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Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Process Integrator


This section provides the information you need to start, stop, and customize the WebLogic Process Integrator components. It includes the following topics:


WebLogic Process Integrator Users and Passwords

The BEA WebLogic Process Integrator installation configures a default RDBMS security realm. When you create the database tables as described in Step 9. Creating the WebLogic Process Integrator Tables, the default users and passwords shown in the following table are defined. Additional users can be added through the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio interface.

Table 4-1 Default User Names and Passwords

User Name










If you have installed WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0, you can change the password for a default user through the WebLogic Server Administration Console as described in the following procedure:

  1. Start the Administration Console as described in Launching the Administration Console.

  2. Open the Users window in the Administration Console.

  3. Enter the user name in the User field.

    For example, to change the system password, enter system.

  4. Enter a new password in the Password field.

  5. Confirm the password.

If you have installed WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1, the default passwords can only be changed directly in the database users table.


Starting and Stopping BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Components

The following sections describe how to start and stop each WebLogic Process Integrator component.

Starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Server

The following sections provide instructions for starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Server on a Windows or UNIX system.

Note: When you start the WebLogic Process Integrator Server, the WebLogic Server is started with WebLogic Process Integrator specific settings. If the WebLogic Server is already running, you must stop it before starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

Starting on Windows

To start the WebLogic Process Integrator Server on a Windows system:

Starting on UNIX

To start the WebLogic Process Integrator Server on a UNIX system:

  1. Go to the bin subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. For example, if the installation directory were /bea/wlprocessintegrator1.2.1 you would enter:

    cd /bea/wlprocessintegrator1.2.1/bin

  2. Run the script

    . ./

    If you have installed WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1, start up messages are displayed.

    If you have installed WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0, you are prompted to enter the WebLogic Server system password. After you have entered the password, start up messages are displayed.

    Note: If you have not yet changed the password, refer to WebLogic Process Integrator Users and Passwords for the default password.

Starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio

To start the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio on Windows:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Logon dialog box shown in the following figure is displayed in front of the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Worklist application window.

    Figure 4-2 BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio Logon Dialog Box

  2. Enter the user name and password in the appropriate fields. If you have not yet been assigned a user name and password for WebLogic Process Integrator, enter a default user name and password. See WebLogic Process Integrator Users and Passwords.

  3. In the Server [:port] field, specify the system that is running the WebLogic Process Integrator Server application as follows:


    where host is the computer name or IP address of the system that is running the WebLogic Process Integrator Server. Specify localhost if the Server is running on the same computer as the Studio application.

Starting the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Worklist

To start the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Worklist:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Logon dialog box shown in the following figure is displayed in front of the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Worklist application window.

    Figure 4-3 BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Worklist Logon Dialog Box

  2. Enter the user name and password in the appropriate fields. If you have not yet been assigned a user name and password for WebLogic Process Integrator, enter a default user name and password. See WebLogic Process Integrator Users and Passwords.

  3. In the Server [:port] field, specify the system that is running the WebLogic Process Integrator Server application as follows:


    where host is the computer name or IP address of the system that is running the WebLogic Process Integrator Server. Specify localhost if the Server is running on the same computer as the Worklist application.

Stopping the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Server

To stop the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Server application:

  1. Activate the Server Application (command prompt) window.

  2. Press Ctrl+C. The following prompt is displayed:

    Terminate batch job (Y/N)

  3. Press Y in response to prompt. The Server application (command prompt) window disappears, and the Server application stops.

Stopping the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio or Worklist

To stop the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio or Worklist:

  1. Choose File—>Logoff from the application window.

  2. Choose File—>Exit from the application window.


Updating the WebLogic Process Integrator Environment Settings

The WebLogic Process Integrator environment is set by the following files:

These files are located in the bin subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. By default the pathname for this directory is bea\wlprocessintegrator1.2.1\bin.

Examples of these files are provided in BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Sample Configuration Files. The content of these files depends on the version of the WebLogic Process Integrator you have installed. Refer to the section appropriate to the version installed on your system; either Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0 or Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1.

Instructions for updating the server and client environment are provided in the following sections.

Updating the Server Environment

To update the server environment:

On a Windows System:

  1. Navigate to the bin subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory using Windows NT Explorer.

  2. Right click setwlpiserverenv.cmd and select Edit from the pop-up menu to open the file in Notepad.

  3. Set the following variables to values appropriate for your environment:

    For information about the required values, see Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0 or Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1 in Appendix A.

  4. Save your changes and close the file.

The setwlpiserverenv.cmd file will run to set these environment variables for the Server environment when you start the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.


  1. Go to the bin subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. For example, if the software is installed in /bea/wlprocessintegrator1.2.1, you would enter the following:

    cd /bea/wlprocessintegrator1.2.1/bin

  2. Open in your preferred text editor.

  3. Set the following variables to values appropriate for your environment:

    For information about the required values, see Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0 or Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1 in Appendix A.

  4. Save your changes and close the file.

The setwlpiserverenv.cmd file will run to set these environment variables for the Server environment when you start the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

Updating the Client (Studio and Worklist) Environment

To update the client environment:

On Windows NT:

  1. Navigate to bea\wlprocessintegrator1.2.1\bin using Windows NT Explorer.

  2. Right click setwlpiclientenv.cmd and select Edit from the pop-up menu to open the file in Notepad.

  3. Set the following variables to values appropriate for your environment:

    See Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0 or Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1 in Appendix A.

  4. Save your changes and close the file.

The file will run to set these environment variables for the client environment when you start the Studio or the Worklist.


  1. Go to the bin subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. For example, if the software is installed in /bea/wlprocessintegrator1.2.1, you would enter the following:

    cd /bea/wlprocessintegrator1.2.1/bin

  2. Open the script to in your preferred text editor.

  3. Set the following variables to values appropriate for your environment:

    See Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0 or Configuration Files for WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1 in Appendix A.

  4. Save your changes and close the file.

The file will run to set these environment variables for the client environment when you start the Studio or the Worklist.


Customizing WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0

If you have installed WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 6.0 changes to the configuration are made through the WebLogic Server 6.0 Administration Console interface.

This section describes how to make changes to the JDBC Connection Pool and Mail Session configurations through the Administration Console. For more information about using the WebLogic Server 6.0 Administration Console, refer to the WebLogic Server 6.0 documentation set at

Launching the Administration Console

To launch the Administration Console:

  1. Launch the WebLogic Process Integrator Server as described in Starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

  2. When the Server has started, launch the default Console by choosing Start —>Programs —>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform —>WebLogic Server 6.0—>Start Default Console.

    Your default Web browser is started, then you are prompted to enter the user name and password.

  3. Enter system in the user name field, then enter the system password.

    Note: If you have not yet changed the password, refer to WebLogic Process Integrator Users and Passwords for the default password.

  4. The Adminstration Console is displayed in you Web browser.

Refer to the WebLogic Server 6.0 documentation set for instructions on using and navigating the Console.

Customizing Your JDBC Connection Pool Using the Administration Console

To customize the JDBC Connection Pool:

  1. Using the left pane tree view controls, navigate to Services > JDBC > Connection Pools > wlpipool.

  2. In the Configuration/General tab, edit the URL, Driver Classname, and Properties as required to customize the settings for your JDBC connection pool.

  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

  4. Shut down the Administration Console.

  5. Shut down and restart the WebLogic Process Integrator Server to initiate the new settings.

Modifying Your Mail Session Properties Using the Administration Console

To customize the Mail Session Properties:

  1. Using the left pane tree view controls, navigate to Services > Mail > wlpiMailSession.

  2. Edit the JNDIName and Properties fields as required to customized the settings for your mail session.

  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

  4. Shut down the Administration Console.

  5. Shut down and restart the WebLogic Process Integrator Server to initiate the new changes.


Customizing WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 for WebLogic Server 5.1

The following sections describe how to customize the WebLogic Process Integrator Mail Session, JDBC configuration, and RDBMS realm properties.

Setting the Mail Session Properties

Before you can use WebLogic Process Integrator to define workflows that include send e-mail actions, you must set the Mail Session properties in the file and configure the mail session properties for the Workflow processor EJBs as described in the following sections.

Setting the Mail Session Properties in the File

The file is located in the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. By default the pathname for this directory is c:\bea\wlprocessintegrator1.2.1.

To set the mail session properties:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Open the file in you preferred text editor.

  3. Find the WLPI Specific Settings section.

  4. Edit the MailSession properties mail.from and The Listing following this procedure provides sample values.

  5. Save the file and exit the text editor.

    Listing 4-1 Mail Session Example

    # Mail session\,\

Configuring the Mail Session Properties for the Workflow Processor EJBs

To configure the mail-session properties:

  1. Run the WebLogic EJB deployer tool.

    On Windows NT:

    1. Navigate to the deployertool.cmd file located in the bin subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator installation. By default the pathname for this directory is c:\bea\wlprocessintegrator1.2.1\bin.

    2. Double click deployertool.cmd to start the WebLogic EJB deployer tool.

      On UNIX:

    3. Go to the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. For example, if the WebLogic Process Integrator is installed in the /bea/wlprocessintegrator1.2.1 directory, enter the following:

      cd /bea/wlpiprocessintegrator1.2.1

    4. Run the WebLogic EJB deployer tool by entering the following:

      . ./

      The EJB Deployer is displayed. The upper-left panel tree view controls are used to navigate to the hierarchy of entry types as shown in the following figure.

      Figure 4-4 WebLogic EJB Deployer Tool Tree View Control

  2. Use the tree view controls to navigate to Deployer > WebLogic Process Integrator > Beans >WorkflowProcessor > Environment Entries.

    The Environment Entries for the Workflow Processor EJB are displayed in the upper-right panel as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4-5 WebLogic EJB Deployer Tool Showing Environment Entries

  3. Define the following mail-session properties by double-clicking in the text field you want to edit and typing the appropriate value:

  4. Choose File—>Save to save your changes and exit.

    For more information, see Deploying EJBs with the Deployer Tool at

Updating the JDBC Configuration

The JDBC Configuration is set in the file located in the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. By default the pathname for this directory is \bea\wlprocessintegrator1.2.1.

To edit the JDBC configuration:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Open the file in your preferred text editor.

  3. Locate the WLPI Specific Settings section.

  4. Uncomment the JDBC driver section for your database by removing the pound (#) characters.

  5. Specify your database name, host server, and port in the line beginning with url=. Listing 4-2, Listing 4-3, and Listing 4-4 following this procedure provide examples for each supported database type.

  6. Set user= and password= to an account with create, update, and delete privileges on the database server. Listing 4-2, Listing 4-3, Listing 4-4, Listing 4-5 following this procedure provide examples for each supported database type.

  7. Save your changes and close the file.

    Listing 4-2 JDBC Connection Pool Properties for Oracle Thin

    # Connection pool to Oracle using Thin

    Listing 4-3 JDBC Connection Pool Properties for MS SQL Server

    # Connection pool for MS SQL Server 7.0 database connectivity

    Listing 4-4 JDBC Connection Pool Properties for Sybase jConnect

    # Connection pool to Sybase using jConnect

    Listing 4-5 JDBC Connection Pool Properties for Cloudscape

    # Connection pool to CLOUDSCAPE 

Editing the File

The file is located in the WebLogic Process Integrator installation directory. By default the pathname for this directory is \bea\wlprocessintegrator1.2.1.

To edit the file:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Open the file in your preferred text editor.

  3. Uncomment the JDBC driver section for your database by removing the pound (#) characters.

  4. Specify your database name, host server, and port in the line beginning with dbURL=. The Listings (Listing 4-2, Listing 4-3, and Listing 4-4) preceding this procedure provide examples for each supported database type.

  5. Set dbUser= and dbPassword= to the appropriate user account.

  6. Save your changes and close the file.


Configuring an Alternate Security Realm for BEA WebLogic Process Integrator

By default, WebLogic Process Integrator users, organizations, and roles are maintained in an RDBMS security realm. This section provides instructions for configuring an alternate security realm.

Users, roles, and organizations within BEA WebLogic Process Integrator are maintained in a BEA WebLogic Server security realm. Creating a new user, role, or organization for use in BEA WebLogic Process Integrator means adding those entities to the BEA WebLogic Server security realm. Therefore, the functions of creating and deleting users, roles, and organizations are accessible only if a manageable realm is used and detected by BEA WebLogic Process Integrator.

For an overview of the available security realm types, see "Security Fundamentals" at

When you install BEA WebLogic Process Integrator, the software is configured to use an RDBMS security realm, where users, groups, and access control lists are read from your configured database.

Using the default RDBMS security realm you can create users, organizations, and roles through the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio interface.

If you use an alternate security realm the realm must conform to certain guidelines. The requirements and relationships between WebLogic Server security realm elements and the WebLogic Process Integrator users, roles, and organizations are summarized below:

Once a manageable security realm is configured and populated in conformance with the above guidelines, you can create additional users, roles, and organizations through the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio interface.