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Administration Guide

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Tutorial - Creating Administrative Users

In this tutorial, you will create an administrative user—a portal administrator—who has administrative rights for an entire portal, but who has fewer overall administrative rights than a WebLogic Portal system administrator. When you finish, you will be able to log in to the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools as the new portal administrator and see only the features you can administer.

This tutorial includes the following steps:


Step 1: Add a User

This step shows you how to add a user to WebLogic Portal. You will log in as an existing WebLogic Portal system administrator with full administrative rights.

Note: You can skip the first two steps if your domain and Portal Administration Tools are still running.

  1. Launch and log in to the server for your new domain.

    On Windows, you can launch the domain server from the Start menu (BEA WebLogic Platform  7.0 > User Projects > yournewdomain > Start Portal Server).

    You also can use the domain start scripts which are, by default, in the <BEA_HOME>\user_projects\<your_new_domain> folder.

    When prompted to log in, use the appropriate username and password. The default username and password is weblogic and weblogic.

  2. Start the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools if they are not already running. In your browser, go to the following URL:

    If you are running the server on your local machine, the default URL is http://localhost:7501/portalAppTools.

    When prompted, log in as the WebLogic Portal system administrator that BEA provides:

    Username: administrator

    Password: password

  3. On the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools Home page, click the User Management icon, as shown in Figure  2-1.

    Figure 2-1 Portal Administration Tools Home


  4. On the User Management page, click Create on the Users bar, as shown in Figure  2-1.

    Figure 2-2 Click Create on the Users Bar


  5. On the Create New Users page, name the new portal administrator and provide a password. This procedure uses the following examples as shown in Figure  2-3.

    Username: portaladmin

    Password: password

    Select User as the User Type and click Create.

    Figure 2-3 Creating a User


    After you click Create, a confirmation message appears below the page banner, and the name of the new user is displayed at the bottom of the page.

  6. Click the Back button at the bottom of the page. You are returned to the User Management page.


Step 2: Make the User Eligible to Manage Portals

After you add the new user, you must make the user eligible to be an administrator. The WebLogic Portal system administrator performs this task.

  1. On the User Management page, click the Groups link, as shown in Figure  2-4.

    Figure 2-4 Accessing Groups


  2. On the Groups page, click the AdminEligible group name as shown in Figure  2-5.

    Figure 2-5 Click AdminEligible


  3. On the AdminEligible page, click the +/- icon on the Add/Remove Users From Group bar as shown in Figure  2-5.

    Figure 2-6 Click AdminEligible


  4. On the Add/Remove Group Search Results page, enter an asterisk (*) in the Username field and press Enter.

  5. In the Search Results list, move the portaladmin user into the Group Search Results list, as shown in Figure  2-7.

    Figure 2-7 Adding Users to the AdminEligible Group


  6. Click Save. A confirmation message appears below the page banner.

  7. Click Back at the bottom of the page to return to the AdminEligible page, and click Finished.

  8. Click the Home icon on the page banner to return to the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools Home page.


Step 3: Grant Portal Administration Rights to the User

After users are added to the AdminEligible group, you can make them portal administrators. This step shows you how to set specific portal administration rights.

  1. On the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools Home page, click the Portal Management icon.

  2. On the Portal Management Home page, click the Edit Portal Administrators link as shown in Figure  2-8.

    Figure 2-8 Click Edit Portal Administrators


  3. On the Edit Portal Administrator Settings page, click Create New Administrator as shown in Figure  2-9.

    Figure 2-9 Click Create New Administrator


  4. The Create New Portal Administrator page appears. In the Admin Eligible Users list, select the portaladmin user and click Select User, as shown in Figure  2-10.

    Figure 2-10 Selecting an AdminEligible User to Set Portal Administration Rights


  5. In the New Portal Administrator Settings page, put check marks in all the check boxes in the Can Manage column. As you check these boxes, additional check boxes appear. Put check marks in all additional boxes, as shown in Figure  2-11.

    Checking all the boxes gives the portal administrator unlimited administration rights in the portal.

    Figure 2-11 Granting Portal Administration Rights


  6. Click Save. You are returned to the Create New Portal Administrator page.


Step 4: Log in as the New Portal Administrator

Test your new user's administration rights by closing your browser, launching it again, going to the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools URL (such as http://localhost:7501/portalAppTools), and logging in with the following username and password.

Username: portaladmin

Password: password

The login window is shown in Figure  2-12.

Figure 2-12 Log In Using the New Portal Administrator Username and Password


Because the new portal administrator does not have full WebLogic Portal system administration rights, you are not taken to the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools Home page (Figure  2-1). Instead, you are taken to the Portal Management Home page, as shown in Figure  2-13.

Figure 2-13 Portal Management Home Page


You have successfully created and logged in as a portal administrator.

Note: You can also create administrators that are limited to working with group portals within a portal. For more information on setting up group portal administration, see Administering Users and Groups.


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