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package examples.jolt.servlet.simpapp

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  • SimpAppServlet
  • about this example

    This example demonstrates how to use BEA Jolt to connect to TUXEDO from a WebLogic servlet.

    It uses the WebLogic Server, to deliver an HTML FORM front end in a standard web-browser. Text entered by the user into the FORM is sent back to the WebLogic Server via the HTTP POST method. This is serviced by a registered WebLogic HTTP Servlet, which calls a TUXEDO service using BEA Jolt. The text received by the servlet is sent to a TUXEDO service, where it is transposed to uppercase before being returned back to the servlet. This is compiled into a dynamically generated HTML page by the servlet, then sent back to the web browser, where the uppercase version of the original text is displayed.

    how to use this example

    1. Open a new command shell, and set up a development environment as described in the document, Setting up your development environment.

    2. Change to the ...\examples\jolt\servlet\simpapp directory, and compile the Java classes into the appropriate directory, with:
       $ javac -d %SERVLET_CLASSES%
      The environment variable SERVLET_CLASSES is set when you set up your development environment.

    3. Copy the simpapp HTML file into your registered document root, which defaults to the myserver/public_html directory beneith your WebLogic installation directory.

    4. Register the servlet (or uncomment the servlet registration shipped in the latest version of the properties file) in the WebLogic properties file. Add an ACL allowing everyone to be able to access the servlet. Here's an example:

      Also, allow everyone to request HTML files via the file servlet, by adding this line:


    5. Set up WebLogic to initialize a Jolt session pool by adding this registration to your properties file (or uncomment the startup and shutdown registrations for this example):
      Where is the domain name of a public Jolt server that's hosted by BEA. You can access this server to try out the example.

      For more information on setting up a session pool, read the Administrators Guide, Setting up Jolt for WebLogic. For instructions on how to obtain and set up TUXEDO, please refer to the BEA website.

    6. Start WebLogic.

    7. Enter a URL to display the simpapp.html file, such as:

    8. On the HTML form, enter some text and press the 'Post' button.

    9. Watch for the return of your text in uppercase.

    there's more...

    This example is described more detail in the Using Jolt for WebLogic developer's guide.

    For more information about configuring Jolt Session Pools with Weblogic, see the Jolt for WebLogic administration guide.

    Copyright © 1998-1999 BEA WebXpress, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Last updated 09/13/1999