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Development Guide

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Setting Up Commerce Services

Among the important commerce services available with WebLogic Portal are those that pertain to such business transaction services as taxation and payment and the product catalog service. Development tasks associated with these services include integrating both local and third-party taxation services and integrating local and third-party payment services. For the product catalog service, development tasks include loading data into the catalog database and creating and enhancing a custom catalog service.

This section includes information on the following subjects:


Integrating a Portal with Business Transaction Services

WebLogic Portal can be integrated with such business transaction services as taxation and payment services. Adding these services to a portal extends the functionality of the portal by allowing it to leverage external services for use locally. Integrating these services is a development function, requiring you to update specific EJBs in the enterprise application and URLs specific configuration files. Those modifications are described in this document.

This section includes information on the following subjects:

Integrating with a Taxation Service

The Tax Web service installed with WebLogic Portal provides a default framework for handling tax calculations on transactions received from the default TaxCalculator EJB. The business methods implement a standard workflow that is associated with the completion of order taxation. (The Tax Web service is itself a stateless session EJB wrapped in code that makes it a Web service.)

Integrating your enterprise applications with the Tax Web service involves modifying either the TaxCalculator EJB or the Tax Web service, depending on who will host the Web service: your organization or the third-party tax calculation vendor.

Important Notice The default Tax Web service that ships with WebLogic Portal automatically applies a 5% tax to an order. This default application of taxes is not designed for production use. You must integrate with your third-party vendor's tax service to calculate taxes properly.

If the Third-Party Vendor Hosts the Web Service

If the third-party vendor hosts the Tax Web service, the vendor will integrate the Web service with their program's API, and modify the TaxWebService EJB inside the Web service to translate the SOAP calls—the SOAP calls your enterprise application's TaxCalculator EJB sends it to the Web service—into messages their API can understand, and to create proper return SOAP calls to your TaxCalculator EJB.

To connect to the vendor-hosted Web service, use this procedure:

  1. If the vendor has modified any of AVS*.class or Tax*.class files in the Web service's tax.jar file, duplicate those modifications in your enterprise application. You can find the source code for these classes in:

  2. Compile the source files either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  3. Make any vendor-required modifications to the TaxCalculator EJB in your enterprise application so that it makes appropriate SOAP calls to the vendor's TaxWebService EJB. You can find the source code for the TaxCalculator EJB in:

  4. Compile the source file either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  5. After you compile your source code, add the class files to the wlcsSamples.jar in your enterprise application folder. When you add them to the .jar, maintain their relative directory structure.

  6. Run the EJB compiler (ejbc) on the wlcsSample.jar file.

  7. In the application-config.xml file in the Meta-inf subdirectory of your application, locate the <TaxServiceClient> element, and modify the URL in the TaxCalculatorWSDL attribute to connect to the TaxWebService WSDL file on the vendor's server.

At startup, WebLogic Server reads the application-config.xml file, so it knows where to find the Web service.

If Your Organization Hosts the Web Service

If your organization hosts the Tax Web service, deploy the Web service on a separate Java Virtual Machine (JVM) than what your enterprise applications are running on. This way, if the Web service goes down and freezes the JVM it is running on, your enterprise application's JVM will continue to run.

To connect to a Tax Web service hosted by your organization, use this procedure:

  1. Obtain your third-party vendor's tax calculation product API.

  2. Modify the TaxWebService EJB (the Web service's EJB) so that it translates SOAP calls into the language of the third-party product's API. You can find the source code for the TaxWebService EJB in the following directory:

  3. Compile the source file either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  4. After you have compiled the source code, add the class file to tax.jar in the taxWSApp directory. When you add the file to the .jar, maintain its relative directory structure.

  5. Use the Web service generator (servicegen) on the tax.jar file to build a file called tax-webservice.war.

    For information on using wsgen, see "Programming WebLogic Server Web Services" at

  6. Make any necessary modifications to the TaxCalculator EJB in your enterprise application so that it makes appropriate SOAP calls to the TaxWebService EJB. You can find the source code for the TaxCalculator EJB in:

  7. Compile the source file either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  8. After you compile your source code, add the class file to wlcsSamples.jar in your enterprise application's root folder. When you add the file to the .jar, maintain its relative directory structure.

  9. Run the EJB compiler (ejbc) on the wlcsSample.jar file.

  10. In the application-config.xml file in the META-INF subdirectory of your application, locate the <TaxServiceClient> element, and modify the URL in the TaxCalculatorWSDL attribute to connect to the TaxWebService WSDL file on your Web service's server.

At startup, WebLogic Server reads the application-config.xml file, so it knows where to find the Web service.

Integrating with a Payment Service

The Credit Card Web service that is installed with WebLogic Portal provides a default framework for handling authorization, capture, and settlement of credit card transactions received from the default CreditCardService EJB. The business methods implement a standard workflow that is associated with the completion of credit card transactions. The current state of the transaction is maintained and each action is logged. (The Credit Card Web service is itself a stateless session EJB wrapped in code that makes it a Web service.)

Integrating your enterprise applications with the Payment Web service involves modifying either the CreditCardService EJB or the Credit Card Web service, depending on who will host the Web service: your organization or the third-party payment vendor.

Important Notice The default Payment Web service that ships with WebLogic Portal always sends payment information through without any errors, as if it were connected to and approved by a third-party payment service. This default processing of payment is not designed for production use. You must integrate with your third-party vendor's payment service to process payment correctly.

If the Third-Party Vendor Hosts the Web Service

If the third-party vendor hosts the Credit Card Web service, the vendor will integrate the Web service with their program's API, and modify the CreditCardWebService EJB inside the Web service to translate the SOAP calls—the SOAP calls your enterprise application's CreditCardService EJB sends to the Web service—into messages their API can understand, and to create proper return SOAP calls to your CreditCardService EJB.

To connect to the vendor-hosted Credit Card Web service, use this procedure:

  1. If the vendor has modified any of PS*.class files in the Web service's payment.jar file, duplicate those modifications in your enterprise application. You can find the source code for these classes in:

  2. Compile the source files either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  3. Make any vendor-required modifications to the CreditCardService EJB in your enterprise application so that it makes appropriate SOAP calls to the vendor's CreditCardWebService EJB. You can find the source code for the CreditCardService EJB in:

  4. Compile the source file either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  5. After you compile your source code, add the class files to the wlcsSamples.jar in your enterprise application folder. When you add them to the .jar, maintain their relative directory structure.

  6. Run the EJB compiler (ejbc) on the wlcsSample.jar file.

  7. In the application-config.xml file in the Meta-inf subdirectory of your application, locate the <PaymentServiceClient> element, and modify the URL in the PaymentWebServiceWSDL attribute to connect to the CreditCardWebService WSDL file on the vendor's server.

At startup, WebLogic Server reads the application-config.xml file, so it knows where to find the Web service.

Important Security Information

Since a Web services is SOAP (that is, XML over HTTP), you are passing credit card information over the Web in plain text. Hackers listening in can track this information for nefarious purposes. BEA strongly recommends that you set up a dedicated line to the credit card processing provider and add a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to the HTTP communication taking place. You should also choose a credit card provider that encrypts all communications.

If Your Organization Hosts the Web Service

If your organization hosts the Credit Card Web service, we strongly recommend that you deploy the Web service on a separate Java Virtual Machine (JVM) than what your enterprise applications are running on. This way, if the Web service goes down and freezes the JVM it is running on, your enterprise application's JVM will continue to run.

To connect to a Credit Card Web service hosted by your organization, use this procedure:

  1. Obtain your third-party vendor's payment product API.

  2. Modify the CreditCardWebService EJB (the Web service EJB) so that it translates SOAP calls into the language of the third-party product's API. You can find the source code for the CreditCardWebService EJB in the following directory:

  3. Compile the source file either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  4. After you have compiled the source code, add the class file to payment.jar in the paymentWSApp folder. When you add the file to the .jar, maintain its relative directory structure.

  5. Use the Web service generator (servicegen) on the payment .jar file to build a file called payment-webservice.war.

    For information on using servicegen, see "Programming WebLogic Server Web Services" at

  6. Make any necessary modifications to the CreditCardService EJB in your enterprise application so that it makes appropriate SOAP calls to the CreditCardWebService EJB. You can find the source code for the CreditCardService EJB in:

  7. Compile the source file either by running javac from a command line or as directed by your Java editor.

  8. After you compile your source code, add the class file to wlcsSamples.jar in your enterprise application's root directory. When you add the file to the JAR, maintain its relative directory structure.

  9. Run the EJB compiler (ejbc) on the wlcsSample.jar file.

  10. In the application-config.xml file in the META-INF subdirectory of your application, locate the <PaymentServiceClient> element, and modify the URL in the PaymentWebServiceWSDL attribute to connect to the CreditCardWebService WSDL file on the your Web service's server.

At startup, WebLogic Server reads the application-config.xml file, so it knows where to find the Web service.

Guidelines for Modifying the Credit Card Web Service EJB

The Payment service EJB is a stateless session bean that provides services related to the authorization, capture, and settlement of credit card transactions. The Credit Card Web service EJB serves as an interface behind which integrations with various payment solutions can be implemented. The current state of each transaction is maintained and each action is journaled. General characteristics of transactions are described in the following list:


Supporting a Product Catalog

This section describes the development tasks associated with supporting a product catalog. Some of the tasks discussed below will apply to product catalogs built with resources supplied by BEA (see "Creating and Administering a Catalog" in the Administration Guide at Others apply to a custom catalog service that you can build by implementing the appropriate Stateless Session EJB service API. In addition, you will see how to display your catalog by using JSPs, and integrate a catalog service with a catalog cache.

This section includes information on the following subjects:

Loading Your Product Data Into the Product Catalog Database Schema

The most important development tasks is to get information about your products into a form that WebLogic can understand. Use the DBLoader program to do this. The DBLoader lets you load, all at once, any data into any table in a database.

Creating your product catalog by using the DBLoader requires these steps:

Step 1: Prepare to Use DBLoader

Before you can add your product information to the database, consider the following database issues, and prepare your input files.

Review Important Database Considerations

Some important database considerations that you should keep in mind while using the DBLoader program are:

Consider Referential Integrity and Constraints The schema for the Product Catalog enforces data and referential integrity between tables with the use of constraints. For example, the primary key constraint on WLCS_PRODUCT and WLCS_CATEGORY, or the foreign key constraint on WLCS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY.

Primary keys and unique indexes prevent the possibility of placing duplicate entries in the table. Foreign key constraints ensure referential integrity by making certain that the parent key already exists before allowing the child record to be written to the database.

Note: For every WLCS_PRODUCT and WLCS_CATEGORY table entry, a corresponding entry in the CATALOG_ENTITY table must also be made.

Consider Strings in Java All Strings in Java are represented as a series of Unicode 2.0 characters. Unicode 2.0 is a 16-bit character encoding that supports the world's major languages. Therefore, when reading text into and writing text out of the JVM, an encoding scheme must be used to convert the "native" encoding used by the operating system to or from Unicode 2.0. Data in text files is automatically converted to Unicode 2.0 when its encoding matches the default file encoding of the Java Virtual Machine (and that of the operating system).

Prepare Product Information Input Files to Load Into the Product Catalog Schema

Follow the rules in this section to create input files (text files) containing your product information that you want to use in your Web site. Create a separate file for every database table.

Verify Input File's File Structure The input data file is, by default, a pipe-separated value text file. The input file has the following structure:

Table  14-1 shows the input file structure.

Table 14-1 Input File Structure



First Row

The header of the file must identify:

Second Row

The second row identifies the table column names into which you are loading data. You must include the primary key column or columns in the input file. Preface each primary key column name with an asterisk (*). Apart from primary keys in tables, all other columns are defaulted as NULL. Thus, you may omit column names where NULL is an acceptable value, and specify only those with non-NULL values.

Third Row

The third row specifies the data type of each column being loaded.

Fourth Through N Rows

All subsequent lines in the input data file contain the data values.

Listing  14-1 shows an example of a simple input file.

Listing 14-1 Simple Input File

P123|CoolKid|N|Out of stock until further notice|Special order
P124|FastKid|Y|One week|No special order|02-Oct-2000
P125|RadSneakers|Y||regular stock|02-Oct-2000

Note: You can also view a sample input file at the following location: <PORTAL_HOME>\db\data\sample\wlcs\hardware\PRODUCT.dat

Empty input strings Empty input strings from the data file are inserted into database as empty strings. You must account for each unspecified column in the input record by including the delimiter character (by default, a comma) in the correct position (matching the position of the columns you listed in line 2, the column names). For example:

P125|RadSneakers|Y||regular stock|02-Oct-2000

Unspecified values for non-primary-key fields In the previous example a value for the fourth identified column (EST_SHIP_TIME) was not specified. This condition is acceptable because this column is not a primary key for the database record. The column's value is stored as an empty string.

Note: If you intend to store a null value in the database for a non-primary-key column, you should enter NULL in the correct position for the column in that record. Do not enclose NULL in quotes as that will cause the column to be stored as a string.

Step 2: Edit the File

The DBLoader uses the information in the file to determine information about the data and loading process, including what driver, database, or login to use. Open the file in the <PORTAL_HOME>\db directory. Uncomment the lines for the database you want to use, and enter the correct settings. Be sure to comment out the Pointbase lines if you are using another database.

Any comment lines in the file are prefixed with the # character. Both comment lines and blank lines are allowed.

Table 14-2

Property Name

Default Value




Specify which JDBC driver to use to connect to your database. The default driver is the Pointbase JDBC driver that ships with WebLogic.



Database connection string required for the driver to connect to your database.



The database username. The login name must have read/write privileges on the affected tables.



The database user password.



You can change the recognized delimiter character that is used to separate values in the input data file. Choose another character, such as the circumflex (^) as a delimiter.



Identifies the format that will be used for date columns in the input data. Date format is locale specific. Other formats are commented out in the file.



Identifies the database tables to which DBLoader will track updates (for these two tables). The column name is fixed in the schema provided by the commerce services. However, if you are using DBLoader for other tables (not WLCS tables), you can specify other column names of your own.



Specifies the column in the WLCS_CATEGORY and WLCS_PRODUCT tables that identifies the last time this record in the table was modified. The value of the column specified is used by DBLoader to learn when the most recent update was made in each record in the tables identified in the timestamptable property. The column name is fixed in the schema provided by the Commerce services. However, if you are using DBLoader for other tables (not WLCS tables), you can specify other column names of your own.



Sets how many records are loaded before committing the updates in the database. If the value is less than or equal to one, DBLoader will commit after loading each record.


Not specified in the file; therefore, the default is the Java 2 SDK's platform default.

Sets the multibyte character encoding type. The property value supplied can be UCS2 or UTF8.

When writing data into and reading data out of the database, Java will transparently convert from the native character encoding used by your systems and Unicode 2.0. There is nothing special that you must do.

However, if you need to write/read data to/from the database that is encoded differently than your system's native encoding, you will have to explicitly perform the translation. File Settings and Possible Values

Step 3: Load Data by Running the DBLoader Program

Now that you have created the input files and set up the file correctly, run the databaseload script to start the DBLoader program.

Review databaseload Basics

The script is located at:

Note: PORTAL_HOME is the directory where you installed WebLogic Portal.

The databaseload script performs the tasks:

Non-Windows Environment - Prepare to Run the Script

In a non-Windows environment, before you can run the databaseload script, make sure that the set-environment script specifies the same database as the file. The set-environment script resides in the same directory as the databaseload script. For example, if the file uses `jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost:9092/wlportal' connections, then set-environment script should have SET DATABASE=POINTBASE.

As mentioned earlier, DBLoader runs independently of the WebLogic Portal server. Therefore you do not need to stop the server if you are planning to run the loader.

If you are running the WebLogic Portal server with Oracle, then the drawback might be a slower performance for the time the data is being loaded into the database.

Note: You might want to back up the particular tables that you are about to update before running DBLoader. The DBLoader program does not keep history records in the database.

Run the databaseload Script

The command to run the script has the following format:

>> databaseload { -insert | -update | -delete } input-file.dat

For example:

>> databaseload -update product_categories.dat

In the previous example, the DBLoader program will update rows in the product catalog database that match the primary keys specified in the category.dat input file.

Selecting the type of operation You must select one of the three possible operations: -insert, -update, or -delete.

UNIX and privileges On UNIX systems, the file needs to have its default protections set to include execute privilege. A typical way to do this is with the command:

$ chmod +x

Loading data into several tables To insert, update, or delete data in several tables, run the databaseload script separately for each table, providing the corresponding input filename as a parameter. The order of tables being updated should use the same data integrity rules as all other SQL statements. For example, insert rows into the parent table with the primary key constraint before inserting rows into the child table with the foreign key constraint.

Step 4: Troubleshoot Using the DBLoader Log Files

You can determine errors and other issues that occurred during any particular DBLoader operation by using the two audit trail log files:

This section contains the following information:

Determine When to Review the Files

You must check the files immediately after each operation; the files are overwritten by each DBLoader operation. Both files are created in the same directory where you run the databaseload script.

Review the dbloader.log File

The dbloader.log file contains the following information:

Review the dbloader.err File

If any errors occurred during the attempted database load operation, the dbloader.err file captures the following information:

The DBLoader program checks the number of columns affected by the load (as specified in the second line of the input data file) against the number of input columns in each record. Because the column delimiter is a comma (by default), this character is not allowed in a string input column. If extra commas are supplied inadvertently, such as punctuation in a LONG_DESC (Long Description) column, an error will result and is noted in the dbloader.err file. To avoid this type of error, carefully check the number of commas you are using to separate the input data column values. Or select a different delimiter character and specify it in the file. For more information, see Step 2: Edit the File.

All errors and exceptions are displayed in the console where the DBLoader program is running. Records with errors in them will be skipped, and the processing continues until the end of the file. (The program does not roll back a transaction if an error has occurred.)

Showing a Catalog in a JSP

The JavaServer Page (JSP) templates and JSP tags included in the Commerce services allow you to easily create the presentation part of the Product Catalog. The templates provide the mechanism for your visitors to view a catalog's categories and product items; the JSP tags in the templates implement that functionality.

JSP tag libraries allow you to easily retrieve the attributes of items and categories in the Product Catalog. You can then format these attributes using HTML tags. Any HTML editor can be used to create custom layouts. You can also include custom Java code within the JSPs to display categories and items.

To use the Catalog JSP tags, you need to import the cat.tld tag library into your JSP file by including the following code in the JSP:

<%@ taglib uri="cat.tld" prefix="catalog" %>

Three basic tags are used in the JSP templates that compose the default product catalog supplied by BEA. These tags are:

You can add additional tags as necessary to meet your business needs.

Using the <catalog:getProperty> Tag

Use the <catalog:getProperty> tag (Table  14-3) to retrieve a property for display from either a ProductItem or Category. The property can either be an explicit property (a property that can be retrieved using a get method on the Catalog item) or an implicit property (a property available through the ConfigurableEntity getProperty methods on the Catalog item). The tag first checks to see if the specified property can be retrieved as an explicit property. If it cannot, the specified property is retrieved as an implicit property.

Table 14-3 <catalog:getProperty> Tag  Attributes

Tag Attribute








Denotes a reference to an object supplied as an argument to an explicit property getter method.

May also be used to obtain implicit or custom properties that are defined using the property set framework, in which case the getterArgument would be the scope name for the property set (see second example below).

The object must be presented in the form <%= getterArgumentReference %> and must be a run-time expression.






If the id attribute is supplied, the value of the retrieved property will be available in the variable name to which id is assigned. Otherwise, the value of the property is inlined.




Catalog item

Denotes a reference to a ProductItem or Category object that must be presented in the form <%= objectReference %>.






Name of the property to retrieve. If the property is explicit, it may be one of the values shown in Table  14-4.






If the id attribute is supplied, declares the type of the variable specified by the id attribute.



Table 14-4 propertyName Values  

Property Name

Catalog Item Type

"contributor | coverage | creationDate | creator | description | image | key | language | modifiedDate | name | publisher | relation | rights | source"

Catalog Item
(common properties)



"availability | currentPrice | format | jsp | msrp | shippingCode | taxCode | type | visible"



Example 1: Retrieving the Detail JSP Information From an Item Listing  14-2 retrieves the detail JSP information from an existing ProductItem:

Listing 14-2 Retrieving the Detail JSP Information From an Item

<%@ taglib uri="cat.tld" prefix="catalog" %>
object="<%= item %>"
"<%= new Integer(ProductItem.DETAILED_DISPLAY_JSP_INDEX) %>"

Example 2: Using the getterArgument Attribute Listing  14-3 shows how to use the getterArgument attribute to obtain an implicit or custom property for a property set/schema with the following characteristics:

Note: Because the getterArgument must be a run-time expression, we assign MyCatalog to a String variable and use the variable as the value to the getterArgument.

Listing 14-3 Using the getterArgument Attribute

<%@ taglib uri="cat.tld" prefix="catalog" %>
String myPropertySetName = "MyCatalog";
ProductItem myProductItem = .....; // reference to a ProductItem

Using the <catalog:iterateViewIterator> Tag

Use the <catalog:iterateViewIterator>tag (Table  14-5) to iterate through a ViewIterator. A ViewIterator is an iterator over a potentially large collection of remote data that is broken up into a series of fixed sized Views. View Iterators are returned from all Catalog service API methods that may potentially return a large set of ProductItems or Categories. This tag allows you to iterate the ViewIterator one item (ProductItem or Category) at a time (the default behavior) or by an entire View (fixed size set of ProductItems or Categories) at a time. It is important to note that this tag does not reset the state of the ViewIterator upon completion.

Table 14-5 <catalog:iterateViewIterator> Tag Attributes  

Tag Attribute









The value of the current iterated object will be available in the variable name to which the id is assigned.





Denotes a reference to a ViewIterator object. Must be presented in the form
<%= iteratorReference %>.






Specifies whether to iterate the ViewIterator by View or by Catalog item. If not specified, the ViewIterator will be iterated by Catalog item.






Declares the type of the variable specified by the id attribute. Defaults to java.lang.Object.

If iterateByView is true, the type is assumed to be com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.View.


Example 1: Displaying Keys of Categories in a ViewIterator Listing  14-4 displays the keys of all categories in a ViewIterator:

Listing 14-4 Displaying Keys of Categories in a ViewIterator

<%@ taglib uri="cat.tld" prefix="catalog" %>
iterator="<%= myIterator %>"
<%= category.getKey().toString() %>

Example 2: Displaying all Views in a ViewIterator Listing  14-5 displays all the Views contained within a ViewIterator:

Listing 14-5 Displaying all Views in a ViewIterator

<%@ taglib uri="cat.tld" prefix="catalog" %>
iterator="<%= myIterator %>"
<%= view.toString() %>

Using the <catalog:iterateThroughView> Tag

The<catalog:iterateThroughView>tag (Table  14-6) iterates through a View of a specified ViewIterator. The tag will iterate the View one Catalog item at a time until the end of the view is reached. If you do not specify a specific view (by index) through which to iterate, the current View of the ViewIterator is used. It is important to note that this tag does not reset the state of the ViewIterator upon completion.

Table 14-6 <catalog:iterateThroughView>  Tag Attributes

Tag Attribute









The value of the current iterated object will be available in the variable name to which the id is assigned.





Denotes a reference to a ViewIterator object that must be presented in the form
<%= iteratorReference %>






Declares the type of the variable specified by the id attribute. Defaults to java.lang.Object.





Specifies the index of the View (relative to the start of the ViewIterator) through which to iterate. The referenced object must be presented in the form <%= viewIndexIntegerReference %>.



Example 1: Displaying Keys of All ProductItems in Current View of ViewIterator Listing  14-6 displays the keys of all the ProductItems contained in the current View of a specified ViewIterator:

Listing 14-6 Displaying Keys of All ProductItems in Current View of ViewIterator

<%@ taglib uri="cat.tld" prefix="catalog" %>
iterator="<%= myIterator %>"
<%= item.getKey().toString() %>

Example 2: Displaying Keys of All ProductItems in First View of ViewIterator Listing  14-7 displays the keys of all the ProductItems contained in the first View of a specified ViewIterator:

Listing 14-7 Displaying Keys of All ProductItems in First View of ViewIterator

<%@ taglib uri="cat.tld" prefix="catalog" %>
iterator="<%= myIterator %>"
viewIndex="new Integer(0)">
<%= item.getKey().toString() %>

Hooking Up a Catalog to a Shopping Cart

To hook up a catalog to a shopping cart, you need to implement the shoppingcart.jsp template in the catalog. This template contains code that manages a shopping cart service, including implementations of the necessary input processors and pipeline components used to manage much of the business logic and back-end tasks required to successfully execute the shopping cart service. You can either implement this template as BEA provides it or you can tailor it to meet your specific needs.

Implementing shoppingcart.jsp

To implement shopppingcart.jsp, first, ensure that this JSP is stored in the appropraite portlets folder for the application. Then, do one of the following:


How shoppingcart.jsp Works

Customers can arrive at shoppingcart.jsp template from any product catalog page by clicking View Cart (or its equivalent) on that page. The shoppingcart.jsp template displays the items currently in a customer's shopping cart. For each item the customer added to their cart (that is still actively part of the current purchase), the shoppingcart.jsp template displays the quantity, the item name, the list price, the actual price, a savings amount, and a subtotal. Following this information, a total price for the order is displayed.

The item quantity is shown in an editable field, allowing customers to change the quantity of the item simply by typing a new quantity and clicking Update. For your customers' convenience, the item name is hyperlinked back to its description in the product catalog. For each item in the shopping cart, there is also a Delete button and a Buy Later button. Clicking Delete removes the item from the shopping cart, while clicking Buy Later causes the item to be moved from the Shopping Cart to the Saved Items list. For each item shown in the Saved Items list, the hyperlinked item name and a brief description are displayed. Additionally, Delete and Add to Cart in this section allows your customers to remove the item altogether or to move it back to their active Shopping Cart.

If customers click a link to an individual product item to review detailed information about that product item, the next page is the appropriate product catalog page. If they click on Update, Empty Cart, Delete, or Save for Later, they are returned to the shopping cart page (shoppingcart.jsp) after the appropriate input processor or pipeline has been executed to record the modification.

If the customer is satisfied with the contents of their shopping cart as shown on this page, the customer can initiate the checkout process by clicking Check Out. If this is the case, the next page is the shipping information page (shipping.jsp).

Notes: If the customer has not yet logged into the site and clicks Check Out, the customer will be prompted to log in at the login.jsp template (prior to loading the shipping.jsp template).

To be able to use the features of the Saved Items list, a customer must have first logged in.

If there are no items in a customer's shopping cart, the Empty Cart, Update, and Check Out buttons will not be available.

If the customer is satisfied with the contents of their shopping cart, the customer can click the Check Out button to begin the checkout process.

Note: If the customer is not logged into your e-commerce site, they will be prompted to do so before continuing to the next part of the checkout process.

If your customer wants to start over, the customer can click the Empty Cart button to empty the entire contents of the shopping cart (both active and saved). If your customer wants to continue shopping, the customer can click the Continue Shopping button to return to the product catalog.


Figure  14-1 and Figure  14-2 show annotated versions of the shoppingcart.jsp template. Figure  14-1 shows the page for a customer who has not logged in:

Figure 14-1 shoppingcart.jsp-Formatted Web Page for a Visitor Who Has Not Logged In


Figure  14-2 shows the page for a customer who has logged in:

Figure 14-2 shoppingcart.jsp-Formatted Web Page for a Visitor Who Has Logged In


The main content area of the template contains both dynamically generated data and static content. The dynamic content on shoppingcart.jsp is generated using WebLogic Server and pipeline JSP tags, which obtain and display the contents for both the active shopping cart and Saved Item list. For the shoppingcart.jsp template, the form posts include Empty Cart, Check Out, Remove, Update, and Continue.

The following changes occur after the user has logged in:

  1. The Login link changes to Logout.

  2. A welcome section appears that shows the customer's name, a link to view that customer's profile, and a link to logout.

  3. A view history section appears that shows the customer's order and payment history.

Key components of the template are shown in Table  14-7.

Table 14-7 Template Components

Type of Component


Included templates

Tag libraries

<%@ taglib uri="weblogic.tld" prefix="wl" %>
<%@ taglib uri="webflow.tld" prefix="webflow" %>
<%@ taglib uri="i18n.tld" prefix="i18n" %>

Imported Java packages











Location in Default Webflow

Customers can arrive at shoppingcart.jsp template from any product catalog page by clicking the View Cart button. If the customer is satisfied with the contents of their shopping cart as shown on this page, the customer can initiate the checkout process by clicking the Check Out button. If this is the case, the next page is the shipping information page (shipping.jsp).

Note: If the customer has not yet logged into the site and clicks Check Out, the customer will be prompted to log in at the login.jsp template (prior to loading the shipping.jsp template).

If customers click a link to an individual product item to review detailed information about that product item, the next page is the appropriate product catalog page. If they click on the Update, Empty Cart, Delete, or Save for Later buttons, they are returned to the shopping cart page (shoppingcart.jsp) after the appropriate input processor or pipeline has been executed to record the modification.

This JSP is in the sampleapp_order namespace.


Every time a customer clicks a button to manage the contents of their shopping cart, it is considered an event. Each event triggers a particular response in the default Webflow that allows the customer to continue. While this response can be to load another JSP, it is usually the case that an input processor and/or pipeline is invoked first. Table  14-8 provides information about these events and the business logic they invoke.

Table 14-8 shoppingcart.jsp Events


Webflow Response(s)










UpdateSkuIP DeleteProductItemFromSavedList







UpdateSkuIP MoveProductItemToShoppingCart




Table  14-9 briefly describes each of the pipelines from Table  14-8.

Table 14-9 Shopping Cart Pipelines




Contains RefreshSavedListPC and is not transactional.


Contains DeleteProductItemFromSavedListPC and PriceShoppingCartPC, and is transactional.


Contains MoveProductItemToSavedListPC and PriceShoppingCartPC, and is transactional.


Contains MoveProductItemToShoppingCartPC and PriceShoppingCartPC, and is transactional.


Notes: Although the InitShoppingCartIP and RefreshSavedList pipeline are associated with the shoppingcart.jsp template, they are not triggered by events on the page. Rather, both are executed before the shoppingcart.jsp is viewed. The InitShoppingCartIP input processor creates an empty shopping cart in preparation for the customer's shopping experience, while the RefreshSavedList pipeline retrieves a customer's list of previously saved shopping cart items..

How shoppingcart.jsp Displays Data

One purpose of the shoppingcart.jsp template is to display the data specific to a customer's shopping experience for their review. This is accomplished on shoppingcart.jsp using a combination of WebLogic Server and pipeline JSP tags and accessor method and /attributes.

First, the getProperty JSP tag retrieves the SHOPPING_CART and SAVED_SHOPPING_CART attributes from the pipeline session. Table  14-10 provides more detailed information on these attributes.

Table 14-10 shoppingcart.jsp Pipeline Session Attributes  






The saved shopping cart (source of the saved items).



The currently active shopping cart.


Listing  14-8 illustrates how these attributes are retrieved from the pipeline session using the getProperty JSP tag.

Listing 14-8 Retrieving Shopping Cart Attributes

<webflow:getProperty id="shoppingCart"
scope="session" namespace="sampleapp_main" />
<webflow:getProperty id="savedShoppingCart"
scope="session" namespace="sampleapp_main" />

The data stored within the pipeline session attributes is accessed by using accessor methods/attributes within Java scriptlets. Table  14-11 provides more detailed information about these methods for ShoppingCart (also savedShoppingCart), while Table  14-12 provides this information for ShoppingCartLine.

Table 14-11 ShoppingCart Accessor Methods/Attributes  




A collection of the individual lines in the shopping cart (that is, ShoppingCartLine).


In this instance, the total tax specified by the OrderConstants.LINE_TAX parameter.

Note: The getTotal() method also allows you to combine different total types. For more information, see the Javadoc.


Because the getShoppingCartLineCollection() method allows you to retrieve a collection of the individual lines within a shopping cart, there are also accessor method and attributes you can use to break apart the information contained within each line. Table  14-12 provides information about these methods and attributes.

Table 14-12 ShoppingCartLine Accessor Methods/Attributes  




The quantity of the item.


The product item in the shopping cart line.


The current price for the item at the time it was added to the shopping cart. May be different from MSRP.

getBaseTotal(int totalType)

The total before discounts.


Listing  14-9 provides an example of how these accessor methods/attributes are used within Java scriptlets.

Listing 14-9 Using Accessor Methods Within shoppingcart.jsp Java Scriptlets

<<td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><div class="tabletext" nowrap>
<%-- The i18n tag allows the "" file to substitute a display --%>
<%-- currency value (e.g "$") for the returned 3 letter ISO4217 code (e.g. "USD"). --%>

<i18n:getMessage bundleName="/commerce/currency" messageName="<%=
shoppingCartLine.getProductItem().getMsrp().getCurrency() %>"/>
<%= WebflowJSPHelper.priceFormat(shoppingCartLine.getProductItem().
getMsrp().getValue() ) %></div>

<td align="right" valign="top"><div class="tabletext" nowrap>

<i18n:getMessage bundleName="/commerce/currency" messageName="<%=
shoppingCartLine.getUnitPrice().getCurrency() %>"/>

<%= WebflowJSPHelper.priceFormat( shoppingCartLine.getUnitPrice().
getValue() ) %></div>
<td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><div class="tabletext"

<i18n:getMessage bundleName="/commerce/currency" messageName="<%=
shoppingCartLine.getBaseSavings().getCurrency() %>"/>
         		<%= WebflowJSPHelper.priceFormat( shoppingCartLine.getBaseSavings().
getValue() ) %></div>

<td align="right" valign="top"><div class="tabletext" nowrap>

<i18n:getMessage bundleName="/commerce/currency" messageName="<%=
shoppingCartLine.getBaseTotal().getCurrency() %>"/>
         <%= WebflowJSPHelper.priceFormat( shoppingCartLine.getBaseTotal().
getValue() ) %>


shoppingcart.jsp Form Fields

Another purpose of the shoppingcart.jsp template is to allow customers to make changes to their shopping cart using various HTML form fields. These form fields are also used to pass needed information to the Webflow.

The form fields used in the shoppingcart.jsp template, and a description for each of them, are listed in Table  14-13.

Table 14-13 shoppingcart.jsp Form Fields

Parameter Name





Indicates which event has been triggered. It is used by the Webflow to determine what happens next.



The name of the current page (shoppingcart.jsp), used by the Webflow.



SKU of the item that the event is to operate on.


Where <SKU> is replaced with the SKU of the item on the shopping cart line.


The new quantity for the item in the shopping cart. It is the only form field on this page that requires input from the customer.


Note: Parameters that are literals in the JSP code are shown in quotes, while non-literals will require scriptlet syntax (such as
<%= HttpRequestConstants.CATALOG_ITEM_SKU %>) for use in the JSP.

shoppingcart.jsp Input Processorss

shoppingcart.jsp uses Webflow components called input processors and pipelines to execute much of its necessary business logic. This section describes the key input processors you can use. These input processors represent Java classes invoked to carry out more complex shopping cart service tasks when invoked by the Webflow mechanism. [what .wf file(s) are we referring to here with these components?]

This section includes information on these input processors:

Note: See Setting Up Portal Navigation for information about using, creating, or modifying a Webflow and using input processors.


This input processor (all input processor names end in the letters "IP")removes an item from the shopping cart.

Class Invoked





Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes





ProcessingException, thrown if the required request parameters or required Pipeline session attributes are not available.



This input processor creates a new shopping cart and stores it in the pipeline session and discards the old shopping cart.

Class Invoked





Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes








This input processor Initializes the active shopping cart prior to loading the shoppingcart.jsp template. If the shopping cart already exists, this input processor does nothing.

Class Invoked





Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes








This input processor validates the quantity fields for each line and sets those quantities in the shopping cart. If the quantity is zero, it will delete the item from the shopping cart.

Class Invoked



Required HTTPServletRequest


Where <SKU> is replaced with the SKU of the item on the shopping cart line.

Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Verifies that the quantity fields only contain positive integers.


ProcessingException, thrown if the required request parameters or required Pipeline session attributes are not available.



This input processor reads the SKU from the HTTP request and places it into the Pipeline session.

Class Invoked





Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes





ProcessingException, thrown if the required request parameters are not available.


shoppingcart.jsp Pipeline Components

This section provides a brief description of each pipeline component associated with the shoppingcart.jsp template. These Pipelines are processor nodes a Webflow invokes to initiate the execution of specific tasks related to the Shopping Cart service.

Note: Some pipeline components extend other, base pipeline components. For more information on the base classes, see the Javadoc.

For more information on pipeline components, see Types of Nodes.

This section contains information on these pipeline components:

Note: See Setting Up Portal Navigation for information about using, creating, or modifying a Webflow and using pipeline components.


This pipeline component (all pipeline component names end in the letters "PC") removes the item from the saved list and updates the WLCS_SAVED_ITEM_LIST table in the database.

Class Invoked


Required Pipeline
Session Attributes




Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Session bean




PipelineException, thrown if the required Pipeline session attributes are not available.



This pipeline component moves an item from the shopping cart, adds it to the saved list. It then updates the WLCS_SAVED_ITEM_LIST table in the database.

Class Invoked


Required Pipeline
Session Attributes





Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes



Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Session bean




PipelineException, thrown if the required Pipeline session attributes are not available.



This pipeline component removes the item from the saved list, adds it to the shopping cart with a quantity of one. It then updates the WLCS_SAVED_ITEM_LIST table in the database.

Class Invoked


Required Pipeline
Session Attributes





Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes



Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Session bean





PipelineException, thrown if the required Pipeline session attributes are not available.



This pipeline component queries the WLCS_SAVED_ITEM_LIST table and refreshes the saved shopping cart in the pipeline session. The saved list is only refreshed if the saved shopping cart does not exist in the pipeline session.

Class Invoked


Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Session bean




PipelineException, thrown if the required Pipeline session attributes are not available.



This pipeline component invokes the Pricing Service to compute the line totals, discounts, shopping cart total and shopping cart discounts

Class Invoked


Required Pipeline
Session Attributes



Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Java object




PipelineException, thrown if the Pricing Service fails in any way



This pipeline component fires an AddToCartEvent describing which item was just added to the cart. For more information about this event, see Event and Behavior Tracking.

Class Invoked



Required Pipeline
Session Attributes






Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Java object







This pipeline component fires a RemoveFromCartEvent describing which item was just added to the cart. For more information about this event, see Event and Behavior Tracking.

Class Invoked


Required Pipeline
Session Attributes






Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Java object







For each shopping cart line, this pipeline component does one of the following:

Integrating Services With the Catalog Cache

The catalog architecture includes a powerful caching mechanism for items and categories within the Product Catalog. You can choose between integrating services in front of the cache or behind the cache. Currently the ProductItemManager and CategoryManager benefit from the caching architecture

Replacing the JNDI name of a bean in the CatalogManager's deployment descriptor will replace a service in front of the cache. The service will have to implement its own caching mechanism or forgo the benefits of caching.

The services defined by BEA—specified in the deployment descriptor for the CatalogManager—implement the caching for access to items and categories. The following beans query the cache and returned cached data if available; otherwise they delegate to the beans specified in their deployment descriptors:

You can extend the functionality of the Product Catalog behind the cache by editing the deployment descriptors for the ProductItemManager and CategoryManager beans. This enables you to concentrate on the persistence model for the catalog without worrying about the caching architecture. As Listing  14-10 shows, you need to replace the current delegate service provider class (JdbcCategoryManager) in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor with the name of a new session bean that implements the CategoryManager interface. You would also need to make the same change to the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file.

Listing 14-10 CategoryManager Deployment Descriptor (ejb-jar.xml)

    <!--  one specifies the delegateName to tell the Bridge component
(the one used by the catalog manager which ejb to delegate to.
That way, one can change delegates by changing the env-entry...

ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file are packaged in the ebusiness.jar file, which is in the <BEA_HOME>\weblogic700\common\templates\domains\ shared\bea\portal\apps\jars directory (where <BEA_HOME> is the directory in which you installed your BEA applications).


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