BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


waitOnLock(String, String) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag
Returns false if you can only read, true if you got the lock.
waitOnResources(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection
Use this method to access the Oracle oopt() function for C (see section 4-97 of The OCI Functions for C).
warn(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(Node, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(Node, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(Node, Node, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(Node, Node, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(XPathSupport, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.FuncDocument
Warn the user of a problem.
warn(XPathSupport, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.FuncFormatNumb
Warn the user of a problem.
WARNING - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XPathSupport
WARNING - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.ProblemListener
WARNING - Static variable in class weblogic.logging.Severities
A warning message.
WARNING - Static variable in interface
WARNING_HEADER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WARNING_HEADER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WARNING_SUFFIX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WARNING_SUFFIX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WARNING_TEXT - Static variable in class weblogic.logging.Severities
warning(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
Warn the user of an problem.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
warning(String) - Method in interface weblogic.common.LogServicesDef
Logs the specified string as a warning message in the log file.
warning(String) - Method in class weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger
Log a message with severity 'Warning'
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger
wasNull() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.CallableStatement
weak(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Returns a int value for AUTHENTICATED or FAILED_AUTHENTICATION after pulling the username and password from the request, authenticating the user and setting it into the session.
weak(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Returns a int value for AUTHENTICATED or FAILED_AUTHENTICATION after using the username and password to authenticate the user and setting that user information into the session.
weak(String, String, HttpSession) - Static method in class
Returns a int value for AUTHENTICATED or FAILED_AUTHENTICATION after using the username and password to authenticate the user and setting that user information into the session.
Web - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.LineSeparator
Line separator for the Web (\n).
WebAppComponentMBean - interface
WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean - interface
Describes a servlet component (servlet context).
WebDeploymentMBean - interface
A Web Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more target or WebServers.
WEBLOGIC - Static variable in class
The weblogic domain
weblogic.apache.html.dom - package weblogic.apache.html.dom
weblogic.apache.wml - package weblogic.apache.wml
weblogic.apache.wml.dom - package weblogic.apache.wml.dom
weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath
Infrastructure for processing XPATH expressions
weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm
weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res
weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xdom - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xdom
weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml
weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt
weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.client - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.client
weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions
weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res
weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.trace - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.trace
weblogic.apache.xerces.dom - package weblogic.apache.xerces.dom - package
weblogic.apache.xerces.domx - package weblogic.apache.xerces.domx
weblogic.apache.xerces.framework - package weblogic.apache.xerces.framework
weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp - package weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp
weblogic.apache.xerces.msg - package weblogic.apache.xerces.msg
weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers - package weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers
weblogic.apache.xerces.readers - package weblogic.apache.xerces.readers
weblogic.apache.xerces.utils - package weblogic.apache.xerces.utils
weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.regex - package weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.regex
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema
weblogic.apache.xml.serialize - package weblogic.apache.xml.serialize
weblogic.common - package weblogic.common
Common classes that provide access to WebLogic Server services, rarely used in J2EE-compliant applications.
weblogic.db.jdbc - package weblogic.db.jdbc
WebLogic dbKona is a set of high-level database connectivity objects that give Java applications and applets access to databases. - package
WebLogic dbKona extensions for Oracle databases.
weblogic.event.actions - package weblogic.event.actions
Deprecated; Instead, use JMS events with NO_ACKNOWLEDGE or MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE delivery modes.
weblogic.event.common - package weblogic.event.common
Deprecated; Instead, use JMS events with NO_ACKNOWLEDGE or MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE delivery modes.
weblogic.event.evaluators - package weblogic.event.evaluators
Deprecated; Instead, use JMS events with NO_ACKNOWLEDGE or MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE delivery modes.
weblogic.html - package weblogic.html
The HtmlKona package is deprecated.
weblogic.i18n - package weblogic.i18n
This package provides runtime internationalization support for Weblogic Server.
weblogic.i18ntools - package weblogic.i18ntools - package
Client API for WebLogic File, which provides high-speed client-side access to native operating system files on the server.
weblogic.jdbc.informix4 - package weblogic.jdbc.informix4
weblogic.jdbc.oci - package weblogic.jdbc.oci
weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa - package weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa
weblogic.jdbc.pool - package weblogic.jdbc.pool
weblogic.jms - package weblogic.jms
Factory used in implementing the optional JMS Server Session Pool feature.
weblogic.jms.extensions - package weblogic.jms.extensions
WebLogic Server extensions to JMS.
weblogic.jndi - package weblogic.jndi
WebLogic Server JNDI Contexts and factories, and the WebLogic Environment extension.
weblogic.logging - package weblogic.logging - package - package - package - package
weblogic.rmi - package weblogic.rmi - package - package - package - package - package
weblogic.servlet.logging - package weblogic.servlet.logging - package
weblogic.time.common - package weblogic.time.common
weblogic.transaction - package weblogic.transaction
weblogic.workspace.common - package weblogic.workspace.common
weblogic.zac - package weblogic.zac
WebLogicLogNotification - class
This class is the type of Notifications which are generated by the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean in the server for log messages.
WebLogicMBean - interface
The super interface for all MBeans, including Persistent, Configuration and Runtime MBeans.
WebLogicObjectName - class
A WebLogic ObjectName looks like this: weblogic:name=,type=,configuration=
WebLogicObjectName(ObjectName, String) - Constructor for class
Builds an ObjectName for any MBean, localizing it to locationName.
WebLogicObjectName(String) - Constructor for class
Builds a WebLogic ObjectName.
WebLogicObjectName(String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class
Builds an ObjectName for any MBean.
WebLogicObjectName(String, String) - Constructor for class
Builds an ObjectName for an MBean in the weblogic domain
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Builds an ObjectName for Admin MBean.
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Builds an ObjectName for Config MBean.
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String, String, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
Builds an ObjectName for any MBean.
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
Builds an ObjectName for any MBean.
WebLogicObjectName(WebLogicObjectName, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
weblogicx.jsp.tags - package weblogicx.jsp.tags
WebPage - class weblogic.html.WebPage.
WebPage() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.WebPage
WebServerMBean - interface
This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server.
WFC_ENTITY_DECLARED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_LEGAL_CHARACTER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_NO_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_REFERENCES - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_NO_LESSTHAN_IN_ATTVALUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_NO_RECURSION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_PARSED_ENTITY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_PES_IN_INTERNAL_SUBSET - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_UNIQUE_ATT_SPEC - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WG_ATTR_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ATTRIB_NOT_HANDLED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_FIND_COLLATOR - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_LOAD_REQUESTED_DOC - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_XSLSTRIPSPACE_AND_XSLPRESERVESPACE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PREFIX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_COULDNOT_FIND_FUNCTION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_COUNT_ATTRIB_MATCHES_NO_ANCESTOR - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_DONT_DO_ANYTHING_WITH_NS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_EMPTY_SECOND_ARG - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_JAVA - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_UTF8 - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_EXPAND_ENTITIES_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_EXPR_ATTRIB_CHANGED_TO_SELECT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_FOUND_CURLYBRACE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_FUNCTION_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_FUNCTIONS_SHOULD_USE_URL - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_LOCALE_NAME_NOT_HANDLED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_NEED_DERIVED_OBJECT_TO_IMPLEMENT_NODETEST - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_NO_DECIMALFORMAT_DECLARATION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_NO_LOCALE_IN_FORMATNUMBER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_OLD_XSLT_NS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ONE_DEFAULT_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_QUO_NO_LONGER_DEFINED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_SECURITY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_SPECIFICITY_CONFLICTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.res.XSLTErrorResources
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.SimpleContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.MixedContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.DFAContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(int, boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
wheat - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
where(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.SelectStmt
Adds a WHERE clause to the SelectStmt object.
where(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Sets the WHERE clause for a TableDataSet.
whichDoctypePublic(Document) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Returns the document type public identifier specified for this document, or null.
whichDoctypeSystem(Document) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Returns the document type system identifier specified for this document, or null.
whichMediaType(String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Returns the suitable media format for a document output with the specified method.
whichMethod(Document) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Determine the output method for the specified document.
white - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
whitesmoke - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
Deprecated. Constrains the width of an HtmlElement to its literal width.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.SinglePartElement
Deprecated. Returns the width of a SinglePartElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.MultiPartElement
Deprecated. Returns the number of characters in a MultiPartElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.FileElement
Deprecated. Returns the number of characters in a FileElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.StringElement
Deprecated. Returns the number of characters in a StringElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlContainer
Deprecated. Constrains width of the contents of an HtmlContainer to its literal width.
WINDOW_OVERFLOW - Static variable in class weblogic.common.SequenceEvent
Window has closed, meaning that the internal buffers are full.
WindowName - class weblogic.html.WindowName.
WindowName(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.WindowName
Deprecated. Constructs a WindowName object.
Windows - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.LineSeparator
Line separator for Windows systems (\r\n).
WLContext - interface weblogic.jndi.WLContext.
Interface for a WebLogic naming context.
WLECConnectionPoolMBean - interface
This bean defines a WLEC connection pool.
WLECConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a Weblogic WLEC Connection Pool
WLECConnectionRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring individual Weblogic WLEC connections
WLECConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a Weblogic WLEC component
WLInitialContextFactory - class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory.
The WLInitialContextFactory creates initial contexts for accessing the WebLogic naming service.
WLInitialContextFactory() - Constructor for class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
Default constructor.
WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate - class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate.
The WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate creates initial contexts for accessing the WebLogic naming service.
WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate() - Constructor for class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate
Default constructor.
WLQueueSession - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLQueueSession.
A WLQueueSession provides fields and methods not supported by javax.jms.QueueSession.
WLSerializable - interface weblogic.common.WLSerializable.
Deprecated. Use instead.
WLSession - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.
A WLSession provides fields and methods not supported by javax.jms.Session.
WLTopicSession - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLTopicSession.
A WLTopicSession provides fields and methods not supported by javax.jms.TopicSession.
WMLAccessElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLAccessElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLAccessElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAccessElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLAccessElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAccessElementImpl
WMLAElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLAElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLAElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLAElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAElementImpl
WMLAnchorElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLAnchorElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLAnchorElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAnchorElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLAnchorElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAnchorElementImpl
WMLBElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLBElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLBElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLBElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBElementImpl
WMLBigElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLBigElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLBigElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBigElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLBigElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBigElementImpl
WMLBrElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLBrElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLBrElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBrElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLBrElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBrElementImpl
WMLCardElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLCardElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLCardElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLCardElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLCardElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLCardElementImpl
WMLDocument - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLDocument.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLDocumentImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDocumentImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLDocumentImpl(DocumentType) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDocumentImpl
WMLDoElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLDoElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLDoElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDoElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLDoElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDoElementImpl
WMLDOMImplementation - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLDOMImplementation.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLDOMImplementationImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDOMImplementationImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLDOMImplementationImpl() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDOMImplementationImpl
WMLElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLElementImpl
WMLEmElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLEmElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLEmElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLEmElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLEmElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLEmElementImpl
WMLFieldsetElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLFieldsetElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLFieldsetElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLFieldsetElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLFieldsetElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLFieldsetElementImpl
WMLGoElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLGoElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLGoElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLGoElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLGoElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLGoElementImpl
WMLHeadElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLHeadElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLHeadElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLHeadElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLHeadElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLHeadElementImpl
WMLIElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLIElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLIElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLIElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLIElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLIElementImpl
WMLImgElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLImgElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLImgElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLImgElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLImgElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLImgElementImpl
WMLInputElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLInputElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLInputElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLInputElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLInputElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLInputElementImpl
WMLMetaElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLMetaElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLMetaElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLMetaElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLMetaElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLMetaElementImpl
WMLNoopElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLNoopElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLNoopElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLNoopElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLNoopElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLNoopElementImpl
WMLOneventElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLOneventElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLOneventElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOneventElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLOneventElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOneventElementImpl
WMLOptgroupElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLOptgroupElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLOptgroupElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptgroupElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLOptgroupElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptgroupElementImpl
WMLOptionElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLOptionElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLOptionElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptionElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLOptionElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptionElementImpl
WMLPElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLPElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLPElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLPElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPElementImpl
WMLPostfieldElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLPostfieldElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLPostfieldElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPostfieldElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLPostfieldElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPostfieldElementImpl
WMLPrevElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLPrevElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLPrevElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPrevElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLPrevElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPrevElementImpl
WMLRefreshElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLRefreshElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLRefreshElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLRefreshElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLRefreshElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLRefreshElementImpl
WMLSelectElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLSelectElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLSelectElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSelectElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLSelectElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSelectElementImpl
WMLSetvarElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLSetvarElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLSetvarElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSetvarElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLSetvarElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSetvarElementImpl
WMLSmallElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLSmallElement.
'small' render the text with small font (Section 11.8.1, WAP WML Version 16-Jun-1999)
WMLSmallElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSmallElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLSmallElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSmallElementImpl
WMLStrongElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLStrongElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLStrongElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLStrongElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLStrongElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLStrongElementImpl
WMLTableElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTableElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTableElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTableElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTableElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTableElementImpl
WMLTdElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTdElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTdElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTdElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTdElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTdElementImpl
WMLTemplateElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTemplateElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTemplateElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTemplateElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTemplateElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTemplateElementImpl
WMLTimerElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTimerElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTimerElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTimerElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTimerElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTimerElementImpl
WMLTrElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTrElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTrElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTrElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTrElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTrElementImpl
WMLUElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLUElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLUElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLUElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLUElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLUElementImpl
WMLWmlElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLWmlElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLWmlElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLWmlElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLWmlElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLWmlElementImpl
WordBreak - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
WordBreakStr - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
Deprecated. Internal use only.
workspace() - Method in interface weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef
Returns access to workspace services in WebLogic.
WorkspaceDef - interface weblogic.workspace.common.WorkspaceDef.
Interface for Workspace objects.
WorkspaceServicesDef - interface weblogic.common.WorkspaceServicesDef.
The WorkspaceServicesDef defines the Workspace services of WebLogic.
WrapType - class weblogic.html.WrapType.
WrapType(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.WrapType
Deprecated. Constructs a WrapType object with the specified String.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class
write(PrintStream) - Method in class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Writes a Cookie to the specified printstream.
write(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
write(XSLProcessorContext, Element) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.Redirect
Write the evalutation of the element children to the given file.
writeAttrString(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Returns the specified string after substituting specials, and UTF-16 surrogates for chracter references &#xnn.
writeAttrString(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToHTML
Writes the specified string after substituting specials, and UTF-16 surrogates for character references &#xnn.
writeAttrURI(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToHTML
Write the specified string after substituting non ASCII characters, with %HH, where HH is the hex of the byte value.
writeBehind() - Method in class
Returns the number of unwritten transfer buffers that can be outstanding before the next write is blocked.
writeChildren(DocumentHandler, Stylesheet, ElemTemplateElement, Node, Node, QName) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Write the children of a stylesheet element to the given listener.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamValue
Writes a ParamValue object to a serialization stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamSet
Internal use only.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.common.Monitor
Internal use only.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.EventfulRecord
Internal use only.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
Internal use only.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Column
Private - used for serialization
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Schema
Private - used for serialization
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.jndi.Environment
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class
Writes a DefaultUserInfoImpl object to the specified object output stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheMessage
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag.RefWrapper
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BubblingCache
writeln(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
writeObject(WLObjectOutput) - Method in interface weblogic.common.WLSerializable
Deprecated. Writes the object to a stream.
writeParentTagEnd() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Check to see if a parent's ">" has been written, and, if it has not, write it.
WrongParserException - exception weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.WrongParserException.
Certain functions may throw this error if they are paired with the incorrect parser.
WrongParserException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.WrongParserException
Create a WrongParserException object.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
Documentation is available at