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Portlet Features and Functionality

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Campaigns and Portlets

The Avitek Financial Services portal contains five marketing campaigns, which are listed below:

The portlets used in the campaigns are located on the Home page. They are discussed in the following sections:


QuickLinks Portlet

The QuickLinks portlet provides various kinds of information and useful links, such as group membership and user role, login and logout, and risk rating. It invokes the security Webflow and sets the portfolio portlet into edit mode. For more information about Webflow and security, see "Setting Up Portal Navigation" at and "Adding Security to a Portal at in the Development Guide.

Java Source: <BEA_HOME>/weblogic700/samples/portal/sampleportalDomain/beaApps/sampleportal/sampleportal/WEB-INF/src/examples/sampleportal/navigation/ip

JSP Source: <BEA_HOME>/weblogic700/samples/portal/sampleportalDomain/beaApps/sampleportal/portlets/navigation

The contents of the portlet depend on the visitor's group membership. Figure  5-1 shows an example of the QuickLinks portlet for different visitors.

Figure 5-1 QuickLinks Portlet—Group Membership Differences


The QuickLinks portlet is part of the Welcome campaign. This campaign sends an email message welcoming new users.

To see how the Welcome campaign works, complete the following instructions:

  1. If you are logged in, log out.

  2. In the default QuickLinks portlet, click Open An Account, as shown in Figure  5-2.

    Figure 5-2 QuickLinks Portlet—Default


  3. After the Open a New Account page appears, fill in the required fields and the Email Address field. Figure  5-3 shows an example.

Caution: Be sure to enter a valid email address; otherwise you will not receive the Welcome email.

Figure 5-3 Open a New Account Page


  1. Click the Save button. The Home page returns. You are automatically logged on and the QuickLinks portlet welcomes you, as shown in Figure  5-4.

    Figure 5-4 QuickLinks Portlet—New User


  2. Go to your email client and view the Welcome Message from the Figure  5-5 shows the message.

    Figure 5-5 Welcome Email Message


Note: For more information about email campaigns, see "Setting Up Campaign Services" in the Development Guide at

  1. To log out, click the Logout button.


Portfolio Portlet

The Portfolio portlet displays selected stock symbols, number of shares, and share value. Changes in this portlet help fulfill one of the conditions necessary to invoke the Avitek Credit Card campaign: the purchase of $25,000 in stock. The Portfolio portlet is an EJB 2.0 implementation that uses Pipelines. The information in this sample portlet is stored in a database, which can be extended to retrieve information from a real-time service. For more information about Pipelines, see "Setting Up Portal Navigation" in the Development Guide at

Java Source: <BEA_HOME>/weblogic700/samples/portal/sampleportalDomain/beaApps/sampleportal/sampleportal/WEB-INF/src/examples/sampleportal/portfolio/ip

JSP Source: <BEA_HOME>/weblogic700/samples/portal/sampleportalDomain/beaApps/sampleportal/portlets/portfolio

To learn about this portlet and fulfill one of the requirements of the Avitek Credit Card campaign, complete the following instructions:

  1. Log in as "visitor7".

  2. In the Portfolio portlet, click the Trade link, as shown in Figure  5-6.

    Figure 5-6 Portfolio Portlet—Original (Visitor  4)


    The portlet expands, as shown in Figure  5-7.

    Figure 5-7 Portfolio Portlet—Expanded (Visitor  4)


  3. Click any Buy button. A new window opens where you can buy 100 shares of the selected stock, as shown in Figure  5-8.

    Figure 5-8 Portfolio Portlet—Confirm Stock Purchase Window (Visitor  4)


  4. Click the OK button. The window closes and the Portfolio portlet shows the purchase, as shown in Figure  5-9.

    Figure 5-9 Portfolio Portlet—One Stock Purchased (Visitor  4)


  5. Continue to purchase stock until you have accumulated a total value greater than $25,000, as shown in Figure  5-10.

    Figure 5-10 Portfolio Portlet—$25,000 Stocks Purchased (Visitor  4)


  6. Click the Finished button. The portlet returns to its original size, as shown in Figure  5-11.

    Figure 5-11 Portfolio Portlet—Original Size (Visitor  4)


You have now fulfilled the one of the requirement for invoking the Avitek Credit Card campaign.


CompanyProfiles Portlet

The CompanyProfiles portlet displays profiles for specific companies. This portlet is involved in two different campaigns: the Personal Investment Advisor campaign and the Avitek Credit Card campaign. These campaigns are invoked when a visitor's risk tolerance increases to 5.0 or greater. Everyone starts off as a conservative investor with a low-risk tolerance. When you click on the high-risk companies in this portlet (Juniper Networks and Micron Technology), your risk tolerance increases. The increase in risk tolerance triggers the Personal Investment Advisor campaign. The Avitek Credit Card campaign is triggered when the increased risk tolerance is 5.0 or greater and the visitor purchases at least $25,000 in stock.

The CompanyProfiles Portlet demonstrates Content Query tags.

Java source: none

JSP source: <BEA_HOME>/weblogic700/samples/portal/sampleportalDomain/beaApps/sampleportal/portlets/profile

  1. If you are not already logged in as Visitor  4, log in under that name.

  2. In the CompanyProfiles portlet, click Juniper Networks, as shown in Figure  5-12.

    Figure 5-12 CompanyProfiles Portlet (Visitor  4)


The portlets expands, as shown in Figure  5-13.

Figure 5-13 CompanyProfiles Portlet—Juniper Networks (Visitor  4)


  1. Click the Unmaximize button. The portlet returns to its original size. Additionally, the Personal Investment Advisor and Avitek Credit Card ads have replaced the College Fund and IRA ads in the ad placeholders on the Home page, as shown in Figure  5-14.

    Note: If you have not purchased $25,000 in stock, you will not see the Avitek Credit Card ad.

    Figure 5-14 Personal Investment Advisor and Avitek Credit Card Campaigns

  2. Compare Figure  5-14 with Figure  5-15. Notice that the QuickLinks portlet shows that Peter's risk tolerance has increased from 3.52/10.00 to 6.40/10.00.

    Figure 5-15 College Fund and Avitek IRA Campaigns


  3. Log out as Visitor  4.


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