© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.


RadioTagAdapter - class com.bea.struts.adapter.taglib.html.RadioTagAdapter.
RealmConfiguration - interface com.bea.p13n.controls.ejb.usermgmt.RealmConfiguration.
* This is the public interface for keeping personalization profile records in sync with the WLS realm.
RealmConfiguration - interface com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.config.RealmConfiguration.
This is the public interface for keeping personalization profile records in sync with the WLS realm.
RealmConfigurationHome - interface com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.config.RealmConfigurationHome.
The home interface for the RealmConfiguration EJB.
RealmHelper - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.RealmHelper.
Utility methods for migrating from 6.x realm to 7.0 mbeans.
RealmNotWritableAddException - exception com.bea.portal.admin.RealmNotWritableAddException.
Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package
RealmNotWritableRemoveException - exception com.bea.portal.admin.RealmNotWritableRemoveException.
Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package
RecognizedTag - class com.bea.netuix.client.jsp.clienttaglib.RecognizedTag.
Client-awareness content filtering tag which includes the enclosed content if the effective client classification from the request is recognized as a configured classification.
RecurringDate - class com.bea.p13n.xml.schema.RecurringDate.
This class provides the Java biding for the XML schema type recurringDate as specified in Section 3.3.31 of XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.
RecurringDay - class com.bea.p13n.xml.schema.RecurringDay.
This class provides the Java biding for the XML schema type recurringDay as specified in Section 3.3.32 of XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.
RecurringDuration - class com.bea.p13n.xml.schema.RecurringDuration.
This class provides the Java binding for the XML schema type recurringDuration as specified in Section 3.2.7 of XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.
RefCleanupHelper - class com.bea.p13n.content.document.ref.RefCleanupHelper.
Deprecated. Use RefCleanupHelper instead.
RefCleanupHelper - class com.bea.p13n.content.document.ref.loader.RefCleanupHelper.
RefDocumentMetadata - class com.bea.p13n.content.document.ref.RefDocumentMetadata.
RefDocumentProvider - class com.bea.p13n.content.document.ref.RefDocumentProvider.
RefSQLGenerator - class com.bea.p13n.content.document.ref.RefSQLGenerator.
RefSQLGenerator.Info - class com.bea.p13n.content.document.ref.RefSQLGenerator.Info.
Deprecated. The generated SQL and information about the Search.
RefSchemaGenerator - class com.bea.p13n.content.document.ref.RefSchemaGenerator.
RefreshEvent - interface com.bea.netuix.events.RefreshEvent.
Class to represent a refresh event (i.e. an event handled by the tag <handlePortalEvent event="onRefresh">).
RegEx - class com.bea.p13n.util.RegEx.
RegistrationNotSupportedException - exception com.bea.wsrp.consumer.management.producer.RegistrationNotSupportedException.
RelationalReference - interface com.beasys.commerce.foundation.RelationalReference.
Interface for metadata required to persist associations.
ReloadableCache - interface com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache.
A cache that supports adding entries that know how to reload (rebuild) themselves.
RemoteRelationalReference - interface com.beasys.commerce.foundation.RemoteRelationalReference.
Interface for metadata required to persist associations, FOR REMOTE OBJECTS Associations among classes require certain metadata for persistence: containingEntity: provides foreign key information to containing entity bean classID: identifies a subclass in the database.
RemoteSystemException - exception com.beasys.commerce.foundation.exception.RemoteSystemException.
A FinderSystemException signals a fatal error within a remote sub-system.
RemoveFromCartEvent - class com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.tracking.events.RemoveFromCartEvent.
Event for tracking shopping cart removes
RemoveGroupFromGroupTag - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.taglib.RemoveGroupFromGroupTag.
Corresponds to <ugm:removeGroupFromGroup>.
RemoveGroupTag - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.taglib.RemoveGroupTag.
Corresponds to <ugm:removeGroup>.
RemovePropertyTag - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.profile.taglib.RemovePropertyTag.
Corresponds to <profile:removeProperty>.
RemoveUserFromGroupTag - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.taglib.RemoveUserFromGroupTag.
Corresponds to <ugm:removeUserFromGroup>.
RemoveUserTag - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.taglib.RemoveUserTag.
Corresponds to <ugm:removeUser>.
RenderHelper - class com.bea.portal.render.servlets.jsp.RenderHelper.
Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package
Repository - interface com.bea.content.spi.Repository.
Represents a content repository and facilitates connecting to it.
RepositoryConfig - class com.bea.content.manager.RepositoryConfig.
Represents the configuration of a content repository.
RepositoryConfigExistsException - exception com.bea.content.manager.RepositoryConfigExistsException.
Thrown if an operation on a Node that already exists occurs, such as attempting to rename a Node to the Name of a Node that already exists.
RepositoryException - exception com.bea.content.RepositoryException.
This is the main checked exception for any error thrown from the SPI.
RepositoryImpl - class com.bea.p13n.content.adapter.RepositoryImpl.
Represents a new WLP Content Repository the invokes an old ContentManager.
RepositoryManager - interface com.bea.content.manager.RepositoryManager.
This class acts as a virtual repository to all configured repositories.
RepositoryManagerFactory - class com.bea.content.manager.RepositoryManagerFactory.
Used to get the RepositoryManager.
RepositoryOps - interface com.bea.content.manager.RepositoryOps.
RepositoryRuntimeException - exception com.bea.content.RepositoryRuntimeException.
This is the main runtime exception for system errors.
RepositorySession - interface com.bea.content.manager.RepositorySession.
Defines the state of the attempted connection to a Repository.
Request - class com.bea.p13n.http.Request.
The Personalization Server implementation of the Http Servlet Request interface.
Request.AttributeLoader - interface com.bea.p13n.http.Request.AttributeLoader.
An object which is capable of loading additional attributes into a Request.
RequestPropertyRef - class com.bea.content.expression.RequestPropertyRef.
An operator that represents a reference to a request property on the right hand side of a content query expression.
RequestPropertyRef - class com.bea.p13n.content.expression.RequestPropertyRef.
ResetTagAdapter - class com.bea.struts.adapter.taglib.html.ResetTagAdapter.
ResolvedLocale - class com.bea.netuix.servlets.l10n.ResolvedLocale.
Encapsulates information about a resolved Locale, including the original URI, the resolved URI and the Locale object that matches the resolution.
ResourceIdentifier - interface com.bea.portal.model.ResourceIdentifier.
Interface ResourceIdentifier is used to uniquely identify a resource within the portal framework.
ResourceURL - class com.bea.portlet.ResourceURL.
Represents a URL to a resource.
Result - interface com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.payment.Result.
Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
ResultHome - class com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.payment.ResultHome.
The home class for the Result belonging.
ResultImpl - class com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.payment.ResultImpl.
ResultSetIterator - class com.beasys.commerce.util.ResultSetIterator.
Implements the java.util.Iterator interface for a JDBC ResultSet.
ResultTag - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.profile.taglib.ResultTag.
Base class for tags that can take the name of a variable to assign a result to.
ResultTag - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.taglib.ResultTag.
Base class for tags that can take the name of a variable to assign a result to.
ResultTagExtraInfo - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.profile.taglib.ResultTagExtraInfo.
TagExtraInfo implementation that just sets a result id variable for the jsp.
ResultTagExtraInfo - class com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.taglib.ResultTagExtraInfo.
TagExtraInfo implementation that just sets a result id variable for the jsp.
ResultsToRulesInputTransform - class com.bea.p13n.rules.advislets.ResultsToRulesInputTransform.
An AdviceTransform that converts the results in one Advice instance into rule inputs in the AdviceRequest.
RewriteNameTag - class com.bea.struts.adapter.taglib.naming.RewriteNameTag.
Tag used to rewrite name's using the current registered URLRewriter via the URLRewriterService
RoleManagerProxy - class com.bea.p13n.security.management.rolemapper.RoleManagerProxy.
This class provides access to Role management functions as defined by the WLS Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI).
RolePolicyItem - class com.bea.p13n.entitlements.policy.RolePolicyItem.
This class encapsulates the information comprising a single Role Policy.
RolePolicyManager - class com.bea.p13n.entitlements.management.RolePolicyManager.
Provides access to methods for performing role policy management including create, read, modify, and delete actions.
RoleProviderDescription - class com.bea.p13n.security.management.rolemapper.RoleProviderDescription.
This class holds information describing a single SSPI Authentication provider.
RoleSecurityMgmtHelper - class com.bea.p13n.security.management.rolemapper.RoleSecurityMgmtHelper.
Provides helper methods for accessing security management classes, especially those used to manage SSPI providers.
RoleSecurityProviderConfigStub - class com.bea.p13n.security.RoleSecurityProviderConfigStub.
Class to provide default values for the Role Provider in the event that the RoleSecurityProviderMBean has not been deployed.
RoleSecurityProviderMBean - interface com.bea.p13n.mbeans.RoleSecurityProviderMBean.
Configuration for Portal authentication providers.
RowNotFoundException - exception com.beasys.commerce.bridge.bmp.RowNotFoundException.
This exception it thrown when the persistence handling code can not retrieve a bean instance's state from the database.
RuleEvent - class com.bea.p13n.tracking.events.RuleEvent.
Event for tracking firing of Rules
RuleEventControl - interface com.bea.p13n.controls.events.standard.RuleEventControl.
This control dispatches a 'RuleEvent' to the Portal Behavior Tracking System.
RuleParser - class com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.engine.RuleParser.
This class is not intended to be used concurrently.
RuleParsingException - exception com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.engine.RuleParsingException.
RuleResultClassFilter - class com.bea.p13n.rules.advislets.RuleResultClassFilter.
Deprecated. moved to com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleResultClassFilter
RuleResultClassFilter - class com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleResultClassFilter.
A RuleResultClassFilter can be used to filter rule Result objects (the results of firing rules).
RuleSetArchive - interface com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleSetArchive.
Interface that defines a rule set packaged for deployment.
RuleSetNotFoundException - exception com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleSetNotFoundException.
Signals that a rule set could not be located using a supplied rule set URI string.
RuleSetRepository - interface com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleSetRepository.
This interface defines the operations necessary to add, remove, and retrieve rule set XML documents to and from a rule set store.
RuleType - class com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.discount.mgmt.RuleType.
This class represents the two types of discount rules
RulesAdvisletImpl - class com.bea.p13n.rules.advislets.RulesAdvisletImpl.
This class is the implementation class for a generic Advislet that handles rules based advice.
RulesContentQuery - class com.bea.p13n.content.RulesContentQuery.
A utility class to construct a content query string expression from a ContentQueryNode from the rules engine.
RulesExecutorControl - interface com.bea.p13n.controls.rules.RulesExecutorControl.
This control defines the API for executing named rule sets and/or rules using the underlying BEA rules engine.
RulesInputTransform - class com.bea.p13n.rules.advislets.RulesInputTransform.
An AdviceTransform that converts AdviceRequest parameters into the input objects for the Rules Advislet.
RulesManager - interface com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RulesManager.
This interface defines a stateless API for executing named rule sets and/or rules using the underlying BEA rules engine.
RulesManagerControl - interface com.bea.p13n.controls.rules.RulesManagerControl.
This control defines the API for accessing and managing rules and rulesets for the portal rules manager.
RulesManagerHome - interface com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RulesManagerHome.
This interface is the home interface for the RulesManager EJB.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.
Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved