BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


T3Client - class weblogic.common.T3Client.
Class for creating and managing T3Clients.
T3Client(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Client
Constructs a T3Client.
T3Client(String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Client
Constructs a T3Client.
T3Client(String, String, UserInfo) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Client
Constructs a T3Client.
T3Client(String, UserInfo) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Client
Constructs a T3Client.
T3Client(T3Connection) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Client
Constructs a T3Client over the specified T3Connection.
T3Client(T3Connection, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Client
T3Connection - class weblogic.common.T3Connection.
A T3Connection object is used to establish communication between a T3Client and a WebLogic Server on a TCP/IP hostname and port number.
T3Connection(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Connection
Deprecated. Use the JNDI model
T3Connection(String, UserInfo) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Connection
Deprecated. Use the JNDI model
T3Exception - exception weblogic.common.T3Exception.
A T3Exception is thrown whenever an error occurs between a T3Client and a WebLogic Server.
T3Exception() - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Exception
T3Exception(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Exception
T3Exception(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Exception
Constructs a T3Exception with the specified string and nested Exception.
T3Executable - interface weblogic.common.T3Executable.
Interface for T3Executable objects.
T3ExecutableLazy - interface weblogic.common.T3ExecutableLazy.
Internal use only.
T3ExecuteException - exception weblogic.common.T3ExecuteException.
A T3ExecuteException is thrown whenever an error occurs in the execute() method of a class that implements either the T3Executable or T3ExecutableLazy interface.
T3ExecuteException() - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3ExecuteException
Constructs a T3ExecuteException.
T3ExecuteException(Exception) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3ExecuteException
Constructs a T3ExecuteException with the specified nested exception.
T3ExecuteException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3ExecuteException
Constructs a T3ExecuteException with the specified message and nested exception.
T3ExecuteException(String, Exception, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3ExecuteException
Constructs a T3ExecuteException with the specified message, a nested exception, and a nested stack trace.
T3File - interface
Interface that defines a T3File.
T3FileInputStream - class
The superclass of all T3FileInputStream objects.
T3FileInputStream() - Constructor for class
T3FileOutputStream - class
The superclass of all T3FileOutputStream objects.
T3FileOutputStream() - Constructor for class
T3FileSystem - interface
Interface that defines a WebLogic File System.
T3InitialContextFactory - class weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory.
Deprecated. Use TengahInitialContextFactory instead
T3InitialContextFactory() - Constructor for class weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory
T3ResourceDef - interface weblogic.common.T3ResourceDef.
A T3ResourceDef defines scarce resource allocation within the WebLogic Server.
T3ResourceFactory - interface weblogic.common.T3ResourceFactory.
T3ResourceFactory is an interface that specifies how to manufacture new resources that are associated with objects.
T3Services - class weblogic.common.T3Services.
Provides a mechanism for retrieving the server-side services stub in the WebLogic framework.
T3Services() - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3Services
T3ServicesDef - interface weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef.
The T3ServicesDef interface defines WebLogic Services.
T3ServicesFinderDef - interface weblogic.common.T3ServicesFinderDef.
Interface for finder services in WebLogic.
T3ShutdownDef - interface weblogic.common.T3ShutdownDef.
T3ShutdownDef defines the interface for user-written shutdown objects.
T3StartupDef - interface weblogic.common.T3StartupDef.
T3StartupDef defines the interface for user-written startup objects.
T3User - class weblogic.common.T3User.
The T3User object is an implementation of that is backward compatible with WebLogic versions before 2.6.
T3User() - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3User
Constructs an empty T3User object and initializes all its variables to empty strings.
T3User(SSLCertificate) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3User
Constructs a T3User with the specified certificate.
T3User(String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.T3User
Constructs a T3User with the specified username and password.
TableCaptionElement - class weblogic.html.TableCaptionElement.
TableCaptionElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableCaptionElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableCaptionElement.
TableCaptionElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableCaptionElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableCaptionElement with the specified HtmlElement.
TableCaptionElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableCaptionElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableCaptionElement with the specified String and sets the default alignment.
TableDataElement - class weblogic.html.TableDataElement.
TableDataElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableDataElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableDataElement object.
TableDataElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableDataElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableDataElement object with the specified HtmlElement object.
TableDataElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableDataElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableDataElement object with the specified String.
TableDataSet - class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet.
A TableDataSet holds the results of an SQL query on a single table.
TableDataSet() - Constructor for class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Private - used for serialization
TableDataSet(Connection, Schema, KeyDef) - Constructor for class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Constructs a TableDataSet from the specified Schema and KeyDef.
TableDataSet(Connection, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Constructs a TableDataSet from the specified table.
TableDataSet(Connection, String, KeyDef) - Constructor for class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Constructs a TableDataSet from the specified table, and sets its KeyDef, which is used to specify a unique key for updates and deletes.
TableDataSet(Connection, String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Constructs a TableDataSet from the specified table, limited to the specified set of attributes (columns).
TableDataSet(Connection, String, String, KeyDef) - Constructor for class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Constructs a TableDataSet from the specified table, limited to the specified set of attributes (columns).
TableElement - class weblogic.html.TableElement.
TableElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement object.
TableElement(DataSet) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement object with a dbKona DataSet as its contents.
TableElement(DataSet, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement object with a dbKona DataSet as its contents.
TableElement(Dictionary) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement with a java.util.Dictionary as its contents, sorted by key, with the column headings "Key" and "Value."
TableElement(Dictionary, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement with a java.util.Dictionary as its contents, sorted by key.
TableElement(Dictionary, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement with a java.util.Dictionary as its contents.
TableElement(ParamSet) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement with a weblogic.common.ParamSet as its contents.
TableElement(ParamSet, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement with a weblogic.common.ParamSet as its contents.
TableElement(ParamSet, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement with a weblogic.common.ParamSet as its contents.
TableElement(ParamSet, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableElement with a weblogic.common.ParamSet as its contents.
TableHeadingElement - class weblogic.html.TableHeadingElement.
TableHeadingElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableHeadingElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableHeadingElement object.
TableHeadingElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableHeadingElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableHeadingElement object with the specified HtmlElement.
TableHeadingElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableHeadingElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableHeadingElement object with the specified String.
tableName() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Schema
tableName() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Returns the database table name with which a TableDataSet was created.
tableQualifier(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Sets additional SQL for the table name clause.
TableRowElement - class weblogic.html.TableRowElement.
TableRowElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement.
TableRowElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement with the specified HtmlElement.
TableRowElement(int) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement with the specified number of columns.
TableRowElement(Record) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement with the specified dbKona Record.
TableRowElement(Schema) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement based on the specified Schema.
TableRowElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement with the specified String.
TableRowElement(String[]) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement with one column for each element in the strs array.
TableRowElement(String[], int) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TableRowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement with one column for the first count elements in the strs array.
tagName - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeepNodeListImpl
takeLock(String, String) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag
Returns false if you can only read, true if you got the lock.
tan - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
target - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ProcessingInstructionImpl
target - Variable in class
TargetMBean - interface
A tagging interface that designate a class that implements it as a target for deployment of a component.
TATTRNAME_AMOUNT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ANCESTOR - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ATTRIBUTE_SET - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_CASEORDER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_CLASS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_CLASSID - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_CODEBASE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_CODETYPE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_CONDITION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_COPYTYPE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_COUNT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_DATATYPE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_DEFAULTSPACE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_DEPTH - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_DIGITGROUPSEP - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ELEMENT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_EXCLUDE_RESULT_PREFIXES - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_EXPR - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_EXTENSIONELEMENTPREFIXES - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_FORMAT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_FROM - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_GROUPINGSEPARATOR - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_GROUPINGSIZE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_HREF - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ID - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_IMPORTANCE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_INDENTRESULT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_LANG - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_LETTERVALUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_LEVEL - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_MATCH - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_METHOD - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_MODE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_NAME - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_NDIGITSPERGROUP - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_NS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ONLY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_ORDER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_ENCODING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_INDENT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_MEDIATYPE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_METHOD - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_OMITXMLDECL - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_STANDALONE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_OUTPUT_VERSION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_PRIORITY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_REFID - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_RESULTNS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_SELECT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_SEQUENCESRC - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_STYLE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_TEST - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_TOSTRING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_TYPE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_USE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_USEATTRIBUTESETS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_VALUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_XMLNS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_XMLNSDEF - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TATTRNAME_XMLSPACE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
TBodyElement - class weblogic.html.TBodyElement.
TBodyElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TBodyElement
teal - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
TeletypeElement - class weblogic.html.TeletypeElement.
TeletypeElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TeletypeElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TeletypeElement.
TeletypeElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TeletypeElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TeletypeElement with the specified HtmlElement.
TeletypeElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TeletypeElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TeletypeElement with the specified string.
templateElementIndex - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo
TemplateList - class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.TemplateList.
Encapsulates a template list, and helps locate individual templates.
TengahContext - interface weblogic.jndi.TengahContext.
Deprecated. Replaced by WLContext
TengahInitialContextFactory - class weblogic.jndi.TengahInitialContextFactory.
Deprecated. Replaced by WLInitialContextFactory
TengahInitialContextFactory() - Constructor for class weblogic.jndi.TengahInitialContextFactory
text - Static variable in class weblogic.html.FieldType
Deprecated. Input field is a text area.
TEXT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.Method
The output method for text documents.
TextAlignType - class weblogic.html.TextAlignType.
TextAlignType(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TextAlignType
Deprecated. Constructor.
TextAreaElement - class weblogic.html.TextAreaElement.
TextAreaElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TextAreaElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TextAreaElement.
TextAreaElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TextAreaElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TextAreaElement with the specified name and sets rows and columns to the default (10).
TextAreaElement(String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TextAreaElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TextAreaElement with the specified name and set to the specified content and sets rows and cols to the default (10).
textColor - Static variable in class weblogic.html.BodyElement
Deprecated. Constant for TEXT tag in BODY element.
textCss - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MimeType
Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/css".
textDecl(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTM
Signal the Text declaration of an external entity.
textDecl(int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentHandler
Signal the Text declaration of an external entity.
textDecl(int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentHandler.DTDHandler
Signal the Text declaration of an external entity.
textDecl(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
Text declaration.
textDecl(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser
Text declaration.
TextFlowElement - class weblogic.html.TextFlowElement.
TextFlowElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TextFlowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TextFlowElement with the specified HtmlElement.
TextFlowElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TextFlowElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TextFlowElement with the specified string.
textHtml - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MimeType
Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/enriched".
TextImpl - class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.TextImpl.
Text nodes hold the non-markup, non-Entity content of an Element or Attribute.
TextImpl(DocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.TextImpl
Factory constructor.
TextOnlyContentWithType - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaMessageProvider
textPlain - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MimeType
Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/plain".
textRichtext - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MimeType
Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/richtext".
TextSerializer - class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.TextSerializer.
Implements a text serializer supporting both DOM and SAX serializing.
TextSerializer() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.TextSerializer
Constructs a new serializer.
texttop - Static variable in class weblogic.html.AlignType
Deprecated. Aligns element with the top of a line of text.
textVbscript - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MimeType
Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/vbscript".
TFootElement - class weblogic.html.TFootElement.
TFootElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TFootElement
THeadElement - class weblogic.html.THeadElement.
THeadElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.THeadElement
thistle - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
threadDump() - Method in interface weblogic.common.AdminServicesDef
TIME - Static variable in interface
Rotation based on elapsed time.
time() - Method in interface weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef
Returns access to time services in WebLogic.
TimeDurationDatatypeValidator - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.TimeDurationDatatypeValidator.
TimeDurationValidator validates that XML content is a W3C timeDuration.
TimeDurationDatatypeValidator() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.TimeDurationDatatypeValidator
TimeDurationDatatypeValidator(DatatypeValidator, Hashtable, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.TimeDurationDatatypeValidator
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class weblogic.common.SequenceEvent
No progress has been made after tmo seconds.
TimeRepeat - class weblogic.time.common.TimeRepeat.
A utility class for scheduling a repeating trigger.
TimeRepeat() - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.TimeRepeat
Internal use only.
TimeRepeat(int) - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.TimeRepeat
Constructs a TimeRepeat (a Schedulable object) that repeats regularly, for scheduling triggers.
TimeRepeat(long) - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.TimeRepeat
Constructs a TimeRepeat that repeats regularly,
TimeServicesDef - interface weblogic.time.common.TimeServicesDef.
Interface that defines a time service factory.
timeStamp - Variable in class
timeTraceEnable(PrintStream) - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Client
Enables time tracing to the specified print stream.
timeTraceEnabled() - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Client
Determines whether time tracing has been enabled.
TimeTriggerException - exception weblogic.time.common.TimeTriggerException.
Class for time-related exceptions.
TimeTriggerException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.TimeTriggerException
Constructs a TimeTriggerException with the specified string.
TitleElement - class weblogic.html.TitleElement.
TitleElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TitleElement
Deprecated. Constructs an empty TitleElement.
TitleElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.TitleElement
Deprecated. Constructs a TitleElement with the specified string.
toBeSavedWithDelete() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Record
Determines whether a Record will be saved with an SQL DELETE statement.
toBeSavedWithInsert() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Record
Determines whether a Record will be saved with an SQL INSERT statement.
toBeSavedWithUpdate() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Record
Determines whether a Record will be saved with an SQL UPDATE statement.
toByteArray() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.UTF8DataChunk
toCharArray() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
Get the character array of this instance.
toMarkup(Document, OutputStream, String, String, boolean, int, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
toMarkup(Document, Writer, String, String, boolean, int, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
tomato - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
top - Static variable in class weblogic.html.WindowName
Deprecated. Causes the link to load at the top of the document in the same window.
top - Static variable in class weblogic.html.AlignType
Deprecated. Aligns element at the vertical top.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.QName
Return the string representation of the namespace.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
NON-DOM method for debugging convenience.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.AttrImpl
NON-DOM method for debugging convenience
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.RangeImpl
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.domx.XGrammarWriter.OutputFormat
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.QName
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.URI
Get the URI as a string specification.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression
Represents this instence in String.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamValue
Returns a string representation of a ParamValue.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Client
Returns a string representation of the T3Client, including the name of the host, the port to which it is connected, and its Workspace ID.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.T3ExecuteException
Displays a String representation of a T3ExecuteException.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Connection
Deprecated. Information is no longer very useful
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.SequenceEvent
Displays a representation of a SequenceEvent.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Exception
Prints the exception message and its nested exception message.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamSet
Returns a string representation of a ParamSet.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.common.DisconnectEvent
toString() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.SelectStmt
Returns the complete SELECT statement for the SelectStmt object.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Record
Returns a string representation of a Record.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Value
Returns a String representation of a Value object.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
Returns the string representation of all the Records of a DataSet.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Schema
Displays the column attributes of a Schema in a newline-delimited list, with one attribute per line.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
toString() - Method in class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Returns a String representation of a Cookie.
toString() - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlPage
Deprecated. Returns a string representation of an HtmlPage.
toString() - Method in interface
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the contents of an AclEntry.
toString() - Method in class
Prints a string representation of this permission.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the contents of an ACL.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class weblogic.servlet.logging.FormatStringBuffer
toString() - Method in class weblogic.transaction.RollbackException
toString() - Method in class weblogic.zac.ZACLog
Returns a descriptive string for a ZAC status.
toString() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.XParams
toString() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BubblingCache
toString(boolean) - Method in class
Returns a string that represents the contents of the certificate.
toString(Cookie[]) - Static method in class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Returns a String representation of any number of Cookies' ingredients.
toString(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.StringPool
toString(int) - Static method in class weblogic.common.ParamTypes
Returns the string representation of a ParamType constant.
toString(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.UTF8DataChunk
toString(int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.StringPool.StringProducer
toString(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
Return a range of characters as a String.
toString(String) - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
Deprecated. Returns the string representation of an HtmlElement.
toString(XMLContentSpec.Provider, StringPool, int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Returns a string representation of the specified content spec identifier in the form of a DTD element content model.
trace(TracerEvent) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.trace.PrintTraceListener
Print information about a TracerEvent.
trace(TracerEvent) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.trace.TraceListener
Method that is called when a trace event occurs.
TraceListener - interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.trace.TraceListener.
Interface the XSL processor calls when it matches a source node, selects a set of source nodes, or generates a result node.
TracerEvent - class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.trace.TracerEvent.
Parent class of events generated for tracing the progress of the XSL processor.
TracerEvent(XSLTEngineImpl, Node, Node, QName, ElemTemplateElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.trace.TracerEvent
Create an event originating at the given node of the style tree.
traceSelect(Element, NodeList) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Print a trace of a selection being made.
traceTemplate(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Print a trace of a template that is being called, either by a match, name, or as part of for-each.
tradAlphaCount(int, XSLTResourceBundle) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.ElemNumber
Convert a long integer into traditional alphabetic counting, in other words count using the traditional numbering.
Transaction - interface weblogic.transaction.Transaction.
This interface provides extensions to the javax.transaction.Transaction object for application or system use.
TRANSACTION_MODE_51 - Static variable in interface
TRANSACTION_MODE_NONE - Static variable in interface
TRANSACTION_MODE_XA - Static variable in interface
TransactionManager - interface weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.
Allows XA resources to register and unregister themselves with the Transaction Manager on startup.
TransactionNameRuntimeMBean - interface
This interface represents runtime statistics for a transaction name category.
TransactionResourceRuntimeMBean - interface
This interface represents runtime statistics for a transactional resource.
TransactionSystemException - exception weblogic.transaction.TransactionSystemException.
This class extends java.rmi.RemoteException, and is thrown by transaction interceptors to communicate a transaction SystemException to clients.
TransactionSystemException() - Constructor for class weblogic.transaction.TransactionSystemException
TransactionSystemException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.transaction.TransactionSystemException
TransactionSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class weblogic.transaction.TransactionSystemException
transformSelectedChildren(Stylesheet, ElemTemplateElement, ElemTemplateElement, Node, Node, QName, XPath, int, XSLTEngineImpl, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.ElemTemplateElement
Perform a query if needed, and call transformChild for each child.
transformToHtml(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.client.XSLTProcessorApplet
Process a document and a stylesheet and return the transformation result.
transformToHtml(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.client.XSLTProcessorApplet
Process a document and a stylesheet and return the transformation result.
TransportableObjectFactory - interface weblogic.jndi.TransportableObjectFactory.
Implement this interface to provide a factory for constructing transportable objects for Remote JNDI.
trap - Variable in class weblogic.common.ParamSet
traverse(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.TreeWalker
Perform a pre-order traversal non-recursive style.
traverse(Node, Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.TreeWalker
Perform a pre-order traversal non-recursive style.
TraverseSchema - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema.
Instances of this class get delegated to Traverse the Schema and to populate the Grammar internal representation by instances of Grammar objects.
TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo.
TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo(TraverseSchema) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo
TraverseSchema(Element, StringPool, SchemaGrammar, GrammarResolver) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema
TraverseSchema(Element, StringPool, SchemaGrammar, GrammarResolver, XMLErrorReporter, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema
TreeWalker - class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.TreeWalker.
This class does a pre-order walk of the DOM tree, calling the FormatterListener interface as it goes.
TreeWalker(DocumentHandler) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.TreeWalker
TreeWalkerImpl - class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.TreeWalkerImpl.
This class implements the TreeWalker interface.
TreeWalkerImpl(Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.TreeWalkerImpl
Public constructor
Trie - class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.Trie.
A digital search trie for 7-bit ASCII text The API is a subset of java.util.Hashtable The key must be a 7-bit ASCII string The value may be any Java Object
Trie() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.Trie
Trigger - class weblogic.time.common.Trigger.
The Trigger class is a wrapper for user-defined classes that implement Triggerable or TriggerDef.
Trigger() - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.Trigger
Constructs a default Trigger object.
trigger(Schedulable) - Method in class weblogic.common.Sequencer
Implements the Triggerable object so that it can be part of a trigger.
trigger(Schedulable) - Method in interface weblogic.time.common.Triggerable
Implement this method to do the work you want to schedule.
Trigger(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.Trigger
Constructs a Trigger with the fully qualified package name of a user-written class.
Trigger(String, ParamSet) - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.Trigger
Constructs a Trigger with the fully qualified package name of a user-written class and set of parameters.
Trigger(Triggerable) - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.Trigger
Constructs a Trigger with the specified Object and set of parameters.
Trigger(Triggerable, ParamSet) - Constructor for class weblogic.time.common.Trigger
Constructs a Trigger with the specified Object and set of parameters.
Triggerable - interface weblogic.time.common.Triggerable.
Interface for user-written triggers.
TriggerDef - interface weblogic.time.common.TriggerDef.
Exteneded interface for user-written triggers.
triggerInit(ParamSet) - Method in interface weblogic.time.common.TriggerDef
Passes a set of initialization parameters to the TriggerDef object.
TTLCache - class
Fixed-size pseudo-LRU cache with per-entry TTL attributes.
TTLCache(int, int, long) - Constructor for class
Construct a new cache.
TTLCache(int, long) - Constructor for class
Construct a new cache.
turquoise - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
TxHelper - class weblogic.transaction.TxHelper.
This class is a convenience wrapper for gaining access to the current Transaction, UserTransaction, and TransactionManager on both client and server processes.
TxHelper() - Constructor for class weblogic.transaction.TxHelper
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
The content spec node type.
type - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
type - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE - Static variable in class
The key for the type component of a WebLogic ObjectName
TYPE_ANY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
TYPE_ANY_ANY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_ANY_LIST - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_ANY_LOCAL - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_ANY_OTHER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_CDATA - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_CHILDREN - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
TYPE_EMPTY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
TYPE_ENTITY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_ENUMERATION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_ID - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_IDREF - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_MIXED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
TYPE_NMTOKEN - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_NOTATION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
TYPE_SIMPLE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
TYPE_SIMPLE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
type() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Value
type() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Column
Returns the data type of the column as a String.
type() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
TypeAlreadySet - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaMessageProvider
typeArrayAdd() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
typeArrayAddMethods() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
typeArrayDelete() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
typeArrayDeleteMethods() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
typeArrayShift() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
typeArrayShiftMethods() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
typeEnum() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Column
Returns the data type of a Column.
typeName - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo

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