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WebLogic Server Configuration Reference

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<!ELEMENT PasswordPolicy EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST PasswordPolicy
   LockoutCacheSize           CDATA                    "5"
   LockoutDuration            CDATA                    "30"
   LockoutEnabled             (true | false)           "true"
   LockoutGCThreshold         CDATA                    "400"
   LockoutResetDuration       CDATA                    "5"
   LockoutThreshold           CDATA                    "5"
   MinimumPasswordLength      CDATA                    "8"
   Name                       CDATA                    #REQUIRED
   Notes                      CDATA                    #IMPLIED

Parent Elements

The PasswordPolicy element is a child of the Domain element.


Table 57-1 PasswordPolicyMBean Element Attributes



Range of Values and Default

Console Label


Size of cache of unused invalid login attempts.

Default: 5

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 99999

Lockout Cache Size


Number of minutes that a user's account remains inaccessible after being locked in response to several invalid login attempts within the amount of time specified in the LockoutResetDurationattribute. In order to unlock a user account, you must have the unlockuser permission for the Password Policy MBean.

Default: 30

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 999999

Lockout Duration


Controls whether or not WebLogic Server tracks invalid login attempts and takes appropriate action.

Default: true

Lockout Enabled


If the number of current invalid login attempts is equal to or great than this attribute, WebLogic Server deletes any expired records from the cache. The lower the value of this attribute, the more often WebLogic Server clears the cache. This may impact the performance of WebLogic Server. Set the attribute accordingly.

Default: 400

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 999999

Lockout GCThreshold


Number of minutes within which the invalid login attempts must happen in order for the user's account to be locked.

An account is locked if the number of invalid login attempts defined in the Lockout Thresholdattribute happens within the amount of time defined by this field.

Default: 5

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 99999

Lockout Reset Duration


Number of failed logins for a user that can be tried before that account is locked. Any subsequent attempts to access the account (even if the username/password combination is correct) cause a security exception. If a security exception occurs, the account remains locked until it is explicitly unlocked by the system administrator or another login attempt is made after the lockout duration period ends. Note that invalid login attempts must be made within a span defined by the Lockout Reset Duration attribute to count toward the value of the Lockout Thresholdattribute.

Default: 5

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 99999

Lockout Threshold


The minimum number of characters required in any domain password.

Default: 8

Minimum: 0

Minimum Password Length


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.



Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.




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