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Javadoc Packages
Javadoc Packages

The Javadoc links on this page reflect the two standard types of licenses for the WebLogic Portal 4.0 and WebLogic Personalization Server 4.0 software packages:

 WebLogic Portal Javadoc

Contains in one Javadoc environment all the API descriptions for the WebLogic Portal product suite. This Javadoc environment is for customers who are using the full WebLogic Portal license. This license enables you to use all portal, campaign, commerce, and personalization features.

 WebLogic Personalization Server (Only) Javadoc

Contains in one Javadoc environment the API descriptions for WebLogic Personalization Server. This Javadoc environment is for customers who are using the WebLogic Personalization Server-only license. This license enables you to use the personalization features.

When you are using the WebLogic Personalization Server 4.0 (only) license, your applications can use the com.bea.p13n.* API packages, but cannot use other API packages installed by WebLogic Portal 4.0, such as:
