdb-ejb.jar, but they cannot be targeted to another server. To add event listener message-driven beans on another server, you must create a new pool using the MDBGenerator utility. For more information, see "Configuring a Custom Java Message Service Queue" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

The following diagram illustrates the default queue (EventQueue) on Server-1 and a user-defined queue (EventQueue-2) on Server-2. The new pool targets a different queue (EventQueue-2), and that queue must be shared with another event listener message-driven bean pool. In this diagram, the custom-generated event listener message-driven beans pull work from the user-defined event queue.

Figure 2-2 Event Listener Message-Driven Beans on Another Server


An application must send work to the user-defined queue in order to use the capacity of the custom generated event listener message-driven beans.

Requirements for Load Balancing BPM Functionality

When load balancing BPM functionality in a WebLogic Integration cluster, you must comply with the following requirements:

Load Balancing Application Integration in a Cluster

Application integration does not require partitioning of work within a cluster. It is possible to configure a completely homogenous cluster (that is, one in which all resources have the same server targets), subject to any constraints in the adapters themselves.

In contrast to BPM functionality, it is possible to load balance application integration functionality in a cluster using the default JMS queues and servers. New JMS servers are needed only when the default JMS server is saturated.


Configuring a Clustered Deployment

The following sections describe how to configure a clustered WebLogic Integration deployment:

Configuration Prerequisites

Before configuring WebLogic Integration to run in a clustered environment, you must:

Note: There are additional requirements when the architecture of the domain includes one or more firewalls. For more information, see Using WebLogic Server Clusters in the WebLogic Server documentation set, at the following URL:

Summary of Basic Configuration Tasks

Configuring WebLogic Integration in a clustered environment involves the following basic tasks:

  1. Planning the architecture of the clustered domain, as described in Designing a Clustered Deployment.

  2. Setting up the required WebLogic Integration managed servers, as described in Setting Up a WebLogic Integration Managed Server.

  3. Adding a definition for each managed server to the domain configuration and assigning all managed servers to clusters, as described in Adding Managed Servers and Creating Clusters.

  4. Deploying application resources across servers or clusters, as described in Distributing Resources Across Servers or Clusters.

The instructions are based on two assumptions:

Setting Up a WebLogic Integration Managed Server

The following sections provide instructions for setting up a managed server in two situations:

The information you need for both of these procedures is provided in the following sections. For simplicity, it is assumed that you are adding a managed server to one of the preconfigured domains. If you have created your own domain, the process is similar.

Adding a Managed Server to the Existing Installation

Before multiple instances of WebLogic Server can be supported on the same machine, the machine must be configured as a multihomed host. If you meet this requirement, you can add a managed server to a domain in the existing installation, simply by adding a command file that starts the managed server to the domain directory.

Note: If you are adding a managed server to a domain in which adapters, applications views, and the application integration plug-in are deployed, then the WLI_HOME\config\domain_name directory must also contain the following:


where *.rar represents any adapters that are available for deployment.

For example, to add a managed server to the WebLogic Integration (config\wlidomain) domain in the existing installation:

  1. Make a copy of the start server command file by entering the command that is appropriate for your platform:

  2. Open the new startManagedWeblogic command file in your preferred text editor.

  3. Add the following option to the Java command that starts the server:

    Here, virtualhost is the IP address or DNS name assigned to the administration server on the machine, and 7001 is the assigned listen port.

  4. Edit the -Dweblogic.Name option to assign a name to the managed server as follows:

    For an example of a modified server start command file, see Sample Managed Server Startup.

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. If you are adding a managed server to a domain in which adapters, applications views, and the application integration plug-in are deployed, then complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the WLI_HOME\config\wlidomain\wlai directory on a Windows system, or to the equivalent on a Unix system.

    2. Copy the file to

      Here, managed_svrname is the name of the managed server.

    3. Open the new file in your preferred text editor.

    4. Add the following parameters to the file:

      Here, virtualhost is the IP address or DNS name of the administration server, 7001 is the port assigned to the wlidomain administration server, user is a valid user ID (typically system), and passwd is a valid password for the user.

    5. Modify the following properties:

      Here, managedsvr_jmsserver is the JMS server for the managed server, and connection_factory_name is the name of the connection factory, if a separate JMS connection factory is required for the server.

    6. Save and close the file.

    7. Add the following line to the file:

Note: In the startManagedWeblogic file that results from the preceding procedure, some unnecessary environment variables are set, but they do not interfere with the execution of the command.

Before you can start the new managed server, you must add it to the configuration for the domain, as described in Adding Managed Servers and Creating Clusters.

Installing a Managed Server in a New Location

The simplest way to set up a managed server in a new location is to:

At a minimum, you must include the following in the domain directory for the managed server:

If you are adding a managed server to a domain in which adapters, application views, and the application integration plug-in are deployed, the config\domain_name directory must also contain the following:


where *.rar represents any adapters that are available for deployment.

For example, to add a managed server to the WebLogic Integration (WLI_HOME\config\wlidomain) domain:

  1. Install WebLogic Server and WebLogic Integration on the machine that will host the managed server.

  2. Delete any unnecessary files and directories from the WLI_HOME\config\wlidomain directory.

    Note: The following files are necessary and must not be deleted:

    Here, MyResourceAdapter*.rar represents any resource adapters that are available for deployment.

  3. Open the startWebLogic command file in your preferred text editor.

  4. Add the following option to the Java command that starts the server:

    Here, host is the IP address or DNS name assigned to the administration server, and 7001 is the assigned listen port.

  5. Edit the -Dweblogic.Name option to assign a name to the managed server, as follows:

    For an example of a modified server start command file, see Sample Managed Server Startup.

  6. Save the file as startManagedWeblogic and close it. Retain the original startWeblogic command file. Once you successfully start the managed server using the startManagedWeblogic command file, you can delete the original.

  7. Open the SetWliDomainData command file.

  8. Locate the following lines:
    REM load database specific data
    call %WLI_HOME%\config\wlidomain\setdbdata || goto error

  9. Comment out the following line:
    REM call %WLI_HOME%\config\wlidomain\setdbdata || goto error

  10. Save and close the file.

  11. If you are adding a managed server to a domain in which adapters, applications views, and the application integration plug-in are deployed, then complete the following steps:

    1. Rename the WLI_HOME\config\wlidomain\wlai\ file as WLI_HOME\config\wlidomain\wlai\

      Here, managed_svrname is the name of the managed server.

    2. Open the file in your preferred text editor.

    3. Add the following parameters to the file:

      Here, host is the IP address or DNS name of the administration server, 7001 is the port assigned to the wlidomain administration server, user is a valid user ID (typically system), and passwd is a valid password for the user.

    4. Modify the following properties:

      Here, managedsvr_jmsserver is the JMS server for the managed server, and connection_factory_name is the name of the connection factory, if you require a separate connection factory for this server.

    5. Save and close the file.

    6. Add the following line to the file:

Note: In the startManagedWeblogic file that results from the preceding procedure, some unnecessary environment variables are set, but they do not interfere with the execution of the command.

Before you can start the new managed server, you must add it to the configuration for the domain, as described in Adding Managed Servers and Creating Clusters.

Sample Managed Server Startup

The following code listing shows an example of the start server command for a wlidomain managed server. The modifications from the WLI_HOME\config\wlidomain\startWebLogic command for the default administration server are shown in bold. This code listing represents a single command. It is shown here on multiple lines for the sake of readability. In your command file, however, it is entered as one physical line.

Listing 2-1 Start Server Command for a wlidomain Managed Server

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %DB_JVMARGS% -Xmx256m -classpath %SVRCP%
-Dbea.home=%BEA_HOME% -Dweblogic.home=%WL_HOME%
-Dweblogic.system.home=%WLI_HOME% -Dweblogic.Domain=wlidomain
-Dweblogic.Name=managed1 -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=%WLI_HOME%\lib\weblogic.policy weblogic.Server

Adding Managed Servers and Creating Clusters

When you add a managed server to a domain, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Create the required clusters according to the instructions in Creating a Cluster.

  2. If the domain includes more than one machine, create a machine definition for each machine that runs a server instance. See Creating a Machine. Any servers that existed before you created machines must be assigned to a machine. See Assigning an Existing Server to a Machine or Cluster.

  3. Create the required servers according to the instructions in Creating a Server. As part of each server definition, assign the server to both a cluster and a machine.

All tasks are performed in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. To start the console, see "Starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console" in WebLogic Integration Administration and Design Tools in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

Creating a Cluster

To create a new cluster:

  1. In the navigation tree, select Clusters to display the Clusters page.

  2. Click the Configure a New Cluster link.

  3. On the General tab, enter values for the Name (arbitrary identifier) and Cluster Address (multicast address) fields.

    Note: The valid range of IP addresses for multicast is between and The address must not be used by any other application in the subnet.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Set other options as required, and click Apply when finished.

    The defaults are usually acceptable for an initial configuration.

Creating a Machine

To create a machine:

  1. In the navigation tree, select Machines.

  2. Click the Configure a New Machine link.

  3. Enter the name that will be used to identify the machine. Any arbitrary identifier can be used.

  4. Click Create.

Creating a Server

To create a server:

  1. In the navigation tree, select Servers.

  2. Click the Configure a New Server link.

  3. Enter values in the Name, Listen Address (server instance IP address) fields and, if applicable, in the external DNS name field.

    The value you specify for the external DNS name can be a host name or a virtual host name for a multihomed machine.

    Note: The value of Name must match the name assigned, in the start command, to the managed server. See Setting Up a WebLogic Integration Managed Server.

  4. Select the machine name from the Machine drop-down list.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Select the Cluster tab.

  7. Select the appropriate cluster from the Cluster drop-down list.

Assigning an Existing Server to a Machine or Cluster

To assign an existing server to a machine:

  1. In the navigation tree, select the name of the machine to which you will assign the server.

  2. Select the Servers tab.

  3. Move the server or servers to be assigned to the machine from the Available list to the Chosen list.

  4. Click Apply.

To assign an existing server to a cluster:

  1. In the navigation tree, select the name of the cluster to which you will assign the server.

  2. Select the Servers tab.

  3. Move the server or servers to be assigned to the machine from the Available list to the Chosen list.

  4. Click Apply.

Configuring Application Integration for Failover and Scalability

Application View service requests—both asynchronous and synchronous—are clusterable for failover and scalability. The Application View interacts with a resource adapter through a stateless session EJB. There are three requirements to deploying the application integration component to support clusterable Application View services:

  1. The application integration AdminDeployManager EJB (wlai-admin-ejb.jar) must be deployed to the administration server only.

  2. The Application View EJB must be deployed to each managed server in a cluster from the administration server. (This happens automatically during startup of the enterprise application on a managed server.)

  3. The underlying resource adapter must be deployed to all nodes in the cluster.

When the enterprise application deploys a connection factory for an Application View, the connection factory is targeted to all nodes in the cluster. If any managed server fails, a service request will be handled by another managed server in the cluster.

Application View events are not clusterable for failover. However, this feature will be available in a future release.

Configuring JMS Queues for BPM

After adding servers, you need to add JMS queues for BPM. The BPM event listener message-driven bean pool associated with a particular JMS queue must be collocated with the queue's JMS server. For instructions, see "Configuring a Custom Java Message Service Queue" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

Configuring JMS Servers and Queues for Application Integration

This section describes how to configure JMS servers and queues for application integration in a clustered environment. To determine how many JMS servers are required, see Load Balancing Application Integration in a Cluster.

Create a Store and Associate It with a Connection Pool

To create a store and associate it with a connection pool, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation tree, go to the Services—>JMS—>Stores node and select Create a new JMSJDBCStore. The Configuration tab should be selected by default.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name by which you want to identify this store.

    Every JMS server has its own JMSJDBCStore. Every managed server has its own JMS Server. For instructions on creating such a server, see Create a JMS Server and Associate It with the Store.

  3. In the Connection Pool field, select the connection pool that you want to use.

  4. In the Prefix Name field, enter the prefix to be appended (for example, WLAI).

  5. Click Create.

Create a JMS Server and Associate It with the Store

To create a JMS server and associate it with a JMSJDBCStore, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation tree, go to the Services—>JMS—>Servers node and select Create a new JMSServer.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name by which you want to identify this JMS server.

    For JMS servers for BPM, the JMS server name must match the name used when generating the message-driven bean jar file using the MDBGenerator utility.

  3. In the Store field, select the JMSJDBCStore with which you want to associate this JMS server.

  4. In the Temporary Template field, select WLAI_TemporaryTopicTemplate.

  5. Click Create.

Distributing Resources Across Servers or Clusters

After you set up the managed servers to be included in the domain, add definitions for those servers to the configuration, and assign the servers to clusters as required, you are ready to modify the WebLogic Integration resource configuration.

Distribution Guidelines

Before proceeding with this step, make sure you have outlined a deployment plan that conforms to the following guidelines:

Once you have a plan for deploying your resources to the servers and clusters in your domain, the procedure for modifying the resource configuration depends on the resource.

Targeting Resources to Clusters

To target a resource to, or remove a resource from, particular clusters:

  1. In the navigation tree, select the resource.

  2. Select the Targets tab.

  3. Select the Clusters tab.

  4. Modify the chosen Targets—Clusters as required.

  5. Click Apply when you have finished making changes.

Targeting Resources to Servers

To target a resource to, or remove a resource from, a particular server (for example, the administration server):

  1. In the navigation tree, select the resource.

  2. Select the Targets tab.

  3. Select the Servers tab.

  4. Modify the chosen Targets—Servers as required.

  5. Click Apply when you have finished making changes.

Starting the Servers in the Domain

After you configure the servers in your domain, you can bring them up in the following order:

  1. If it is not already running, start the administration server.

  2. Execute the startManagedWeblogic command for each managed server. For example, if you installed a managed server for the wlidomain on an NT machine, enter the following command:
    cd bea\wlintegration2.1\config\wlidomain

As the managed server starts, the follow messages are displayed.

Figure 2-3 Managed Server Startup Messages


When startup is complete, you can use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to verify deployments and status.

When you are ready to shutdown the server, you can use the WebLogic Server Administration Console as well.


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