Task 6: Setting Up Delegated Administration Roles

The Delegated Administration feature facilitates localized administration of particular portal resources by designated portal administrators. For example, administration capabilities can be separately created and maintained for a company’s Human Resources and Accounts Payable departments.

The portal resources (e.g. content or user groups) associated with these departments can be managed by particular administrators who are specified and empowered via the use of the WebLogic Administration Portal.

This task takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Task Goals

At the end of this task you will have learned how to create Delegated Administration roles and how to associate these roles with particular portal resources.

Task Overview

In this task, you will create two new administrator groups – InternalAdministrators and ExternalAdministrators. These groups will be used to house two administrators (users) – MyInternalAdministrator and MyExternalAdministrator. The two new groups will be associated with two Delegated Administration roles that you will create, called Internal and External.

The two new roles will be authorized to manage particular portal content, and the two user groups created in Task 1, Setting Up Users and Groups. Finally, you will login as each of the two new administrators to see Delegated Administration in action.

Steps in This Task

Step 1: Start the WebLogic Administration Portal

In this step, you open the WebLogic Administration Portal.

Step 2: Create Two New Administrator Groups

In this step, you create the two user groups which will contain portal administrators.

Step 3: Create Two New Administrators and Add Them to the New User Groups

In this step, you will create two administrators and place them in the new user groups.

Step 4: Create Two Delegated Administration Roles

In this step, you will get your first exposure to the Delegated Administration tools, creating two roles to associate with the newly created administrator groups.

Step 5: Add New User Groups to New Delegated Administration Roles

In this step, you will associate the administrator groups with the new Delegated Administration roles. As a result, you will implicitly give administration capabilities to all members of the administrator groups as defined by the administration roles.

Task 6: Empower the New Roles to Manage Particular Portal Content

In this step, you will associate the Delegated Administration roles with pieces of portal content, again implicitly empowering the newly created administrators.

Step 7: Empower the New Roles to Manage User Groups

In this step, you will associate Delegated Administration roles with portal resources – specifically, user groups.

Step 8: See Delegated Administration in Action

In this step, you will see the result of your efforts – Delegated Administration in action.