Federated Portals Guide

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Federation in the Portal Life Cycle





Getting Started


Related Guides

Using this Guide

Part I Architecture

What are Federated Portals?


Basic Terminology

Traditional Portals: Before Federation

Federated Portals: A New Paradigm

Advantages of Federation


Reducing the Cost of Portal Deployment

Plug and Play SOA

Increasing the Flexibility of Release Schedules

Reducing the Cost of Testing Your Portal

Decreasing Dependencies Among Software Components

Promoting Reuse of Portal Components


Federated Portal Architecture

Key Actors in a Federated Portal

Federating Books and Pages

What is WSRP?

Understanding Producers and Consumers


WebLogic Portal Producers

Simple Producers

Complex Producers

Summary of Complex and Simple Producers

Secure WSRP messages

WebLogic Portal Consumers

Cookie Handling

Life Cycle of a Remote Portlet

Rendering a Remote Portlet

Initial Steps on the Consumer

Initial Steps on the Producer

Final Steps on the Consumer

Interacting With a Remote Portlet

Initial Steps on the Consumer

Initial Steps on the Producer

Final Consumer Steps

Rendering Versus Interaction

Interportlet Communication with Events

Retrieving Render Dependencies

Summary of Federated Portal Architecture

For More Technical Details

Part II Development

Creating Remote Portlets


What Types of Portlets Can Be Remote?

Creating a Remote Portlet


Setting Up the Example

Locating and Consuming a Portlet

Viewing the Portlet


Configuring Remote Portlets

Applying a Look and Feel to a Remote Portlet

Modifying Modes and States in a Remote Portlet

What are Modes and States?

Modes and States in Remote Portlets

Changing Modes and States in Remote Portlets

Handling Errors in Remote Portlets

Configuring an Error Page in Workshop for WebLogic

Configuring an Error Page in the .portlet File

Setting Preferences on a Remote Portlet

What is a Portlet Preference?

Portlet Preferences and Remote Portlets

Viewing and Modifying Preferences

Working with Preferences Programatically

Additional Usage Notes and Restrictions

Managing Portlet Instances through Registration

Using Backing Files with Remote Portlets

Setting a Timeout Value on a Remote Portlet


Setting Default Timeout Values

Setting Timeouts for Individual Remote Portlets

Modifying WSRP Markup and Messages

Remote Portlet Properties

Proxy Portlet Properties

Other Portlet Properties

Offering Books, Pages, and Portlets to Consumers


Offering Portlets on a Producer

Offering Books and Pages on a Producer

Setting Up the Example

Creating a Remoteable Page (or Book)


Rules for Creating Remoteable Books and Pages

Interportlet Communication with Remote Portlets


Firing and Handling a Minimize Event

Setting Up Your Environment

Creating the Portlets on the Producer

Create the JSP Files and Portlets

Create the Backing File

Attach the Backing File

Add the Event Handler to bPortlet

Test the Application


Creating the Consumer Portlets

Setting Up the Exercise

Creating the Remote Portlet


Testing the Application

Build the Portal

Test the Portal

Inside the Remote Portlet File

Data Transfer with Custom Events

Retrieving the Event on the Producer

Firing the Event in the Consumer

Configuring a WebLogic Server Producer


Using WSRP in a Basic WebLogic Server Domain

Create a WebLogic Server Domain

Extend the WebLogic Server Domain

Configuring a Web Project

Create a Web Project

Testing the Producer Configuration

Create a Server on the Producer

Test for a Producer WSDL

Create a Portlet in the Producer Web Application

Consuming a Producer Portlet


Publishing to UDDI Registries

What is UDDI?

Using UDDI with WebLogic Portal

Configure the Producer

Configure the Consumer

Perform Searches

Configuring the Producer

What Information is Published?

Editing the Configuration File

Configuring Third-Party Registries

Specifying Access Credentials

Creating tModels for Third-Party Registries

Pre-Configuring the Business Entity

Auto-Configuring the Business Entity

Specifying Metadata for Searches

Adding Producer Metadata

Adding Portlet Metadata

Adding Book and Page Metadata

Enabling and Disabling UDDI for a Producer

Enabling and Disabling a Producer Web Application for UDDI Searches

Enabling and Disabling Individual Producer Resources for UDDI Searches

Configuring the Consumer

Searching for Producers Programatically

The UDDI Query API

Sample Code

The Interceptor Framework


Use Cases

Basic Steps

Designing Interceptors

Interceptor Interfaces

Context Objects


Interface Methods

Interceptor Method Return Values

Configuring Interceptors

Order of Method Execution


Basic Order Of Execution in a Group

How Return Status Affects Execution Order

Instance Creation and Reuse

Example Chains

Implementing an Error-Handling Interceptor

Modifying an Error Message

Including an Error JSP Page

Federating User Profiles


What are User Profiles?

User Profiles in Federated Portals

Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)

When to Use this Feature

Configuring the Producer

Configuring Java Portlets

Configuring the Deployment Descriptor (portlet.xml)

Retrieving User Information in a Java Portlet

Mapping User Information on the Consumer

Configuring Non-Java Portlets

Configuring the Deployment Descriptor File

Handling User Property Extensions

Mapping User Information on the Consumer

Configuring the Consumer

Using a Mapping File

Using a Mapping Class

Writing the Mapping Class

Configuring the Mapping Class

Mapping Constants

P3P Examples

Example: portlet.xml file with P3P Attributes

Example: Retrieving P3P User Information in a Java Portlet

Example: Retrieving User Information in Other Portlets

Consumer Entitlement


Configuring a Producer

Creating an Application Property Set

Editing the Producer Configuration File

Defining Consumer Entitlements

Registering a Consumer

Modifying Registration Properties

Transferring Custom Data

What is Custom Data Transfer?

Custom Data Transfer Interfaces

Performing Custom Data Transfer

Custom Data Transfer with a Complex Producer

Example Overview

Setting Up the Example

Creating the Producer JSP and Portlet

Federating zipTest.portlet to the Consumer

Creating a Backing File

Testing the Consumer Application

Custom Data Transfer in a Simple Producer

Transferring XML Data

Deploying Your Own Interface Implementations

General Guidelines

Implementation Rules

Other Topics and Best Practices

Decouple Rendering from Interaction

Avoid Interportlet Dependencies

Avoid Portal Layout Dependencies

Avoid Coupling by URL

Avoid Accessing Request Parameters in Rendering Code

Avoid Moving Producers

WebLogic Server Producers

Security for Remote Portlets

Error Handling

On the Producer

On the Consumer


Portlet Programming Guidelines and Best Practices

Designing for Performance

Performance Guidelines for Producers

Performance Guidelines for Consumers

Using Local Proxy Mode

Why Use Local Proxy Mode?

Deployment Configuration

When to Use and Not Use

Monitoring and Logging

Using the Monitor Servlet

Creating Custom Logs

Configuring Session Cookies

Using Different Cookie Names

Using a System Property

User Sessions on CWEB Applications

Using Multiple Views with Remote Portlets

Handling User Identity Changes

Editing the WSRP WSDL Template File

Part III Staging

Establishing WSRP Security with SAML

SAML Security Between WebLogic Portal 9.x Domains


Setting Up the SAML Configuration Example

Configuring the Consumer

Generate a Key

Export the Key

Modify the Consumer’s Security Realm

Configuring the Producer

Import the Certificate

Configure the Asserting Party Properties

Testing the Configuration

SAML Security Between WebLogic Portal 8.1x and 9.x Domains

SAML Security Between 9.x Consumers and 8.1x Producers

Configuring the Consumer

Generate a Key

Change the Consumer’s Name

Modify the Consumer’s Security Realm

Configure the WebLogic Portal 8.1x Producer

Import the Certificate

Test the Configuration


SAML Security Between 8.1x Consumers and 9.x Producers

Configure the 8.1x Consumer

Generate a Key

Configure the 9.x Producer

Testing the Configuration

Using SAML Security with a Name Mapper

Writing a Name Mapper Class

Implementing SAMLCredentialNameMapper on the Consumer

Implementing SAMLIdentityAssertionNameMapper on the Producer

Deploying the Mapper Classes

Configuring the Mapper Classes

Adding a Mapper Class to the Producer

Adding a Mapper Class to the Consumer

Allowing Virtual Users

Configuring Username Token Security

Configuring the Consumer

Configuring the Producer


Adding Remote Resources to the Library


Adding a Producer

Adding a Remote Portlet to the Portal Library

Adding a Remote Page to the Portal Library

Adding a Remote Book to the Portal Library

Part IV Production

Managing Federated Portals

Modifying the Consumer Security Configuration

Changing the Web Application

Modifying Global Credentials

Modifying Producer Credentials

Modifying the Producer Portlet Registry

Changing the Web Application

Modifying the Registry Credentials

Modifying Producer Registration Properties

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