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WebLogic JDBC Options



Connection Pools and Multitier JDBC

Using Connection Pools with Server-side Applications

Using Connection Pools with Client-side Applications

JDBC Drivers



Microsoft SQL Server



Other Third-party JDBC Drivers

JDBC 2.0

Supported JDBC 2.0 features

Platform Support

Additional Resources

Resources available from BEA

Resources available from JavaSoft


BEA provides a variety of options for database access using the Java Database connectivity (JDBC) specification. These options include two-tier JDBC drivers, called WebLogic jDrivers, for the Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Informix database management systems (DBMS) and multitier drivers that work with WebLogic Server as an intermediary between an application and the DBMS.

This document briefly describes these options and provides links to additional information on developing your applications using WebLogic jDrivers and WebLogic Server. Information on implemented features of the newer JDBC 2.0 specification is also included. For the latest information on drivers supported with WebLogic server, see our Platform Support page.

Connection Pools and Multitier JDBC

The multitier drivers use WebLogic Server to access connection pools that provide ready-to-use pools of connections to your DBMS. Since these database connections are already established when the connection pool starts up, the overhead of establishing database connections is eliminated. You can utilize connection pools from server-side applications such as HTTP servlets or EJBs using the WebLogic Pool or JTS drivers or from stand-alone Java client applications using the WebLogic JDBC/RMI or T3 drivers.

Connection pools require a two-tier JDBC driver to make the connection from WebLogic Server to the DBMS. This two-tier driver can be one of the WebLogic jDrivers or a third-party JDBC driver, such as the Sybase jConnect driver. (jConnect is bundled with the WebLogic distribution.)

Using Connection Pools with Server-side Applications

For database access from server-side applications, such as HTTP servlets, use the WebLogic Pool or JTS driver. The JTS driver provides transactional support for database operations. For database access using Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) running in WebLogic Server, use the WebLogic JTS driver. You can also access connection pools using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) and a DataSource object. For more information, see the following documents:

Using Connection Pools with Client-side Applications

BEA offers two possibilities for client-side, multitier JDBC. The WebLogic JDBC/RMI driver has the advantage of providing a standards-based approach using the Java Two Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specifications, while the WebLogic T3 driver uses the proprietary WebLogic T3 client service. For new deployments, BEA recommends that you use the JDBC/RMI driver; the T3 client services are scheduled for deprecation in a future release of WebLogic Server.

JDBC Drivers


BEA's type-2 JDBC driver for Oracle, WebLogic jDriver for Oracle, is included with the WebLogic Server distribution. This driver requires an Oracle client installation. For known issues with WebLogic Server 5.1.0 and the WebLogic jDriver see the WebLogic 5.1.0 Release Notes.

For additional information, see:

If you are using Oracle's thin (type-4) driver, see Using the Oracle thin drivers with WebLogic Server.


The jConnect type-4 driver from Sybase is now bundled with your WebLogic Server distribution. This driver is provided for your use without charge. For information on using this driver with WebLogic Server, see Using the Sybase jConnect driver.

Note: The type-2 JDBC driver for Sybase (jdbcKona/Sybase) is no longer included with WebLogic Server.

Microsoft SQL Server

BEA's WebLogic jDriver for SQL Server is a pure-java, type-4 JDBC driver that provides connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server. You can download this driver from the BEA web site. The driver is available in two versions, one for SQL S erver version 6.5 and another for version 7.

For additional information, see:

Note: The type-2 JDBC driver for MSSQLServer (jdbcKona/MSSQLServer) is no longer available.


BEA's WebLogic jDriver for Informix4 is a pure-java, type-4 JDBC driver that provides connectivity to the Informix DBMS. You can download this driver from the BEA web site .

For additional information, see:


An evaluation copy of this pure-java DBMS from Cloudscape is included with your WebLogic Server distribution. A JDBC driver to access the Cloudscape DBMS is also included. This DBMS is used extensively in the code examples that are also included in the distribution. You may use this DBMS for testing and development if you do not have another DBMS available. There are limitations on the quantity of data that may be stored using this evaluation version.

For additional information, see:

Other Third-party JDBC Drivers

Most JDBC drivers not produced by BEA can be used as a two-tier driver to connect from WebLogic Server to the DBMS using one of the WebLogic multitier drivers. Third-party JDBC drivers must be thread-safe to be used with WebLogic Server. Note that third-party JDBC drivers that do not implement Serializable or Remote interfaces cannot pass objects to a T3 client application.

JDBC 2.0

BEA offers the following support for JDBC 2.0. Note that to make use of JDBC 2.0 features, you must run your java JDBC client or WebLogic Server under a Java 2 compatible JVM such as JDK 1.2.x. For a complete list of supported platforms, DBMS versions, and JVMs, see Platform Support.

Supported JDBC 2.0 features

Platform Support

JDBC is supported for a variety of platforms, DBMSs, and JVMs. For details, see Platform Support. This page is updated frequently as new platforms and environments are certified by BEA.

Additional Resources

Resources available from BEA

Resources available from JavaSoft