BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DOMOrder

Uses of DOMOrder in weblogic.apache.xalan.lib.sql

Classes in weblogic.apache.xalan.lib.sql that implement DOMOrder
 class Column
           Represents a col node from a row node.
 class ColumnAttribute
           Represents a column attribute on a column-header element.
 class ColumnData
           Represents the col element text node, i.e., the column value.
 class ColumnHeader
           This class represents a column-header Node, which contains the metadata for a column.
 class Row
           This class represents a row from a query result set.
 class RowSet
           This class represents the row-set StreamableNode, a "streamable" holder for the JDBC query result set.
 class StreamableNode
           This is the superclass for all nodes in the weblogic.apache.xalan.lib.sql package.
 class XStatement
          Represents a JDBC query statement.

Uses of DOMOrder in weblogic.apache.xalan.stree

Classes in weblogic.apache.xalan.stree that implement DOMOrder
 class AttrImpl
           Class to hold information about an attribute node.
 class AttrImplNS
           Class to hold information about an attribute node with a name space
 class CDATASectionImpl
           Class to hold information about a CDATASection node
 class Child
           Class representing a child node
 class CommentImpl
           Class to hold information about a comment node
 class DocImpl
           Contains extended functionality that Xalan requires that is common in both the DocumentImpl and DocumentFragmentImpl classes.
 class DocumentFragmentImpl
           Class to hold information about a DocumentFragment node
 class DocumentImpl
           This is the implementation of the DOM2 Document interface.
 class DocumentTypeImpl
           Class to hold information about a DocumentType node
 class ElementImpl
           This class represents an element in an HTML or XML document.
 class ElementImplWithNS
           This class represents an element in an HTML or XML document associated with a given namespace.
 class NameSpaceDecl
           Class to represent NameSpace Decl nodes
 class Parent
           Class representing a parent node.
 class ProcessingInstructionImpl
           Class to hold information about ProcessingInstruction node
 class TextImpl
           Class to hold information about a Text node.
 class WhiteSpace
          Right now this is the same as TextImpl.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.