Interaction Management Guide

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Introducing Personalization

Using Interaction Management Tools

Understanding the Features

Interaction Management in the Portal Life Cycle





Getting Started

Planning an Interaction Strategy

Choosing the Type of Interaction Management to Develop

Understanding Conditions

Checklist for Planning Your User Interaction Strategy

Checklist for Planning Your Campaign Strategy

Understanding Campaigns

Planning Your Behavior Tracking Strategy

Understanding When to Use a Predefined Event

Understanding When to Create a Custom Event

Planning Behavior Tracking Events

Planning Regular Events

Understanding When to Create a Custom Event Listener

Updating Interaction Management Features

Upgrading Interaction Features from Portal 8.1

Part I Architecture

Setting up Content

Adding Content

Determining Content Priority

Part II Development

Creating a Property Set

Setting up a Property Set

Creating a User Profile Property Set

Creating a User Segment Property Set

Setting Dates and Times

Creating a Session Property Set

Creating a Request Property Set

Creating a Community or Remote Portlet Property Set

Creating an Event Property Set

Creating a Catalog Property Set

Adding Properties or Conditions to a Property Set

Modifying Properties and Conditions

Editing Properties

Editing Property Values

Retrieving Properties from External Data Stores

Deleting a Property or a Property Set

Creating a User Segment

Creating a User Segment

Setting Dates and Times

Modifying a User Segment

Creating a Content Selector

Setting Up Content to Display

Displaying Content for Other MIME Types

Creating and Compiling a Java Class to Generate HTML

Registering the New Class

Creating a Content Selector

Creating the Content Selector File

Building a Content Query with Expressions

Using Rules to Build a Query

Selecting Properties

Using Comparators

Supplying Values

Creating Complex Queries

Using Sample Queries

Using a JSP Tag to Display a Content Selector File

Adding a Content Selector to a JSP

Dragging a Content Selector to a Portal File

Using More than One Content Selector

Using the <pz:div> Tag Instead of a Content Selector

Deleting a Content Selector Query

Deleting a Content Selector

Modifying a Content Selector

Creating a Placeholder

Selecting Content for a Placeholder

Displaying Additional MIME Types in a Placeholder

Creating and Compiling a Java Class to Generate HTML

Adding the New Class to Your Classpath

Method 1

Method 2

Adding Content to a Placeholder

Creating a Placeholder

Creating a Placeholder File

Choosing the Type of Placeholder Query to Run

Building a Content Query

Using Expressions

Using Comparators

Using Values

Following Guidelines for Complex Queries

Determining Which Query and Content to Display

Choosing a Query to Run

Choosing Which Content Item to Display

Adding a Placeholder to a JSP

Modifying a Placeholder

Using the <ad:adTarget> Tag Instead of a Placeholder

Building a Campaign

Performing the Prerequisite Tasks

Building a Campaign

Planning Your Campaign Logic

Creating a Campaign File

Setting Goal Definitions

Adjusting Goal Definitions

Creating URLs to Portal Resources

Troubleshooting the URLs

Adding a Scenario to a Campaign

Adding an Action to a Scenario

Adding a Content Action

Adding an E-Mail Action to a Campaign

Adding a Discount Action to a Campaign

Setting Up Automatic E-Mail Messages

Setting Up Bulk E-Mail Messages

Modifying the Send-Mail Script to Work from a Remote Host

Modifying the Send-Mail Script to Work in a Clustered Environment

Using the Mailmanager Commands

Sending Bulk E-Mail Messages

Scheduling Bulk E-mail Delivery

Deleting E-Mail Batches

Setting Up E-Mail Security

Storing E-Mail Files in a Different Directory

Testing a Campaign

Triggering a Campaign

Troubleshooting Campaign Actions

Turning Off a Campaign

Resetting a Campaign

Resetting a Campaign in the Development Environment

Resetting a Campaign in the Production Environment

Setting Campaign Content Caches

Setting Up Events and Behavior Tracking

Choosing How to Handle Events

Completing Your Behavior Tracking Strategy

Planning the Deployment of Custom Events, Listeners, and Property Sets

Using Predefined Events

Using the SessionLoginEvent

Using the SessionBeginEvent and SessionEndEvent

Using the UserRegistrationEvent

Using the AddToCartEvent

Using the RemoveFromCartEvent

Using the PurchaseCartEvent

Using the Rule Events

Using the DisplayCampaignEvent

Using the Display Content Event Control

Using the Display Product Events JSP Tag

Using the CampaignUserActivityEvent

Using the ClickCampaignEvent

Using the ClickProductEvent

Using the ClickContentEvent

Generating Events for Content Clicks

Using the ClickThroughEventFilter

JSP Example

Enabling Campaign Clickthroughs

Generating Content Events

Using the ContentConfigEvent

Using the ContentCreateEvent

Using the ContentDeleteEvent

Using the ContentUpdateEvent

Providing Event Attribute Values

Enabling Behavior Tracking

Configuring Behavior Tracking

Adjusting Behavior Tracking for Optimal Performance

Storing Behavior Tracking Data in Other Ways

Creating a Separate Database for Behavior Tracking Events

Creating Custom Events

Creating the Event Class

Creating a Regular Event Class

Creating a Behavior Tracking Event Class

Creating an Event With a Scriptlet

Creating an XML Schema for Behavior Tracking

Packaging the Schema

Creating Custom Event Listeners

Dispatching Events

Using Events in Campaigns

Registering Events for Campaigns

Changing Event Properties

Debugging the Event Service

Tracking Content Changes

Disabling Behavior Tracking

Unregistering the Behavior Tracking Listener

Removing an Individual Event

Creating Advanced Personalization with Rules

Using Rules in Portal Applications

Choosing Personalization Components

Understanding the Rules Service

Using the Rules Service

Understanding the Advantages of Using the Rules Service

Creating a Rule

Creating a Rule Set

Using a Method in a Rule

Working with Invalid Rule Sets

Deploying a Rule Set

Deploying a Rule Set in Workshop for WebLogic

Deploying a Rule Set in a Staging or Production Environment

Adding Objects to Working Memory

Adding a Credit Score to Working Memory from an Integer

Adding a Credit Score to Working Memory from a User Profile

Using Type Mappings

Using Mappings for <type-alias> Tags

Mappings for <variable> Tags

Invoking the Rules Service to Evaluate Objects

Using an Existing Rule Set

Inserting the Control in the Page Flow

Understanding the Benefits of Using the Control

Using the Control to Determine the User's Path in the Page Flow

Filtering the Results

Filtering with the RulesManager EJB

Using the Results in Your Application

Rules Control Reference

Part III Staging

Modifying Property Set Values

Editing a Property Value

Editing Properties in Workshop for WebLogic

Editing Property Values in WebLogic Portal Administration Console

Deleting a Property Value

Modifying a User Segment

Modifying a User Segment

Modifying a User Segment's Properties

Copying a User Segment

Removing a User Segment

Modifying a Content Selector

Modifying a Content Selector

Deleting a Content Selector and Query

Modifying a Placeholder

Changing Content for a Placeholder

Modifying a Placeholder

Deleting a Query or a Placeholder

Managing Placeholders for Optimal Performance

Part IV Production

Managing a Campaign

Modifying a Campaign

Changing a Campaign's Description or Sponsor

Changing a Campaign Start or Stop Date

Activating and Deactivating a Campaign

Turning Off a Campaign

Resetting Campaign Settings

Duplicating a Campaign

Modifying a Rule

Modifying a Content Action

Modifying an E-Mail Action

Modifying a Discount Action

Previewing a Modified Campaign Action

Managing a Campaign for Optimal Performance

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