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BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Console-Mode Installation


This section provides the information you need to install WebLogic Process Integrator on a UNIX system that does not include support for a graphics (windowing) workstation or terminal.

The text-based console-mode program mimics the graphical installation program. For details about the information you must provide, review the steps described in Installing BEA WebLogic Process Integrator.

To install WebLogic Process Integrator on a UNIX system:

  1. If you are installing from CD, insert the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator CD in the CD tray. If you downloaded the wlpi_121_unix.bin file from the BEA Web site, then proceed to the next step.

    Note: If the daemon /usr/sbin/vold is running, the CD should be mounted in the /cdrom directory. If vold is not running, see the instructions for mounting a CD in your UNIX administration documentation.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Start the installation by entering the following command at the prompt:

    sh wlpi_121_unix.bin -i console

    Introductory information is displayed.

  4. Press Enter to continue.

    The license agreement is displayed.

  5. Review the agreement then enter Y to accept the terms.

    You are prompted to select the components to be installed.

  6. Do one of the following:

    You are prompted to specify the version of the product to being installed.

  7. Do one of the following:

    You are prompted to choose a BEA Home directory.

  8. Enter 1 to create a new BEA Home directory or enter 2 to use an existing BEA Home directory. When prompted, enter the full pathname.

    You are prompted to choose a directory in which the product software will be installed.

  9. Do one of the following:

    You are prompted to provide JDBC configuration information.

  10. Do one of the following:

    You are prompted for one of the following:

  11. Do one of the following

    The installation program copies the necessary files and updates the configuration as required. A message indicating that the installation is complete is displayed when the process is complete.

  12. Press Enter to exit the console-mode installation program.