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Upgrade Guide

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Portal Framework Details

This appendix includes details about the WebLogic Portal framework meant to aid developers in preparing existing applications for re-creation in the newest version of the product. This section includes information on the following topics:



This section explains some important aspects of security that should be considered when preparing to upgrade.

Security Framework JSPs

The security JSPs used in 7.0 do not have direct equivalents in 8.1.

Authentication Providers

This section explains how to authenticate across two authentication providers, Active directory or RDBMS security provider.

Weblogic 8.1 has a default security provider for Active Directory which can be used in place of the default LDAP provider that is used by WLS, WLP and the Platform in 8.1. By contrast, WebLogic Portal 7.0 SP2 supports WLS Security Compatibility Mode, so connecting to an Active Directory server requires using the login framework included with that release. For more information, consult the following resources:

Unified User Profile

UUP is unchanged for 8.1. You can test this by compiling the dev2dev UUP example (for Portal 7.0) against the 8.1 jars. For more information, see the UUP example at:

When building the example, you might see the following deprecation message about the DatabaseFactory:

src\examples\usermgmt\ warning: getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource,int,long) in com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.DatabaseFactory has been deprecated
return DatabaseFactory.getConnection(getDataSource(), 3, 5);

The javadoc on this error is as follows:

@deprecated Use DataSource.getConnection(), set retries and waitTime by configuring the Pool

Also, make sure the classpath in the build script uses the new weblogic.jar, p13n_ejb.jar, and p13n_system.jar:

REM set these for your environment
SET BEA_HOME=C:\bea81beta
SET P13N_HOME=%BEA_HOME%\weblogic81b\p13n
SET WLSERVER_HOME=%BEA_HOME%\weblogic81b\server
SET PACKAGE_DIR=examples\usermgmt
REM you shouldn't need to adjust these
SET P13N_CLASSPATH=%P13N_HOME%\lib\p13n_ejb.jar;%P13N_HOME%\lib\p13n_system.jar


Presentation Framework

WebLogic Portal 8.1 introduces a powerful and flexible presentation framework for portals, enabling an unprecedented degree of customization and standardization. This section explains the presentation framework, providing procedures for creating new presentation elements.

Look and Feel Architecture

A portal Look and Feel determines the physical appearance of a portal. WebLogic Portal's Look and Feel architecture provides flexible, powerful framework for determining the appearance of your portals. This section introduces the parts of a Look and Feel object - namely, Skins, Skeletons, and Themes - and explains the relationships among them.

Note: For instructions on creating custom Look and Feel elements, layouts and navigation menues, consult the Working with Look and Feel Elements section of the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Best Practices Guide.

A portal Look and Feel includes two main elements:

Look (skins)

The graphics, cascading style sheets (CSS), and JavaScript files used in a skin.

Feel (skeletons)

The skeleton JSP files that determine the physical boundaries of portal components such as header, footer, book, page, portlet, and portlet title bar.

A portal Look and Feel stems from a single XML file (with a .laf extension). The .laf file determines the name of the Look and Feel and points to the skeleton and skin that the Look and Feel will use, as shown in the following illustration. This simple, extensible framework makes it easy for portal administrators and end users to completely change the appearance of a portal by selecting a different Look and Feel, as shown in Figure A-1.

Figure A-1 Look and Feel architecture

Look and Feel architecture


You can apply subsets of skins and skeletons to books, pages, and portlets. These subsets are called themes. Themes let you give individual books, pages, and portlets a different Look and Feel than the rest of the portal desktop. When you select a theme for a book, page, or portlet, the portal framework looks for theme subdirectories under the main skin and skeleton directories used by the selected Look and Feel.

For example, if a desktop Look and Feel uses the /framework/skeletons/default skeleton and you select a theme called "modern" for a portlet, the portal framework looks in the /framework/skeletons/default/modern directory for skeleton JSPs to render just that portlet. Other non-themed portlets are rendered with skeleton JSP files in the /framework/skeletons/default directory.


Layouts define the placeholders (rows and columns) of a portal page in which portlets can be placed. Layouts also determine whether books and portlets are placed on top of each other (vertical) or beside each other (horizontal) in a placeholder.

A Layout is made up of two files: an XML file (with a .layout extension) and an HTML file (with a .html.txt extension), as shown in the following illustration.

The .layout file is the actual layout structure rendered. The .html.txt file is used to simulate the layout in the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions Portal Designer and in the WebLogic Administration Portal.

Figure A-2 Layout architecture

Layout architecture


Layouts also have corresponding skeleton JSPs that render them. The desktop's selected Look and Feel determines which skeletons are used. The Creating Skeletons and Skeleton Themes topic contains a table that shows which skeleton JSPs are used.

Navigation Menus

Navigation Menus are used to navigate among books and pages in a portal. WebLogic Portal supplies the following default Navigation Menu styles:

Single Level Menu

Provides visible layering of page links. Any sub-books and pages appear in rows below the main book navigation.

Multi Level Menu

Provides a single row of tab-like page links for the top-level pages. Any sub-books and pages appear in a drop-down list for selection. The Multi Level Menu implements JavaScript functionality contained in the skins.

No Navigation

No navigation is provided.

A Navigation Menu is made up of an XML file (with a .menu extension), as shown in the following illustration. The menu file references a menu class that determines the menu's behavior, and the menu class references the skeleton JSP file that renders the menu.

Figure A-3 Navigation Menu architecture

Navigation Menu architecture



A shell defines the area around the books and pages of a portal. When a portal is rendered, the shell creates the HTML opening and closing <html>, <head>, and <body> tags and creates the header and footer regions above and below a portal's books and pages.

In the header and footer elements of the shell, you can reference JSPs that display content in the header or footer.

A Shell is made up of an XML file (with a .shell extension), as shown in the following illustration.

Figure A-4 Shell architecture

Shell architecture


Shells also have corresponding skeleton JSPs that render them. The Creating Skeletons and Skeleton Themes topic in the WebLogic Workshop help system contains a table that shows which skeleton JSPs are used.


The Sample applications included with WebLogic Portal 8.1 contain portals that use a default set of Look and Feel resources. Several online help topics provide instructions on opening the portals in WebLogic Workshop Platform Edition to see how the Look and Feel resources are used.

Also, when you add a Portal Web Project to an application in WebLogic Workshop Platform Edition, default Look and Feel resources are included with the project in the <project>\framework directory.

Portal Properties

As you modify a .portal or .portlet file in WebLogic Workshop Platform Edition, you can use the Property Editor window to set portal and portlet properties. This section provides reference material on all the editable properties belonging to portal elements. The following

Portal Component Properties

Table A-1 lists the properties you can set for each portal component (desktop, book, page, portlet, and so on).

Note: The term "hint" in the descriptions means available capabilities that are not supported in the default skeletons provided with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions.

Table A-1 Properties for All Portal Components

Admininstration Properties

Markup Name

Read-only. The unique name of a component markup type. For example, three shell files (markup type "shell") must each use a unique Markup Name inside their .shell files. (Because desktops, books, and pages do not have associated .desktop, .book, and .page files, the exact same Markup Name is used for each.)

Presentation Properties

Presentation Class

Optional. Typically a style sheet style, or class. Overrides the class attribute that would otherwise be used by the component's skeleton.For proper rendering, the class must exist in a cascading style sheet (CSS) in the desktop's selected skin, and the skin's file must reference the CSS file.

Sample - If you enter my-custom-class, the rendered HTML from the default skeletons will look like this:

<div class="my-custom-class">

Presentation ID

Optional. A unique ID inserted in the rendered HTML tag for the component. The value you enter (which must be unique among all presentation IDs in the portal) overrides the ID that might otherwise be inserted by the component's skeleton.

An example use would be inserting a unique ID that JavaScript could operate on.

Sample - If you enter 12345, the rendered HTML from the default skeletons will look like this:

<div id="12345">

Presentation Style

Optional. HTML style attribute to insert for the portal component. This attribute is equivalent to a style sheet class attribute and overrides any attributes in the style sheet class. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon.

Sample - If you enter {background-color: #fff} for a portlet titlebar, the rendered HTML from the default skeletons will look like this:

<div class="bea-portal-window-titlebar" style="{background-color: #fff}">

and the portlet titlebar will have a white background. The background-color attribute you entered overrides the background-color attribute in the bea-portal-window-titlebar class.

Skeleton URI

Optional. The path (relative to the project) to a skeleton JSP that will be used to render the portal component.

This JSP overrides the skeleton JSP that would otherwise be used by the selected Look & Feel for the desktop.

For example, enter /frameworks/myskeletons/mytitlebar.jsp.

Desktop Properties

Table A-2 lists the additional properties that appear when a desktop is selected in the Portal Designer.

Table A-2 Desktop Properties


Required. Enter a title for the desktop. The title is used only for labeling in the Portal Designer. This is used at runtime for the HTMLTitle (bookmark name) when using a file-based portal. Change this in the Shell file.

Look and Feel

Required. Select the Look & Feel to determine the default desktop appearance (combination of skins and skeletons). Change this in the Shell file.


Required. Select the default shell for the area outside of the books, pages, and portlets. Shells determine the content for the desktop header and footer. Change this in the Shell file.

Header and Footer Properties

Table A-3 lists the properties exposed when the Content node is selected under the Header or Footer node in the Portal Designer's Document Structure window. The following properties appear in the Property Editor window.

Table A-3 Header and Footer Properties

Content URI

Read-only. The JSP file referenced in a shell that is used to display content in the desktop header or footer. This value is read from the <netuix:jspContent> "contentUri" attribute in the .shell file <header> or <footer> tag. If you select a different shell for the desktop, you may see a different value here.

Error Page URI

Read-only. The file referenced in a shell that is used to display an error message in the desktop header or footer if the contentUri JSP encounters errors. This value is read from the <netuix:jspContent> "errorUri" attribute in the .shell file <header> or <footer> tag. If you select a different shell for the desktop, you may see a different value here.

Backing File

Read-only. The class referenced in a shell that is used for preprocessing prior to rendering a shell's header or footer JSP. This value is read from the <netuix:jspContent> "backingFile" attribute in the .shell file <header> or <footer> tag. If you select a different shell for the desktop, you may see a different value here.

Thread safe

Optional: Performance setting for books, pages and portlets that use backing files.

When set to True, an instance of the backing file is shared among all books, pages and portlets that use the file. You may synchronize any instance variables that are not thread safe.

When set to False, a new instance of the backing file is created each time the backing file is requested by books, pages and portlets that use the file.

Book and Page Properties

Table A-4 lists the properties exposed when a book or page is selected in the Portal Designer.

Table A-4 Book and Page Properties

Default Page (Book only)

Required. Select the page that appears by default when the desktop is accessed. The list is populated with Definition Labels of all pages in the portal.

Navigation (Book only)

Required. Select the default type of menu to use for navigation among books and pages.


Required. Enter a title for the book or page. Page titles are used for the page tabs/navigation menus.


Optional. Select a theme to give the book or page a different look and feel than the rest of the desktop.

Definition Label

Required. Unique identifier for each book or page. A default value is entered automatically, but you can change the value. Each book or page must have a unique Definition Label. Definition Labels can be used to navigate to books or pages. Also, components must have Definition Labels for entitlements and delegated administration.

Backing File

Optional. If you want to use a class for preprocessing (for example, authentication) prior to rendering the book or page, enter the fully qualified name of that class. That class should implement the interface com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.content.backing.JspBacking or extend com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.content.backing.AbstractJspBacking.

Unselected Image

Optional. Select an image to specify the icon that appears next to the book or page title. This image appears on the tab of unselected pages.

Selected Image

Optional. Select an image to specify the icon that appears next to the book or page title. This image appears on the tab of selected pages.

Rollover Image

Optional. Select an rollover image for the icon that appears next to the book or page title. This image appears when the mouse rolls over the tabs of unselected pages.


Optional. Hint to the skeleton to position the navigation menu on the top, bottom, left, or right side of the book. You must build your own skeleton to support this property. Following are the numbers used in the .portal file for each orientation value: top=0, left=1, right=2, bottom=3.


Optional. Rendering hint that can be used by the skeleton to render the book or page in either expanded or packed mode. You must build your own skeleton to support the property.When packed is="false" (the default), the book or page takes up as much horizontal space as it can.When packed="true," the book or page takes up as little horizontal space as possible.From an HTML perspective, this property is most useful when the window is rendered using a table. When packed="false," the table's relative width would likely be set to "100%." When packed="true," the table width would likely remain unset.


Optional. Hides the navigation tab for the book or page to prevent direct access. You can access the page or book with a link (to the definition label) or by using a backing file.

Layout Type (Pages only)

Required. Select the page layout style for positioning books and portlets in placeholders on a page.

Placeholder Properties

Table A-5 lists the properties exposed when a placeholder is selected in the Portal Designer. These are read-only properties, and they come from the .layout file that corresponds to the selected Layout Type for the page.

Table A-5 Placeholder Properties


Read-only. The name of the placeholder. This value is read from the .layout file for the page's selected Layout Type.


Read-only. If the "Using Flow" property is set to true, this value can be "vertical" or "horizontal." Flow determines whether books or portlets put in the placeholder are positioned on top of each other (vertical) or beside each other (horizontal). This value is read from the .layout file for the page's selected Layout Type.

Using Flow

Read-only. If this value is set to "true," books and portlets put in the placeholder are positioned according to the value of the "Flow" property. If this value is set to "false," the default flow is used (vertical). This value is read from the .layout file for the page's selected Layout Type.

Placeholder Width

Read-only. Displays the width set for the placeholder. This value is read from the .layout file for the page's selected Layout Type.

Portlet Type Properties

Table A-6 lists the properties that can be set on Portlet Types. These are exposed when a portlet is opened in the Portlet Designer (as opposed to a Portlet Instance in the Portal Designer).

Table A-6 Portlet Type Properties

JSP Content (JSP Portlets Only)

Content URI

Required. The path (relative to the project) to the JSP or HTML file to be used for portlet's content. The Content URI was set when the portlet was created. You can use this property to point to a different file.

For example, if the content is stored in <project>/myportlets/my.jsp, the Content URI is /myportlets/my.jsp.

Error Page URI

Optional. The path (relative to the project) to the JSP or HTML file to be used for the portlet's error message if the main content cannot be rendered.

For example, if the error page is stored in <project>/myportlets/error.jsp, the Content URI is /myportlets/error.jsp.

Backing File

Optional. If you want to use a class for preprocessing (for example, authentication) prior to rendering the portlet, enter the fully qualified name of that class. That class should implement the interface com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.content.backing.JspBacking or extend com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.content.backing.AbstractJspBacking.

See the Tutorial Portal in the Portal Samples for examples of backing files.

Thread Safe

Optional. Performance setting for books, pages, and portlets that use backing files.When Thead Safe is set to "true," an instance of a backing file is shared among all books, pages, or portlets that request the backing file. You must synchronize any instance variables that are not thread safe.When Thread Safe is set to "false," a new instance of a backing file is created each time the backing file is requested by a different book, page, or portlet.

Page Flow Content (Page Flow Portlets only)

Page Flow Action

Optional: Identifies the initial action forwarded when this portlet calls its Page Flow.

Listen To

Optional: For this portlet instance to respond to calls made by another Page Flow portlet, enter the portlet's instanceLabel in this field.

Content URI

Required: Set this to the .JPF file that represents the Java Page Flow.

Error Page URI

Optional: Designate an error page JSP in this field.

Portlet Properties


Required. Enter the title that will appear in the portlet's titlebar. You can override this title in each instance of the portlet.


Optional. Hint to the skeleton to position the portlet instance titlebar on the top, bottom, left, or right side of the portlet. You must build your own skeleton to support this property in the .portal file. Following are the numbers used in the .portal file for each orientation value: top=0, left=1, right=2, bottom=3.

You can override the orientation in each instance of the portlet.


Optional. Rendering hint that can be used by the skeleton to render the portlet instances in either expanded or packed mode. You must build your own skeleton to support this property.When packed="false" (the default), the portlet takes up as much horizontal space as it can.When packed="true," the portlet takes up as little horizontal space as possible.From an HTML perspective, this property is most useful when the window is rendered using a table. When packed="false," the table's relative width would likely be set to "100%." When packed="true," the table width would likely remain unset.

Definition Label

Required. Unique identifier for the portlet type. A default value is entered automatically, but you can change the value. Each portlet type must have a unique Definition Label. Definition Labels can be used to navigate to portlets. Also, components must have Definition Labels for entitlements and delegated administration.

Default Minimized

Required. Select "true" for portlet instances of this type to be minimized when rendered. The default value is "false."

Render Cacheable

Optional. To enhance performance, set to "true" to cache the portlet instances. For example, portlets that call Web services perform frequent, expensive processing. Caching Web service portlets greatly enhances performance.

Do not set this to "true" if you are doing your own caching.

Cache Expires (seconds)

Optional. When the "Render Cacheable" property is set to "true," enter the number of seconds in which the portlet instance cache expires.

Fork Render

Optional. Intended for use by a portal administrator when configuring or tuning a portal. Setting to "true" tells the framework that it should attempt to multithread render the portlet. This property can be set to true only if the "Forkable" property is set to "true."


Optional. Lets a portlet developer determine whether or not the portlet is allowed to be multithread rendered. When set to "true," a portal administrator can use the "Fork Render" property to make the portlet multithread rendered.

Client Classifications

Optional. Select the multichannel devices in which the portlet can be viewed.

The dialog list of devices comes from


In the Manage Portlet Classifications dialog:

    1. Select whether you want to enable or disable classifications for the portlet.

    2. Move the client classifications you want to enable or disable from the Available Classifications to the Selected Classifications, and click OK.

When you disable classifications for a portlet, the portlet is automatically enabled for the classifications you did not select for disabling.

Portlet Titlebar

Icon URI

Optional. The path (relative to the project) to the graphic to be used in the portlet titlebar. You must create a skeleton to support this property.

Help URI

Optional. The path (relative to the project) to the portlet's help file.

Edit URI

Optional. The path (relative to the project) to the portlet's edit page.

Can Maximize

Optional. If set to "true," the portlet can be maximized.

Can Minimize

Optional. If set to "true," the portlet can be minimized.

Can Delete

Optional. If set to "true," the portlet can be deleted from a page.

Portlet Instance Properties

Table A-7 lists the subset of Portlet Type Properties exposed when a portlet instance is selected in the Portal Designer (as opposed to the .portlet source file).

Table A-7 Portlet Instance Properties


Required. Enter a title only if you want to override the default title provided by the .portlet file. The title is used in the portlet titlebar.

Instance Label

Required. A single portlet, represented by a .portlet file, can be used multiple times in a portal. Each use of that portlet is a portlet instance, and each portlet instance must have a unique ID, or Instance Label. A default value is entered automatically, but you can change the value. Instance Labels are necessary for inter-portlet communication between Java Page Flow portlets. Also, portlets must have Instance labels for entitlements and delegated administration.

Portlet URI

Required. The path (relative to the project) of the parent .portlet file. For example, if the file is stored in <project>\myportlets\my.portlet, the Portlet URI is /myportlets/my.portlet.


Optional. Select a theme to give the portlet a different look and feel than the rest of the desktop.


Optional. Hint to the skeleton to position the portlet titlebar on the top, bottom, left, or right side of the portlet. You must build your own skeleton to support this property. Following are the numbers used in the .portal file for each orientation value: top=0, left=1, right=2, bottom=3.Change the value for this property only if you want to override the default orientation provided by the .portlet file.

Default Minimized

Optional. Select "true" for the portlet to be minimized when it is rendered. The default value is "false." Change the value for this property only if you want to override the default value provided by the .portlet file.



Framework File Reference

Several framework files have been re-located, replaced or created in the new release, shown in tables

Framework Files

Table A-8 lists commonly edited framework files and their new locations, replacement files, and so on.

Table A-8 Portal Framework File location changes 7.0 to 8.1

7.0 in /framework

8.1 in /framework/skeletons/<skeletonname>




Portlet modes handled by framework


Titlebar variants handled by framework



Portlet states handled by framework









Portlet states handled by framework


Portlet states handled by framework


Portlet states handled by framework


Portlet states handled by framework













New in release 8.1





see Layouts


see Layouts






New in release 8.1

see Layouts




New in release 8.1



New in release 8.1



New in release 8.1






JSP Reference

This section includes tables meant to ease the process of upgrading existing applications by providing an extremely simplistic correspondence between JSP usage from WebLogic Portal 7.0 SP2 to WebLogic Portal 8.1. For detailed information on using JSP Tags, consult the Javadoc at the following link:

JSP Tag Changes

Table A-9 lists changes to the supported JSP Tags in WebLogic Portal 7.0 SP2.

Table A-9 JSP Tag Libraries in WebLogic Portal 7.0 SP2

Tag Library

Used in Task

Changes in WebLogic Portal 8.1


Ad placeholders



Catalog Service Management

Must be installed explicitly in Workshop.


Content Management

Significant changes


E-business Service Management



Personaliation Utilities

es:notNull has been changed to consider an empty string to be "null". Fomerly, : es:isNull and es:notNull behaved inconsistently for empty (zero-length) strings. If you were relying on the inconsistent empty-string behavior, refactor JSPs that use the notNull tag.


Internationalization Management

Three tags added


Placeholder Management



Portal Management

Deprecated. See Portal Skeleton Rendering


Portlet Management

Deprecated: See Portlet Preferences


Event and Behavior Tracking Management

Significant changes


Property Set Management



Personalization Management

Significant changes. Called "User Segment Rule Display" in WebLogic Workshop.


Event and Behavior Tracking Management



User/Group Management



Portal/Portlet Management



Navigation Management

Deprecated: See Page Flow


WebLogic Utilities


JSP Tag Libraries

Table A-10 lists changes to the supported JSP Tag libraries in WebLogic Portal Extensions.

Table A-10 JSP Tag Libraries

WebLogic Portal 7.0 SP2


WebLogic Portal 8.1







Significant. See Table A-11.

  • cm-taglib.jar and pz-taglib.jar are replaced by content.tld and content.jar and a new version of pz-taglib.jar.

  • cm-taglib.jar and pz-compat.taglib.jar are available in Portal Compatibility Domain.

New: Multichannel tags.





Three tags added



Only supported in Portal Compatibility Domain







New in release 8.1

Portal Interface Rendering

New in release 8.1

Portlet Preferences




Significant: See Table A-11.

New in release 8.1

render-taglib.jar: Skeleton rendering tags.







WebLogic Utilities

Notes on Individual JSP Tags

Table A-11 includes specific JSP tags and some changes in the new release.

Table A-11 Portal JSP Tag Changes/Replacements

WebLogic Portal 7.0 SP2

WebLogic Portal 8.1



  • GetProperty

  • PrintProperty

  • PrintDoc


Retrieves a property value from a content node and stores it as a variable or prints it in the JSP.



Retrieves a content node based on an explicit path and stores it in a variable.



Searches for and retrieves content nodes based on a supplied query and stores the results in a variable.


ContentSelector (Returns Node instead of Content Object)

Implements a Content Selector defined with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions. Displays personalized Web content in a JSP based on Content Selector rules and queries defined with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions.


ContentQuery (Returns Node instead of Content Object)

Performs a content attribute search in a content management system and returns an array of content objects.



Includes a localized version of the page.



Forwards a localized version of the page.



Resulves to a localized version of the page.



Uses the Ad Service to send an ad query to the content management system.



Renders a content node from the Virtual Content Repository in the current JSP.



Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag defines the opening HTML tag for a resource.



Creates an ID for a rendered component.



Creates a URI based on the application's configured skin path.



Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag defines the closing HTML tag for a resource.



Lets you create URLs to windows and set content of those windows.



Lets you create links to switch to a page or a book based on labels.



Retrieves the location of the JSP in which this tag is used.



Lets you append query parameters to the URL tags.



Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag is used to render portlet titlebars, titlebar buttons, menus (navigation such as page tabs), and table cells within a layout.



Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag lets you build URLs for the toggle buttons in portlet titlebars.



Lets you create links to windows based on labels and switch a window to a mode, state, or both.



Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag sets HTML attributes for a tag.



Writes an ID for a rendered component.



Writes the URI based on the application's configured skin path.



Gets the default value of a portlet preference or sets a default value.



Gets all the values of a given portlet preference or supplies default value.



Iterates over all the preferences available for a portlet and stores the results in a variable.



Includes the body of the tag if the given portlet preference is modifiable.



Includes the body of the tag if the given portlet preference is not modifiable.



Renders its contents only if the client's classification has been mapped to "default" or if the client is not recognized.



Renders its content only if the client classification has been mapped to anything other than "default."



Renders its content if the client has been mapped to any classification, even "default."



Renders its content if the client has not been mapped to any classification.



Renders its content for any client classification listed in this tag's "client" attribute that matches the client classification name in the HTTP request.



Renders its content for any client classification not listed in this tag's "client" attribute. The client name comes from the HTTP request.


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