BEA Systems, Inc.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


waitOnResources(boolean) - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection
Use this method to access the Oracle oopt() function for C (see section 4-97 of The OCI Functions for C).
waitThread(Thread, Runnable) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.ThreadControler
Wait until the task is completed on the worker thread.
waitTransformThread() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl
Used by SourceTreeHandler to wait until the transform completes
WalkerFactory - class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory.
This class is both a factory for XPath location path expressions, which are built from the opcode map output, and an analysis engine for the location path expressions in order to provide optimization hints.
WalkerFactory() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
WalkingIterator - class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkingIterator.
Location path iterator that uses Walkers.
WalkingIterator(PrefixResolver) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkingIterator
Create a WalkingIterator object.
WalkingIteratorSorted - class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkingIteratorSorted.
NEEDSDOC Class WalkingIteratorSorted
WalkingIteratorSorted(Compiler, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkingIteratorSorted
Create a WalkingIteratorSorted iteratorWalkingIteratorSortedWalkingIteratorSorted.
WalkingIteratorSorted(PrefixResolver) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkingIteratorSorted
Create a WalkingIteratorSorted object.
walksAncestors(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksAttributes(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksChildren(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksChildrenAndExtraAndSelfOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksChildrenOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksDescendants(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksDescendantsAndExtraAndSelfOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksDownExtraOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksDownOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksExtraNodes(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksExtraNodesOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksFilteredList(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksInDocOrder(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksNamespaces(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksSelfOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksSideways(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksSubtree(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksSubtreeOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksSubtreeOnlyFromRootOrContext(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksUp(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
walksUpOnly(int) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.WalkerFactory
warn(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Deprecated.  Warn the user of an problem.
warn(int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.processor.StylesheetHandler
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Deprecated.  Warn the user of an problem.
warn(int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.compiler.Compiler
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(Node, Node, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Deprecated.  Warn the user of an problem.
warn(Node, Node, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTEngineImpl
Deprecated.  Warn the user of an problem.
warn(SourceLocator, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.MsgMgr
Warn the user of a problem.
warn(SourceLocator, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.MsgMgr
Warn the user of a problem.
warn(SourceLocator, Node, Node, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.MsgMgr
Warn the user of a problem.
warn(SourceLocator, Node, Node, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.MsgMgr
Warn the user of a problem.
warn(XPathContext, int, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.XPath
Warn the user of an problem.
warn(XPathContext, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.templates.FuncFormatNumb
Warn the user of a problem.
warn(XPathContext, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.templates.FuncDocument
Warn the user of a problem.
warn(XPathContext, int, Object[]) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.Expression
Warn the user of an problem.
WARNING - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.ProblemListener
WARNING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.EnvironmentCheck
Added to descriptions that signify potential problems.
WARNING - Static variable in class weblogic.logging.Severities
A warning message.
WARNING - Static variable in interface
WARNING - Static variable in class
Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the WARNING severity level.
WARNING_HEADER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
String to prepend to warning messages.
WARNING_HEADER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WARNING_SUFFIX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
The warning suffix for construction error property keys.
WARNING_SUFFIX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WARNING_TEXT - Static variable in class weblogic.logging.Severities
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.processor.StylesheetHandler
Receive notification of a XSLT processing warning.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.ResultTreeHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerHandlerImpl
Filter a warning event.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.ProblemListenerDefault
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.ListingErrorHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
warning(String) - Method in interface weblogic.common.LogServicesDef
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1.
warning(String) - Method in class weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger
Log a message with severity 'Warning'
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger
warning(TransformerException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml.ProblemListenerDefault
warning(TransformerException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
warning(TransformerException) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.ListingErrorHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
warnings - Variable in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Statement
warnings - Variable in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection
wasNull() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Statement
wasNull() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa.CallableStatement
wasNull() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.ResultSet
wasNull() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Statement
weak(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Returns an int value for AUTHENTICATED or FAILED_AUTHENTICATION after pulling the username and password from the request, authenticating the user and setting it into the session.
weak(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Returns an int value for AUTHENTICATED or FAILED_AUTHENTICATION after using the username and password to authenticate the user and setting that user information into the session.
weak(String, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class
Returns an int value for AUTHENTICATED or FAILED_AUTHENTICATION after using the username and password to authenticate the user and setting that user information into the session.
weak(String, String, HttpSession) - Static method in class
Web - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.LineSeparator
Line separator for the Web (\n).
WebAppComponentMBean - interface
Provides methods for configuring a J2EE web application that is deployed on a WebLogic Server instance.
WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean - interface
Describes a servlet component (servlet context).
WebDeploymentMBean - interface
A Web Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more target or WebServers.
WEBLOGIC - Static variable in class
The weblogic domain
WEBLOGIC_MAX_ENTITY_REFS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser
weblogic.apache.html.dom - package weblogic.apache.html.dom
weblogic.apache.wml - package weblogic.apache.wml
weblogic.apache.wml.dom - package weblogic.apache.wml.dom
weblogic.apache.xalan.client - package weblogic.apache.xalan.client
weblogic.apache.xalan.extensions - package weblogic.apache.xalan.extensions
weblogic.apache.xalan.lib - package weblogic.apache.xalan.lib
weblogic.apache.xalan.lib.sql - package weblogic.apache.xalan.lib.sql
weblogic.apache.xalan.processor - package weblogic.apache.xalan.processor
weblogic.apache.xalan.res - package weblogic.apache.xalan.res
weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize - package weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize
weblogic.apache.xalan.templates - package weblogic.apache.xalan.templates
weblogic.apache.xalan.trace - package weblogic.apache.xalan.trace
weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer - package weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer
weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath
weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xpath.xml
weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt - package weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt
weblogic.apache.xerces.dom - package weblogic.apache.xerces.dom - package
weblogic.apache.xerces.domx - package weblogic.apache.xerces.domx
weblogic.apache.xerces.framework - package weblogic.apache.xerces.framework
weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp - package weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp
weblogic.apache.xerces.msg - package weblogic.apache.xerces.msg
weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers - package weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers
weblogic.apache.xerces.readers - package weblogic.apache.xerces.readers
weblogic.apache.xerces.utils - package weblogic.apache.xerces.utils
weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.regex - package weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.regex
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.datatype
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.dtd
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema
weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity - package weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity
weblogic.apache.xml.serialize - package weblogic.apache.xml.serialize
weblogic.apache.xml.utils - package weblogic.apache.xml.utils
Implementation of Xalan utility classes.
weblogic.apache.xml.utils.res - package weblogic.apache.xml.utils.res
weblogic.apache.xml.utils.synthetic - package weblogic.apache.xml.utils.synthetic
weblogic.apache.xml.utils.synthetic.reflection - package weblogic.apache.xml.utils.synthetic.reflection
weblogic.apache.xpath - package weblogic.apache.xpath
weblogic.apache.xpath.axes - package weblogic.apache.xpath.axes
weblogic.apache.xpath.compiler - package weblogic.apache.xpath.compiler
weblogic.apache.xpath.functions - package weblogic.apache.xpath.functions
weblogic.apache.xpath.objects - package weblogic.apache.xpath.objects
weblogic.apache.xpath.operations - package weblogic.apache.xpath.operations
weblogic.apache.xpath.patterns - package weblogic.apache.xpath.patterns
weblogic.apache.xpath.res - package weblogic.apache.xpath.res
weblogic.common - package weblogic.common
Common classes that provide access to WebLogic Server services, rarely used in J2EE-compliant applications.
weblogic.db.jdbc - package weblogic.db.jdbc
WebLogic dbKona is a set of high-level database connectivity objects that give Java applications and applets access to databases. - package
WebLogic dbKona extensions for Oracle databases.
weblogic.ejb - package weblogic.ejb
This package contains public WebLogic EJB classes / interfaces.
weblogic.html - package weblogic.html
The HtmlKona package is deprecated.
weblogic.i18n - package weblogic.i18n
This package provides runtime internationalization support for Weblogic Server.
weblogic.i18ntools - package weblogic.i18ntools - package
Client API for WebLogic File, which provides high-speed client-side access to native operating system files on the server.
weblogic.jdbc.extensions - package weblogic.jdbc.extensions
weblogic.jdbc.oci - package weblogic.jdbc.oci
weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa - package weblogic.jdbc.oci.xa
weblogic.jdbc.pool - package weblogic.jdbc.pool
weblogic.jms - package weblogic.jms
Factory used in implementing the optional JMS Server Session Pool feature.
weblogic.jms.extensions - package weblogic.jms.extensions
WebLogic Server extensions to JMS.
weblogic.jndi - package weblogic.jndi
WebLogic Server JNDI Contexts and factories, and the WebLogic Environment extension.
weblogic.logging - package weblogic.logging - package
Contains classes and interfaces for configuring and monitoring a WebLogic Server domain. - package
Contains classes and interfaces for configuring a WebLogic Server domain. - package
This package supports the deployment of user-defined console extensions. - package - package - package
Contains classes and interfaces for monitoring a WebLogic Server domain. - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
Contains classes that implement timer services on WebLogic Server. - package - package
weblogic.rmi - package weblogic.rmi - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions that support security providers. - package - package

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions you use to develop security providers. - package
weblogic.servlet.logging - package weblogic.servlet.logging - package
weblogic.time.common - package weblogic.time.common
weblogic.transaction - package weblogic.transaction
weblogic.uddi.client.service - package weblogic.uddi.client.service
weblogic.uddi.client.structures.datatypes - package weblogic.uddi.client.structures.datatypes
weblogic.uddi.client.structures.exception - package weblogic.uddi.client.structures.exception
weblogic.uddi.client.structures.request - package weblogic.uddi.client.structures.request
weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response - package weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response
weblogic.webservice.client - package weblogic.webservice.client
weblogic.webservice.encoding - package weblogic.webservice.encoding
weblogic.webservice.util - package weblogic.webservice.util - package - package
weblogic.xml.sax - package weblogic.xml.sax
weblogic.xml.schema.binding - package weblogic.xml.schema.binding
Provides a framework for defining a data binding between XML Schema types and Java types. - package - package
WebLogicLogNotification - class
This class is the type of Notifications which are generated by the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean in the server for log messages.
WebLogicMBean - interface
The super interface for all MBeans.
WebLogicObjectName - class
The WebLogic Server Management API distinguishes between three types of MBeans:
WebLogicObjectName(ObjectName, String) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. In WLS 6.1
WebLogicObjectName(String) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. In WLS 6.1
WebLogicObjectName(String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. In WLS 6.1
WebLogicObjectName(String, String) - Constructor for class
For Admin MBeans
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
For Admin MBeans
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
For non-Admin MBeans
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String, String, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
For non-Admin MBeans
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, String, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
For Admin MBeans
WebLogicObjectName(String, String, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. In WLS 6.1
WebLogicObjectName(WebLogicObjectName, WebLogicObjectName) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. In WLS 6.1
weblogicVersion() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection
weblogicx.jsp.tags - package weblogicx.jsp.tags
weblogicx.jsp.tags.validators - package weblogicx.jsp.tags.validators
weblogicx.xml.tags - package weblogicx.xml.tags
WebPage - class weblogic.html.WebPage.
WebPage() - Constructor for class weblogic.html.WebPage
WebResource - class
Deprecated. The WebResource class is used by a container to specify the Web resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.

The URLResource class should be used in place of this WebResource class, which is now deprecated.

The toString format (which is produced by the ResourceBase class) for a Web resource is:
type=<web>, application=myApp, uri=/mywebapp, webResource=securityConstraintName, httpMethod=GET

WebResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. Constructs a new WebResource with a target name composed from the application, uri, webResource, httpMethod, and transportType parameters.
WebServerMBean - interface
This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a WebLogic Server instance.
WebServerRuntimeMBean - interface
Describes a Web Server (HTTP Server)
WebServiceComponentMBean - interface
Provides the interface used to configure a Web service that is deployed on a WebLogic Server instance.
WFC_ENTITY_DECLARED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_LEGAL_CHARACTER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_NO_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_REFERENCES - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_NO_LESSTHAN_IN_ATTVALUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_NO_RECURSION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_PARSED_ENTITY - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_PES_IN_INTERNAL_SUBSET - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WFC_UNIQUE_ATT_SPEC - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WG_ATTR_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ATTRIB_NOT_HANDLED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_FIND_COLLATOR - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_LOAD_REQUESTED_DOC - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_XSLSTRIPSPACE_AND_XSLPRESERVESPACE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PREFIX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_COULDNOT_FIND_FUNCTION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_COUNT_ATTRIB_MATCHES_NO_ANCESTOR - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_DONT_DO_ANYTHING_WITH_NS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_EMPTY_SECOND_ARG - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_JAVA - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_UTF8 - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_EXPAND_ENTITIES_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_EXPR_ATTRIB_CHANGED_TO_SELECT - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_FOUND_CURLYBRACE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_FUNCTION_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_FUNCTIONS_SHOULD_USE_URL - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ILLEGAL_VARIABLE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_LOCALE_NAME_NOT_HANDLED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_NEED_DERIVED_OBJECT_TO_IMPLEMENT_NODETEST - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_NO_DECIMALFORMAT_DECLARATION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_NO_LOCALE_IN_FORMATNUMBER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_OLD_XSLT_NS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_ONE_DEFAULT_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_QUO_NO_LONGER_DEFINED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_SECURITY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_SPECIFICITY_CONFLICTS - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
WG_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.res.XPATHErrorResources
WG_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.SimpleContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.MixedContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.AllContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.DFAContentModel
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
whatCanGoHere(int, boolean, InsertableElementsInfo) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator
Returns information about which elements can be placed at a particular point in the passed element's content model.
wheat - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
where(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.SelectStmt
Adds a WHERE clause to the SelectStmt object.
where(String) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.TableDataSet
Sets the WHERE clause for a TableDataSet.
whichDoctypePublic(Document) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Returns the document type public identifier specified for this document, or null.
whichDoctypeSystem(Document) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Returns the document type system identifier specified for this document, or null.
whichMediaType(String) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Returns the suitable media format for a document output with the specified method.
whichMethod(Document) - Static method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
Determine the output method for the specified document.
white - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
whitesmoke - Static variable in interface weblogic.html.HtmlColor
WhiteSpaceInfo - class weblogic.apache.xalan.templates.WhiteSpaceInfo.
This is used as a special "fake" template that can be handled by the TemplateList to do pattern matching on nodes.
WhiteSpaceInfo(XPath, boolean, Stylesheet) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.templates.WhiteSpaceInfo
Constructor WhiteSpaceInfo
WhitespaceStrippingElementMatcher - interface weblogic.apache.xpath.WhitespaceStrippingElementMatcher.
A class that implements this interface can tell if a given element should strip whitespace nodes from it's children.
wi() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xpath.axes.AxesWalker
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
Deprecated. Constrains the width of an HtmlElement to its literal width.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.SinglePartElement
Deprecated. Returns the width of a SinglePartElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.MultiPartElement
Deprecated. Returns the number of characters in a MultiPartElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.FileElement
Deprecated. Returns the number of characters in a FileElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.StringElement
Deprecated. Returns the number of characters in a StringElement.
widthAsLiteral() - Method in class weblogic.html.HtmlContainer
Deprecated. Constrains width of the contents of an HtmlContainer to its literal width.
WILD - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest
The namespace or local name for node tests with a wildcard.
WILDCARD - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.validators.schema.identity.XPath.NodeTest
Type: wildcard.
WindowName - class weblogic.html.WindowName.
WindowName(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.WindowName
Deprecated. Constructs a WindowName object.
Windows - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.LineSeparator
Line separator for Windows systems (\r\n).
WLConnection - interface weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection.
Contains methods to interact with the Statement Cache
WLContext - interface weblogic.jndi.WLContext.
Interface for a WebLogic naming context.
WLECConnectionPoolMBean - interface
This bean defines a WLEC connection pool.
WLECConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic WLEC Connection Pool
WLECConnectionRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic WLEC connections
WLECConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic WLEC component
WLInitialContextFactory - class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory.
The WLInitialContextFactory creates initial contexts for accessing the WebLogic naming service.
WLInitialContextFactory() - Constructor for class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
Default constructor.
WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate - class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate.
The WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate creates initial contexts for accessing the WebLogic naming service.
WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate() - Constructor for class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactoryDelegate
Default constructor.
WLMessage - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLMessage.
A WLMessage provides methods not supported by javax.jms.Message.
WLMessageProducer - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLMessageProducer.
A WLMessageProducer provides methods not supported by javax.jms.MessageProducer.
WLQueryProperties - interface weblogic.ejb.WLQueryProperties.
WLQueueSession - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLQueueSession.
A WLQueueSession provides fields and methods not supported by javax.jms.QueueSession.
WLS_MAX_ENTITY_REFS_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.utils.XMLMessages
WLSAbstractPrincipal - class
The WLSAbstractPrincipal class is a convenience abstract class that implements a principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.
WLSAbstractPrincipal() - Constructor for class
Constructs an instance of the WLSAbstractPrincipal class.
WLSerializable - interface weblogic.common.WLSerializable.
Deprecated. Use instead.
WLSession - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.
A WLSession provides fields and methods that are not supported by javax.jms.Session.
WLSGroup - interface
The WLSGroup interface is a marker interface used to signify that a principal represents a WebLogic Server group.
WLSGroupImpl - class
The WLSGroupImpl class is a convenience class that implements a WLSGroup principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.
WLSGroupImpl(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a principal that represents a WebLogic Server group.
WLSPrincipal - interface
The WLSPrincipal interface is a convenience interface that defines a principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.
WLSPrincipals - class
Use this class to find out if a Principal has special meaning to WebLogic Server.
WLSPrincipals() - Constructor for class
WLSSLAdapter - class weblogic.webservice.client.WLSSLAdapter. Created: Mon Apr 8 19:24:52 2002
WLSSLAdapter() - Constructor for class weblogic.webservice.client.WLSSLAdapter
WLSSLAdapter(boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.webservice.client.WLSSLAdapter
WLSUser - interface
The WLSUser interface is a marker interface used to signify that a principal represents a WebLogic Server user.
WLSUserImpl - class
The WLSUserImpl is a convenience class that implements a WLSUser principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.
WLSUserImpl(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a principal that represents a WebLogic Server user.
WLTopicSession - interface weblogic.jms.extensions.WLTopicSession.
A WLTopicSession provides fields and methods not supported by javax.jms.TopicSession.
WMLAccessElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLAccessElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLAccessElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAccessElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLAccessElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAccessElementImpl
WMLAElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLAElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLAElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLAElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAElementImpl
WMLAnchorElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLAnchorElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLAnchorElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAnchorElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLAnchorElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLAnchorElementImpl
WMLBElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLBElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLBElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLBElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBElementImpl
WMLBigElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLBigElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLBigElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBigElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLBigElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBigElementImpl
WMLBrElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLBrElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLBrElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBrElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLBrElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLBrElementImpl
WMLCardElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLCardElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLCardElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLCardElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLCardElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLCardElementImpl
WMLDocument - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLDocument.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLDocumentImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDocumentImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLDocumentImpl(DocumentType) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDocumentImpl
WMLDoElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLDoElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLDoElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDoElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLDoElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDoElementImpl
WMLDOMImplementation - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLDOMImplementation.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLDOMImplementationImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDOMImplementationImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLDOMImplementationImpl() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLDOMImplementationImpl
WMLElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLElementImpl
WMLEmElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLEmElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLEmElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLEmElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLEmElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLEmElementImpl
WMLFieldsetElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLFieldsetElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLFieldsetElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLFieldsetElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLFieldsetElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLFieldsetElementImpl
WMLGoElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLGoElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLGoElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLGoElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLGoElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLGoElementImpl
WMLHeadElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLHeadElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLHeadElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLHeadElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLHeadElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLHeadElementImpl
WMLIElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLIElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLIElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLIElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLIElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLIElementImpl
WMLImgElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLImgElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLImgElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLImgElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLImgElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLImgElementImpl
WMLInputElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLInputElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLInputElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLInputElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLInputElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLInputElementImpl
WMLMetaElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLMetaElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLMetaElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLMetaElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLMetaElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLMetaElementImpl
WMLNoopElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLNoopElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLNoopElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLNoopElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLNoopElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLNoopElementImpl
WMLOneventElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLOneventElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLOneventElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOneventElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLOneventElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOneventElementImpl
WMLOptgroupElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLOptgroupElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLOptgroupElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptgroupElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLOptgroupElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptgroupElementImpl
WMLOptionElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLOptionElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLOptionElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptionElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLOptionElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLOptionElementImpl
WMLPElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLPElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLPElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLPElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPElementImpl
WMLPostfieldElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLPostfieldElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLPostfieldElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPostfieldElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLPostfieldElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPostfieldElementImpl
WMLPrevElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLPrevElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLPrevElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPrevElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLPrevElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLPrevElementImpl
WMLRefreshElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLRefreshElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLRefreshElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLRefreshElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLRefreshElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLRefreshElementImpl
WMLSelectElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLSelectElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLSelectElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSelectElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLSelectElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSelectElementImpl
WMLSetvarElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLSetvarElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLSetvarElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSetvarElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLSetvarElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSetvarElementImpl
WMLSmallElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLSmallElement.
'small' render the text with small font (Section 11.8.1, WAP WML Version 16-Jun-1999)
WMLSmallElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSmallElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLSmallElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLSmallElementImpl
WMLStrongElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLStrongElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLStrongElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLStrongElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLStrongElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLStrongElementImpl
WMLTableElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTableElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTableElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTableElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTableElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTableElementImpl
WMLTdElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTdElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTdElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTdElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTdElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTdElementImpl
WMLTemplateElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTemplateElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTemplateElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTemplateElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTemplateElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTemplateElementImpl
WMLTimerElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTimerElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTimerElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTimerElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTimerElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTimerElementImpl
WMLTrElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLTrElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLTrElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTrElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLTrElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLTrElementImpl
WMLUElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLUElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLUElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLUElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLUElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLUElementImpl
WMLWmlElement - interface weblogic.apache.wml.WMLWmlElement.
The interface is modeled after DOM1 Spec for HTML from W3C.
WMLWmlElementImpl - class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLWmlElementImpl.
This class is based on an implementation from the Apache XML Project.
WMLWmlElementImpl(WMLDocumentImpl, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.wml.dom.WMLWmlElementImpl
WordBreak - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
WordBreakStr - Static variable in class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
Deprecated. Internal use only.
WrappedRuntimeException - exception weblogic.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException.
This class is for throwing important checked exceptions over non-checked methods.
WrappedRuntimeException(Exception) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException
Construct a WrappedRuntimeException from a checked exception.
WrappedRuntimeException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException
Constructor WrappedRuntimeException
WrapType - class weblogic.html.WrapType.
WrapType(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.html.WrapType
Deprecated. Constructs a WrapType object with the specified String.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.PrefetchExecutable.NullOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.PrefetchExecutable.NullOutputStream
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToASCI
Write a portion of an array of characters.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8Buffered
Write a portion of an array of characters.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8
Write a portion of an array of characters.
write(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToASCI
Write a single character.
write(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8Buffered
Write a single character.
write(int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8
Write a single character.
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.PrefetchExecutable.NullOutputStream
write(PrintStream) - Method in class weblogic.html.Cookie
Deprecated. Writes a Cookie to the specified printstream.
write(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
write(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToASCI
Write a string.
write(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8Buffered
Write a string.
write(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8
Write a string.
write(XSLProcessorContext, ElemExtensionCall) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.lib.Redirect
Write the evalutation of the element children to the given file.
writeAttributes(StringBuffer) - Method in class
writeAttributes(StringBuffer) - Method in class
writeAttributes(StringBuffer) - Method in class
writeAttrString(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToXML
Returns the specified string after substituting specials, and UTF-16 surrogates for chracter references &#xnn.
writeAttrString(String, String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToHTML
Writes the specified string after substituting specials, and UTF-16 surrogates for character references &#xnn.
writeAttrURI(String, boolean) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToHTML
Write the specified string after substituting non ASCII characters, with %HH, where HH is the hex of the byte value.
writeBehind() - Method in class
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1.
writeEnvironmentReport(Hashtable) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt.EnvironmentCheck
Dump a basic Xalan environment report to outWriter.
writeEvent(AuditEvent) - Method in interface
Writes an audit record based on event information.
writeExternal(DataOutput) - Method in interface weblogic.transaction.TransactionLoggable
Save object's state in external format.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamValue
Writes a ParamValue object to a serialization stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.common.ParamSet
Internal use only.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
Internal use only.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Column
Private - used for serialization
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.db.jdbc.Schema
Private - used for serialization
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class weblogic.jndi.Environment
writeHiddenField() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.validators.ValidatableAdapter
writeHiddenField() - Method in interface weblogicx.jsp.tags.validators.Validatable
write a hidden input type e.g.
writeHiddenField() - Method in class weblogicx.jsp.tags.validators.CustomValidator
writeln(String) - Method in class weblogic.apache.html.dom.HTMLDocumentImpl
writeObject(WLObjectOutput) - Method in interface weblogic.common.WLSerializable
Deprecated. Writes the object to a stream.
writeParentTagEnd() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToXML
Check to see if a parent's ">" has been written, and, if it has not, write it.
writeRequests() - Method in class
writeResourceString(StringBuffer) - Method in class
Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.
writeResourceString(StringBuffer) - Method in class
Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.
writeResourceString(StringBuffer) - Method in class
Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.
writeResourceString(StringBuffer) - Method in class
Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.
writeResourceString(StringBuffer) - Method in class
Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.
writeResourceString(StringBuffer) - Method in class
Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.
WriterToASCI - class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToASCI.
This class writes ASCII to a byte stream as quickly as possible.
WriterToASCI(OutputStream) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToASCI
Create an unbuffered ASCII writer.
WriterToUTF8 - class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8.
This class writes ASCII to a byte stream as quickly as possible.
WriterToUTF8(OutputStream) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8
Create an unbuffered UTF-8 writer.
WriterToUTF8Buffered - class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8Buffered.
This class writes ASCII to a byte stream as quickly as possible.
WriterToUTF8Buffered(OutputStream) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8Buffered
Create an buffered UTF-8 writer.
WriterToUTF8Buffered(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.WriterToUTF8Buffered
Create an buffered UTF-8 writer to write data to the specified underlying output stream with the specified buffer size.
writeTo(Object, String, OutputStream) - Method in class weblogic.webservice.encoding.ImageDataContentHandler
writeUTF16Surrogate(char, char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToXML
Once a surrogate has been detected, write the pair as a single character reference.
writeUTF16Surrogate(char, char[], int, int) - Method in class weblogic.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToText
Once a surrogate has been detected, write the pair as a single character reference.
WRONG_OWNER - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.synthetic.SynthesisException
WrongNumberArgsException - exception weblogic.apache.xpath.functions.WrongNumberArgsException.
An exception that is thrown if the wrong number of arguments to an exception are specified by the stylesheet.
WrongNumberArgsException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xpath.functions.WrongNumberArgsException
Constructor WrongNumberArgsException
WrongParserException - exception weblogic.apache.xml.utils.WrongParserException.
Certain functions may throw this error if they are paired with the incorrect parser.
WrongParserException(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xml.utils.WrongParserException
Create a WrongParserException object.
WTCExportMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC export configuration attributes.
WTCImportMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC import configuration attributes.
WTCLocalTuxDomMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC local Tuxedo Domain configuration attributes.
WTCPasswordMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC password configuration attributes.
WTCRemoteTuxDomMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC remote Tuxedo Domain configuration attributes.
WTCResourcesMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC resources configuration attributes.
WTCServerMBean - interface
This MBean defines a WTC Server.
WTCtBridgeGlobalMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC tBridge Global configuration attributes.
WTCtBridgeRedirectMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the WTC tBridge Redirect configuration attributes.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference