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WebLogic Server Configuration Reference

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An application represents a J2EE application contained in an EAR file or EAR directory. The EAR file contains a set of components such as WAR, EJB and RAR connector components, each of which can be deployed on one or more Targets. A target is a server or a cluster. If the application is provided as a standalone module, then this MBean is a synthetic wrapper application only.


<!ELEMENT Application ( EJBComponent* | WebAppComponent* )* >
<!ATTLIST Application
   DeploymentTimeout          CDATA                    "600000"
   DeploymentType             (TYPE_EAR |
                               TYPE_EXPLODED_EAR |
                               TYPE_COMPONENT |
   LastModified               CDATA                    "0"
   LoadOrder                  CDATA                    "100"
   Name                       CDATA                    #REQUIRED
   Notes                      CDATA                    #IMPLIED
   Path                       CDATA                    #REQUIRED
   StagingMode                (nostage | stage |
                               external_stage)         #IMPLIED
   StagingPath                CDATA                    #IMPLIED

Parent Elements

The Application element is a child of the Domain element.


Table 4-1 ApplicationMBean Element Attributes



Range of Values and Default

Console Label


Milliseconds granted for a cluster deployment task on this application. If any deployment tasks remain active for longer, the task will be cancelled. The default is ~10 minutes. Note that the server only checks for timed out deployments about once a minute.

Only cluster deployments can be timed out.

Default: 600000

Deployment Timeout


Specifies category of this application. This attribute will be derived if not specified in the configuration.


Valid values:





Deployment Type


The time when this application was last loaded.

Default: 0

Last Modified


Specifies the order applications are loaded at server startup. Applications with the lowest values are loaded first.

Application ordering is only supported for applications deployed with the 2 phase protocol.

Default: 100

Load Order


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.



Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.



The location of the original source application files on the Admin Server. Relative paths are based on the root of the Admin Server installation directory. It is highly recommended to use absolute paths to minimize possible issues when upgrading the server.

If the application is not being staged (StagingMode==nostage) then the path must be valid on the target server.

The path to an Enterprise application (EAR) is the location of the .ear file or the root of the EAR if it is unarchived. e.g. Path="myapps/app.ear" is valid. If the application is a standalone module then the path is the parent directory of the module. e.g. If the module is located at myapps/webapp/webapp.war, the Path="myapps/webapp" is correct, whereas Path="myapps/webapp/webapp.war" is incorrect.



Indicates whether this application is being staged. Staging involves distributing the application files from the admin server to the targeted managed servers staging directory. This attribute is used to override the managed server's StagingMode attribute.

Default: null

Valid values:

  • "nostage"

  • "stage"

  • "external_stage"

Staging Mode


Identifies the directory path on the managed server relative to the server's StagingDirectoryName. This is the path used to prepare and activate an application on a managed server. This attribute is derived from the Path attribute, and depends on whether the application is being staged. If the Path attribute for application, myapp, is foo.ear, the staging path is set to myapp/foo.ear. If the path is C:\myapp.ear, the staging path is myapp/myapp.ear. If the application is not being staged (StagingMode==nostage), then the staging path is the same as the Path attribute. If this application is not being staged, the staging path is equivalent to source path (Path attribute)

Staging Path



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