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Tuning Guide


Welcome to BEA WebLogic Portal Performance Tuning Guide!

This document describes how to tune WebLogic Portal performance for your testing and production environments.

It includes recommendations for configuring caches, JSP compilers, and configurations for other services.




Load Testing Your Installation


Steps for Load Testing Your Installation

General Architecture

WebLogic Portal


Factors Affecting Performance

General Web Application Factors

Complex Page Layouts

Image Content

Clustered Session Replication

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

WebLogic Server Factors

Campaign Factors

Referencing Events

Avoiding Firing Extraneous Events

WebLogic Commerce Services Factors

Cache Settings



Example of Calculating the Necessary RAM

Catalog Size

Catalog Update Frequency

Payment Settings

Pipeline Session Data


Location of Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)

WebLogic Personalization Services Factors

Accessing the Database

Application Complexity


Estimating Baseline Capacity Requirements

Estimate the Maximum Number of Simultaneous Users

Estimate Per-User Memory Requirements

Estimate Application Throughput Requirements

Estimate Maximum Acceptable Response Times

Calculate a Baseline Estimate

Throughput Requirements

Memory Requirements

Latency Requirements

Adjusting Your Estimate


Using Caches

Overview of the Cache Framework

Comparison of Configuring Caches

Caches in a Clustered Environment

Configuring Caches with MBeans

Configuring Default Caches

Configuring Custom Caches

Accessing Caches

Accessing a Cache

Putting and Getting Items in a Cache

Reconfiguring Active Caches

Monitoring and Managing Caches

Monitoring a Cache

Viewing the Number of Items in a Cache

Viewing the Hit Count

Viewing the Hit Rate

Viewing the Miss Count

Example of Monitoring Caches

Disable a Cache

Flush or Invalidate Items in a Cache That Is Configured with MBeans

Flushing or Invalidating From the WebLogic Server Administration Console

Clear or Remove Items from a Cache

Recommended Settings

Adjust Caching for Content Management

For More Information

Property Caching in a Clustered Environment

For More Information

Adjust Caching for the Discount Service

Adjusting the discountCache

Adjusting the globalDiscountCache

Discount-Service Caches in Clustered and Non-Clustered Environments

Adjust Group Membership TTL in the Caching Realm


Tuning JSPs and Servlets

Precompile JSPs

Specifying a Java Compiler for a Web Application

Adjust the Intervals for Checking JSP and Servlet Modifications

About the Page-Check Intervals Properties

To Adjust the Intervals


Additional Tuning Recommendations

Adjust Database Connections Available at Startup

For More Information

Increase the Size of the Display-Count Buffer

Display Metadata, Sort and Query Explicit Metadata

Use LDAP for Authentication Only

Use the HotSpot Virtual Machine

Deactivating HotSpot



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