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Studio Guide



WebLogic Process Integrator Overview

Architecture Overview

Understanding the Workflow Model

Overview of the Workflow Model

Workflow Definitions

Workflow Components



Exception Handlers


Workflow Model Diagram

Administering Data

Monitoring Workflows

Starting WebLogic Process Integrator Studio

Navigating WebLogic Process Integrator

Menu Options

Folder Tree Display

Workflow Drawing Area

Exiting WebLogic Process Integrator Studio


Administering Data within WebLogic Process Integrator


Maintaining Organizations

Adding an Organization

Updating an Organization

Deleting an Organization

Maintaining Users

Adding a User to the Current Organization

Creating a User

Deleting a User

Updating User Properties

Removing a User from the Current Organization

Maintaining Roles

Creating a Role

Updating a Role

Deleting a Role

Administering Task Routing

Adding a Task Routing Specification

Updating a Task Routing Specification

Deleting a Task Routing Specification

Refreshing the Task List

Administering Business Calendars

Creating a Calendar

Updating a Calendar

Deleting a Calendar

Understanding Business Operations

Using the Business Operations Dialog Box

Defining a Business Operation

Defining Business Operations for Java Classes

Defining Business Operations for Session EJBs

Defining Business Operations for Entity EJBs


Defining and Maintaining Workflows

Understanding Workflow Templates and Workflow Template Definitions

Creating a New Workflow Template

Creating a New Workflow Template Definition

Specifying Workflow Template Definition Properties

Opening Workflow Template Definitions

Saving and Closing Workflow Template Definitions

Printing Workflow Template Definitions

Copying Workflow Template Definitions

Copying Entire Workflow Template Definitions

Copying Nodes Within Workflow Template Definitions

Copying Actions Within or Between Workflow Node Shapes

Copying Actions Within Workflow Nodes

Copying Actions Between Workflow Nodes

Deleting Workflow Template Definitions

Deleting Workflow Templates

Understanding Effective and Expiry Dates

Exporting Workflow Template Definitions

Importing Workflow Template Definitions

Displaying Workflow Instances


Working with Workflow Components

Adding Workflow Components to a Workflow Diagram

Deleting Components from a Workflow Diagram

Defining Variables

Defining Variables

Updating Variables

Locating Variables in the Workflow

Variable Conversion Rules

Defining Start

Specifying Multiple Starts

Defining a Start Node

Defining Dones

Defining Decisions

Defining Tasks

Defining Events

Using Joins (And/Or)

How Joins Work

Defining a Join


Using Actions

Working with Actions

Action Categories

Action Placement and Subactions

Adding or Updating an Action

Deleting an Action

Changing the Sequence of Actions

Using Task Actions

Mark Task as Done

Unmark Task Done

Set Task Due Date

Assign Task to User

Assign Task to Role

Assign Task Using Routing Table

Unassign Task

Set Task Comment

Set Task Priority

Execute Task

Using Workflow Actions

Mark Workflow as Done

Abort Workflow

Start Workflow

Set Workflow Variable

Set Workflow Comment

Using Integration Actions

Post XML Event

Send XML to Client

Call Program

Perform Business Operation

Using Exception Handling Actions

Using Miscellaneous Actions

No Operation

Send E-Mail Message

Evaluate Condition

Timed Event

Cancel Workflow Event

Make Audit Entry


Using Expressions and Conditions

Workflow Expression Functionality

Generate a String That Uniquely Identifies a Workflow Instance

Determine Whether a Particular Event Should Trigger a Workflow

Using the Expression Builder

Using Expression Components
















Date Function Format

Pattern Letter Definitions

Format Guidelines

Examples of Time Patterns





Handling Workflow Exceptions

Workflow Exception Handling Overview

Understanding the WebLogic Process Integrator Transaction Model

Defining Exception Handlers

Using Exception Handling Actions

Invoke Exception Handler

Set Workflow Exception Handler

Exit Exception Handler

WebLogic Process Integrator Error Messages


Monitoring Workflows

Using the Workflow Monitoring Features

User Interface

Workflow Instance Status

Viewing Workflow Status

Viewing Workflow Variables

Deleting Workflows

Using Workload Reports

Compiling Workload Report Information

Viewing Workload Reports

Using Statistics Reports

Compiling Statistics Report Information

Viewing Statistics Reports


Understanding WebLogic Process Integrator Events and XML Documents

XML Overview

XML Elements and Attributes

Document Type Definition (DTD)

Processing Events and Handling XML Documents

Defining a Workflow Event Trigger

Workflow Examples

Using the XML Notification: The WebLogic Process Integrator Event

Setting Up a Key Value for Each XML Root

Using XML Actions

Post XML Event

Send XML to Client

XML Root Element Names

Default Settings for Send XML to Client Action

Dialog Box Prompt

Display Message-Box

Invoke Exception Handler

Understanding Workflow Interaction