BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


CACHE_RECORD_SIZE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.SymbolCache
cached - Variable in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
CacheMessage - class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheMessage.
CacheMessage() - Constructor for class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheMessage
CacheMessage(String, String, String, String, Object, int, int) - Constructor for class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheMessage
CacheTag - class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag.
The cache tag supports caching the work that is done within the body of the tag.
CacheTag.RefWrapper - class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag.RefWrapper.
CacheTag.RefWrapper() - Constructor for class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag.RefWrapper
CacheTag.RefWrapper(Object) - Constructor for class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag.RefWrapper
CacheTag() - Constructor for class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag
Construction of a cache tag.
CacheTagInfo - class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTagInfo.
CacheTagInfo() - Constructor for class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTagInfo
CacheValue - class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheValue.
CacheValue() - Constructor for class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheValue
CachingRealm - class
Caching realm.
CachingRealm.CaseInsensitiveUserInfo - class
This class is intended for use if the auth cache is not case-sensitive.
CachingRealm.Entry - class
Cache entry class.
CachingRealm.UserEntry - class
This is a special entry class, used only in the user positive cache.
CachingRealm(ListableRealm) - Constructor for class
Create a new caching realm instance.
CachingRealm(ListableRealm, ManageableRealm, Object) - Constructor for class
Create a new caching realm instance.
CachingRealmMBean - interface
This mbean represents CachingRealm's configuration properties.
cadetblue - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
calcFirstPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMNode
calcFirstPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMLeaf
calcFirstPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMUniOp
calcFirstPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMBinOp
calcFirstPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMAny
calcLastPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMNode
calcLastPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMLeaf
calcLastPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMUniOp
calcLastPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMBinOp
calcLastPos(CMStateSet) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMAny
call(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XSLTJavaClassEngine
call the named method on the object that was loaded by eval.
CallableStatement - class weblogic.jdbc.oci.CallableStatement.
This class contains WebLogic extensions to JDBC to support the use of cursors as parameters in CallableStatements.
CallableStatement - class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.CallableStatement.
CallableStatement - class weblogic.jdbc.pool.CallableStatement.
CallableStatement() - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.oci.CallableStatement
CallableStatement(CallableStatement, ConnectionEnv, String, Connection) - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.pool.CallableStatement
callbackData - Variable in class weblogic.common.Monitor
CallbackDispatcher - class weblogic.common.CallbackDispatcher.
CallbackDispatcher(ClientCallback, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.CallbackDispatcher
callCharacters(int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Report the scanning of character data
callCharacters(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call characters.
callComment(int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler
Called when a comment has been scanned
callComment(int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Report the scanning of a comment
callComment(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call comment.
callComment(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd.DTDGrammar
Called when a comment has been scanned
callEndCDATA() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Signal the end of a CDATA section
callEndCDATA() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call end CDATA section.
callEndDocument() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Signal the end of a document
callEndDocument() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call end document.
callEndDTD() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler
End of DTD.
callEndDTD() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd.DTDGrammar
End of DTD.
callEndElement(int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
signal the scanning of an end element tag
callEndElement(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call end element.
callFunction(String, Vector, Object, Class) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XSLTJavaClassEngine
Process a call to a function.
callFunction(String, Vector, Object, Class) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.ExtensionFunctionHandler
Process a call to a function.
callFunction(String, Vector, Object, Class) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.ExtensionFunctionHandler.ExtensionLiaison
Process a call to a function.
callJava(Object, String, Object[], Object) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XSLTJavaClassEngine
call the named method on the object that was loaded by eval.
callJava(Object, String, Object[], Object) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.ExtensionFunctionHandler
call the named method on the object that was loaded by eval.
callJava(Object, String, Object[], Object) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.ExtensionFunctionHandler.ExtensionLiaison
call the named method on the object that was loaded by eval.
callProcessingInstruction(int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler
Called when a processing instruction has been scanned
callProcessingInstruction(int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Report the scanning of a processing instruction
callProcessingInstruction(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call processing instruction.
callProcessingInstruction(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd.DTDGrammar
Called when a processing instruction has been scanned
callStandaloneIsYes() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Signal standalone = "yes"
callStandaloneIsYes() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
callStartCDATA() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Signal the start of a CDATA section
callStartCDATA() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call start CDATA section.
callStartDocument() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Signal the start of a document
callStartDocument() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call start document.
callStartDTD() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler
Start of DTD.
callStartDTD() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd.DTDGrammar
Start of DTD.
callStartElement(QName) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
signal the scanning of a start element tag
callStartElement(QName) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call start element.
callTextDecl(int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner.EventHandler
Signal the Text declaration of an external entity.
callTextDecl(int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Signal the Text declaration of an external entity.
callTextDecl(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call text declaration.
callTextDecl(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd.DTDGrammar
Signal the Text declaration of an external entity.
callXMLDecl(int, int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.EventHandler
Signal the XML declaration of a document
callXMLDecl(int, int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Call XML declaration.
cancel() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Statement
cancel() - Method in interface weblogic.time.common.ScheduledTriggerDef
Ends (recurring) execution of the schedule()-trigger() cycle.
cancelable - Variable in class
cancelRowUpdates() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.ResultSet
cancelShut() - Method in interface weblogic.common.AdminServicesDef
Cancels a pending shutdown of a WebLogic Server.
canHoldPCData - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.InsertableElementsInfo
One of the things that could be inserted here is a PCDATA node, in addition to the element type nodes reported.
canonical - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.domx.XGrammarWriter
Canonical output.
canRead() - Method in interface
Tests if the application can read from the specified file.
canWrite() - Method in interface
Tests if the application can write to this file.
CAPACITY - Static variable in interface weblogic.common.T3ResourceDef
Maximum number of resources that can be reserved.
CAPACITYINCREMENT - Static variable in interface weblogic.common.T3ResourceDef
Number by which the size of resource allocation is incremented.
caseOrder_avt - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.ElemSort
caseSensitive - Variable in class
Whether this cache is case-sensitive.
castToNum(String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XString
Cast a string to a number.
castToType(int, XPathSupport) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
Cast object to type t.
CatInfoTextFormatter - class weblogic.i18ntools.CatInfoTextFormatter.
Copyright (c) 2001 by BEA Inc.
CAUSE - Static variable in class weblogic.i18n.Localizer
key to locate message cause
cdata(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Receive notification of cdata.
cdata(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToHTML
Receive notification of cdata.
cdata(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToText
Receive notification of cdata.
cdata(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToDOM
Receive notification of cdata.
cdata(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.StylesheetHandler
Receive notification of cdata.
CDATASectionImpl - class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.CDATASectionImpl.
XML provides the CDATA markup to allow a region of text in which most of the XML delimiter recognition does not take place.
CDATASectionImpl(DocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.CDATASectionImpl
Factory constructor for creating a CDATA section.
center - Static variable in class weblogic.html.TextAlignType
Deprecated. Aligns text in the center.
center - Static variable in class weblogic.html.AlignType
Deprecated. Centers element horizontally.
CenteredElement - class weblogic.html.CenteredElement.
Deprecated. Use DivElement.setCentered()
CenteredElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CenteredElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CenteredElement.
CenteredElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CenteredElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CenteredElement with the specified HtmlElement.
CenteredElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CenteredElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CenteredElement with the specified string.
CertAuthentication - class
The public face of the CertAuthenticator interface.
CertAuthentication() - Constructor for class
CertAuthenticator - interface
This interface is used to perform certificate-based user authentication.
Certificate - class
A generic certificate class, consisting of a key, a holder of the certificate, and a validated bit.
Certificate() - Constructor for class
Certificate(File) - Constructor for class
Initialize certificate from a file.
Certificate(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Initialize certificate from a InputStream.
Certificate(URL) - Constructor for class
Initialize certificate from a URL.
certificateInvalid(String, Object, X509) - Method in interface
An invalid X.509 certificate was presented.
certificateInvalid(String, Object, X509) - Static method in class
certificates - Variable in class
CertificateServlet - class
CertificateServlet() - Constructor for class
changeCredential(Object, Object) - Method in interface
CHANGED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NamedNodeMapImpl
changed() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
Denotes that this node has changed.
changed() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Denotes that this node has changed.
changeReaders() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.StreamingCharReader
Change readers at end of input.
changeReaders() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultEntityHandler
This method is called by the reader subclasses at the end of input, and also by the scanner directly to force a reader change during error recovery.
changeReaders() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
This method is called by the reader subclasses at the end of input.
changes - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Number of alterations made to this document since its creation.
changes - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeepNodeListImpl
changes() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
Returns the number of changes to this node.
changes() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Returns the number of changes to this node.
changeStatus(Connection) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.EventfulRecord
CHAR - Static variable in class weblogic.common.ParamTypes
Constant for a char data type.
CHAR_OFFSET - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.SymbolCache
CharacterDataImpl - class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.CharacterDataImpl.
CharacterData is an abstract Node that can carry character data as its Value.
CharacterDataImpl(DocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.CharacterDataImpl
Factory constructor.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLBuilder
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTM
SAX API: Accept a chunk of characters for normalization into a Text node.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Receive notification of character data.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToHTML
Receive notification of character data.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToText
Receive notification of character data.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToDOM
Receive notification of character data.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.StylesheetHandler
Receive notification of character data.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Implement the characters event.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentHandler
callback for characters.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser
Not called.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.HTMLSerializer
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.TextSerializer
characters(char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTM
XMLDocumentHandler API: Accept a chunk of characters for normalization into a Text node.
characters(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTM
XMLDocumentHandler API: Accept a chunk of characters for normalization into a Text node.
characters(int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentHandler
callback for characters (string pool form).
characters(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
Not called.
characters(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser
characters(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLBuilder
characters(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer
Called to print the text contents in the prevailing element format.
characters(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.HTMLSerializer
characters(String, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.TextSerializer
charactersRaw(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
If available, when the disable-output-escaping attribute is used, output raw text without escaping.
charactersRaw(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToText
If available, when the disable-output-escaping attribute is used, output raw text without escaping.
charactersRaw(char[], int, int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.RawCharacterHandler
Serialize the characters without escaping.
charactersRaw(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToDOM
If available, when the disable-output-escaping attribute is used, output raw text without escaping.
charactersRaw(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Implement the characters event.
CharDataChunk - class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk.
This class provides the character buffers used by some of the reader classes.
charFromName(String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.HTMLdtd
Returns the value of an HTML character reference by its name.
CHARREF_RESULT_INVALID_CHAR - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Special return values for scanCharRef method.
CHARREF_RESULT_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Special return values for scanCharRef method.
CHARREF_RESULT_SEMICOLON_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Special return values for scanCharRef method.
chars - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.StringPool.CharArrayRange
chartreuse - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
checkAccept(String, int) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkAccess(Thread) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkAccess(ThreadGroup) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkAwtEventQueueAccess() - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkbox - Static variable in class weblogic.html.FieldType
Deprecated. Input field is a checkbox.
checkConnect(String, int) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkConnect(String, int, Object) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkCreateClassLoader() - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkDefaultConstructorBlock() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
checkDelete(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkDups() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.MutableNodeListImpl
checkDups(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.MutableNodeListImpl
Check for duplicates, for diagnostics.
checkExec(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkExit(int) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkForAttributeNameWithPEReference(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader, char, QName) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner
checkForElementTypeWithPEReference(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader, char, QName) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner
checkForNameWithPEReference(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader, char) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner
checkForNmtokenWithPEReference(XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader, char) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDTDScanner
checkInit() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XSLTJavaClassEngine
checkInit() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.ExtensionFunctionHandler.ExtensionLiaison
Make sure the component is initialized
checkLastChild(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
checkLastChildEndingState() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLContentModel
checkLastChildEndingState() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.SimpleContentModel
checkLastChildEndingState() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.MixedContentModel
checkLastChildEndingState() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.DFAContentModel
checkLink(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkListen(int) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkListenAddress(ServerMBean, Object) - Static method in class
checkMemberAccess(Class, int) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkMulticast(InetAddress) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkMulticast(InetAddress, byte) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkNode(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMLiaison
Check node to see if it matches this liaison.
checkNode(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xdom.XercesLiaison
Check node to see if it matches this liaison.
checkNode(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
Check node to see if it matches this liaison.
checkNode(Node) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaison
Check node to see if it matches this liaison.
checkNode(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.JaxpLiaison
checkPackageAccess(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkPackageDefinition(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class
Determines whether the specified permission is part of the permission set in an AclEntry.
checkPermission(Principal, Permission) - Method in class
Determines whether the specified principal has the specified permission.
checkPermission(Principal, String, Permission, char) - Static method in class
Determines whether the specified Principal has the specified permission, according to Acls in the WebLogic realm.
checkPermission(Principal, String, Permission, char, Acl) - Static method in class
Determines whether the specified Principal has the specified permission, according to Acls in the WebLogic realm.
checkPermission(Principal, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Checks whether a Principal has a named Acl in some realm that grants the named permission.
checkPermission(Principal, String, String, String, char) - Static method in class
Checks whether a Principal has a named Acl in some realm that grants the named permission.
checkPermission(String, Acl, Principal, Permission, boolean) - Method in interface
A request was made to check for a permission on an ACL.
checkPermission(String, Acl, Principal, Permission, boolean) - Static method in class
checkPermission(String, Permission, char) - Static method in class
Determines whether the current user has the specified permission, according to Acls in the WebLogic realm.
checkPermission(String, Principal, String, Permission, char) - Static method in class
checkPermission(String, Principal, String, Permission, char, Acl) - Static method in class
checkPermission(String, Principal, String, String, String) - Static method in class
checkPermission(String, Principal, String, String, String, char) - Static method in class
checkPermission(String, String, Permission, char) - Static method in class
checkPrintJobAccess() - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkPropertiesAccess() - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkPropertyAccess(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkPropertyAccess(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkRead(FileDescriptor) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkRead(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkRead(String, Object) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkRequiredNotations() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultEntityHandler
checkRequiredNotations() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultEntityHandler.EntityPool
checkRequiredNotations() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler.DTDHandler
Check required but undeclared notations.
checkSecurityAccess(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkSetFactory() - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkSystemClipboardAccess() - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkTopLevelWindow(Object) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkWrite(FileDescriptor) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkWrite(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.RMISecurityManager
checkXMLLangAttributeValue(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner
Check the value of an XML Language attribute
ChildAndParentNode - class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildAndParentNode.
If we had multiple inheritance ChildAndParentNode would simply inherit both from ChildNode and ParentNode.
ChildAndParentNode() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildAndParentNode
Constructor for serialization.
ChildAndParentNode(DocumentImpl) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildAndParentNode
No public constructor; only subclasses of ParentNode should be instantiated, and those normally via a Document's factory methods
childCount - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.InsertableElementsInfo
The count of elements in the curChildren array.
ChildNode - class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildNode.
ChildNode inherits from NodeImpl and adds the capability of being a child by having references to its previous and next siblings.
ChildNode() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildNode
Constructor for serialization.
ChildNode(DocumentImpl) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildNode
No public constructor; only subclasses of Node should be instantiated, and those normally via a Document's factory methods
childNodesWereAdded() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Tell if child nodes have been added to the current element.
childrenToString(XSLTEngineImpl, Node, Node, QName) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.ElemTemplateElement
Take the contents of a template element, process it, and convert it to a string.
chocolate - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
CHOICE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaSymbols
CHUNK_MASK - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Chunk mask.
CHUNK_MASK - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.UTF8DataChunk
CHUNK_MASK - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
CHUNK_SHIFT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Chunk shift.
CHUNK_SHIFT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.UTF8DataChunk
CHUNK_SHIFT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
Chunk size constants The reader classes use the chunk size directly for better performance.
CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Chunk size.
CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.UTF8DataChunk
CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
chunkFor(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
Return the instance that contains the specified offset.
ChunkyByteArray - class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.ChunkyByteArray.
This class is used for accessing the data provided by an InputStream.
ChunkyByteArray(InputStream) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.ChunkyByteArray
Constructor Reads the first chunk.
ChunkyCharArray - class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.ChunkyCharArray.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
ChunkyCharArray(StringPool) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.ChunkyCharArray
circle - Static variable in class weblogic.html.AreaElement
circle - Static variable in class weblogic.html.UnorderedList
Deprecated. Constant for a solid circle-type bullet.
CiteElement - class weblogic.html.CiteElement.
CiteElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CiteElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CiteElement.
CiteElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CiteElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CiteElement with the specified HtmlElement.
CiteElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CiteElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CiteElement with the specified string.
CLASS_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
CLASS_NODESET - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
CLASS_NULL - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
CLASS_NUMBER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
CLASS_RTREEFRAG - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
CLASS_STRING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
CLASS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XObject
classBody() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
classObject - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XSLTJavaClassEngine
cleanup() - Method in class
Force the cache to be cleaned.
clear() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.MutableAttrListImpl
Clear the attribute list.
clear() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Clears the values.
clear() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.QName
Clears all of the values.
clear() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
clear() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl
clear() - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlContainer
Deprecated. Clears all elements in an HtmlContainer.
clear() - Method in class
Clear the cache.
clearAclCaches() - Method in class
Clear the ACL positive and negative caches.
clearBatch() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.informix4.Statement
clearBatch() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Statement
clearBatch() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Statement
clearCaches() - Method in class
Clear all caches.
clearGrammarResolver() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolverImpl
Reset internal Namespace/Grammar registry.
clearGrammarResolver() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolver
Reset internal Namespace/Grammar registry.
clearGroupCaches() - Method in class
Clear the group positive and negative caches.
clearLockout(String) - Method in interface
Unlocks a locked user account.
clearParameters() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.PreparedStatement
clearPermCaches() - Method in class
Clear the permission positive and negative caches.
clearPreviousChunk() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.UTF8DataChunk
clearPreviousChunk() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
Clean the previous chunk reference.
clearQbe() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.SelectStmt
Clears the QBE clauses for all attributes.
clearQbe(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.SelectStmt
Clears the QBE clause for the specified attribute.
clearRecords() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
Clears all Records from a DataSet.
ClearType - class weblogic.html.ClearType.
ClearType(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.ClearType
clearUserCaches() - Method in class
Clear all user-related caches.
clearWarnings() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Connection
clearWarnings() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Statement
click() - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLInputElementImpl
ClientCallback - interface weblogic.common.ClientCallback.
Clob - class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Clob.
Clob(OciCursor, int, String, OciValue) - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Clob
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.AbstractDatatypeValidator
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.TimeDurationDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.NOTATIONDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.RecurringDurationDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.QNameDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.BinaryDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DecimalDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DoubleDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.URIReferenceDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.BooleanDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.FloatDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.IDREFDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.IDDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.ENTITYDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.StringDatatypeValidator
Returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamValue
Clones a ParamValue.
clone() - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamSet
Clones a ParamSet.
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
Clones an AclEntry.
cloneContent(NamedNodeMapImpl) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NamedNodeMapImpl
cloneContents() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.RangeImpl
cloneMap(NodeImpl) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NamedNodeMapImpl
Cloning a NamedNodeMap is a DEEP OPERATION; it always clones all the nodes contained in the map.
cloneMap(NodeImpl) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.AttributeMap
Cloning a NamedNodeMap is a DEEP OPERATION; it always clones all the nodes contained in the map.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.UnImplNode
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.ResultTreeFrag
Returns a duplicate of this node, i.e., serves as a generic copy constructor for nodes.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
Returns a duplicate of a given node.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildNode
Returns a duplicate of a given node.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ChildAndParentNode
Returns a duplicate of a given node.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl
Return a duplicate copy of this Element.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ParentNode
Returns a duplicate of a given node.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Deep-clone a document, including fixing ownerDoc for the cloned children.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.AttrImpl
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentTypeImpl
Clones the node.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.EntityImpl
Clone node.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.ElementDefinitionImpl
Replicate this object.
cloneRange() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.RangeImpl
cloneToResultTree(Stylesheet, Node, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Clone an element with or without children.
ClosableEnumeration - interface
An enumeration that can be terminated thus releasing resources.
close() - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
close() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.ChunkyByteArray
Closes this input Stream
close() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
Closes all the resources associated with a DataSet.
close() - Method in class
Closes a Sequence and frees its resources.
close() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Blob
close() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Clob
close() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.XAConnection
close() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Connection
close() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Statement
close() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.PreparedStatement
close() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.CallableStatement
close() - Method in interface
Specifies the enumeration is no longer needed so it can be deleted and the resources can be released.
close(XSLProcessorContext, Element) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.Redirect
Close the given file and remove it from the formatter listener's table.
closeLob() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Blob
closeLob() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Clob
ClusterMBean - interface
This bean represents a cluster in the domain.
ClusterRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a server's view of the members of a Weblogic cluster within a Weblogic domain.
CMAny - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMAny.
Content model any node.
CMAny(int, int, int) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMAny
Constructs a content model any.
CMBinOp - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMBinOp.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
CMBinOp(int, CMNode, CMNode) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMBinOp
CMException - exception weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMException.
CMException is thrown during CMNode operations
CMException(int) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMException
CMLeaf - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMLeaf.
Content model leaf node.
CMLeaf(QName) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMLeaf
Constructs a content model leaf.
CMLeaf(QName, int) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMLeaf
Constructs a content model leaf.
CMNode - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMNode.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
CMUniOp - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMUniOp.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
CMUniOp(int, CMNode) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.CMUniOp
CodeElement - class weblogic.html.CodeElement.
CodeElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CodeElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CodeElement.
CodeElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CodeElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CodeElement with the specified HtmlElement.
CodeElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CodeElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CodeElement with the specified string.
codeset - Variable in class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
codeset - Variable in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Codeset - class weblogic.html.Codeset.
Codeset(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.Codeset
Deprecated. Constructs a new Codeset object with the specified string, for example "SJIS".
ColElement - class weblogic.html.ColElement.
ColElement(int) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.ColElement
Deprecated. Sets a ColElement to the specified width.
ColElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.ColElement
Deprecated. Constructs a ColElement set to the specified width.
ColElement(String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.ColElement
Deprecated. Constructs a ColElement set to the specified span and width.
ColGroupElement - class weblogic.html.ColGroupElement.
ColGroupElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.ColGroupElement
Deprecated. Constructs a ColGroupElement.
ColGroupElement(String, AlignType) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.ColGroupElement
Deprecated. Constructs a ColGroupElement with the specified span and alignment.
collapse(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.RangeImpl
cols - Static variable in class weblogic.html.RulesType
Deprecated. Rulings like RulesType.groups, plus vertical rules between all columns.
Column - class weblogic.db.jdbc.Column.
A Column object contains the meta information for a table attribute.
Column() - Constructor for class weblogic.db.jdbc.Column
Private - used for serialization
column(int) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Schema
Returns the Column object at the specified index position in a Schema.
column(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Schema
Returns the Column object of the specified name from a Schema.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Report an XML comment anywhere in the document.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToDOM
Report an XML comment anywhere in the document.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Report an XML comment anywhere in the document.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.TextSerializer
comment(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTM
XMLDocumentHandler API: Create a Comment node.
comment(int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentHandler
callback for comment.
comment(int) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentHandler.DTDHandler
Callback for comment in DTD.
comment(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
comment(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser
comment(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToText
Called when a Comment is to be constructed.
comment(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.StylesheetHandler
Called when a Comment is to be constructed.
comment(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer
comment(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.TextSerializer
CommentElement - class weblogic.html.CommentElement.
CommentElement() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CommentElement
Deprecated. Constructs an empty CommentElement.
CommentElement(HtmlElement) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CommentElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CommentElement with the specified HtmlElement.
CommentElement(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.CommentElement
Deprecated. Constructs a CommentElement with the specified string.
CommentImpl - class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.CommentImpl.
Represents an XML (or HTML) comment.
CommentImpl(DocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.CommentImpl
Factory constructor.
commit() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Connection
commit(Xid, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.XADataSource
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.AbstractDatatypeValidator
Compares content in the Domain value vs.
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.TimeDurationDatatypeValidator
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.NOTATIONDatatypeValidator
REVISIT Compares two Datatype for order
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.RecurringDurationDatatypeValidator
compare(String, String) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DatatypeValidator
Compares content in the Domain value vs.
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.QNameDatatypeValidator
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.BinaryDatatypeValidator
Compare two Binary Datatype Lexical values.
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DecimalDatatypeValidator
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DoubleDatatypeValidator
Compare two Double datatype.
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.URIReferenceDatatypeValidator
Compares two URIReferences for equality.
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.BooleanDatatypeValidator
Compare two boolean data types
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.FloatDatatypeValidator
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.IDREFDatatypeValidator
REVISIT Compares two Datatype for order
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.IDDatatypeValidator
REVISIT Compares two Datatype for order
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.ENTITYDatatypeValidator
REVISIT Compares two Datatype for order
compare(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.StringDatatypeValidator
compareBoundaryPoints(short, Range) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.RangeImpl
ComponentMBean - interface
A component is a specific type deployment that is parto of a J2EE application (@see ApplicationMBean).
componentStarted - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XSLTJavaClassEngine
componentStarted - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.ExtensionFunctionHandler
ConfigurationError - error
ConfigurationError(String) - Constructor for class
ConfigurationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class
ConfigurationError(Throwable) - Constructor for class
ConfigurationException - exception
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for class
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class
ConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for class
ConfigurationMBean - interface
The tagging interface for configuration MBeans.
connect() - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Client
Connects the T3Client to a WebLogic Server.
connect() - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Connection
Deprecated. Use the JNDI model
connect(String, String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.SimpleNodeLocator
(Same as query for the moment).
connect(String, String, String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.RowSetLocator
Execute the proprietary connect() function, which returns an instance of XLocator.
ConnectDeadException - exception weblogic.common.ConnectDeadException.
Class for ConnectDeadException
ConnectDeadException() - Constructor for class weblogic.common.ConnectDeadException
Constructs a ConnectDeadException Exception.
ConnectDeadException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.ConnectDeadException
Constructs a ConnectDeadException with the specified message.
ConnectDeadException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.ConnectDeadException
ConnectDisabledException - exception weblogic.common.ConnectDisabledException.
Class for ConnectDisabledException
ConnectDisabledException() - Constructor for class weblogic.common.ConnectDisabledException
Constructs a ConnectDisabledException Exception.
ConnectDisabledException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.ConnectDisabledException
Constructs a ConnectDisabledException with the specified message.
ConnectDisabledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class weblogic.common.ConnectDisabledException
ConnectException - exception weblogic.rmi.ConnectException.
This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
ConnectException() - Constructor for class weblogic.rmi.ConnectException
ConnectException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.rmi.ConnectException
Constructs a ConnectException with the specified string.
ConnectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class weblogic.rmi.ConnectException
Constructs a ConnectException with the specified string and nested exception.
ConnectIOException - exception weblogic.rmi.ConnectIOException.
This exception is provided for compatibility with java.rmi.*
ConnectIOException() - Constructor for class weblogic.rmi.ConnectIOException
ConnectIOException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.rmi.ConnectIOException
Constructs a ConnectIOException with the specified string.
ConnectIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class weblogic.rmi.ConnectIOException
Constructs a ConnectIOException with the specified string and nested exception.
Connection - class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection.
This class is documented only for WebLogic extensions to JDBC.
Connection - class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Connection.
This Connection object is a logical connection for the actual database connection.
Connection - class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection.
This class implements java.sql.Connection, and all of the documentation for its methods can be found in the java.sql.Connection docs.
connection() - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
Returns the Connection object of a DataSet.
connection() - Method in class
Returns the Connection associated with a Sequence.
Connection(ConnectionEnv) - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection
Connection(Properties) - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection
ConnectionEvent - class
ConnectionEvent(InetAddress, int, int, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionFilter - interface
Connection filter interface.
ConnectionFilterImpl - class
Default connection filter implementation.
ConnectionFilterImpl() - Constructor for class
Public no-arg constructor.
connectToNodes(XPath, XPathSupport, Node, int, Vector) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XLocator
Execute a connection (if it was not executed by the static connect method) and process the following LocationPath, if it is present.
connectToNodes(XPath, XPathSupport, Node, int, Vector) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.SimpleNodeLocator
Execute a connection (if it was not executed by the static connect method) and process the following LocationPath, if it is present.
connectToNodes(XPath, XPathSupport, Node, int, Vector) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.RowSetLocator
Execute a connection and process the LocationPath, The arguments to the static connect function are re-passed to this function.
Constants - class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants.
Primary constants used in the XSLTEngineImpl classes.
Constants() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Constants
CONSTRAINT_MAX_CODE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
ConsumerClosedException - exception weblogic.jms.extensions.ConsumerClosedException.
This exception is delivered to the ExceptionListener for a session (if set), when one of its consumer has been closed by the server as a result of a server failure, or administrative intervention.
ConsumerClosedException(MessageConsumer, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.ConsumerClosedException
Construct a ConsumerClosedException with reason and errorCode for exception.
ConsumerClosedException(MessageConsumer, String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.ConsumerClosedException
Construct a ConsumerClosedException with reason and errorCode for exception.
contains(Grammar) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolverImpl
Is Grammar abstraction in Grammar pool?
contains(Grammar) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolver
Is Grammar abstraction in Grammar pool?
contains(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.IntVector
Tell if the table contains the given node.
contains(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.NodeVector
Tell if the table contains the given node.
contains(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.StringToStringTable
Tell if the table contains the given string.
contains(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.StringVector
Tell if the table contains the given string.
contains(StringToStringTable) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.StringToStringTableVector
Tell if the table contains the given string.
containsAttrib(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.KeyDef
Determines whether a KeyDef contains an attribute name.
containsElementAt(int) - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlContainer
Deprecated. Determines whether the specified index position exists.
containsElementAt(String) - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlContainer
Deprecated. Determines whether the specified location key exists.
containsIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.StringVector
Tell if the table contains the given string.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.StringToStringTableVector
Given a string, find the last added occurance value that matches the key.
containsMoreThanOneChildOfType(Element, String[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.domx.XGrammarWriter
Returns true if the specified element has more than one child with any of the given names.
containsNameSpace(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolverImpl
Is Namespace key in Grammar pool
containsNameSpace(String) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolver
Is Namespace key in Grammar pool
containsRecord(int) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
Determines whether a Record exists at the specified position.
containsValue(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.StringToStringTable
Tell if the table contains the given string.
CONTENT_MODEL_ELEMENT_NAMES - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.domx.XGrammarWriter
Content model element names.
CONTENT_RESULT_END_OF_CDSECT - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_INVALID_CHAR - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_MARKUP_END_OF_INPUT - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_MARKUP_NOT_RECOGNIZED - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_MATCHING_ETAG - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_REFERENCE_END_OF_INPUT - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_START_OF_CDSECT - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_START_OF_CHARREF - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_START_OF_COMMENT - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_START_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_START_OF_ENTITYREF - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_START_OF_ETAG - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
CONTENT_RESULT_START_OF_PI - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler
Return values for the scanContent method.
content() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer
Must be called by a method about to print any type of content.
content() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.TextSerializer
contentbuf - Variable in class weblogic.html.WebPage
contentBuf() - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Gets miscellaneous response-header strings.
contentBuf(String) - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Sets miscellaneous response-header strings.
contentencoding - Variable in class weblogic.html.WebPage
contentEncoding() - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Gets the content encoding for a WebPage.
contentEncoding(String) - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Sets the content encoding for a WebPage to the specified string.
ContentLeafNameTypeVector - class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.ContentLeafNameTypeVector.
A light-weight class that stored the leaf names and types from a DFAContentModel
ContentLeafNameTypeVector() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.ContentLeafNameTypeVector
ContentLeafNameTypeVector(ContentLeafNameTypeVector) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.ContentLeafNameTypeVector
ContentLeafNameTypeVector(QName[], int[], int) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.ContentLeafNameTypeVector
contentlength - Variable in class weblogic.html.WebPage
contentLength() - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Gets the content-length for a WebPage.
contentLength(int) - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Sets the content-length information for a WebPage to the specified length.
contents - Variable in class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
contents - Variable in class weblogic.html.WebPage
contents - Variable in class weblogic.html.TableDataElement
contents - Variable in class weblogic.html.StringElement
contents - Variable in class
contents - Variable in class
CONTENTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.msg.XMLMessages
The list resource bundle contents.
CONTENTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.msg.SchemaMessages
The list resource bundle contents.
CONTENTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.msg.ImplementationMessages
The list resource bundle contents.
CONTENTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.msg.ExceptionMessages
The list resource bundle contents.
CONTENTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.msg.DatatypeMessages
The list resource bundle contents.
contents() - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Gets the contents of the page.
contents(String) - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Sets the contents of the page.
contentSpecHandle - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo
contentSpecIndex - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents any namespace specified namespace.
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LAX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
prcessContent is 'lax'
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents any local element (XML Schema: ##local).
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL_LAX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL_SKIP - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents any other namespace (XML Schema: ##other).
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER_LAX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER_SKIP - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_SKIP - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
processContent is 'skip'
CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents choice, '|'.
CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Name or #PCDATA.
CONTENTSPECNODE_ONE_OR_MORE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents a one or more occurence count, '+'.
CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents sequence, ','.
CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents a zero or more occurence count, '*'.
CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_ONE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec
Represents a zero or one occurence count, '?'.
contenttype - Variable in class weblogic.html.WebPage
contentType - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema.ComplexTypeInfo
contentType - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MetaElement
Deprecated. Constant for "metatype" argument in this class.
contentType() - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Returns the content type of a WebPage.
contentType(String) - Method in class weblogic.html.WebPage
Deprecated. Sets the content type of a WebPage to the specified string.
convert(String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.MIME2Java
Convert a MIME charset name, also known as an XML encoding name, to a Java encoding name.
convertJava2MimeEncoding(String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Convert a Java encoding name to MIME charset name.
convertMime2JavaEncoding(String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.FormatterToXML
Convert a MIME charset name, also known as an XML encoding name, to a Java encoding name.
convertToNodeset() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XRTreeFrag
Cast result object to a nodelist.
Cookie - class weblogic.html.Cookie.
Deprecated. Use javax.servlet.http.Cookie
Cookie(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Constructs a Cookie from a semicolon-delimited String, composed after the pattern "name;value".
Cookie(String[]) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Constructs a Cookie from the specified array of Strings, composed after the pattern "name=value".
Cookie(String[], long, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Constructs a Cookie from the specified array of Strings, composed after the pattern "name=value", the date of the expiration, the path, the domain, and a boolean that sets whether the Cookie is secure.
Cookie(String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Constructs a Cookie.
copyAttributesToAttList(Element, Stylesheet, MutableAttrListImpl) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Copy the attributes from the XSL element to the created output element, executing attribute templates and processing the xsl:use attribute as need be.
copyAttributeToTarget(Attr, Node, Stylesheet, MutableAttrListImpl, Element) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Copy an attribute to the created output element, executing attribute templates as need be, and processing the xsl:use attribute.
copyFromOtherLiaison(XMLParserLiaisonDefault) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xdom.XercesLiaison
copyFromOtherLiaison(XMLParserLiaisonDefault) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
Copy attributes from another liaison.
copyFromOtherLiaison(XMLParserLiaisonDefault) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaison
Copy attributes from another liaison.
copyInto(Node, Node) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.XUtil
Copies the source tree into the specified place in a destination tree.
coral - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
cornflowerblue - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
cornsilk - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
countryName - Variable in class
CR - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
CREATE - Static variable in interface weblogic.workspace.common.WorkspaceDef
Constant for use when creating a new Workspace.
CREATE_INTERMEDIATE_CONTEXTS - Static variable in interface weblogic.jndi.WLContext
Specifies how to handle non-existent intermediate contexts.
create() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XPathFactory
Create an XPath.
create(Connection, String, int, int) - Static method in class
Creates a sequence of the specified name on an Oracle server with the specified start value and increment value.
create(String) - Method in interface weblogic.common.WorkspaceServicesDef
Deprecated. Use getWorkspace()
create(String, int) - Method in interface weblogic.common.WorkspaceServicesDef
Deprecated. Use weblogic.workspace.common.WorkspaceDef.getWorkspace()
create(String, String) - Method in interface weblogic.common.WorkspaceServicesDef
Deprecated. Use weblogic.workspace.common.WorkspaceDef.getWorkspace()
createAttribute(int, int, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates an attribute in the table.
createAttribute(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates an attribute with a URI in the table.
createAttribute(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
Creates an Attribute having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createAttribute(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createAttribute(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createAttribute(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates an Attribute having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createAttributeDecl() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.Grammar
createAttributeDecl() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaGrammar
createAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Introduced in DOM Level 2.
createCaption() - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLTableElementImpl
createCDATASection(int, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a CDATA section node in the table.
createCDATASection(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createCDATASection(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createCDATASection(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates a CDATASection having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createCharArrayRange() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.StringPool
createCharReader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, boolean, Reader, StringPool) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityReaderFactory
Create an entity reader for a character stream.
createCharReader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, boolean, Reader, StringPool) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultReaderFactory
Create an entity reader for a character stream.
createChunk(StringPool, CharDataChunk) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.CharDataChunk
Public constructor (factory) If there are any free instances available, remove them from the free list and reinitialize them.
createChunk(StringPool, UTF8DataChunk) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.UTF8DataChunk
createComment(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a comment node in the table.
createComment(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createComment(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createComment(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates a Comment having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createConfigurationMBean(String, String, ConfigurationMBean) - Method in interface
createContentSpec() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.Grammar
createContentSpec() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaGrammar
CREATED - Static variable in interface weblogic.common.T3ResourceDef
Total number of resources recycled during this session.
createDatatypeValidator(String, DatatypeValidator, Hashtable, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DatatypeValidatorFactoryImpl
createDatatypeValidator(String, DatatypeValidator, Hashtable, boolean) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DatatypeValidatorFactory
createDocument() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xdom.XercesLiaison
Create an empty DOM Document.
createDocument() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
Create an empty DOM Document.
createDocument() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaison
Create an empty DOM Document.
createDocument() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.JaxpLiaison
Create an empty DOM Document.
createDocument() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a document node in the table.
createDocument(String, String, DocumentType) - Method in class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDOMImplementationImpl
createDocument(String, String, DocumentType) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DOMImplementationImpl
Introduced in DOM Level 2.
createDocumentFragment() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createDocumentFragment() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createDocumentFragment() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates a DocumentFragment having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createDocumentType(int, int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a doctype.
createDocumentType(String, String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
NON-DOM Factory method; creates a DocumentType having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createDocumentType(String, String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DOMImplementationImpl
Introduced in DOM Level 2.
createElement(int, int, XMLAttrList, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates an element node with a URI in the table.
createElement(int, XMLAttrList, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates an element node in the table.
createElement(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
createElement(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDocumentImpl
createElement(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createElement(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createElement(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates an Element having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createElementDecl() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.Grammar
createElementDecl() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaGrammar
createElementDefinition(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates an element definition in the table.
createElementDefinition(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
NON-DOM Factory method: creates an element definition.
createElementNS(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
createElementNS(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createElementNS(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createElementNS(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Introduced in DOM Level 2.
createEntity(int, int, int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates an entity in the table.
createEntity(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
NON-DOM Factory method; creates an Entity having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createEntityReference(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates an entity reference node in the table.
createEntityReference(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createEntityReference(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createEntityReference(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates an EntityReference having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createEvent(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Introduced in DOM Level 2.
createHTMLDocument(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDOMImplementationImpl
Create a new HTML document of the specified TITLE text.
createLiaison() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Get a Liaison class, as specified by parserLiaisonClassName property Patch from Costin Manolache
createMessage(int, Object[]) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XSLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createMessage(Locale, int, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createMessage(Locale, int, int, Object[]) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessageProvider
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createMessage(Locale, int, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.ImplementationMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createMessage(Locale, int, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DatatypeMessageProvider
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createMessage(Locale, int, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaMessageProvider
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createMessage(String, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XSLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createMsg(XSLResourceBundle, String, Object[]) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XSLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createNode(short) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a node of the specified type.
createNodeIterator(Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Create and return a NodeIterator.
createNodeIterator(Node, short, NodeFilter) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
NON-DOM extension: Create and return a NodeIterator.
createNonMatchingSymbol(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.StringPool
createNotation(int, int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a notation in the table.
createNotation(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
NON-DOM Factory method; creates a Notation having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createPermanentQueueAsync(Context, String, String, String) - Static method in class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSHelper
Submit an asynchronous request to create a permanent JMS queue.
createPermanentTopicAsync(Context, String, String, String) - Static method in class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSHelper
Submit an asynchronous request to create a permanent JMS topic.
createProcessingInstruction(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a processing instruction node in the table.
createProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates a ProcessingInstruction having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createRange() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
createReader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, InputSource, String, boolean, StringPool) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityReaderFactory
Create an entity reader for the source.
createReader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, InputSource, String, boolean, StringPool) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultReaderFactory
Create a reader
createRegex(String, String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.regex.REUtil
Creates a RegularExpression instance.
createResource() - Method in interface weblogic.common.T3ResourceFactory
Creates a new instance of a resource when invoked by a resource allocator.
createServerSessionPool(Connection, int, int, boolean, String, Serializable) - Method in interface weblogic.jms.ServerSessionPoolFactory
Create a ServerSessionPool which can be used to service messages sent to a message listener in parallel, by a pool of ServerSessions.
createStatement() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Connection
createStatement() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.Connection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection
createStringReader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, boolean, int, int, int, StringPool, boolean) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityReaderFactory
Create an entity reader for data from a String.
createStringReader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, boolean, int, int, int, StringPool, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultReaderFactory
Create an entity reader for data from a String.
createStylesheetRoot(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Bottleneck the creation of the stylesheet for derivation purposes.
createSymbol(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.SymbolCache
createTextNode(int, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl
Creates a text node in the table.
createTextNode(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMProxy
createTextNode(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.Stylesheet
createTextNode(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Factory method; creates a Text node having this Document as its OwnerDoc.
createTFoot() - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLTableElementImpl
createTHead() - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLTableElementImpl
createTreeWalker(Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
Create and return a TreeWalker.
createTreeWalker(Node, short, NodeFilter) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
NON-DOM extension: Create and return a TreeWalker.
createUserInfo(String, Object) - Method in class
Creates a UserInfo instance in an implementation-specific way.
createUTF8Reader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, boolean, InputStream, StringPool) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityReaderFactory
Create an entity reader for a byte stream encoded in UTF-8.
createUTF8Reader(XMLEntityHandler, XMLErrorReporter, boolean, InputStream, StringPool) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.DefaultReaderFactory
Create an entity reader for a byte stream encoded in UTF-8.
createWarning(int, Object[]) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XSLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createXBoolean(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Convenience function to create an XBoolean.
createXBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor
Convenience function to create an XBoolean.
createXercesLiaison() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Create a Xerces Liaison - used for special handling of DTM Patch from Costin Manolache
createXLocatorHandler() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XPathSupport
createXLocatorHandler() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.XPathSupportDefault
createXLocatorHandler() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.dtm.DTMLiaison
createXLocatorHandler() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XMLParserLiaisonDefault
createXMLMessage() - Method in interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession
Create an XMLMessage.
createXMLMessage(String) - Method in interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession
Create an initialized XMLMessage.
createXNodeSet(Node) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Convenience function to create an XNodeSet from a node.
createXNodeSet(Node) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor
Convenience function to create an XNodeSet from a node.
createXNodeSet(NodeList) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Convenience function to create an XNodeSet.
createXNodeSet(NodeList) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor
Convenience function to create an XNodeSet.
createXNull() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Convenience function to create an XNull.
createXNull() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor
Convenience function to create an XNull.
createXNumber(double) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Convenience function to create an XNumber.
createXNumber(double) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor
Convenience function to create an XNumber.
createXObject(Object) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Convenience function to create an XObject.
createXObject(Object) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor
Convenience function to create an XObject.
createXPATHMessage(int, Object[]) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XSLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createXPATHMsg(XSLResourceBundle, String, Object[]) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XSLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createXPATHWarning(int, Object[]) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.XSLMessages
Creates a message from the specified key and replacement arguments, localized to the given locale.
createXString(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Convenience function to create an XString.
createXString(String) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor
Convenience function to create an XString.
CredentialChanger - interface
Mixin class that a User can implement to allow password changing
crimson - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
CRITICAL - Static variable in class weblogic.logging.Severities
A system/service level error has occured.
CRITICAL - Static variable in interface
CRITICAL_TEXT - Static variable in class weblogic.logging.Severities
CRStr - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
Deprecated. Internal use only.
crypt(byte[]) - Method in class
curChildren - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.InsertableElementsInfo
The current list of children of the parent element.
currentBeanGetterLoop() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
currentBeanSetterLoop() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
currentBeanType() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.BeanParamGenerator
CURRENTINUSE - Static variable in interface weblogic.common.T3ResourceDef
Total number of resources currently in use.
currentLocks - Variable in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.CacheTag
currentNode - Variable in class
currentOffset() - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.readers.XMLEntityHandler.EntityReader
Return the current offset within this reader.
currentTimeMillis() - Method in interface weblogic.time.common.TimeServicesDef
Obtains the current server time, in "local server time" format.
currentValue() - Method in class
Returns the current value of a Sequence object.
cyan - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor

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